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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

NAM SWARM Weapon System

Developed in YE 36, the NAM Stand-off multiple Warhead Anti-fighter/mecha Reactive Missile or SWARM offers extensive firepower for both offensive and defensive applications alike.


“Everyone likes missiles right? That's still a thing. Who doesn't like missiles?” Chief Engineer Brennen Vahn asked. “People they're fired at.” His assistant Shelby Macklin noted matter of factly, as if that wasn't a known fact. “Nice, smartass. Well, they can not like them even more because I just developed a missile with, you guessed it, smaller missiles inside. Missiles everywhere, at all the things. Because missiles, hell yeah!” Brennen exclaimed. Shelby just threw his face in his palm.

When asked about updating the old Anti-Fighter/Mecha missiles used by the Na-F/A-01 “Uno”, one of NAM's newest chief weapon engineers, Brennen Vahn, jumped at the chance to lend his expertise. What they didn't realize is that he would take the project and crank it up to 10 straight off, aiming for points beyond if possible. For weeks on end, he brainstormed on how to make the old missiles shine once again, and literally drew up and scrapped at least a dozen or more concepts. Nothing seemed to have that special something, everything seemed workable, but he couldn't just settle for workable.

It wasn't until one day in YE 35 a eureka moment would occur, something that everyone called the 'spaz attack' while Brennen himself would refer to it as a 'stroke of pure genius'. In a fit of rage over his assistant returning with the wrong coffee creamer, Brennen knocked over a cup with pens and pencils in it off his desk while flailing about. The mug shattered and threw his writing implements all about. Brennen stood there in silence for at least five full minutes before doing or saying anything, as the wheels finally started to turn. His assistant, an unpaid intern by the name of Shelby Macklin (yes, a male even), noted it was “…like watching a caveman discover fire all over again.” It was then Brennen had his inspiration and set to work on creating missiles within a missile.

About the NAM SWARM Weapon System

The Stand-off multiple Warhead Anti-fighter/mecha Reactive Missile weapon system, otherwise known as a SWARM, is a cluster munition style missile intended to provide multiple offensive and/or defensive platforms with a definitive weapon that can not simply be passively evaded or defended against. As a standard size missile, the SWARM on its own isn't a weapon itself, but is instead a carrier by which sixteen micro missiles are deployed against a target. Coupled together with a highly advanced targeting system and reactionary mechanism, the concentrated form factor offers exceptional ease of use and delivery.

The reactionary mechanism within the SWARM allows the missile to detect when anti-missile defenses have targeted the weapon signalling the micro missiles within the body to launch as the outer casing separates, taking mere nanoseconds ensuring at least more than fifty percent of the secondary munitions survive the initial countermeasures. The SWARM uses a miniaturized hyperspace tap plasma drive and vectored thrusters in order to boast incredible maneuverability without the need for internalized fuel, thus allowing for the space used to fully accommodate an impressive sixteen micro missiles. Thanks to the quantum computer controlled targeting system and reactionary mechanism, along with the hyper mobility of the missile and micro munitions it deploys, the SWARM is very much a 'fire and forget' weapon that demands immediate and focused attention from its target.

Missile Types

The SWARM comes in two types, with one intended for general purpose and atmospheric use, while the other is focused more on space combat. Type As, as they're referred to, use a fusion reaction based warhead. Type Bs are filled with Anti-Matter warheads, just as the original tried and true Anti-Mecha Missiles were. Though the overall damage output and potential of the Type As are lower than the Type Bs, the Type As are considered safer for use in planetary operations or in situations where extensive collateral damage is largely undesired.

  • Type A - Fusion Reaction Based Warhead - General/Multi-theater Use (Nicknamed Sunfury)
  • Type B - Anti-Matter Warhead - Vacuum Deployment

General Information


  • Nomenclature: NAM SWARM-01-A
  • Type: Fusion Reaction Based Cluster Missile
  • Designers: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions, Brennen Vahn
  • Manufacturer: NAM
  • Production: Mass Production
    • Purpose: Anti-Fighter/Anti-Armor
    • Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor (Each, 16 Total) (Light Anti-Armor, Class 4 New System)
    • Area of Effect: 10 meters
    • Range (Planetary) 15 miles (24.14016 km)
    • Range (Vacuum): Effectively unlimited
    • Atmospheric Velocity: Mach 12 (4.1 km/s, Attack)/Mach 9 (3.075 km/s, Supercruise)
    • Vacuum Velocity: .85c


  • Nomenclature: NAM SWARM-01-B
  • Type: Anti-Matter Cluster Missile
  • Designers: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions, Brennen Vahn
  • Manufacturer: NAM
  • Production: Mass Production
    • Purpose: Anti-Fighter/Anti-Armor
    • Damage: Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) (Each, 16 Total) (Medium Anti-Armor, Class 5 New System)
    • Area of Effect: 20 meters
    • Range (Planetary) 15 miles (24.14016 km)
    • Range (Vacuum): Effectively unlimited
    • Atmospheric Velocity: Mach 12 (4.1 km/s, Attack)/Mach 9 (3.075 km/s, Supercruise)
    • Vacuum Velocity: .85c

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2015/10/15 19:17 by archander.

faction/nepleslia/weapons/swarm.1587381979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:10 (external edit)