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Intelligence and Pacification Group

Better known as the IPG. The name says it all. It is the most feared and most dangerous organization in Nepleslia, despite being the smallest “military” branch. Its agents and Operators are recruited from and trained to be the best in Nepleslia. The IPG is composed of deadly killers, sneaky spies, and diligent law enforcers.

Theme Song: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Raider in IPG colors

Overview and History

The Intelligence Pacification Group is an elite corps within the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, founded by order of Robert Davis in YE 29. Its subordinate arms engage in everything that the regular military corps cannot. This ranges from espionage and assassination, security for Nepleslian state officials, intelligence gathering, and special operations.

The IPG was initially led by ryan_veles, formerly from the Nepleslian core world of Rok’Veru, although their primary stronghold was lost with the planet during the NMX invasion of YE 32, along with a substantial number of personnel. Its primary base of operations is now System P1-10 "Dejection", although since the fall of Rok’Veru the group has decentralized somewhat and has deployed the existing limited assets to most Nepleslian worlds. The largest concentration was on planet Nepleslia, both to assist in the defense against an expected NMX assault, as well as root out Mishhuvurthyar cells and assist in maintaining order on the Imperium’s capital. These operations were costly in both personnel and material for the IPG and the organization found itself being less and less efficient. By YE 34, there were less than three hundred IPG Operators active throughout Nepleslia.

With fewer IPG agents than ever before, the decision was made for the government to intervene directly. In YE 34, Grand Admiral Dominic Valken took control of the IPG on the orders of Sky Marshall Pyros Westwood, following the retirement of Admiral Veles. Following his experience reorganizing the 4th AASP Fleet in YE 33, the Sky Marshall considered Valken to be the best man, with the appropriate rank, to do the job of revitalizing the IPG and making them relevant again to the DIoN. In YE 39, Grand Admirals violetta_de_luca and barrett_valke took control of the IPG on the orders of Sky Marshal Gaelan Sanders.

Part of the move made them more transparent and visible. Everyone knew about the IPG but rarely saw an Operator. Admiral Valken's new philosophy incorporated that mystique but added a new element. “The unknown, unseen does not generate as much fear and awe as the unknown but seen.” While little information continues to make its way to the public regarding the details of the IPG, their increased visibility, especially as bodyguards to VIPs, has given them a more respectable and fearsome aura.

By YE 36, the IPG was expanding back to its former glory and increasing activities abroad.

In YE 39, Sanders entrusted the IPG to violetta_de_luca and barrett_valke in a meeting between the three of them.

Organization and Structure

The new IPG is organized into three branches, which are listed below. Currently, it is led by Grand Admirals Violetta De Luca and Barrett Valke, who oversee the general organizational reform while managing his permanent positions as leaders of their respective fleets. Day to day operations are led by Commandant (Old Nepleslian Rank) Leo Taylor. Each of the other three branches are led by a Commandant who report to Taylor and the Admirals.

For the old structure and pre-YE 34 IPG, see Pre-YE 34 Intelligence and Pacification Group

Military Police

The Military Police (MPs) are the largest, most visible branch of the new IPG. They are the most flexible arm of the organization, charged with almost all things related to domestic security. One of their most prominent roles has been the protection of foreign and Nepleslian VIPs, usually government officials. These menacing bodyguards, with their dreary greatcoats and stern faces, were always in the background at major political events and were clearly seen.

Other duties include investigation of military crimes and aiding civilian police when they require a more subtle touch. As the most centralized police organization, they might also be called upon to undertake crime-fighting or security operations independent or regardless of local police purview. This ability to walk into local police turf, take down a crime syndicate, and walk out without answering to the local police is not popular. However, considering the corruption of police officials in certain parts of the DIoN, the government and the MPs see this as a necessary tool to ensure that the interests of Nepleslia, as a whole, rather than particular individuals are seen to. Safety and security take precedence over some legal rights.

The MPs have no jurisdiction beyond the borders of Nepleslia, which is where the other branches come into play. Within Nepleslia, however, they have access to a lot of military equipment including Power Armor. While the Stealth Raider is commonly used, heavier armors are rarely issued and require special permission on a case-by-case basis. Even then, they might only be issued for a single case or operation before being sent back into storage.

In total, there are roughly twelve thousand MPs scattered throughout the DIoN. Commandant Gerard Blacker, a former Marine recruited into the IPG with six years of experience leading troops and then another two of having been in charge of multiple security positions, leads the IPG MPs.

