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So-E1-1a Rudra-Class Strike Corvette

About the Ship

The Rudra was designed to fill the niche of skirmisher, picket vessel as well as stealth/recon depending on the situation.

Key Features

  • High-Powered Sensor and Communications Suites
  • Small but potent weapon load out

Mission Specialization

  • Picket Ship
  • Skirmisher
  • Stealth and Recon


So-E1-1a Rudra

History and Background

The Rudra was designed in the early months of AR 936 due to the Astral Vanguard's request for a fast skirmisher capable of getting in, delivering its payload and getting out as fast as possible. The Rudra delivered splendidly in its trials. However, the vessel was not in service at the time of the attack on the world of Mazerin by rebel forces as the first series was just being rolled out.

Statistics and Performance


Class: So-E1-1a Type: Corvette Designers: Solan Starworks Manufacturer: Solan Starworks, Mazerin Dockyards Production: Produced As Needed Fielded by: Astral Vanguard


Total Crew: 8 Starship Operations and Command: 3 Medical and Maintenance: 2 Security and Support: 3

Maximum Capacity: An additional 10 passengers may be taken aboard, but life support systems will be strained and require additional resources. Living space will be very cramped.


Length: 46 meters Width: 20 meters Height: 11 meters Decks: 1.5

Propulsion and Range

MASC Drive: 2,000c Sublight Engines: .3c Range: Up to three weeks, without refueling or employing BHS to replenish resources Lifespan: The organoid components of the ship can last up to a century. Refit Cycle: Every six months

Damage Capacity

  • Hull: SDR 8
  • Shields: Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha0 (Threshold 2)

Inside the Ship

Compartment Layout


Kept near the bridge entry port, the armory is a very small walk-in room with thin Agridinn paneling to protect the stored weapons from outside forces. Due to the limited space however weapon compliment is kept small and suited for the craft.

Bridge Compartment

The bridge compartment, nerve center of the ship so to speak. The bridge is more spacious to accomodate a series of Immersion Chairs. Made of an organic material, they are of an oval design with a cradled headrest with surrounding control panels and display screens. Most of the controls are handled via the interface plugs Iromakuanhe have naturally within their body when plugged into the chair's interface system. The displays and controls are there as rudimentary backups as well as for maintenance purposes. In addition, the tactile systems can be used by Iromakuanhe as normal interfaces if need be but must provide the correct pass codes to access and use them as such.

The bridge also includes a Aerudirn door similar in style to those used by the interlocked shutter system that is standard for most Solan Starworks vessels.

Cargo Storage

Usually kept below the main deck. Ration packs, replacement parts as well as other odds and ends are kept here. They usually are within a honycomb-like wall mount and are clearly marked. Further cargo is stored within various sized containers depending on just what, and how much is kept within each. Typically these containers are strapped or held down magnetically for safety purposes and in case the artifical gravity unit fails.

  • PWAC munitions are also stored here. However they are kept within a Agridinn plated compartment then are auto-loaded into each launcher array through a lift system. The compartments are so armored due to the nature of the ammunition as well as to prevent accidental discharges due to ambient radiation, stray charged particles and other means.

Crew Cabins

Due to size restrictions, crew cabins are a little more utilitarian then standard fare aboard larger ship classifications. However they still resemble the Astral Vanguard Standard Enlisted Quarters.


The engineering room is a small, cramped place devoted and mostly taken up by the COFU (COld FUsion) Reactor and MASC Drive. The reactor itself is shielded as a precautionary measure with hazard suits on hand should they be required while working within the confined space.

Medical Center

The Medical Center is nothing more then a small clinical station with a single medical bed and an overhead cabinet with some medical supplies.


