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OI-M1-2A Enhanced Ashigaru "Kirin"

The OI-M1-2A Kirin is the third mechanical design by origin in YE 31, designated as a Heavy Aerospace Superiority variant of the original Ashigaru, and implements a wide range of new technologies.

About the Kirin

The Kirin is the direct descendant of the OI-M1-1A Ashigaru, but with combat capabilities that far outstrip the Ashigaru's. The basic skeleton and armor is the same as the Ashigaru's, but new Boreanium Alloy and Endurium alloy plating has been added to the outer armor, increasing the frame's survivability when under heavy fire; the specially designed plasma shielding gives the frame a massive boost to its defenses in the face of enemy firepower. The frame uses the new Silhouette/Mirror Neural Operating Construct system, increasing the Kirin's responsiveness to the point where it leaves its predecessor in the dust. The two man crew of the Kirin streamlines the operation of the frame, allowing the pilot to focus on combat while the EWO handles electronic warfare and the missile systems.

The Kirin's armament is massively superior to the Ashigaru's. The Kirin improves massively on the Ashigaru's basic armament, giving the frame a second autocannon on its right arm, and two more pulse lasers. Two Gamma Ray Vulcans in the head compliment the phased array laser, and can be used for Anti-Missile work or as a deterrent to unarmored infantry. A pair of sharp retractable ADNR claws, compliment by a lightweight OI-M1-W3109 Frame Longsword round out the frame's melee capacity. A specially made OI-M1-W3107 Hyper Rifle, when combined with the eight on board Kirin Feathers allow the Kirin to lay down long range, highly accurate firepower in support of allied troops. The new OI-M1-3108 Ionic Pulse Weapon mounted to the frame's shoulders enable the Kirin to easily disable enemy armors and small craft for capture; and the 100load Origin Mini-missile Pod combined with the missile launcher specially designed for the OI-Z3C Space Missiles give the EWO powerful long range stand off firepower.

The Kirin keeps all the propulsion systems of the Ashigaru, but it uses a new Origin made Inline Aether to Plasma Drive to provide main power and propulsion, increasing the frame's maximum speed and power output, allowing it to make long jumps in atmosphere.

Statistical Information

Government: Various Buyers, origin Organization: origin Type: Heavy Aerospace Superiority Powered Frame Class: OI-M1-2a Kirin Designer: Origin Armor Works Manufacturer: origin Production: 24 Produced in the initial run, more produced upon demand. Cost: 60,000 KS Crew: The Kirin has a crew of two, The Pilot and the Electronic Warfare Officer Maximum Capacity: The Life support systems are sufficient to keep two humanoid lifeforms inside the cockpit . Appearance: Width: 5.6 Meters Height: 9.4 Meters Mass: 19.2 Tonnes


Ground speed(Running): 45 KM/h Ground Speed(Hover): 130 KM/H(X2 when using afterburners) Zero Atmosphere: .150c(x2 when using afterburners)

Range: Intercontinental Lifespan: 10 Years

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Hull: 25 Shields: 25 (Threshold 3)

Interior Descriptions


The Kirin's cockpit is an oblong spheroid, lengthened in order to contain the pilot and the EWO in a tandem seating configuration. The walls are covered with a 360 degree panoramic monitor, linked to the main camera and other backup optical sensors. The part of the monitor directly in front of the pilot is lined with semi-transparent status displays, allowing the pilot to focus on his surroundings without having to look away from the monitor. The Pilot's seat is form fitting, lined with foams and gels designed to absorb impacts, with a five-point harness going across the chest to keep the pilot from jerking around. The chair's headrest, and the orbs at the end of the hand-rests serve as link ups to the silhouette system. The EWO's seat is directly behind the Pilot, and is the same except for its lack of links to the silhouette system, and comes with its own workstation for controlling operator guided weapons, the support drones, target acquisition, and handling the Electronic warfare system. There is a small storage space underneath the chair for storing weapons, ammo, or clothing.