IPG MPs served as close protection for Grand Admiral Valken while he was in danger of assassination. Following several attempts, it was decided that his two bodyguards would remain with him at all times. The other Grand Admirals would also receive bodyguards as well as the Premier.


The Intelligence agents in the IPG are responsible for gathering information on all pertinent threats, personnel, organizations, and events both within and without the Democratic Imperium. One of their stated goals is to discover threats and plots before they can manifest in way to harm the DIoN. This mission, and the backing of the government, grants them a surprising amount of leeway. If they can demonstrably prove or provide strong evidence that the suspect(s) is involved in criminal activities, the IPG can bring the full-force of its spying capabilities upon them. Intelligence agents are carefully vetted to ensure that they are capable of performing their jobs, be it analysis, field investigation or undercover work.

Information is power for the IPG. Despite the loss of the headquarters on Rok'Veru, the IPG still has a substantial archive of crimes, misdeeds and other activities to work with. They also have a unit responsible for spying on important foreign and domestic figures. Heads of state, government officials, and even military commanders were on the IPG list. Dominic Valken was surprised to find numerous well-thumbed photobooks containing various nude images of high-ranking Yamataian commanders and officials in the folders. When he inquired about their usefulness, Intelligence agents responded (with stern faces) that they charged with finding out everything about potential threats. Only the Admirals and Sanders have access to know exactly how many undercover agents there are scattered throughout the galaxy and what their exact orders are. However, there are roughly 10,000 Intel/Counter-Intel Operators throughout Nepleslia on unclassified work.

Counter-Intel is, just as the name implies, tasked with countering foreign attempts to spy on Nepleslia. They have a reputation, even within the IPG, as xenophobes. This characterization may seem unfair to some members but it is rightfully earned since every single arrest or case they deal with has to do with foreigners. Domestic issues, such as spies from the Reds or Blacks, are left to the Intelligence section. Counter-Intel members are extremely suspicious of foreigners since that's their job but they are vetted to ensure that they are not discriminatory or prejudiced in their work.

Due to the new structure, it is still a balancing act between these two sub-divisions over what falls into whose jurisdiction. Often times, when a dispute occurs, Admiral Valken has ordered that both sections work on it together and give a report at the conclusion as to which unit was better equipped to handle it.

Commandant Marina Shanina heads the IPG's Intel/Counter-Intel section. She has four years experience of working at the Public Relations Corps' spy programs and analyzing their information. Shanina was personally head-hunted by Valken to bring new perspective to the IPG.


The IPG Commandos are the smallest of the three branches and, like the Intelligence section, highly secretive. They were formed from some of the Pacification Branch survivors and supplemented by NSMC Marines recruited to be Commandos. Serving in the Commandos, and by extension the IPG, is less of a stigma now that their roles, duties and missions are more clearly defined. Marines, who had once been cautious about the extra-legality of the IPG, are more comfortable with the idea of the Commandos as a Special Forces unit rather than a hit squad. Doing recon work, helping extract VIPs and doing the odd-jobs that Marines cannot, lends an elite status to the Commandos and helps convince potential recruits that they'd be helping Nepleslia as well as the other branches of the military.

Commando units tend be small, between 6-10 Operators working together as a permanent team. The branch was created to perform numerous tasks that were not suitable for the regular military forces. As the most military of the trio, the Commandos have the most access to state of the art military equipment as well as experimental tech. Their motto is “In, Out, Without a Doubt,” which reflects their pride in being able to enter and leave whenever they want, without a doubt as to the utter success of their mission. The Commandos were created as a supplement to the NSMC, to do the jobs which the Marines might find difficult, and do it easily.

Commandos might be called on to infiltrate an enemy held planet, determine their defenses and the best landing zones and then stay on-planet until the invasion is complete. Or they might be tasked to find and eliminate a certain enemy commander, leaving behind Nepleslia's calling card. The Commandos are Nepleslia's most flexible small unit option, especially when Nepleslia wants people to know they did it, and did it easily. In their opinion, there is no job too big or small for the Commandos.

All of the IPG's ships are crewed by Commando Operators since stealth is the specialty. In total, there are roughly three to six thousand Commandos. They are led by Commandant Simon Fraser, a former Marine with twelve years of combat experience leading small units.

IPG Commandos served as quick reaction units while Grand Admiral Valken's life was in danger from assassination.