Ship Systems

Hull and Chassis

Aerudirn Armor Colonies Aerudirn consists of living colonies that grow out into thick, smooth sheets of a high durability, that are have been bred to be resistant to damages from radiation and can charge themselves with an electrostatic field to enforce their surface tension, thereby inhibiting penetration by weaker solid-ammunition weapons. Should the shell be damaged, the colonies underneath, which are dense enough on their own to survive exposure to vacuum can quickly have other sections stretch to accommodate tears, and regenerate completely with enough time.

Armor Structural Points: 10

Organoid-type Substructure Highly resilient organoid tissues form the remainder of the body, including an endoskeleton, muscles and primitive organs that perform various functions related to keeping the unit and passangers alive. The tissues have exceptional toughness compared to those of normal species, and can even survive in vacuum conditions should the entirety of the upper armor layer be destroyed. Should weapons fire occur inside of the ship, the interior compartments are nearly entirely filled with covered organoid tissues, giving them a high degree of durability versus small arms damage.

Life Support Systems

The Rudra's life support functions are tied in directly with the Organoid's natural bioelectrics and life functions, meaning that should power failure occur, these systems will continue to function until the components expire.

So-E1-V0815 Organoid Internal Life Support Life support systems are enabled via a combination of potent thermo/photosynthetic reprocessing of air, allowing the organoid to feed itself while producing breathable gasses for the crew. This is done by drawing light from the nearest star, or absorbing heat and radiation from the various compartments of the ship, including the reactor and inhabited regions of the ship. It may also deploy small antibody-like drones to neutralize vermin and naturally search out and sequester harmful substances and antigens inside of the ship's environment.

So-E1-V1815 Gravitic Boundary System

So-E1-R0815 KORD System The KORD (Kinetic Force Diffuser) is an essential system that protects the frame runner from the tremendous G-Forces and shocks the Erla VANDR experiences during both before and after FTL travel and during highly perilous combat maneuvers. It also protects from weapons that kill through kinetic force, in a manner similar to maces against armored troops in ancient times.

Power Plant and Emergency Power

Emergency Power

(12) Zaiflar Supercapacitors

The capacitors can provide the Rudra with roughly 240 minutes of combat operational efficiency before being depleted. If used in non-combat operations in which the reactor is offline or without fuel, or silent running they can provide quadruple the time.

Computers and Electronics

Starship Control ANIOS

Starship Control ANIOS are advanced assist NI that are designed to interact with the operator of their respective starship, greatly improving the general effectiveness of maneuvers and allowing them to be aware and compensate for effects an unassisted Iromakuanhe would be unable to. As starships have astronomical numbers of subsystems and operating system subroutines, the construct is essential in the effective operation of most Astral Vanguard vessels without the implementation of larger numbers of crewmen.

Standard Capabilities

  • Deciphering and ordering gathered and received data.
  • Voice interface with selectable persona.
  • Maneuvering assistance and coordination.
  • Weapons system assistance and coordination.
  • Semi-automated subsystem management.


  • Requires connection to pilot for all non-essential functions.
  • Subservient to OMNI systems.
  • Sub-sapient intelligence.
  • Cannot automate all functions.



Electronic Warfare and Stealth

So-E1-E4936 Muted Resonance Shroud The Muted Resonance Shroud, or MRS, is a squad-assist stealth system that uses a combination of Vector Shroud-type space compression and exotic charged particles to create sections of space that appear very dim to sensors systems. These areas do not stick out as emptier than vacuum as with some related systems, but creates a signature similar to that of the space a significant distance from a star. The results in high difficulty in achieving targeting locks on and determining the nature of objects inside the field. Unfortunately, this has similar effects on the units deploying the field, forcing the starship to rely on FTL sensors such as MASC Particle, which may reveal its presence, though not necessarily its position.

Field Size can be lowered or raised, though it is suggested to limit the area of the field to the approximate area of the starship employing it, as to hide effectively, but not arouse suspicion by creating overly large zones that the enemy cannot scan properly.

