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Neshaten Economics System

The Kingdom of Neshaten have always operated under a type of economic system where an individual could trade either coins or material possessions for another item. This type of barter system has been in effect for countless years and has seen little change even after the Neshaten recreated their Neshaten society after fleeing the old one.

The system operates under the principles that, even if the person doesn't have the funds such as coins, they'll at least have an item in their possession that they can use for trade. Items are valued based on the materials needed to make them, how 'old' they are, the older an item is the more valuable it becomes, and the craftsmanship of the item.

Their currency is commonly referred to as Re'iu Neu'ca


The economical system got introduced in ER001 after the Neshaten re-established their civilization on Nesha Prime (Planet) and is regular reviewed by the Council Monarch that advises the King and Queen of any required changes. In ER 779-V the Oversight Committee got formed by the request of the King and Queen to watch over the governmental departments to create a voice for the citizen whether they are a citizen or military to rule out corruption as best as possible. The economical system had inflation during various attacks by terrorist groups like Netrunu'marol or by companies that started to struggle during the cold and storm seasons where farmers were unable to get harvesting done or mineral retrieval became too dangerous in a certain part of Nesha Prime (Planet). The Neshaten solved this problem after intense research and development of the seasonal problems and going to other planets to learn from different environmental areas. Since the Era of Exploration, the advisory council concluded in regular reports that the economical status has been stable.

The system

The following is a breakdown of how the system operates.


Coin's are actually a rarity within Neshaten Neshaten society since the advent of electronic transactions, with the exception of certain transactions. Coin's are considered important in transactions such as business mergers and takeovers and the purchase of firearms such as pistols and rifles. Coin's must also be used for things such as the renting of cars or starships. This is all done to help ensure that a person doesn't try and 'cheat' the system, although counterfeiting of coins is a lucrative business, the Neshaten are constantly fighting this trade and as the years go by it becomes harder and harder for the counterfeiters to beat the system.

Gold and Silver Coins

Gold and Silver make up the majority of coins found used within the Kingdom; they are backed up by a gold and silver standard which is used to determine the value and purity of said coins. Gold coins are made from 89% gold and 11% silver, while Silver coins are made from 85% silver and 15% copper. When gold values go down, gold coins are valued less; the same applies to silver coins, if the value of silver was to go down so too does the value of silver coins.

Material Trade

When a person lacks coins, or if they reside in an area of Neshaten society where coins are predominant; such as small towns, villages, and even some cities, a person may trade an item of material value for another item. This is another secure method of trade because practically anything can be traded, as long as the item is made out of a valuable material such as gold, silver, copper, even iron and zinc, or any other metallic materials. Or even wood, as some wood is valuable.

Essentially it operates as an 'I have an item that might interest you, and you have an item that interests me, shall we trade?' type system.

Electronic Money

Electronic Money is a digital currency that is the most common within Neshaten society and is what most citizens make from their jobs, this currency can be exchanged for hard currency or used to purchase items. As a rule, all businesses must accept Electronic Money since it's the only money paid out to military personnel.

Re'iu Neu'ca (RN)

The Re'iu Neu'ca (RN) is the standard form of currency used within the Kingdom of Neshaten.

Using RN

The most common form of RN is in its electronic form. Paper bills are no longer used as currency. The exact value of paper money to collectors depends mostly on the age of the bill.

Since RN is usually found in electronic forms, virtually all Neshaten store their currency electronically at banking facilities. Banks are operating under oversight from the Neshaten Division of Finances. The three most common ways to transfer and use RN are through Currency Devices and Personal ID Crystals (Medium and Heavy Security variants only).

RN is presently backed up by precious metals, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.


The current rate of exchange between Re'iu Neu'ca and Yamataian KS is 1RN to .5 KS*. Based on the current rates of exchange provided by the International Currency Exchange the current exchange rates between RN and other forms of currency are as follows:

Form of Currency Exchange Rate
Yamataian Kikyou Satsu (KS) .5
Nepleslian Davis Alliance (DA) 1
Elysian Aurea (AR) 2.5
Azorean Neera Apsolvum (NA .125
Iromakuanhe Kuon Dalri (KD) 2
Abwehran Credit (C) 1.5

* NOTE: RN is not currently exchanged on the open market. These values are simply ambiguous values and do not currently have real-world applications.

Places of Trade

What is listed here is where people can trade important items, traditional trade at stores is not listed due to it being common.

Exchange Office

The Exchange Office is a large structure found in most cities and in the capital of the Kingdom, the office is used to help appraise items of interest. The purpose is to allow citizens (and potentially future foreign traders) to exchange items of material value for coins that can be used for purchasing items in stores. The reverse is also true, where a person can bring in coins and use those to buy bars of a metal material such as gold and silver etc.

This office is used a lot by Trade Families to get items they need for their businesses, instead of needing to go into an industrial sector to get said items. Because of this, the exchange office will always be a very busy area wherever it is found.

