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Misha "Wavewatcher" Milat

Misha “Wavewatcher” Milat is a player character played by ShotJon.

Misha “Wavewatcher” Milat
Species: Lorath, Lmanel
Gender: Female
Age: 79
Height: 6 feet (180cm)
Weight: 143 (65kg)
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Infantry
Rank: Nothing found
Current Placement: YSS Sakishima

Preferred Plots:

  1. YSS Sakishima
  2. 13th squad

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: Misha is a tallish girl with a sun-tanned skin. She has well-toned muscles, which are even more highlighted by her athletic figure. Her shoulders are rather broad for a girl from all the swimming she does.

Eyes and Facial Features: Two, roundish almond shaped eyes, which shine in bright red color are set in the heart-shaped face. Misha has a aquiline nose, placed above thin lips.

Hair Color and Style: Misha living outside Lorath society went and grew her white hair out. It reaches up to her scapulae and is perfectly straight. To fit in more, she colors it jet black. Usually she wears it in a bun or pony-tail when she needs to work. She prefers it naturally hanging though.

Distinguishing Features: Misha is Shark-aspected Lmanel. She can transform all the way to a humanoid shark-like being with wide mouth, full of sharp teeth, webbing between her finger and gills on her ribcage. Her wings un-grow and she gains some muscle structure. She can only partially shapeshift, staying somewhere in between the shark and Lmanel, still breathing oxygen, but losing her wings and getting shark-like teeth, grayish tone of skin and some musculature.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Misha is a person who came through many hardships and was hurt emotionally a few times. She managed to get through, but it left scars. She is not very trustful and started to only believe in facts. When someone promises her something, she won't believe until it actually happens.

Misha tries to be friendly and fit in the Yamataian society, even though it is not very easy. Yamataians are very different from the Lorath society and her previous life was teaching her to resent them. She often catches herself looking down upon them a bit sometimes.

In the past Misha was a very very religious person. Due to few terrible things happening though, her belief wavered and crumbled. It took her several years, before she could finally believe in something again. She became more spiritual, trusting in the natural order of things. She loves the nature and living things in it, though she is careful, because nature can be also remorseless.

Due to how most Yamataians treat her, she chose to spend more time in solitude or with rest of her family. It made her a bit of a loner, who is polite within a crowd, but does not go and seek out people on her own very often, unless she has to.

With all things she experienced. With Death, loss of dear ones, crumble of her belief and being cast out by her own people, she became stoic. You can call her names and she won't flinch. Her strong will also helps her suppress fear.


Family (or Creators)

Garet “Watcher” Milat Lmanel - father, 122 years old Darna “Wavewalker” Milat Lmanel - mother, deceased. Era “Wavecalmer” Milat Lmanel - Younger sister, 36 years old Dar'n “Wavebreaker” Milat Lmanel - younger brother, 30 years old


Misha was born on planet Lor in a small Lmanel village by the sea. Her mother was the clan leader. A strong woman with very strong will, who liked to do things by the book, she was also quite religious and taught her children in the same way. Misha's father on the other way, was a more meek and calm man. He took care of the family so his wife had time to take care of everything. It was also Misha's mother who wanted her daughter to bond with an animal.

Misha started to make spirit quests, ventures into the wild accompanied by various priests and priestess for safety. It was always a different person, after all one must be calm in choosing animal to bond with. Balance must be within person, a complete calm. Some spirit quests took her on the sea, while others into the forests around the village.

In the end, Misha was sure. The animal she chose was a shark, it talked to her and she knew it was right with it. Priesthood and her mother were not exactly pleased with such choice. Bonding with such animal needs courage, strong will and it is hard process. Still it caused her mother to feel pride.

Training for bonding was hard and long process. Misha need to be properly schooled within nature of Lorath religion. There are ways to do this. Misha really needed to believe and she did. Very strongly. Misha also tried to spend more time with nature, feeling how life works. A few times she asked why things are the way they are and why Goddess tolerates it so? Priests always answered her in a manner that goddess is there to watch over us and not to control our lives. It made sense in a way and Misha was reassured by such answers.

