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Elysian Planetary Defense Drone

Elysia Shipyard El- -01 Planetary defence Drone The Planetary defence Drone is meant to work in tandem with the PDS, serving to cover a small area, and to be more manoeuvrable, yet extending the protection over a more flexible area, and to more tactically useful. It possesses less systems, but is still highly efficient. They are unmanned, and controlled by the ‘parent’ PDS, with only limited autonomous ability beyond this.

History and Background

The second part of Elysia’s planetary defence program, the PDD were made to grant more versatility in planetary protection, and to have greater utility, perhaps extending even beyond its set role, and to be used in a more tactical sense.

Dimensions and Crew Compliment

Organizations Using This Vessel: Elysian Celestial Navy Type: Planetary defence Satellite Class: En- -1 Designer: Manufacturer: Elysia Nova Ship Yards.

Crew: None. Appearance: The PDD is a smooth black oval with raised bumps which contains the Eye Beams.

Length: 40m Width: 40m Height: 35m

Decks: 1.

Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): .2c (~59,958 kilometers per second) Speed (CDD): .20 to 2,000c using Combined Distortion Drive. Note: The CDD can still function (although at reduced efficiency) even in the presence of anti-FTL fields. Speed (Aerial): Mach 1 in atmosphere (When using shields to maximise aerodynamics). The PDS has the ability to use its anti-gravity systems to have a soft landing and VTOL. Speed (Water): Up to 6 knots underwater. The PDS is able to ‘float’ on the surface by increasing its buoyancy using its anti-gravity systems.

Range: The PDD is designed to surround a planet and to protect it, but unlike the PDS its position in this is highly flexible, and it is made to be able to move not only around the planets orbit, but possibly even to another planet or the battlefield. Range (Support): Uncrewed, and with its own power source. Lifespan: Ten years. The likely easy availability of repair crews from the planet will greatly increase this. Refit Cycle: Gradual modifications and improvements will be made as the design is improved and perfected and Elysian technology progresses. A complete update will occur every six months.

Inside the PDD

The PDD does not have any rooms or anything for the sustaining of organic life, only various systems linked by superconducting wiring and semi-organic systems.

Ship Systems

Hull/Armour: The relatively new Elysian “scale” armour which nests thousands of super-durable plates in a self-regenerative base. This is highly damage resistant and disperses energy very quickly due to its high surface area.

  • Armor Type: Medium
  • Structural Points: 8

Shield Systems: The PDD uses a elliptical dimensional distortion (EDD) shield, which folds space using electrogravitic fields, wrapping the said space around the drone, encasing it in its own bubble. Once in this bubble objects are sheltered from both solid matter weaponry, less solid matter weaponry (such as plasma or a particle weapon), as well as energy weapons (such as a beam weapon), because they simply pass through the curved space around the ship, in effect the drone is not there to hit. The EED extends in to subspace and hyperspace, and provides the same protection their as in normal space. The PDD’s EED can protect against up to 500 Zettawatts worth of damage every square metre.

  • Shield Points: 10 (Stopping power 1)

Interdiction Field: One of the most important features on the PDD is the Interdiction Field, meant to defend both itself and the surrounding area from a wide variety of superweapons or other offensive effects. The interdiction field, which extends in a disk one kilometre wide by 500m deep, and the interdiction field generator takes up a very large part of the drone, prevents hyperspace, subspace, normal space or any of the plethora of other dimensions from being warped or manipulated in any fashion. This prevents Transposition beams from working, given that they warp space, and also protects against any other weapon that uses dimensions to function, such as those that travel through hyper-space, draw energy from hyperspace directly to an area, rely on a sub-space effect such as sub-space tunnelling, casing or shielding. The Interdiction field is so integral to the design and purpose of the PDD that it remains on almost constantly.

Damper Field Generator: Through the use of a powerful anti-gravity effect around the ship, the PDD negates the force of gravity actually turning a Scalar EM wave back on itself, and completely protecting the ship and the surrounding area for a kilometre in every direction. The field is designed to cope with even the most powerful scalar weapons. The Field is on as a default, and has the added advantage of allowing the craft to float above water or the ground by repelling the ground with anti-gravity. The power is also sufficient to somewhat reduce the power of solid based weapons that are fired at the PDD.

Sensor and Computer Systems: The PDD contains a relatively simple computer and a somewhat sophisticated sensor suite, but mostly making use of other ships brains and senses.

Computer: The PDD makes use of a sub-sentient semi-organic computer capable of monitoring several hundred targets and to best place itself, it is nothing particularly brilliant and works more efficient when controlled by another Elysian computer.

Unidirectional sensors- the PDD uses variable wide-band imaging clusters:

  • Long-range gravimetric sensors: These powerful sensors sense the presence of ships and other objects through the warping effect their mass has on space-time. While this sensor is not particularly good at getting exact information about the ship, it is extremely good at working out where something is, and the speed it’s moving at. It also beyond many types of cloaking device to foil this indirect form of scanning.
  • Magnetic Resonance Scanners: This sensor is used to identify what the targets hull is composed of, and also the other elements that compose the ship. Upon collecting this data it is compared with the ships data-base, and through this identify whether this variety of ship has been seen before, and possibly distinguishing the creator (a common trend in creations for example), or a weakness in design.
  • Long-Range Infrared Spectrometer: This sensor basically detects the radiation given off by hot bodies. In space almost everything is cold, space itself is only around 3 Kelvin, and the only things which are significantly above this are stars, planets and other celestial bodies. As such, if something is giving of Infrared radiation and it’s not a celestial body then it must be something artificial. This sensor won’t work on the more advanced ships out there, but can be surprisingly useful at detecting less advanced, or damaged, ships.
  • Distortion sensors: This highly sensitive sensor is capable of sensing the distortions of space which are created through CDD and CFS’, as well as other technology that utilises upon similar technology. In order to combat the danger that vessels cloaked using the CFS system could present, and so ships using a CDD could be tracked this device was developed, and it not only can locate the source of such distortions, but also discern certain information about it – such as power and possibly design.
  • Electromagnetic trans-space flux sensors: These advanced sensors detect tiny variances in the Electro-magnetic bands across all of the spatial planes. It functions as an incredibly advanced visual sensor, but only more so.

These sensors face the front of the ship and have a range up to 0.1 light-years.

Omnidirectional sensors of the PDD include :

  • Aetheric/quintessential/field/differential/particle/waves sensors:
  • Subspace mass sensors: This sensor simply detects mass in subspace, and its passage through this domain. This sensor also functions on the related hyper-space. It is vital for detecting vessels which are travelling through these domains. It is notably hard to hide your mass from these variety of sensors when travelling through Hyperspace or Subspace.

These sensors have a range of 0.05 light-years.


Beam Eyes (10): The drone's hull has 10 eyes placed roughly evenly over its surface. These powerful beam projectors are used from anything to destroying missiles to cutting holes in starships.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Anti-fighter
  • Damage: Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha
  • Range: 2,000,000 miles
  • Rate of Fire: 5 times a second
  • Payload Effectively unlimited, so long as the shuttle provides power.

OOC Notes

zakalwe created this article on 2006/09/12 05:48; Wes approved it on 2006/11/02 03:06.

faction/elysia/drones/planetary_defense_drone.1561147843.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:32 (external edit)