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OI-M3-1A Gekido

The Gekido, or “Fury” in Trade, is a General Purpose Assault Frame meant for easy mass production. Designed and built in early YE 34 by Origin Industries

About the Gekido

The M3 Gekido uses many older yet more well developed concepts in its construction in new and innovative ways. Modularity and ease of field repair was a primary concern during its development. In the place of the more often used Synthetic Muscle and other contemporary materials, the M3 uses easy to repair and replace servos, actuators, hydraulics and motorized gears. As a result, it is a logistical dream, increasing reliability and ease of maintenance as a consequence of its simplicity. The weapons systems that it uses are miniaturized to a larger extent as well, taking lessons learned from the weapon analogs that older frames had frequently used. In addition, production is very much simplified; though more expensive than Powered Armors, the M3 series is comparable in complexity or simpler when it comes to fabrication and assembly when disregarding size.

Overall, the Gekido is the result of a series of learning lessons applied to a next generation system.

Pictured: Basic M3 Gekido

History and Background

In late YE 32 data collected from field usage of the OI-M1-1A Ashigaru, its derivatives and other observed frames in the field was poured over by numerous analysts and experts in Origin Industries. The data pointed out flaws and shortcomings in conventional frame and mecha designs as well as the advantages provided. With this information, several new frame concepts were created which had numerous features mitigating or eliminating inefficiencies or shortcomings found in past models. Instead of choosing any one frame, Origin's research and development teams pooled the designs together into one model, leading to the new M3 Series.

Statistical Information

  • Crew: 1
  • Maximum Capacity: 2 1)
  • Width: 4 Meters
  • Height: 6.9 Meters
  • Mass: 18.8 Tons


  • Ground speed (Hover): 232 KPH, 144 MPH
  • Air speed: Mach 1.7
  • Zero Atmosphere: .310 c
  • Range (Planetside:) 288 Hours/12 Days
  • Range (Space): 144 Hours/6 Days
  • Lifespan (Before Refit): 25 Years

Damage Capacity

See: Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Hull: Tier 7 Medium Armor Shields: Tier 7

Exterior Description

The Gekido is a large, humanoid-shaped Mecha, which has a rounded head containing a single Monoeye, above which rests a small movable visor to protect the Monoeye. It has somewhat rounded shoulders, with a broad, angular chest and a relatively thin waist. The limbs are covered in armored plates, giving them a very boxy appearance, and the feet are very large to better distribute weight. On the back of the unit is a large backpack which houses the main thruster and generator systems, and there are several auxiliary thrusters on the back of the unit, most notably on the back of the calves.

Interior Description


The cockpit is cylindrical in shape and can slide up and out of the hull for easy access. It has been lightly armored for pilot protection, and can eject in the case of catastrophic damage to the frame, or upon pilot command. The frame is controlled by a Frame Control Harness, which takes both neural and physical movements from the pilot, and makes the frame perform a corresponding movement. Life support is included in the Standard Frame Cockpit as well.

See: Origin Standard Frame Control Harness See: Origin Standard Frame Cockpit

Weapons Systems

Though the Fury does not come with many weapons as default, a wide variety of firearms and equipment exist with which it can be equipped. Though not recommended, weapons and accessories from older models can be used as well.

(2): Ultraviolet Laser Nodes

A multipurpose laser weapon with rate of fire inverse to beam power. It operates in the ultraviolet spectrum and has effects similar to projectiles rather than energy weapons - shots fired tend to have effects similar to shells punching into and boring through substances more than melting them.

OI-M3-3300 Ultraviolet Laser Node

Location: (2) Head Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel Secondary: Point Defense Damage: tier 5

Range: 800 meters (Atmosphere), 5,000 KM (Zero Atmosphere) Rate of Fire: Sustained Beam and Automatic (8 RPS, 15 RPS, 30 RPS) Muzzle Velocity: 1c

Systems Descriptions

The Gekido is a fairly simple Mecha, with fewer systems than many earlier models, and optimized for longevity and ease of maintenance.

Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Hull of the Gekido is very simple, consisting almost entirely of armored plates with few extra components visible.

Hull and Chassis

The armor plating on the Gekido is mostly thick, interlocking composite armor plates often a foot thick in places, and more in others. The primary material used is Durandium Alloy, which serves as the outermost, and thickest, layer of the armor. This outer layer is face hardened to shatter incoming kinetic projectiles. Behind it are alternating layers of ceramic plates and additional Durandium.

Against kinetic projectiles, the ceramics either absorb the impact entirely and disperse it, or shatter, disrupting and abrading the penetrator with its sharp, jagged fragments. additionally, energy attacks are absorbed and dispersed over a large area. In the instance the ceramics fail, they will ablate to disperse heat and energy.

The internal frame is composed of ADNR and Durandium Alloy arranged in an interwoven supportive lattice; the tough durandium alloy allows the frame to flex to a certain degree in response to kinetic energy, while the ADNR provides rigid support, preventing the skeleton from bending too far and warping.

