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NAM Light Plasma Autocannon LPA-01b

The Nepleslian Arms and Munitions Light Plasma Autocannon LPA-01b, created in YE 33, is an attempt to create an accurate, rapid fire marksman weapon for use by Nepleslian soldiers in power armor. Technically a carbine, the LPA is lightweight and easier to handle than other weapons, like the Moneyshot or Bulldog.

The LPA is a relatively simple and straightforwards weapon, generating bolts of high energy plasma using either an attached battery pack or by drawing power from the generator of a power armor. While not as heavy hitting as other NAM weaponry, the LPA is an accurate weapon with a high rate of fire.

About the Light Plasma Autocannon LPA-01b

The LPA-01b is a lighter weapon used by officers, squad leaders, and designated marksmen who need a weapon with a bit more flexibility than a sniper rifle. Due to its long range and light weight, it fills this purpose quite well. The addition of its rapid fire capability gives it some use in suppressive fire, though other weapons such as the Bulldog do this better; while its sustained beam capacity adds in a mode that can do heavy damage and direct fire from allies onto a target. The LPA is simple to use and relatively trivial to maneuver around in closed spaces, making it popular with marines who have to fight in close quarters.

Nomenclature Information


The LPA-01b resembles a lighter, shorter version of the Moneyshot, with no magazine or wire coil, or ejection port. The weapon is somewhat boxy as are all Nepleslian firearms.

Discharge Information

  • Muzzle Flash: A bright yellowish-white flash.
  • Retort: “Akin to frying bacon, though the popping of fat and grease is replaced with a deep sound akin to a small clap of thunder”
  • Projectile Appearance (Semi-Auto & Full-Auto): Small bolts of plasma the white color of a star.
  • Beam Appearance (Sustained Beam): A slower than light energy beam with a thickness of roughly 3 inches in diameter
  • Effective Range: 3 KM in Atmosphere, 2500 KM in Space
  • Rate of Fire: 160 RPM (Rapid Fire), 60 RPM (Semi Auto), 4 BPM (Beam)
  • Recoil: Practically none- a light kick unnoticeable in power armor.
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1181 feet/second (360 meters/second)

Projectile Information

  • Purpose(Semi/Full): Tier 5 Medium Anti-Armor
    • Purpose(Sustained Beam): Tier 9 Heavy Anti-Mecha (Tier 3 Heavy Anti-Personnel per two seconds of contact; Tier 9 only if beam is in contact with target for all 10 seconds)
  • Area of Effect: 3cm point of impact w/ light splash damage around point of impact
  • Round Capacity: 640 Shots in rechargeable weapon powerpack, can regenerate at a rate of 1 round every second when connected to a power armor.

Weapon Mechanisms

  • Firing Mechanism: The firing chamber generates a semi-self sustaining fusion bolt when the trigger is pulled before magnetic fields launch it at speed out of the barrel; the firing chamber generates a longer fusion reaction and directs it out of the chamber in sustained beam mode.
  • Loading: The LPA-01b fires plasma projectiles generated internally, and has no need of a loading mechanism.
  • Mode Selector: Four spot selector switch above trigger, can be switched by remote command from armor
  • Firing Modes: Semi-automatic, where one pull of the trigger fires one bolt of plasma; fully automatic, where the weapon recycles as long as the trigger is held down; and sustained beam, where the weapon will fire a beam so long as the trigger is held down.
  • Weapon Sight: Monoeye with backup iron sights



  • LPA-01b: Not for Sale

OOC Notes

firebrand recreated this article on 2019/08/12 17:50.

faction/nepleslia/weapons/light_plasma_autocannon.1587382374.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:08 (external edit)