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Port Dongfeng

A NH-H1 Hibiscus-Class Mobile Space Station purchased and commissioned for the Ryu Keiretsu in YE 43. Port Dongfeng (东风, Lianjia Speech for Eastern Wind) will serve as a port of call in the Tange System for the keiretsu's mining operations and as a temporary trading hub for the system.


When the Ryu Keiretsu had planned their Asteroid Mining Operation in the Tange System Star System, they had planned to make use of Ashiruzi Class Mining Command Ships to serve as a place of rest and recreation for the myriad of mining crews needed. But with delays in the development of the Ashiruzi Class beyond the initial prototype and complaints from senior foremen hired from the Yugumo Workers Federation, it was decided that a mobile space station would be the best solution.

Selecting the NH-H1 Hibiscus-Class Mobile Space Station, the soon-to-be Port Dongfeng was delivered to the Ryu Keiretsu at Port Jiyuu where it underwent inspection and installation of additional systems. The final refit was completed on YE 43.8, afterward it was moved to a Lagrange point between Tange IV and its 2nd moon. In addition to providing living quarters for mining crews, support staff, and their families; the port is also used by the RyuK to manufacture ships and industrial equipment used for efforts within the system and beyond.

Catching wind of Operation Fireplace in YE 44.7, the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan recalled Port Dongfeng from Tange temporarily. Together with their Port Orchid, the stations ferried numerous ships and shuttles from civilian sources (such as the Nepleslian Reds) to help participate in evacuating the newly arrived Norians. Once the evacuation was concluded, Port Dongfeng returned to support mining operations in Tange a week later. The civilian population is extremely proud that they were among some of the first to help the Norians.1)

In YE 45, the Ryu Keiretsu transferred their regional headquarters from Port Jiyuu to Port Dongfeng, along with a gradual production of Artificial Nepleslians to increase the station's civilian population. Due to not being part of the Yugumo Workers Federation, they are not eligible for employment within the system proper (but allowed within the station). As such most either work for businesses on the station or work as ship crewmembers for the RyuK and Fujiko Development Corporation operating outside of Yamataian space and use the station as a home base.


For the detailed deck layout of Port Dongfeng, consult the Hibiscus Manual.

Due to the history of the Tange System, Port Dongfeng has been modified to increase the safety of its inhabitants. On the outside, an additional layer of spaced Osmiridium armor was installed over the majority of the central hull. To maintain the view of space, volumetric displays are installed on the inner layer of the armor. Numerous security checkpoints are located within the station, particularly at the construction bays, engineering, shuttle bays, and commercial areas.

The station EVE AI is known as Grandma Wei, who has a deep interest in reading Lianjia literature and mythologies. The station's other Machine Intelligences have also taken on Lianjia-styled human or artistic names when they were first activated by the head of the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan (all decided to look up the meaning of the station name). Except for Wei who looks like a middle-aged motherly Lianjia/Yamataian woman, the others take on the forms of mythical creatures.

The embracing of Lianjia aesthetic is likely due to the internals of the station taking on a hybrid of Nepleslian and Lianjia architecture. The Trade levels are an exception as some areas have different architecture such as levels 30-81 where Yamataian styling is dominant on the port side of the station.


As PAINT is suspended for the Tange System, one needs to book a private flight to the station. The Ryu Shipping Lines offers Space-Available accommodations for employees and their families. Shuttles from and to the mobile refinery in the Tange Belt can be seen every 30 minutes.


The majority of the permanent population in Port Dongfeng are the families of the mining workers employed by the Ryu Keiretsu and other sanctioned mining entities. The population of the station being predominately Minkan and Nekovalkyrja, the culture in Port Dongfeng is distinctly Yamataian with Motoyoshi Clan characteristics. So much so that the residents prefer to call the station Port Kochi.

But that is not to say they are obnoxious with their pride in Yamataian Culture. Just as big of foodies as every other Yamataian within the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, Lianjia food is a highly sought and provided by RyuK chefs and employees. Ramen fusions and miso soup are common foods consumed at the station.

Due to the industrial nature of the rebuilding effort, several Nepleslian Reds are also present on the station. Not members of the Worker's Federation, they are regulated to construction and industrial jobs on the station where the requirement for the RyuK to hire locals is not enforced. Reds have been seen trying to learn how unions work, which allows them to attempt to intermingle with the Yamataians.


Here's an automatic list of all characters currently in this place (based on structured data from their character pages).

Nothing found

RP Opportunities

Located near Tange IV, Port Dongfeng presents the following opportunities for role-play:

Local Rumors

Being stationed in the Tange System, there are some rumors already circulating about and on the station:

OOC Notes

demi created this article on 2022/02/10 03:34 using the namespace template.

Approval Thread:

Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 44
Place Categoriesspace station