Traders Post

Sometimes referred to as 'Market Square', the Traders Post is a large area of any city that is predominately occupied by stores. It's a trading hub for that particular area for people to go and buy items that are of interest to them.

Customs Office

A customs office is an important building found practically everywhere within the Kingdom, cities are required to have one, and stations that deal with the trade are required to furnish a spot for an office to open. The Customs Office is important because it regulates what can and can't be brought onto a planet, it helps ensure that no contaminated items are introduced into society, such as food that was grown on one planet and transported to another either for processing or for sale.

Customs quarantines any item that they deem a 'risk' to society or an item that came from a place that has suffered a recent flu outbreak. Customs can also blacklist items that can't be traded on a planet, although this is considered rare due to how open the market is too new idea's, restricting an item for trade is something that can only be done in the most serious of circumstances and must be approved not only by the monarch but also by trade families who trade with the planet or city.


There is another part of the Economics System that is more inherently part of the culture; the Neshaten do not believe in giving stuff away without first getting something back in return. The idea of giving funds or material possessions to those who haven't earned it is considered a sort of taboo, a sense of pride and handwork is instilled into a Neshaten almost from the time they are capable of walking or talking.

Economic Policies

Economic policies put in place forbid the government from not only providing funds for free to citizens but also forbids the government from bailing out trade families who are in trouble, it believed that if a trading family goes bankrupt they should have to get out of it on their own and that they should learn from their own mistakes.


Economic policies related to welfare forbid the government from using taxpayer funds to support those on welfare. Instead, Welfare is the domain of private organizations such as the Order of Marius and several trade families who use their own material wealth to provide a safe haven for those less fortunate. Funds to those on welfare are provided by the organizations that are taking care of them and by donations made by private citizens.

The Order only gives 500 RN per family, this is because the Order provides housing, food, and clothing to these families. These funds can be used to buy extra food, clothing, or other items - but not luxuries. Those on welfare are restricted from purchasing luxurious items since it is believed that these people should be more concerned with getting back on their feet.


There are plenty of jobs within the Kingdom that are designed both for the skilled and unskilled workers, some jobs are more difficult and dangerous than others. As a matter of principle, the Monarchy doesn't force a business to hire one person over another, and business are fully permitted to deny people employment for whatever reason, most of the time this is related to criminal activities.

The Monarchy, even though they don't get involved in private businesses, due to having work projects that those who can't find a job can get involved in to make extra money or until they get a better paying job. These projects don't pay much, since they are projects done with tax-payer funds, most of these projects involved keeping the community clean.

A Neshaten citizen can start working at the age of only nine years old (eighteen years old in Yamataian Calendar), this is largely done to build up a sense of responsibility, confidence, and workplace skills. Some of the highest paying jobs include teaching, law enforcement, medical, fire, and starship construction.

Current unemployment is 17%


Healthcare is also the domain of private organizations. The citizens view that the government has no authority to determine what a citizen is covered. This is also largely due to past historical events where governments have often played favorites by having some people pay 'less' and others 'more', it is due to this that when the Kingdom was founded, the citizenry voted to forbid the government from having any say in the health system.

Health coverage, thus, is based on a needed basis. Organizations permit citizens to pick and choose what they are covered from, and they only pay coverage for those items. This allows a citizen to choose if they only want coverage for things such as cancer, or from personal injury, or from things such as pregnancy, auto-accidents, and so on.


The Kingdom operates under a flat tax rule, and that rule is enforced very strictly by a civilian oversight committee. Laws placed into the books forbid the Monarchy from raising taxes above a certain limit, and can only be done in the event of an emergency but that the emergency increase must be given an expiration date to which it'll return to normal.

This flat tax means that the Kingdom can't tax its citizens above a certain point unless it's an emergency. Citizens living in poverty still pay taxes on stuff they buy, no different than a person who is in the middle or rich income brackets. The current tax rate is listed below, along with the list of cities and their current tax numbers. Taxes within cities can be influenced by the number of funds those cities make per business, the more money they make the higher the tax rate will be, conversely, the less money made the lower the tax rate - this encourages businesses to pay the majority of the tax. As a note; towns and villages that fall within the realm of a city also influence the tax-rate of the city.

Because of the relatively low tax rate, Citizens within the Kingdom enjoy a rather high level of living due to large amounts of disposable income.

Kingdom Tax
Flat Tax Rate 5% Across
Tax per City
Netoshen 2.5%
Kester 4.2%
Ne'ushae 3.1%
Lewren-vascen 5%
Sereia 1.3%
Ram'tena 2.8%
May'nale 3.1%
We'mena 2%


The article was created by kalshion on 2014/05/10 15:57. The article got revived and updated by rawolfe.

faction/neshaten/economics.1611785271.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:40 (external edit)