Misha grew and learned. Part of days spent fishing with her father, other training her body with clan warriors, and most spent with priests calming her mind and looking for inner balance. She worshiped the goddess and proceeded with all required religious rituals.

In YE26, she felt and knew it was time. After long 60 years of preparations the time of bonding came. The ritual was long and painful. Misha was not sure if it took few hours or days, she remembered the pain as her body was changing back and forth. Her belief in goddess and strong will helped her hold together. The bonding was successful and she made both her mother and her clan proud.

Then YE27 and Yamataians showed up. It was curious day for all Lorath as no one knew what to expect. Will they be wise? Will they be warmongers? No one knew. In the end it appeared to most Lorath that they were children with dangerous toy. Teaching of Goddess says that strength is a virtue, but mistreating it and using it only as a mean to get your way is foolhardy and childish. That was exactly how Yamataians first acted, threatening even to bomb the planet Lor, forcing Lorath to join their alliance.

Lorath did so, fearing the needless death and the hand of impatient aliens. Lorath were bitter, but there was little choice in this matter. The worst thing was that Yamatai was in war at the time with the gruesome Misshu. About a year after Lorath joined Yamatai, the Misshu came. They called upon Lorath to relinquish the alliance. Yamatai was there trying to protect Lor, but it failed.

Tragedy happened. Misshu forced Lor's moon out of its orbit and made it fall upon the planet's surface. It was bad. Most of the Lorath race lived underground, not Misha's clan though. Misah, father and her sibling made it into cover of the bunker, made for emergency. Her mother though, stayed behind to lead the clan and to make sure all got into safety. In the end, not all got to safety. Many died, Misha's mother among them. The village obliterated, by giant waves caused by the moon-drop.

Misha was devastated. Even though she was taught to be calm and balanced in her beliefs, her mother still meant too much in the end. She meant even more to the clan. Without her, all was lost, the leadership was gone. Misha did not know what to do. She had a crisis of her belief. How could goddess let this be? This was not just some test, this seemed like full on genocide to Misha, as she did not know majority of Lorath survived the moon-drop at the time.

Without knowing any better, while she held what was found of her mother's body, she cursed the goddess. A foolish act, as people of the belief were around her. Without willingness to revoke her curse, she was locked up, deemed to be a heretic. People around her, more caring about breaking the religion rules, then death of people dear to them.

Misha did not care; her jailing was not something concerning her too much. She felt betrayed by the goddess, as one of the persons dearest to her was taken away. She decided to stay behind her decision. Misha never stopped believing in goddess, she just did not trust her anymore. The goddess betrayed her. That was not a simple decision; it took hours and days of solitude and thinking. But it was the ending solution.

Misha was ready to take the punishment. She felt righteous. Misha always obeyed goddess by the letter and she still went and took her mother. It might have been a test, but if it was, it was test too cruel. Misha was not willing to accept it. The balance inside here was thrown off. She found so emotionally distressed she could not even shapeshift at that time.

To her surprise, when her cell opened again, there was no priest. It was her father; he stood there with resolve in his face. Just taking his daughter and getting her out. He did not care for hate or problems. Garet “Watcher” Milat already lost his beloved wife. He was not read to give up one of his daughters as well. Grabbing both her and her siblings, the whole family fled.

Misha followed in a haze, not really able to pay attention. When she was given food, she ate, when she was told to sleep, she slept. The time went by. Later on, her father told her about hiding in forest and then later about using his friends and contact to flee. Flee to Yamatai.

The planet Yamatai. What a change. Crazy children, using made-up bodies. Hot crazy though for a Lorath person. Still due to her father reasoning, it was the only really safe place. Where else could they go? Newly formed Nepleslia? Elysia who tried to fight Yamatai, whenever they got a chance? Neutral space? No, Yamatai was the safest place. Even though the culture and belief was different, the safety was more important to the single father, protecting his children.