Detection Range: 1 KM Max Field Size: 500 KM

So-E1-E4936 Listening Device The Listening Device is a system employed to passively intercept and sample data being transmitted through unsecured methods. It is also a critical component in many important electronic warfare devices, and allows Astral Vanguard starships and vehicles to track the communications of hostile forces. As the unit approaches the source of the transmissions, it becomes increasingly easier to track, until a positive match can be made at a certain threshold.

Can Intercept:

Medium Maximum Interception/Detection Range Tracking Range
Radio 1 200 000 KM 30 000 KM
Microwave 600 000 KM 15 000 KM
Subspace 15 000 KM of Receiver or Sender 5000 KM

So-E1-E1936 Combined Jamming System The Combined Jamming System is an aggressive solution to enemies that are able to network more efficiently in combat, reducing the effective range of EM-based communications and sensors by drowning out or actively canceling those signals. The system is adept against enemies that employ outdated types of electronic transmission, but does not particularly effect highly focused systems such as lasers or FTL transmissions using a medium boosted by Subspace or Hyperspace. Just as electromagnetic radiation travels most effectively in vacuum, the optimal values for the disruption of EM-based impulses are usually only available in that environment.

Subsystem Detection Range Area of Effect Jamming Effectiveness
Artificial Noise 5 KM 24000 KM 50%
Active Cancellation 500 KM 6000 KM 95%

Emergency Systems


Shield Systems

So-E1-S0936 Corvette Vector Field Suite The Vector Field System is a combined package shield array that relies on a combination of various advanced space comrpession technologies for multi-purpose defenses idea for the modern battlefield. They can be deployed as a conformal shell, known as the vector Shroud or heavy shields known as Vector Barriers. Vector Shrouds are sophisticated vector field systems that envelop the craft in a conformal shell of compressed space, allowing one to become relatively invisible to electromagnetic and particle based sensors, and shrinking the ship's profile to other systems. As a shield, it is reliable and particularly effective versus energy weapons.

Location: Internal Shield Structural Points: SP 10 Threshold 2

So-E1-S0936 Corvette Repulsor Burst Array Repulsor systems work by creating a temporary vector field, which at regular intervals can be overcharged and super-expanded, which generates an omni-directional concussive blast that is fully capable of causing tractor beams be dispersed and unwanted hangers to disengage, allowing one to temporarily shrug off the effects of such devices. It is commonly used to force boarding craft away from hulls, knock away incoming projectiles and can potentially kill or disable poorly protected infantry with pure kinetic force.

Purpose: Defensive Countermeasure Secondary: Deterrent Damage: MDR 2, Kills through Kinetic Force Range: 20m radius Rate of Fire: One pulse every 6 seconds

Weapons Systems

(1) So-E1-W1936 "Star Hydra" PWAC Missile Array


Location: Split Broadside Array Purpose: Anti-Starship Secondary: Anti-Shield Salvo Size: 1 Damage: Tiers 13 through 15, Light Anti-Capital Ship through Heavy Anti-Capital Ship (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which), Electrical Damage

Range: 3 Light-Seconds Rate of Fire: 1 salvo every 15 Seconds Area of Effect: 15 Meters Muzzle Velocity: .25c Ammunition 8 Missiles Ammo Replenish: Can refill capacity in hospitable conditions in about 2 hours outside of combat. Any further attempts to refill will require an external source of biomass.

So-E1-W1936 "Storm Wave" HEMB Laser Array

HEMB (Heavy Enhanced Multi-Beam) Laser

Location: Banded Emitter Array, Dorsal, and Ventral Lines Purpose: Point Defense Weapon Secondary: Anti-Vehicle, Navigational Protection Damage: Tier 10, Light Anti-Starship

Range: 10 KM in Atmosphere, 300 000 KM in Space Rate of Fire: Can maintain up to 36 beams simultaneously. Banded emitter design can maintain 6 beams per emitter band for a total of 36. Muzzle Velocity: 1c

Including a charging station for them.

faction/iromakuanhe/rudra_class_corvete.1572701160.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:32 (external edit)