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Nepleslian Miniature Missile Technology

Since the first powered armorsuits began being used in Nepleslian Military, the miniature missile system, more commonly known as minimissiles, has been a staple piece of equipment for ground operations. Most Nepleslian Arms and Munitions minimissile systems consist of launcher pods present on powered armorsuits which are able to store and unleash several small, self-locking self-propelled missiles at a time. Swarming tactics at the time were encouraged to ensure contact, as anti-missile technology has frowned upon the use of single, powerful missiles as fast-tracking automated turret technology has progressed.

Minimissiles are typically about the size of an 8 oz tin can, with all systems included. Because of the small size, minimissiles are suggested for use in close or medium range combat, as propellant stored inside minimissiles do not last very long.

From the simple, effective RDL-01a to the massive, perhaps even needlessly large EBR-01a, Nepleslian minimissile systems continue to be a vital part of the armored infantry kit.

Versions and Variants


The godfather of all Nepleslian minimissile technologies, the DART was the first minimissile system to see actual battle on the original AIR1 powered armorsuit.

Simple and usually non-lethal, the DART's warhead is set to explode upon detonation into a cloud of charged particles and an exorbitant amount of thick, grey smoke, as well as emitting an extremely loud bang. The purpose of the DART is commonly as distraction to enemy missile locking systems, radar, sensors, certain shielding systems and communications. Dubbed the “Flying Flashbang” by AIR1 preliminary pilots, DARTs have since been used for both nonlethal takedown and utility as well as 'softening' targets for a more lethal followup.


Debuting on the WATER1, the ARROW is much like its brother the DART, save for the warhead. Packed with a shaped high-explosive charge, ARROWs are always to be used with lethal intent and serve little purpose for more peaceful tactics. While the explosion and damage are not anything too large when it comes to a single missile, several missiles in a short span of time can often overwhelm even the most robust of armorsuit systems.


A relatively new development in minimissile technology, the NAM BOLT minimissile adds a larger risk to infantry carrying the missiles, while at the same time providing them with a large advantage. Within each missile is a minuscule amount of potent antimatter, magnetically contained within the warhead. Because of the delicate state of antimatter the small amount was necessary to decrease dangers of containment breach, which in most cases resulted in the rather messy death of simulation subjects.

While the dangers of carrying live antimatter carry the risk of containment breach from enemy fire or bad handling on the part of the armorsuit occupant, the use of antimatter in a minimissile form is an enticing alternative to the ARROW in terms of sheer power. BOLT explosions are larger, stronger and more concentrated than standard high-explosives can achieve as such a size, and the BOLT is arguably the most powerful minimissile in the Nepleslian Arms and Munitions repertoire.


A more specialized cousin of the DART, the TRACER round first saw use in the VOID tactical armorsuit as a means to facilitate friendly sensor systems. In place of the conventional warhead, TRACER minimissiles are slightly shorter missiles are fitted with a head that bursts into a stubborn, high tensile strength adhesive and mounted with an advanced transmission device. TRACERs are capable of broadcasting on friendly frequencies to facilitate missile locks and and mark targets for fire support, and transmit overpowering “dummy” signals to draw away missiles or misdirect attention. Typically, they are set to transmit after a preset distance, as the launching unit could easily be traced and eliminated after a premature activation.

A common tactics when using TRACER minimissiles is to launch them in small amounts mixed with a larger amount of DARTs. The confusing property of the DART can easily hide the TRACERs existence when attached to an enemy armor even after the foe has left the cloud of charged particles and smog.

Damage for TRACERs is minimal; no deaths have been associated with TRACER minimissiles, even those test on unarmored subjects. Serious injury can occur on special occasions, but TRACER minimissiles are not intended to be directly lethal or even used as an attack method, and they should not be used as such.

Rapid Launcher System

The first system developed to both store and launch NAM minimissile ordnance was the Rapid Launcher System. The launchers were often boxes, flattened slightly to attach to armorsuit hardpoints. Minimissiles were held in a system of honeycomb-like tubes, with small metal doors that open to allow the missile to fly free once activated.

For more detailed information about the Rapid Launcher Systems, see the Rapid Launcher System article.

Extended Rack System

When heavier, more specialized powered armorsuits began moving into active circulation for Nepleslia's Star Military, a newer variation of the minimissile launcher system came in to take advantage of the increased weight capacity. The FIRE was the first to make use of the Extended Rack System; a much larger version of the Rapid Launcher system which was mounted on the FIRE's unique powered rear hardpoints. These racks, which were roughly the size of large storage lockers, were able to store and launch over twice as many missiles as its smaller cousin as the cost of a heftier size and weight. Not all armorsuits in circulation are able to make use of the Extended Rack System, and they must be requested during gear loading before missions.

For more detailed information about the Extended Rack Systems, see the Extended Rack System article.

faction/nepleslia/weapons/minimissile.1542480991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:09 (external edit)