Large armored plates of the Gekido are secured with a special fastening system which is linked directly to a mechanical kinetic energy buffer system to absorb impacts, and are designed to be easy to remove with just a few tools. This system also plays a key role in the ease of customization and modularity of the frame, as plates of armor on the hips, forearms, shoulders and calves can be removed to mount various weapons and other accessories.

Key points such as the hands and feet are specifically reinforced to allow for physical combat with significantly mitigated damage to the unit itself.

Multipurpose Articulated Grip System

The Multipurpose Articulated Grip System, or MAGS, is a simple solution to an even simpler problem - how to attach equipment onto a frame such as ammunition magazines and extra firearms. By using a series of roller chains that close in on one another, essentially grasping objects put into place.

See: Multipurpose Articulated Grip System

Modular Hardpoint System

Designed with easy modularity in mind, the Gekido can have multiple weapons and accessories mounted onto integrated hard points. The main hardpoint locations for mounting equipment are the shoulders, forearms, hips and calves. Additionaly, the frame can be modified and new hardpoints can be created outright, allowing for extreme customization and taking advantage of the frame's armor construction and its ease of removal and replacement.


Defensive shield generation stems from three separate units, one located under the cockpit and one under the armor of each shoulder. This provides triple redundancy, as a decentralized defensive system is not as easy to completely destroy. A generator unit consists of two different types of defensive field emitters, one electromagnetic and the other gravitic. Upon the loss of a shield generator, the remaining units can overclock their performance in order to compensate for the loss and maintain normal shield integrity for a short while.

Power Generation


A single CRUSH provides the bulk of the power for the M3, located inside the heavily armored chest. Specially shaped armor plates protect the CRUSH, and serve to not only protect the generator, but direct a blast away from vital areas of the frame in case it is breached. This allows for the explosive force to be directed away from the cockpit in event of severe hull penetration, increasing pilot survivability. The CRUSH may be removed from the Gekido by shifting its head forward and exposing the reactor cover, which unscrews itself from the frame, exposing the core.


Three BURST reactors are placed off center from the main reactor and towards the back, with one towards the waist, and the other two above the main reactor and offset to the left and right respectively. They provide additional power for the frame, and keep the frame operational in case main fusion core is damaged or destroyed. With only the BURST units functioning, the Gekido can walk and move its limbs, as well as fire self-powered weapons. The units do not provide enough power to keep shielding or weapons that draw from the frame's energy grid running simultaneously, so only one or the other may be operated when primary reactor is not providing power.

Each unit has its own separate fuel supply, enough to run the reactors for 12 days on a planet, and 6 days in space. Combat reduces operational time depending on the energy consumption.


The Gekido's primary propulsion system is a heavy fusion thruster system that feeds from the four reactors inside the frame. because the Frame contains multiple reactors, the system has a high power to weight ratio, allowing the frame accelerate quickly. Besides the primary nozzles and verniers, there are additional thrust vectoring ports located throughout the frame's hull, hard mounted to the frame in order to prevent them from damaging other components

Life Support

See: Origin Standard Frame Cockpit

Life support is housed inside the Standard Frame Cockpit. It consists of air scrubbers, pressurized cabin, thermo-regulation, thermal shielding, radiation shielding and a gravmetric field to protect against graviton attacks and kinetic shocks. These systems are all powered by a single PUNCH safely tucked away from the pilot, and can all function so long as the PUNCH has fuel.

Frame Advanced Tactical Electronics Suite

The Frame Advanced Tactical Electronics Suite, or FATE, provides various subsystems for the Gekido. Besides providing functions ranging from sensors to fire control, the FATE has simplified production and maintenance without sacrificing durability of the systems.

See: FATE Type S

Advanced Monoeye

Serving as the primary and most powerful passive and directed sensor systems aboard the M3, the Armored Monoeye is positioned in the center of the frame's head and in between a pair of co-axially mounted weapons. The Monoeye, while similar to those used by other entities, is different in that an Armored Eyeshield is present. This eyeshield can close down over the Monoeye and protect the valuable sensors inside during close ranged combat, as the Gekido's sensor systems function normally within approximately 1000 meters.

When open however, the more advanced optics and sensor systems are fully active, and act similar to a 'spotlight' in terms of functionality. This allows the M3 to engage targets at extreme distances, or capture highly detailed images and scans.


Data processing for the M3 Gekido is performed by a cluster of five X-Type Quandom Computer cores. These quantum computer cores use an accompanying Silhouette/Mirror to improve user performance.

This works by artificially speeding up a pilot's reaction times by creating a short-lived AI based directly off of their own mental structure. Increases in reaction time up to 400% have been recorded, but the AI does not learn anything more than what the pilot that it is based off of knows, and is completely erased when the frame shuts down.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2018/06/18 11:04.

With 2 Seat Cockpit

corp/origin/m3_gekido.1700311971.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:04 (external edit)