Weapons Systems

Optional Weapons

The Kirin can use a number of optional hand-held weapons, which when not used are carried inside the Wing Binders. The average load out is a OI-M1-W3107 Hyper Rifle as the primary hand held weapon, a OI-M1-W3109 Frame Longsword as a melee weapon, a quad set of Plasma Pistols as backup weaponry, and a Targa Shield. Powered Frame Accessories

Secondary Weapons

Reinforced Hand-To-Hand

The Kirin's physical strength is almost unmatched in the realm of modern armor, mostly due to the leanings of its design team. The Frame is surprisingly powerful and agile for its size, giving it the edge in melee combat. Furthermore, the Kirin's armor has been reinforced in key points such as the knuckles, elbows, shoulders, knees, and shins, to allow it to do that much more damage in a melee.

(2) ADNR Claws

These claws are designed as a last ditch holdout weapon for the Kirin, or for use in a case when a longer melee weapon would be more of a burden then a help. The ADNR claws are always in place over the fingers on the Kirin's hands, looking like sharp talons. The claws are long enough to damage enemy armors, but short enough to not get in the way of the Kirin's hand held weapon.

Purpose: Anti-Armor Operator:Pilot Location: Both hands Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor Range: Melee

(1): Phased Array Laser Visor

Origin Phased Array Laser

Location: Visor Purpose: Anti-Mecha Secondary: Anti-Missile Operator:Pilot Damage: Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel Range:10 KM in Atmosphere, 300 000 KM in Space Rate of Fire:Can sustain a solid beam for 10 seconds, and can sweep the beam across the array. Requires a 6 second recharge time between shots. Muzzle Velocity: 1c

(2) Single Barrel Autocannons

Oi-M1-W3103 Single Barrel Autocannon

Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Vehicle Location: Right Forearm Operator:Pilot Damage: Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) Range: 500 meters in atmosphere, Theoretically unlimited in vacuum Rate of Fire: 150 RPM Muzzle Velocity: Mach 1.2 Payload: 200 round drum magazine

(2) Ionic Pulse Weapons

OI-M1-3108 Ionic Pulse Weapon

Primary Purpose: Anti-Mecha Secondary Purpose: Anti-fighter Location: Both of the Frame's Shoulders. Operator:Pilot Damage: Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which), heavy damage to electronics. Range: 300 meters in atmosphere, 150,000 miles in Space Rate of Fire: Three pulses every five seconds. Payload: Effectively unlimited, so long as the Frame provides power.

(2) Gamma Ray Vulcans

OI-M1-W3110 Gamma Ray Vulcan

Purpose: Anti-Personnel, Anti-Drone Location: Left and Right sides of the head Operator:Pilot Damage: Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel Range: 600m in Atmosphere, 200,000 KM in space Rate of Fire:500 rpm Muzzle Velocity: 1c Muzzle Flash: Green Flash of light

(1) Mini-Missile Pod

Origin Mini-missile Pod

Purpose: Various Location: Tail Binder Operator:EWO Damage:Dependent on Munitions Range: 50 Km Atmosphere, 250,000 kilometers in space. Rate of Fire: computer-controlled, up to 100 RPS Speed: .5c Payload:100 rounds.

(4) Ultraviolet Pulse Lasers

OI-M1-W3104 Ultraviolet Pulse Laser

Purpose: Anti-Armor Location: Left and Right upper Torso Operator:EWO Damage: Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) Range: 200 meters in atmosphere,100,000 KM in space Rate of Fire: Two pulses a second Muzzle Velocity: 1c Muzzle Flash: The Ultraviolet pulse laser's discharge is a short, purplish beam.

