The main weapon of the Elysian Destroyer is the new and powerful interdiction beam. Functioning off the same principle as interdiction field and shield the beam concentrates the effect in a far more powerful localised effect. The ship fires four of these beams at the same time – the effect being to negate any spatial distortions at the target and the surrounding area. This includes distortion based transportation, weapons certain systems and importantly – distortion based shielding. Encased by these four interdiction beams the ship then fires a pulse of anti-matter; a fraction below the speed of light and of sufficient size to normally destroy the craft.
Location: Central to the ship. Primary Purpose: Anti-starship. Secondary Purpose: Heavy Assault. Damage: Tier 12, Heavy Anti-Starship Range: 2,500,000 km. Rate of Fire: Interdiction Beam can last as long as the ship powers it – the ship can fire one pulse of anti-matter every five seconds.