Table of Contents


Marika is a player character played by Yuuki.

Species & Gender Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian (Professor Template) Female
Organization: Yugumo Merchant Spacy
Occupation: Surgeon Cadet - Gekai-Kōhosei (外科医候補生)
Current Placement: ISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō)

Physical Description

Marika is a Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian (Professor Template) Female with light skin, blue eyes, and silver hair.

Marika has facial features typical of a Guāngzǔ (光祖), the phenotype developed for the Nepleslian Reds that is of both Nepleslian and Yamataian stock: a mix of Nordic and Japanese Yamataian, Baizu (白祖) and Hongzu (红祖), respectively, along with Core Lianjia and Sardinian Lianjia, Yuanzu (元祖) and Yuzu (裕祖), respectively. The telltale silver hair is medium length and often somewhat messy, and regularly just pulled back into a simple ponytail. Her voice is soft and mellifluous, with a warm, sweet tone. She speaks Trade with a distinct Sardinian-Mutari Lianjia accent.


Like many Lily-Types, Marika, through both her innate nature and that of her time-compressed simulated early life, has a tendency towards helpfulness, cooperation, and harmony, not unlike a Nekovalkyrja. As she was created from the Professor Template, a combination of the Empiricist Template and Mentor Template, her upbringing and education strongly encouraged her to seek out a greater understanding of all things using the scientific method, and to to seek new experiences in their lives and then disseminate them to others. She is analytically and practically-minded, with a strong mastery of deductive reasoning, an individual focused on getting to the facts and making connections based on them, but also empathetic and humane, adept at, and predisposed to, using those facts and connections to help.


Marika was born on YE 43.3.1 in Fujiko.

A Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian created with the Empiricist Template and the full Zhenren Human Upgrade Package preinstalled, her first six months were the equivalent of 21 Yamataian Years due to living in a time-compressed virtual simulation. As part of her time-compressed simulated life, Marika was a Pathfinder in the (virtual) Kikyō Scouts and attended (virtual) daigaku after school to gain degrees in emergency medicine and nursing.

Marika was chosen to be the nurse for the ISS Shiori in YE 44, and became one of the medical officers in the ISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō) in YE 45.


She was not assigned a surname when she was created, only her given names. The given name Marika uses in any situation varies accordingly:


Marika was created with some augmentations already in place. She doesn't have the full Zhenren Human Upgrade Package, but a subset, among others:

Skills Learned

Marika has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Marika is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Marika has the following:


Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS 3000 KS Savings
5675 KS 2675 KS YE45.1 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay
8350 KS 2675 KS YE45.2 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay
11,025 KS 2675 KS YE45.3 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay
13,700 KS 2675 KS YE45.4 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay
16,375 KS 2675 KS YE45.5 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay
19,050 KS 2675 KS YE45.6 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay
21,725 KS 2675 KS YE45.7 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay
24,400 KS 2675 KS YE45.8 Gekai-Kōhosei Pay

Marika currently has 24,400 KS.

Marika's Companion

Hebiko, Marika's KAIMON Ascendant Companion
KAIMON/Ascendant Companion
Image of Most Used Projection Most used projection is a rainbow-winged snake, reminiscent of the one on the Star Army Medical emblem. It is often seen hanging out on Marika's shoulder, or curled around her arm. Marika has named her Companion Hebiko (蛇子), which is the diminuitive of snake in Yamataigo. Hebiko's personality is curious and inquisitive. It is very helpful, but perhaps a bit snarky and condescending at times.
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OOC Information

This article was created on 2023/01/28 14:44 using the namespace template. Approved here:…

In the case Yuuki becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameMarika
Character OwnerYuuki
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Current LocationISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō)
Character's HomeFujiko
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