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NAM Hyper-Induction Blade

Hyper-induction weapons are edged weapons that make use of certain properties of Nerimium nanofoams.


Hyper-induction blades were developed by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions in order to provide energy-efficient alternates to plasma-based weapons. Although several powered armor had made good use of such weapons in the past, from the NaX-A-1a NOZH to the NAM VOID Advanced Tactical Power Armor, these weapons required dedicated forcefield generators to control plasma flow which obviated stealth and placed extreme energy demands for sustained use. Many units already pouring most of their discrete energy consumption into mobility or weapon systems could not afford to be retrofitted with such weapons without mounting bulky auxillary generators, relegating plasma-based melee weapons to a niche system for the course of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War.

With the NMX in full swing, modernization and a change to more efficient models was desired. A number of possible alternatives were offered, including the widespread adoption of vibrosaws offered up by the Terratech division. With their investment into high-energy technologies threatened by the rival branch, Aerotech stepped in and began redeveloping the system from scratch.

Aerotech devised these weapons in the lineage of their plasma weapons, making use of high-stability Nerimium nanofoam blades inlaid with superconductive mesh that superheated the material via resistive heating. Bringing them to a red-hot glow with a core temperature many times hotter than the surface of some stars, the blades largely replicated the combat effectiveness of projected plasma blades while allowing for parrying of other blade weapons. The nanofoam's high heat conductivity is evident in the high heat-up and cool-down period between activation and shut down, the weapon becoming fully combat effective in just three seconds and cooling down to something touchable in around thirty. The Nerimium nanofoam holds a strong edge and can be used even while cooled down, allowing for a wide range of utility applications.

These weapons are effective against a variety of targets, often becoming so hot as to cause the air around them to erupt into a storm of hot, diffuse red plasma. Plastic, industrial alloys and even concrete boil away under the edge of the weapon, allowing for clean cuts through a variety of objects. It shines a little less against barrier-type shields that inhibit physical contact and solid-state shields made of dense alloys like Nerimium, Yamataium or rare Zesuaium. Materials explicitly designed to ablate or radiate heat as light may likewise offer solid protection.

Blade Types

Hyper-Induction HIM-01A

The Hyper-Induction Machete is a short, flat blade designed for close-quarters combat in confined spaces such as urban environments and the interiors of spaceships. The design features a simple flat crossguard to prevent the wielder's hands from being attacked in melee.

Location: Handheld Purpose: Anti-Personnel CQB System Secondary: Powered Armor Utility Tool Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor, Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) when powered Reach: 75cm

Hyper-Induction Axe HIA-01A

Elite fast-attack units making use of the current-generation NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit – “Hostile” and Hostile, or even the old AIR2 had very specific needs to attend to. While spears and lances had a certain use, their narrow tips and long shafts made them difficult to handle for many marines. The Hyper-Induction Axe is a step closer to their preferences, consisting of a single-edged long-bearded axehead on a long Durandium and ceramic haft with a small countweight.

It is designed for swift attacks from above, using the momentum of the powered armor to crush the enemy, and is adept at hooking, thrusting and cleaving in equal measure. Should the user desire it, the armor's grip on the weapon can even be moved up to use it like a punching dagger. With a meter-and-half handle, it can comfortably be swung with one hand, two, or even be thrown to deliver telling blow to unsuspecting targets.

Location: Handheld Purpose: CQB System Secondary: Powered Armor Utility Tool Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor, Tier 7 or Tier 8, Light Anti-Mecha or Medium Anti-Mecha (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which) when powered Reach: 150cm

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2015/02/07 00:00 by Exhack.

faction/nepleslia/weapons/hyper-induction_blade.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:24 (external edit)