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Elysian Celestial Navy Subsystem Index

The following article is a list of Elysian subsystems and weaponry utilized in military equipment produced before AD MMMMX (AD 4010/ye_39).



Barriers, Dampeners, and Deflectors

El-F1-O9400 Combined Barrier System

The ship has a decent barrier system that provides good protection against mass- and energy-based starship weapons.

Cables and Conduits

Command and Control

Compartments and Passageways


El-F1-Y9400 Thunderbolt-Type Organic Computer Suite

The basic DNA-based computer installed onboard the Thunderbolt-class Fast Attack Frigate controls the ship's automated functions and acts as a command-and-control interface for the ship's crew. Although not sentient, the Organic Computer Suite is both adaptive and intuitive - and can “learn” from situations if exposed to them often enough.

El-F1-Y9401 Combined Sensor Palette

The sensors of the ship are fairly limited. They include subspace mass sensors, basic microwave radar, various optics, and a crude scalar radar. Sensors and communications are integrated. The sensor palettes also include standard and subspace radios.

Crew Support

El-F1-C9400 Thunderbolt-Type Boarding Chute

The Thunderbolt-class Fast Attack Frigate's boarding chute extends from the bottom of the ship, attaches to a hatch of a target ship, and forms an airtight seal, thus allowing for ship-to-ship transport.

Damage Control

Drone and Small Craft Support

Environmental and Life Support


Frame and Hull

Generators and Power

Gravity and Inertia/Force Redirection

Industrial and Agricultural

Medical and Regeneration

El-F1-M9400 Organic Regeneration System

White goo pumps throughout the ship's “veins,” patching and healing the hull, sealing breaches, and fixing key systems as they are damaged.


Motor Control and Propulsion

Security and Surveillance

Soul Transfer



Ammunition and Munitions


Handheld Weapons

Missile Weapons



Turreted Weapons

OOC Notes

frostjaeger created this article on 2017/12/30 20:43.

faction/elysia/military/equipment/subsystems/old.1514699000.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 05:27 (external edit)