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Nepleslian Miniature Missile Systems

Despite their small size, mini-missiles carry a surprising amount of firepower in a fast, maneuverable package that is flexible enough to not only be used offensively, but defensively as well. Seeking out targets on their own, these are best used against fast and nimble opponents, wherever extra firepower is needed or when something must be killed very badly.

History and Development

Since the first powered armorsuits began being used in the Nepleslian Military, various miniature missile systems, more commonly known as 'mini-missiles', have been a staple piece of equipment for ground operations. Most Nepleslian Arms and Munitions mini-missile systems consist of launcher pods present on powered armorsuits which are able to store and unleash several small, self-guided, target seeking missiles at a time. Swarming tactics at the time of their inception were encouraged to ensure contact, as anti-missile technology, such as fast-tracking automated turret systems, reduced the effectiveness of single, powerful missiles over time.

Mini-missiles are typically about the size of an 8 oz can, with all systems included. Because of the small size, mini-missiles are suggested for use in close or medium range combat, as propellant stored inside mini-missiles do not last very long.

From the simple and effective Rapid Launcher System to the massive, perhaps even needlessly large Extended Rack System, Nepleslian mini-missile systems continue to be a vital part of the armored infantry kit. As a result of this, they received modernization updates in early ye_37. This included a unified body with interchangeable warheads to streamline and simplify production, as well as the ability to be 'hard launched'. Such launchers effectively fire the mini-missile as a high-velocity projectile, boosting its effective range; this increase relies on the power of the launcher however. In contrast, the standard method is a 'soft' launch, where the mini-missile gently accelerates out of the tube on its own power before taking off at full speed.

Missile Types

Though the bodies contain the propulsion and computative abilities of the missile, the interchangeable warheads contain the sensors and detonator at the tip in addition to the payload. The contents range from inoffensive to borderline overkill, with some having various utility purposes, while others exist only to destroy.

  • Range (Atmospheric): 500m
  • Range (Space): 1000m
  • Rate of Fire: Launcher Dependent
  • Payload: Launcher Dependent


The godfather of all Nepleslian minimissile technologies, the DART was the first minimissile system to see actual battle on the original AIR.

Simple and usually non-lethal, the DART's warhead is set to explode upon detonation into a cloud of electromagnetically charged particles, and an exorbitant amount of thick, gray smoke all accompanied by an extremely loud bang. Due to its chaff-smoke like behavior owing to the synergy between its smokescreen and charged particles, the DART is primarily used to break enemy weapon locks and disrupt sensors, communications and shielding systems. Dubbed the “Flying Flashbang” by preliminary AIR pilots, DARTs have since been used for both nonlethal takedown and utility as well as 'softening' energy-shielded targets for a more lethal follow-up.

Since it's YE 37 update however, the DART can now be set to separately detonate into only charged particles by increasing the detonation speed of its explosive and thereby destroying the material necessary to produce smoke. This option serves in combat more effectively, as it only disrupts and depletes defensive energy shielding systems without obscuring targets from follow-up shots. Additionally, they can be set to intercept and destroy hostile mini-missiles and missile fire as well.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Shield, Anti-Missile
  • Secondary Purpose: Sensor Disruption, Electronics Disruption/Destruction
  • Damage: ADR 3 (Shields), PDR 2


A more specialized cousin the the DART, the TRACER round first saw use in the VOID as a means to facilitate friendly sensor systems.

In place of the conventional warhead, TRACER mini-missiles are fitted with a warhead that bursts into a stubborn, high tensile strength adhesive and mounted with an advanced transmission device. TRACERs are capable of broadcasting on friendly frequencies to facilitate missile locks and mark targets for fire support. In addition, they are also used to transmit overpowering dummy or decoy signals to draw away missiles or misdirect attention. Typically, they are set to transmit after a preset distance from the launch point to prevent its point of origin from being found.

They are commonly launched with larger amount of DARTs or other mini-missiles to increase its odds of successfully making contact with hostile forces and tracking them. In practice, the confusing property of the DART in particular can easily hide the TRACER's existence when attached to an enemy armor even after the foe has left the cloud of charged particles. It's update in YE 37 saw minimal changes, with its body and warhead mounting being standardized with other mini-missiles. To compensate for its larger size, the entire body detaches, leaving only the adhesive warhead, which hardens.

Damage for TRACERs is minimal; no deaths have been associated with TRACER mini-missiles, even those test on unarmored subjects. Serious injury can occur on special occasions, but TRACER mini-missiles are not intended to be directly lethal or even used as an attack method, and they should not be used as such.

  • Primary Purpose: Target Tracking
  • Secondary Purpose: Missile Decoy, Misdirection
  • Damage: None


Debuting on the WATER, the ARROW is much like its older brother, the DART, save for the warhead. Lethal in intent and meant to be effective against enemy armor, the ARROW has a High Explosive Dual Purpose warhead which carries a Nerimium lined shaped charge. On detonation, the metal liner is forced forward by the blast in a highly destructive liquid alloy jet, which cuts and melts its way through defensive shields and armor. Meanwhile, the concussive blast itself is powerful enough enough to weaken shields and stress armor plate; in addition, it is able to produce new passageways in standard housing. This reduces the efficiency of the shaped charge, but grants the ARROW flexibility.

Despite this, the explosion and damage it causes are not considered to be particularly impressive, warranting their use in numbers over a short span of time to overwhelm enemy defenses.

  • Primary Purpose: Light Anti-Armor
  • Secondary Purpose: Heavy Anti-Infantry, Light Demolition
  • Damage: ADR 2


The youngest of the mini-missiles, the BOLT is also the most deadly. Inside of its magnetic containment, a small amount of anti-matter is kept safely suspended. Though potentially dangerous to the operator should it be mishandled or breached by enemy fire, its potential risk is equal to the performance it offers and the damage it can inflict. As its explosions are larger and more powerful than conventional materials can produce, it is arguably the most powerful selection available. As a side effect of matter-antimatter reactions, electromagnetic energy and radiation are created, temporarily interfering with sensors and comms.

Due to the fact that BOLTs can literally vaporize exotic meta-materials such as Zesuaium as well as the user, it is common belief amongst soldiers that they hate things that exist, and hate targets even more.

  • Primary Purpose: Medium Anti-Armor, Anti-Zesuaium
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Everything
  • Damage: ADR 3

OOC Notes

faction/nepleslia/weapons/minimissile.1532451552.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:09 (external edit)