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Star Shard Cannon

This Cannon takes up the majority of the hub of the Rampart Fortress and is a weapon of enormous power for the Elysian Celestial Empire, albeit of a relatively simple concept. The Rampart absorbs hundreds of thousands of cubic tonnes of gas from the atmosphere, condenses it, super-heats to incredible temperatures and releases it as a beam of almost unmatched intensity - obliterating anything within its line of fire. While its power is extraordinary (and its firing beautiful) the Fortress must be stationary to fire it and requires a recovery time (although it has a 'tank' of gas permanently stored allowing for quick fire for the first time). After firing it takes 20 seconds to prepare a second shot.

The 'beam' which is fired is 250m wide, and can projected for over an AU.

Location: Central to the 'hub'.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Capital Ship/Massed Ships
Secondary Purpose: Heavy Assault
Damage: SDR 5
ROF: 3/Minute
Ammo: A planet's worth of gas.

faction/elysia/weapons/star_shard_cannon.1530246067.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:35 (external edit)