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Star Army Bases & Facilities
TypeFleet Depot
LocationCentral Uesureya
DescriptionManufacturing & Logistics
OrganizationStar Army Logistics
Contact PageNakeysha Smalls
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmilitary facility

"Marlin" Penetrator Missiles

Unlike the complex and expensive Pufferfish, Eel and Flatfish-type missiles, the Marlin is a high speed, high acceleration dumbfire ordnance package designed to be fired in volleys to inflict the maximum amount of damage to a target within the vehicle's line of sight. Just as with the other missile types, it employs advanced magnetoplasma rocket technology, but it lighter and lacks control systems other than stabilizing fins, and moves exceedingly quickly. The Marlin itself is actually a small, sharpened Durandium-covered cylinder, that a few seconds before impact will surround itself in superheated plasma and small scalar field to penetrate shields, and detonate into a brilliant plasmatic explosion.

Length: .6 meters
Atmospheric Range: 1000km
Atmospheric Velocity: Mach 3
Damage: Tier 8
Area of Effect: 15m

Vacuum Velocity: .40c

faction/nepleslia/weapons/marlin_penetrator_missiles.1549139501.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:09 (external edit)