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Battle Cannon

This weapon takes the form of a large smooth bulge on the side of the hull, and fires a high-powered plasma pulse at the target. Standard Elysian “heavy energy weapon” from the later days of the wars with Yamatai.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
  • Damage: Tier 11, Medium Anti-Starship
  • Range: 1,350,000 km (4.5 lightseconds)
  • Payload Effectively unlimited so long as the ship provides power.

OOC Notes

Orion created this article on 2008/10/10 08:01; Wes approved it on 2008/10/11 10:11.

faction/elysia/weapons/thunderbolt_battle_cannon.1572700771.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:35 (external edit)