Hellions are not really part of the IPG or its Commando Branch. As far as anyone knows, they don't exist. Their existence is known only to themselves, the Admirals in charge of the IPG and Sanders. Of those, only Sanders can legally divulge their existence. The Hellions, themselves, cannot let anyone know they exist. Talking about the group between members is discouraged. Hellions never reveal their identity to each other and are not supposed to meet up outside of an operation. The purpose of the group is to have a unit capable of doing the work that Nepleslia does not want to be associated with.

The reality is that the Hellions are a sort of splinter group from the Commandos, associated very loosely with the IPG. The first few Hellions were IPG operators but the rest of the group cannot be linked with the IPG. Many of them are civilians or retired Marines who are recruited and trained by the IPG before being returned to their normal lives. They are normally activated for a single mission rather than a series of missions Each potential Hellion is recruited and trained individually. Upon completion of their training by the IPG, each Operative is assigned a codename, usually one designed to inspire fear or horror. As part of their training, they are hypnotically induced to prevent them from divulging the existence of the Hellions. They physically cannot talk or write about the program in detail unless that subconscious block is removed. If forced under duress to answer questions related to the Hellion Program, most Hellions have a cyanide pill embedded in a hollow tooth.

Hellions may work individually or as part of a temporary team assembled by the IPG. This increases the isolation and deniability of the Hellions, should they fail. Hellions never use power armor since Nepleslia is well-known for restricting power armor sales. They also tend to use civilian weapons easily found throughout Nepleslia rather than anything that is standard issue for the SMDIoN. Hellions are also well-trained in the use of foreign weapons and equipment.

When they are assembled, they are usually met by an IPG Commando officer who has been personally briefed by Sanders, De Luca, or Valke. All Hellion operations require Admiral De Luca or Valken's explicit approval to prevent them from going completely rogue.


All IPG candidates undergo the same five-month basic training as the Marines at the Nepleslia Prime Boot Camp, unless they already are Marines. If they cannot pass those fitness tests, they are dropped from the program. Having undergone Marine basic training, all IPG agents are capable of using power armor and coordinating with the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps.

From there, the IPG candidates go through five weeks of classes and field courses for all of the necessary skills expected of every IPG agent at the Abjection training facility. This period serves as their orientation to the IPG. Their test scores from each course determines which branch they are sent. If candidates fail to do well in any course, they are dropped. These courses include:

  • Hacking and Data Retrieval
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Suvival, Escape & Evasion (SEE)
  • Covert Operations (Insertion, Infiltration, Rendezvous, Exfiltration)
  • Interrogation Techniques

For the more advanced training, see: advanced_training

Mission Statement & Goals

Mission Statement

The IPG exists to identify and exterminate all domestic and foreign enemies of the Democratic Imperium. The security and stability of the nation are paramount and supercede any individual needs. Anyone declared an enemy of the state stripped of their rights as a citizen. Failure means a blow to the Imperium, failure is not an option. As long as the IPG stands, Nepleslia endures.


Official: “Not Severity; Certainty”

Unofficial: “Kilroy Was Here” (particular favorite of the Commandos; sprayed somewhere visible after a raid)


  • Protect the Imperium at all costs
  • Eliminate Nepleslia's enemies with extreme prejudice
  • Have fun doing it


The ranking structure of the IPG is more complex that any other branch of the SMDIoN. All of the branches, excluding the black ops Hellions, use the NSMC ranking system. However, all members of the IPG are entitled to the title of “Operator”. While the title has no official rank or authority, it draws upon the fear instilled by the old IPG Operators. It further conveys to most the belief that any IPG, no matter how lowly ranked, is considered more authoritative on the defense of Nepleslia than their Navy and Marine Corps counterparts.

The exception to the NSMC ranks are those personnel who are assigned to the IPG's small fleet. In that station, all personnel use the Navy's ranking system. Likewise, they are all part of the privileged group allowed to use the title of Operator.

All enlisted personnel who transfer into the IPG, such as candidates from the NSMC or NSN, are demoted in rank by a single grade but continue to receive the same pay. The logic behind this is that they may have earned that rank outside the IPG but once within the IPG, they will have to prove that they can meet the IPG's higher standards to hold onto that rank. The restoration of original rank usually occurs after the first successful assignment or mission where the Operator has done something commendable in the eyes of his or her superiors.



Notable Characters

faction/nepleslia/ipg.1674646398.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:38 (external edit)