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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Recent Iromakuanhe History

AR 600


  • Launch of the Lokpala V scouting probe into outer space.


  • Bicentennial celebration of the completion of project starwinds.
  • Space colonies are established around the worlds of the inner Iruotl System, following the success of the orbital elevator cities.


  • Lokpala V explores a nearby star system, but it is unsuitable for colonization.
  • MASC Drive perfected.
  • MASC-based communications revolutionize interplanetary communications and strengthen the Commonwealth's powerbase.
  • Mazerin adopts Iromakuanhe Arcology system and multiple habitation superstructures are built across Commonwealth space.
  • Beginning of Second Space Age.


  • Altjira Biomedical develops self-contained agricultural cycling techniques which allows the construction of large-scale agricultural complexes.
  • Lokpala V is dragged into the gravity well of a gas giant and destroyed after charting a 10 LY sphere around the Iruotl System.
  • 15% of all Iromakuanhe live in space.


  • Mazerin comes under attack by raiders, resulting in the Battle of Maral Fuiz.
  • First Outer System Conflict between independent pirate kingdoms and Commonwealth Defense Force.
  • Outer System kingdoms sign an armistice and made member provinces of the Commonwealth.


  • Military restructuring separates the security forces of the various colonies and the national military, leading to the creation of the Astral Vanguard.
  • Temple Guard given membership into Astral Vanguard forces, separate of their own hierarchy.
  • Commonwealth National Security Agency split up into Vanguard Intelligence Agency and standard police forces.

AR 700


  • GravElectric Windsailing and Windsurfing declared national sport.




  • Second Outer System Conflict started when separatist forces seize the Deuterium and Tritium harvesting facilities over the gas giant Grand Mazerin. Using the new M1, Astral Vanguard forces decimate and disperse the aggressors.
  • Legislature bans claims to sovereignty made by any Iromakuanhe-founded colony, and requires registration by all colonial authorities.

AR 800



  • Lokpala X probe is launched.
  • 55% of Iromakuanhe live in space, with 15% in elevator cities and 40% in space colonies.



  • First NI, known as Tiamat is created in secret.
  • Over the next five years, two more experimental NI, Lakshmi and Enlil are also developed, and the project is made public.


  • Commonwealth Communications Grid is created from the various commercial communications networks and placed under government regulation. Hackers and criminal societies create and weave private networks into the system to maintain their anonymity.
  • Tiamat goes berserk and is isolated and destroyed before she seizes control of OGNEIR.
  • Solan Starworks develops inhibitors for second-generation NI, and retools the existing constructs to exist in a more symbiotic manner.
  • The Astral Vanguard begins training 'Operators', who undergo training to symbiotically 'process' data with a compatible NI.

AR 900


  • Civil unrest in Outer System reaches boiling point, resulting in armed interventions by the Astral Vanguard.
  • Third Outer System Conflict begins, resulting in severe Vanguard casualties. Conflict ends after the rebel stronghold is captured, and most rebel forces disperse into the cloud surrounding the system.
  • Lokpala X probe is lost in Claw Nebula.


  • Freespacer distress signal reaches Commonwealth space.
  • Astral Vanguard recovery team searching for Lokpala X probe encounter Freespace race, the first encounter with another culture for over fifteen centuries.
  • Unknown forces, later identified as the New Veyrin Republic, launch a series of small scale attacks, culminating in a space battle over the Capital.
  • VSV Astarte battlegroup dispatched on fact finding mission to gain information on the New Veyrin Republic.


faction/iromakuanhe/recent.1509449634.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:32 (external edit)