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Nepleslian Medical Kit Gen.2

This medical kit was designed, and intended for use by the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps, of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia in its seemingly endless wave of innovation, design, and upgrades to existing and new equipment in early to mid - YE 42.


By the time of the renewed frenzy of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia's largely successful, and quick advance into the Yamatai Star Empire's territory, NAM Medtech division had already begun to quicken its pace in the face of a possible hostile incursion of Kuvexians in Nepleslian space. Part of this multi-pronged assault on its updating, or outright new design of equipment and other essential supplies led to the need to replace the older Nepleslian Medical Kit (Type 31/Gen 1) with a more current, comprehensive and advanced version.


The case is made of Stone Thread-coated,Polymide-Imide derived polymers make for a rugged, and highly durable, solid yet light and bulletproof case. Designed for medics in mind, they also come with engageable magnetic strips to allow for easy carrying on a power armor's person or more personal-scale body armor making it hands-free should the user require the need of their limbs. The cases themselves are painted in almost olive green with the Support, Aid, and Warden (SAW) Corps Sawbones logo emblazoned both of the outer panels. If needed, a handle is affixed to the 'top', or, due to medic-preference, a Stone Thread sling can be latched on in addition to the standard mag-strips.

The interior comes complete with several 'tackle-box' style trays for the main compartment and is foamed to ensure its contents are safe. In addition to these trays, the opened case also contains webbing along the back of the opened case for things such as gloves, tourniquets, and biohazard bags.


This kit, used by Support, Aid, and Warden (SAW) Corps medics in the field to perform combat first aid, triage, and if need be, minor surgical procedures in the field should a doctor or more experienced healthcare provider be unavailable. Typically, the Gen.2 is otherwise utilized as any normal medical kit, it just allows for a wider breadth of options to keep injured personnel in tip-top shape as needed. When used, the Gen.2 also includes an interactive First Aid and wp>]] guide in the form of the handy, if twangy accented AI, Mender Mindy who provides any necessary information the aspiring medic may be lacking.


Below are the contents found in the med kit, grouped by their utility and faction.


  • 2: Big-cinch Abdominal Bandage
  • 3: Packs of Gauze Size: 4.5“x4.1 yd, rolled
  • 2: Modular Trauma Bandages
  • 2: 'Blast' Bandage1)
  • 3: Packs Compressed Gauze
  • 4: Tubes of Medtech Liquid Bandage2)
  • 4: Packages of quick clotting bandages, four per pack

Personal Protection

  • 6: Nitrile Gloves
  • 2: Biohazard Waste Bags
  • 4: Sterile Face Masks
  • 1: Bottle of Antiseptic

Chest & Airway

  • 1: Chest Seal 3)
  • 1: Gel Resus Pack, Adult
  • 1: Oropharyngeal Airway Kit
  • 1: 'Pocket' BVM4)
  • 1: Decompression Needle
  • 4: Trauma Pads

Wound, Blister & Burns

Note: This section tends to be small, this is due to several other necessary components being in other areas of the kit.

  • 2: Tubes of Nanite-laced Burn Cream 5)
  • 4: Burn Dressings 6)
  • 1: Cloth Tape: 10 Yrds
  • 1: Spray applicator of Alcohol for wound antiseptic





  • 1: 'Mender Mindy's' Guide to First Aid and Combat Triage 16)
  • 1: Medical Scanner, two charge packs
  • 1: Canister of Assorted Flavor Lollipops 17)

OOC Notes

soresu created this article on 2020/06/29 11:30.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Large bandage for areas such as the abdomen, or limbs
Hurts like hell before solidifying into a self-degenerating bio-plastic mass upon application.
The Chest Seal is a sterile occlusive chest wound dressing for treating open pneumothorax and preventing tension pneumothorax that results from gunshots, stab wounds etc
Bag Valve Mask
Local Numbing analgesic
4”x16“, and 4”x4“ sizes
Forty Pill Count, and ten doses per injector vial
Fifty Pill Count, and fifteen doses per injector vial
Twenty Five Candies
Fifteen Doses Each
Thirty-five Pill Count
A must have for Nepleslians!
Sixty Pill Count, and twenty doses per injector vial. Also useful for those 'nights' on shore leave… don't ask.
Nanites and Drug applications, used only in emergencies when the Hypolathe is either damaged or cannot be used.
Comprehensive interactive device.
For the good'lil Marines. Lemon is a favorite!

faction/nepleslia/equipment/medical_kit_gen.2.1594347759.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:57 (external edit)