(1) Drone Bay

OI-O1-1A Kirin Feather

Purpose:Anti-mecha, EW Support Secondary Purpose: Intimidation Location: Tail Binder Operator:EWO Payload: 8

(2): Missile Launchers

The Kirin has two fifteen round missile tubes, located in the calves of the armor. This is a full list of possible Missiles and Rockets that can be used in the launcher. The Rotary launching system was replaced with a standard magazine launcher, when it was found that the Rotary launcher added unneeded complexity to the system. Operator:EWO

Systems Descriptions

The Kirin uses the same systems as the OI-M1-1B Advanced Ashigaru "Asura", unless otherwise indicated.

Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Hull and Chassis

ADNR reinforced Durandium Alloy Outer Armor with electromagnetic field&heat dissipating coating Armor Type: Medium Structural Points: SP 10

Boreanium Alloy and Endurium plating Armor Type: Medium Structural Points: SP 5

Nerimium Internal Skeleton Armor Type: Light Structural Points: SP 10

Sub Arms (6) Located in the shoulders(4) and skirt armor(2) of the frame, the Kirin has six secondary arms. The six sub arms are lightweight and unarmored, and are little more than manipulators and actuators with stabilization gear to keep the arm steady , meant to allow the Kirin to use its entire hand held armament at once. Two of the sub arms in the shoulders are angled back slightly, in order to ease the transfer of equipment from the wing binders to the main arms of the frame. The Sub Arms have a full range of motion, and are sturdy enough to be used in melee combat.


The Kirin uses two types of Binders in support of it's AMBAC system, each one an enhanced version of the fuel binders used on the Ashigaru. The Binders are all removable, and can be replaced with specialized equipment packs if the situation calls for it.

Wing Binders

The two wing binders on the Kirin's back serve two roles. In addition to assisting in AMBAC movement, each wing binder is capable of carrying the hand held armament of the Kirin. Each binder can carry a single rifle sized weapon and a melee weapon, as well as extra ammunition for hand held weaponry. The binders are also capable of recharging energy and plasma based weaponry compatible with the Kirin.

Tail Binder

The single tail binder, mounted to the Kirin's lower back serves as an extra place for weapons in addition to AMBAC assistance. The lower fourth of the binder contains the Mini-missile pod, the remaining two fourths of it serves as a docking/refueling port for the Kirin Feather support drones, and the remainder of the Binder is used as fuel storage for the nuclear fusion reactor.


Electromagnetic & Gravitic Shielding

Locations: Lower Torso and Shoulders Shield Points: SP 20 (2) Runtime Operative as long as power is available

"Kirin's Mane" Plasma Shielding

The Kirin can vent high-temperature plasma as a defensive measure, using the plasma produced in its nuclear fusion reactor as a defensive coating. The Plasma Shield slows down and melts away at incoming kinetic munitions, causes plasma weaponry to dissipate, and makes lasers lose their coherence. The plasma is vented from vents on the Kirin's shoulders. Locations: Nuclear Fusion Reactor Shield Points: SP 5 (1) Runtime Operative as long as fuel is available



The Kirin's IAPD has been modified to allow for brief periods of increased operation, using a system known as the afterburner. The Afterburner operates by increasing the input to the IAPD for a short amount of time, effectively doubling its speed and power. The downside to this system is that the Kirin will show up on all aetheric sensors within 1 AU, effectively eliminating any stealth it might have had. The afterburner will also cause the IAPD to burn out if used for more that ten minutes at a time, with a 1 minute cool down period. Even if the IAPD does not burn out during operation, the IAPD will require maintenance, and even replacement if the afterburner is used.


The Kirin uses the Pawn to assist the crew, easing their workload and making them that much more effective in combat.

Drone Control System

The Kirin contains a system that allows it to control support drones, which are controlled by the EWO. The Drone Control System requires two blade radars, located on either side of the head, that operate out to a range of 400,000 KM.

Electronic Warfare

The Kirin uses a Compact Electronic Countermeasure Suite for handling electronic warfare, such as ECM, ECCM, and SIGNIT operations.

corp/origin/m1_enhanced_ashigaru_kirin.1561147090.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:04 (external edit)