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Thantros Type Interdiction/Anti-matter Beam

The main weapon of the Elysian Destroyer is the new and powerful interdiction beam. Functioning off the same principle as interdiction field and shield the beam concentrates the effect in a far more powerful localised effect. The ship fires four of these beams at the same time – the effect being to negate any spatial distortions at the target and the surrounding area. This includes distortion based transportation, weapons certain systems and importantly – distortion based shielding. Encased by these four interdiction beams the ship then fires a pulse of anti-matter; a fraction below the speed of light and of sufficient size to normally destroy the craft.

Location: Central to the ship. Primary Purpose: Anti-starship. Secondary Purpose: Heavy Assault. Damage: Tier 12, Heavy Anti-Starship Range: 2,500,000 km. Rate of Fire: Interdiction Beam can last as long as the ship powers it – the ship can fire one pulse of anti-matter every five seconds.

OOC Notes

Zakalwe created this article on 2007/03/25 14:44.

faction/elysia/weapons/thantros_interdiction_anti-matter_beam.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:22 by