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Hytreieon Solar Defense Satellite

Veritas Shipyards En-P-02 Hytreieon

1. About the Hyterieon.

The Hyterieon was is a developed upon the Planetary Defence Satellite, except that it is designed not to protect a planet from destruction – but a star. The Hyterieon is twice as large as the earlier PDS but appears much the same – a great black sphere floating in space (when it can be seen at all) – this time completely crewless in order to make room for far more powerful systems.

2. History and Background

The Hytreieon was developed as the Elysians became slowly more aware that simply defending their planet from interdiction weapons and other ‘super weapons’ was not enough – they needed to defend their sun. Reasoning that they had left this vital asset undefended for too long the developers in the Celestial Navy began development at breakneck speed, and it was not long before ten such satellites orbited the star of Elysia Novus – each one sufficient to defend the star, together for contingency purposes.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement

Organizations Using This Vessel: Elysian Celestial Navy Type: Solar Defense Satellite. Class: Hytreieon En-P-02. Designer: Elysian Celestial navy. Manufacturer: Veritas Shipyards. Production: 10. More to be developed for other star systems as resources become available.

Crew: None. Appearance: Detailed description of what the vessel looks like.

Length: 1km. Width: 1km. Height: 1km.

4. Roleplay Stats and Cost

Sections and Armor Rating

1, Upper front right 8 2, Upper front left 8 3, Upper back right 8 4, Upper back left 8 5, Loser front right 8 6, Lower front left 8 7, Lower back right 8 8, Lower front left 8

5. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.1c. Speed (FTL): 10,000c.

Range (Distance): The Hytreieon is designed to remain relatively stationary in orbit around a star – it can however theoretically travel a great distance due to its lack of crew. Range (Support): It does not have a crew. Lifespan: Around 50 years before serious repairs are needed. Refit Cycle: Modifications to keep the interdiction device and the cloaking device are made on a semi-regular basis by the ship based on provided information in order to keep it sufficient to deal with perceived threats.

6. Inside the Hytreieon.

The Hytreieon does not have any habitable areas within it – instead it has almost solid systems with complex wiring running between them as well as ‘veins’ carrying its repairing ‘blood’ consisting of a nano-fluid. Between these there is very little free room.

7. Ship Systems.


This ships hull is composed of Elysian ‘scale’ armour which nests millions of super-durable plates in a self-regenerative based – over a three meter thick hull compose of the same material. It is highly damaged resistant and disperses energy very quickly due to its high surface area. Class 8.

Shield Systems:

The Hyterieon is likely to draw heavy fire once detected, and as such is equipped with heavy shielding. This takes the form of a Space Distortion Shield, which sustains what is in effect a pocket universe around the Hyterieon through the nesting of electrogravitic and electrostatic fields. This effect protects against both kinetic and energy weapons as they pass through the curved space and around the ship. The shield are automatically modulated and phased with most frequencies, planes and dimensions covered – by modulating the shields to be more effective against bands in which enemy weapons operate the shields can render them largely ineffective. Class 8.


It was thought that the Hyterieon would be more effective if no-one actually knew it was there, beyond the effect that it created. As such the Hyterieon can produce a field of curved space using its SDG which renders it invisible to scalar radar, aetheric-energy sensors and other forms of detection. It can use scalar fields to simulate photons and other sensor reading to simulate empty space. Class 8.

Nano-repair system:

Within the Hyterieon is a complex system of nano-bots and other machinery which serves to repair the Hytereion as well as upgrade the equipment upon having information sent to it by Elysia Novus. The nano-fluid is distributed throughout the satellite through the use of ‘veins’.

Interdiction Field:

Easily the most important feature on the Hyterieon is its Interdiction Field, by which it protects its star from a wide range of super weapons and other offensive effects. The interdictions extends for a disk with a length up to the size of the sun and encompassing a distance equivalent to the orbit of the Hyterieon on the other side, and a height of around the same size, as well as encompassing the Hyterieon itself. The function of this to protect not only the star but any other Hyterieon’s that might be orbiting it. The field generator takes up the majority of the Hyterieon and prevents hyperspace, subspace, normal space or any of the plethora of other dimensions from being warped or manipulate in any fashion. This prevents transposition technology from working, as well as any other weapon that requires dimensions to functions such as those that travel through hyperspace, draw energy from hyperspace, subspace for tunneling and so forth. Each Hyterieon alone is capable of creating a sufficient field to protect the star, but ten ensures that the protection is complete and to a degree ‘future proof’. The Interdiction Field is kept on as a default.

Sensor and Computer Systems:

The Hyterieon is designed to largely rely upon other ships for its data – such as the Oris Sensor Outpost which covers that area – but has a certain number of sensors to help its operation. Its computer is required to be powerful to modulate the complex interdiction fields.

Computer System: The computer of the Hyterieon is sub-sentient and yet highly advanced combined organic-quantum entity. It is capable of synthesizing a personality, and thus effectively replicating the personality of a sentient being if required, and yet is not – in itself – sentient. It is capable of monitoring the extremely complex science and mathematics behind the interdiction field and cloaking device.

Sensors of the Hyterieon include an Omnidar, Gravitic sensor and distortion sensor – along with visual sensors.


Shield-Piercing Anti-Matter Torpedo Launchers (10):

These ten separate launchers are each situated at a roughly equal distance away from each other, firing torpedoes using a electromagnetic system to launch them at 0.7c. These torpedoes are seven feet long by two wide, are almost completely smooth and coloured a deep black. Upon exciting the Interdiction Shield they activate their own SDG devices launching themselves to 25,000c use an inbuilt navigation system to target, and find its way successfully to its target. Upon reaching its target it uses its SDG to help modulate itself with the opponents shields and hopefully penetrates it. If it fails then it explodes with its antimatter payload.

Warhead: Shield-Piercing Anti-Matter Torpedo Purpose: To penetrate shields before exploding. Anti-Star Ship. Damage: 7. Range: 13,412,332,584 miles Rate of Fire: Individually from each launcher. Payload 50 Missiles each.

Beam Eyes (130):

The ship's hull has 20 eyes on each side of the hull and 10 on the front and rear. These powerful beam projectors are used from anything to destroying missiles to cutting holes in starships.

Primary Purpose: Anti-starship Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Anti-fighter Damage: 4. Range: 2,000,000 miles Rate of Fire: 5 times a second Payload Effectively unlimited, so long as the shuttle provides power.

OOC Notes

Zakalwe created this article on 2007/03/05 06:01; Wes approved it on 2007/03/08 06:57.

faction/elysia/installations/hytreieon.1699820309.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:33 (external edit)