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Oris Sensor Outpost

Elysia Shipyards El-H1-1 ‘Oris’ Sensory Outpost

1. About the Oris

The Oris is a Sensory Outpost designed to somewhat covertly detect all activity in Nepleslian and Mishhuvurthyar space and the surrounding area, in order to both reduce the effect of pirates by giving them no-where to hide and also to give prior warnings of a military assault so that they can be quickly and efficiently countered. It is an unmanned outpost, with almost all of its systems dedicated to a state of the art sensory system and with a slightly less state of the art cloaking system and shielding systems. In form it is spherical, and appears to be an almost perfect smooth orb, although closer inspection will show that the surface is formed out of thousands of scales.

2. History and Background

The new Elysian empire, freshing freed for the Yamataian Yoke was deeply paranoid about incursion from two potentially violent neighbours – the Mishhuvurthyar and the Nepleslian, and worse that they would come with cloaked vessels and they would have no warning before the struck. In order to secure their borders they designed the Oris Sensory Outpost with the best of their sensory equipment which they hoped would be able to detect any threat which entered there territory, and even serve the purpose of observing what their neighbors were doing in the case of gathering their forces in order to attack.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement

Organizations Using This Vessel: Elysian Celestial Navy Type: Sensory Outpost Class: Oris El-H1-1. Designer: Elysian Celestial Navy Manufacturer: Veritas Shipyards Production:

Crew: None. Appearance: A large, perfectly smooth silver orb which upon closer inspection is shown to consist of thousands of scales.

Length: 50m Width: 50m Height: 50m

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.2c Speed (FTL): 7,500c Speed (Aerial): Not designed to enter atmosphere. Predicted speed is Mach 1. Speed (Water): 60 knots (projected).

Range (Distance): Made to remain effectively stationary, however its range is technically only limited to the lifespan of the vessel. Range (Support): No crew to support means that the range needed for support is only limited to the lifespan of the vehicle. Lifespan: 50 years. Refit Cycle: The sensors are constantly refined, and technological development is implemented through modifications when they are available.

5. Inside the Oris

The only thing inside the Oris are ship systems, superconducting and optical wires.

6. Ship Systems


This ship's armour is composed of Elysian scale armour, thousands of super-durable plates in a self regenerative based which is itself highly damage resistant and probe to dispersing energy very quickly due to its high surface area. DR 7


In order to protect the invaluable service it provides it was regarded as vital that the Oris survives – and in order to help achieve this it has a powerful shield, a Continuum Distortion Shield. The CDS sustains what is in effect a pocket universe around the Oris by combining electrogravitic and electrostatic fields to make a form of ‘nest’ which the Oris fits neatly in to. This protects the ship from both kinetic and energy based weaponry since they simply pass through the curved space around the ship – in effect the outpost is not there to hit. The shields are automatically modulated by the computer, and cover most possible frequencies, planes and dimensions. By way of modulating the shields it is possible to make them more effective against the bands in which the enemy weapons operate, rendering them almost completely ineffective. The CDS can protect against up to a YottaWatt of damage every square metre. DR 7


An observer can always do its job more efficiently when it is not, itself, being observed. This, and the fact that Elysia does not like to let its military strength (or lack of it) be known to its opponents meant that the Oris should be equipped with a stealth system. In this it uses the same form as the PDS, using its CDD to generate a field of curved space the Oris and rendering them effectively invisible to scalar radar, aetheric-energy sensors, and other forms of detection. It can use scalar fields to simulate photons and other sensory forms to simulate empty space. It prevents completely shutting off the normal universe, which while providing it with complete cover would also render it blind and thus usless.

Sensor and Computer Systems:

As a sensory outpost the Computer and Sensor systems are something special, containing the most advanced sensors that the Elysians have at their disposal as well as a computer capable of using this data to come to conclusions and detect hidden objects and ships.

Oris Computer System:

The Oris computer specialises in two things: tracking enormous numbers of vessels and using the enormous amount of data that it gathers, and using this data to look for any abnormalities which would indicated a cloaked vessel. It can simply just detect them with its sensors however, it all depends on the complexity of the sensor. The computer utilises partially a very advanced organic computer utilising principles of quantum computing and combining this with the use of a localised CD field which allows it to transmit data between components and above the speed of light. The Oris Computer System is capable of tracking 50 million targets.


The Oris lack Unidirectional sensors, instead all of its sensors are Omnidirectional including its variable wide-band imaging clusters capable of seeing the entire electro-magnetic spectrum and noticing tiny in discrepancies which can be created by Volumetric projections and other systems. Other sensors include:

Long-range gravimetric sensors:

These powerful sensors sense the presence of ships and other objects through the warping effect their mass has on space-time. While this sensor is not particularly good at getting exact information about the ship, it is extremely good at working out where something is, and the speed it’s moving at. It also beyond many types of cloaking device to foil this indirect form of scanning.

