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Matsuda Erina

Matsuda Erina is a Nekovalkyrja serving in the Yamatai Star Empire. During her service time in the military Erina has become known for her sarcastic and sassy attitude and doesn't make any difference if its a rank below or above her. This has brought her in trouble so many times. However, her mastery skills as a Doctor made her a valuable asset to the military and therefore she gained the nickname Starfall. Erina is a player character played by Rawolfe.

Matsuda Erina
Species & Gender: Female Nekovalkyrja, Type 33A
Date of Birth: 14日 9月 YE 32
Organization: Yamatai Star Empire
Occupation: Medical Officer & Paramedic
Rank: Taii
Current Placement: Waiting

Physical Description

Erina shares the same general appearance as most Nekovalkyrja, Type 33a tan, and smooth skin. She has red eyes that add up to her tan-colored skin and her shoulder-length black hair. She is 178 cm and weighs about 53 kg that adds up to her slender posture as her body has no tattoos or scars. Her breast size is C and particular notice is that she got a black tail that she has around her middle, but in her free time lose.

On and off duty Erina uses light make-up as it would only conflict her in her duty as a medical doctor, her profession as a doctor got int her private life as well and thus she doesn't overuse the make-up. She wears with pride the Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 35 in teal color of course. Off duty she loves to wear a hoodie to close her off from her surroundings, it is noticeable she wears a black old scarf.


To call Erina loved is an understatement, she has gained the reputation to be sarcastic and sassy to anyone she doesn't know or acknowldge. Her attitude and behavior make her more a lone wolf among the Yamatai and for this reason, she doesn't look for any attachment or what other people would call 'friends'. Her personally opinion is that these attachments are the only weight that stands in the way for a person who is doing what is required of them. However, her gifted hands and knowledge in the field of medicine have made her a valuable person in the military and thus she had been given the nickname Starfall. Star in her medical practice, but fallen by her own personality. People can say a lot about Erina, but those that know her well and accept to look beyond her attitude know what she really is. She is honest, loyal and trustworthy and while she has a hard time listening or interacting with people, she has no problem following orders, regulations and the mission that is assigned to her. Her reasoning why she has not left the military? She believes that her skills are best put to use in the military as she knows that the Yamatai requires her set of skills.

Looks can be deceiving when it comes to Erina, but the two traits most people enjoy the most are that she's confident and decisive. Of course, she's also gentle, dutiful and clear-headed, but they're often slightly tainted by a mindset of being a perfectionist as well. Her confidence though is what she's is cherished for. Those she calls friends frequently count on this and her upright nature whenever they need help.


Rain, The dark, walking, hoodies, fluffy pets, the color purple and sleeping after reading a good book.


Smoke, cigarettes, idiots, egocentric people and Mishhuvurthyar '


Matsuda Erina was shaped by the following events in her life:

Shaped by necessity

Erina was born on Nataria as the second batch of Nekovalkyrja, Type 33 in November YE 32. She was placed under rapid socialization and intense military training to be deployed as soon as possible in the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. Some people say that this is where her behavior was shaped, the lack and quick socialization training were missing in her training, yet this is purely a suspicion. Due to her intense medical training and wide knowledge in the field of medicine, she was given the rank of Santô Junion the YSS Pelican (NR-X1-04) as Medical Specialist.

Quote from Erina Oath ceremony
I, Matsuda Erina, have truthfully, honorably, and voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai for the full length of my commitment. I vow to protect the peoples of Yamatai, to follow the orders of the Empress and the officers appointed over me, to live by the Star Army Creed, to obey Star Army rules and regulations, and to destroy the enemies of Yamatai.

The Starfall

In YE 33 she was reassigned to YSS Majestic (NB-X1-09) as their Medical Specialist. The Majestic is part of the First Fleet to protect Yamatai (Planet). This was put to the test at the Battle of Yamatai where Erina had to handle more than she could actually handle and yet due to her precision work at every patient she pulled it off. Her efforts were recognized as Majestic assigns her towards a support team to help out on Yamatai (Planet). While she bashes and was on various moments sarcastic against anyone that was in her way, she earned her promotion to Nitô Juni rightfully. Yet due to her attitude, she was given the nickname Starfall.

Starfall Deluxe

Due to the start of the Kuvexian War in YE 38 was Erina expertise required in the battlefield once again. Erina new home became the YSS Koshiro (NB-S7-02) of the Seventh Fleet that got temporary assigned as support to First Expeditionary Fleet. The time between the wars, it was notable that Erina became more closed off, more focused on getting better at her profession and avoiding any interaction on both the Majestic and now the Koshiro. Her command team had filed some complaints about her behavior to Star Army Personnel Command and she did receive warnings to keep her attitude in control. Yet her medical skills were becoming known from doing complex operations and her drive to not give up on any of her patients. She was promoted due to her work to Shoi and was sent to the academy to begin Basic Officer Training with additional Star Army Emergency Services training.

Restart of Starfall

After her training and completing her Basic Officer Training, she was assigned to Planet Himiko at Fort Yui Medical Officer at the rank of Shoi in YE 40. While most people didn't speak highly about her in regards to the recurring attitude problems, she was respected and loved for all she had done for them. Yet, her duties came to an abrupt ending when she sacrificed her own life to rescue her fellow Yamatai when the Kuvexian War Service Ribbon started their brutal invasion into their space. Erina was resurrected through use of a memory backup system in that same year at Yamatai (Planet) in the new Nekovalkyrja, Type 33A. Due to her brave actions, she was promoted to Chui and awaits her duty assignment.

Social Connections

Matsuda Erina is connected to:

Service Record

Matsuda Erina has serviced the Yamatai Star Empire for 10 years. Santô Juni

Nitô Juni




Skills Learned

Matsuda Erina has the following notable skills:

Inventory & Finance

Matsuda Erina has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.

Military Equipment

Normal Equipment

Financial Status
YearSalary GradeSaving build


Plots Archive
Plot Status
Victory Day Celebration Active
The Battle of Nataria Completed
Episode 8: Paradise Lost Abandoned

OOC Information

This article was created on 2019/10/19 11:13 using the namespace template.

In the case rawolfe becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameMatsuda Erina
Character OwnerRawolfe
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankTaii
SAOY OccupationStar Army Medical
SAOY AssignmentStar Army Medical
SAOY Entry YearYE 33
DOR YearYE 43