Magnetic Resonance Scanners:

This sensor is used to identify what the targets hull is composed of, and also the other elements that compose the ship. Upon collecting this data it is compared with the ships data-base, and through this identify whether this variety of ship has been seen before, and possibly distinguishing the creator (a common trend in creations for example), or a weakness in design.

Long-Range Infrared Spectrometer:

This sensor basically detects the radiation given off by hot bodies. In space almost everything is cold, space itself is only around 3 Kelvin, and the only things which are significantly above this are stars, planets and other celestial bodies. As such, if something is giving of Infrared radiation and it’s not a celestial body then it must be something artificial. This sensor won’t work on the more advanced ships out there, but can be surprisingly useful at detecting less advanced, or damaged, ships.

Distortion sensors:

These sensors are sensitive above all on the Oris, capable of sensing distortions in space-time as well as those created through the use of CDD, CFS and other continuum based technology. These sensors are also capable of sensing many other varieties of distortions and warping in space and time, including those which are caused by a presence of a vessel in other dimension, or reality (as long as there is some form of link between that reality and this, for example the ongoing connection of a ship being present their and using it to hide). This sensor is extremely able to detect most forms of cloaking device, capable of detecting and tracking distortions and discerning some information about the source.


This device combines the information from many different bands to create a far more accurate depiction. The Interferometer on the Oris is of such a complexity that it can pick up tiny in discrepancies from the data corrected, and through doing so discover the locations of even rather subtle spatial distortions and cloaking devices.


The Spectrometres measure the properties of light in particular sections of the electro-magnetic band.

Electromagnetic trans-space flux sensors:

These advanced sensors detect tiny variances in the Electro-magnetic bands across all of the spatial planes. It functions as an incredibly advanced visual sensor, but only more so.

Quark and gluon density scanners:

These scanners are capable of measuring the density of Quarks and Gluons in space through a complex sensor system. These sensors are highly useful at tracking bodies, and find out what composes them by working out the mean density of a material and comparing it. By comparing such a collection of densities to the ships memory, it is possible to discern what the ship is, and where tactical weak points may lie.

Spin Palarometres:

These sensors face the front of the ship and have a range up to eight light-years.

Omnidirectional sensors of the Oris include:

Aetheric/quintessential/field/differential/particle/waves sensors:

Through studying the distortions and movement of eddy’s in the quintessential energy field which represents energy and mass in the ‘real’ universe the Oris is capable of detecting ships objects with a great deal of accuracy, piercing many forms of cloaking through this indirect scanning and also discerning many possible features such as what energy source they are using or certain things about the technology they are using.

Scalar field sensors:

Making use of Scalar Electrogravic’s this sensor take advantage of the fact that Scalar waves permeate everywhere that gravity does – and so penetrate otherwise obscuring shields and cloaks. If Scalar waves are blocked that is even more useful – since nothing in nature produces this effect and proving that an unannounced ships lies there.

Subspace mass sensors:

This sensor simply detects mass in subspace, and its passage through this domain. This sensor also functions on the related hyper-space. It is vital for detecting vessels which are travelling through these domains. It is notably hard to hide your mass from these variety of sensors when travelling through Hyperspace or Subspace.

Soliton sensors:
Mho sensors:
Neutrino and Tachyon Scanners:

Tachyon Scanners detect the disturbances in the gravitic characteristics of normal space caused by the passage of ships traveling through hyperspace. Tachyon scanners also reduce the effectiveness of enemy missile jamming systems. Neutrino’s can also be monitored, and are often emitted by certain forms of propulsion and weapon fire. These sensors have a range of 10 light years.


The Oris relies upon its ability to relay the information that it finds back to the various ships of the Elysians, and to its superiors fast and reliably – and as such it has a large number of anti-jamming system and has the ability to deeply encode its message, including the option of quantum encryption and using obscure Elysian religious texts as a cipher.

Hyperspace and Subspace:

An alternative method of faster-than-light transmission.


Full spectrum, Dual-Modulation, range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed. The Oris does have jamming capacity, but only in the form of white noise.


For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Limited to light-speed.


Quantum tunneling used for faster-than light transmissions. A tachyon is a photon without any mass. Tachyon transmissions, because they travel faster than light in normal space, appear to travel towards the transmitter from an observer's view.


OOC Notes

zakalwe created this article on 2006/09/07 16:44; Wes approved it on 2006/10/25 14:07.

faction/elysia/installations/oris.1561146400.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:33 (external edit)