The time flew by. The family asked for Asylum and received it. They settled in Port Xenn, a sea-side city. The closest thing they could call home on this strange new planet. The next few years, Misha used to get back into normal life. New place, new people, new culture. It was shocking to her. She lost her mother, her people, and her planet. All in very short life. Luckily psychologists on Yamatai were very good and they actually helped her.

Within two years she was already able to live again more or less. Her balance returned and she could shapeshift again. She thought a lot about her belief. The trust in the goddess was gone. If the goddess was real, and Misha believed she was real, she did not trust her. Obviously, the being of ultimate power did not care about people believing in her, with all their souls. That was not something, Misha was willing to accept.

Instead Misha looked around. She slowly realized that there were other things around. Things of balance, good and evil too. The nature. Stronger eats weaker, smarter runs away from stronger, patient gets the smarter. The nature seemed, cruel to some, but to Misha it seemed fair; You held your chance to live and you had to hold onto it.

That was Misha's new balance. The life, the nature. Life was not fair, you had to hold onto it with all your strength. With that Misha managed to get an epiphany and find herself again. She helped her father with his fishing business and life went on. It was quite and calm time, even if it was short.

YE30 came. UOC became a thing and Lorath went with them. Any relations between Lorath and Yamatai were much colder, and it was getting worse. Over time, people around Misha and her family started to act a bit colder towards them. It was the Lorath who made trouble, or was it the Yamataians? No one was sure, but the tensions were there. Again and again. Argument and threats.

Time went on. For every person that did not care, there was a person that frowned, or outright hated the Milat-family. That was quite bad, but there was not much Misha could do. The family tried. They tried to not pay attention to the situation too much. Show they just wanted to spend time and live their lives. It was not easy. Misha's brother got into brawls in his school and when Misha asked for help, she only was met with coldness of the principal.

When she visited a shop, most of the keepers were cold. There were no insults or hate-crimes. Just coldness. Freezing eyes, watching her. She felt bad. There was no respect anymore. She and her family were the wrong people in wrong place. There was nowhere else to go though, no other chance then to just swallow the pride and endure.

It did not come in time. YE33 came and NMX attacked Planet Yamatai itself. It was no longer safe. Port Xenn was destroyed by a tsunami. Misha and her family luckily survived, though they lost everything. Their house, fishing boat. Everything. Her family needed her and she felt angry, once again her loved ones were attacked and she had no way to stop it. No way to help. It was so frustrating.

That was a reason why she came to her father with her decision of joining SAoY. He of course tried to talk her out of it, saying they will always come by. He did now want her to risk her life. Not to mention, for Lorath to serve in SAoY was almost unthinkable. The ways of Yamataian military were wrong for a person of Lorath belief. Misha decided there was no choice though. She wanted to help protect her family and land they lived on. Even when it meant to join the side that was against her people.

Misha tried to consider Yamatai her new country, but it was not possible. Still it was only country she had. Its army was the only one she could join to help. There was no other choice, not to mention Yamataians, put a lot of value in the army. The choice was final. She wanted to join the military.

Her father saw there was no talking her out of it. No matter how wrong it was, her resolve was final. The Grand Star Army of Yamatai will get a new recruit. One of the most unlikely ones. A lorath of Lmanel house. A heretic, daughter and a sister. One who wanted to protect her family, even if it meant joining a military force she did not believe in. The dice were rolled.

YSS Sakishima

After finishing her training, Misha was assigned to tenth fleet's YSS Sakishima. Soon after arrival she met up with rest of the crew and they got off for an escort missions. The mission went sour as one of transports was abducted. Sakishima luckily stopped it by disabling its engine, while Misha and others boarded it and dispatched the kidnappers.

When they arrived to Leo station the team got to have some off time. Misha used to relax and meet with brother of her XO, Goto Daisuke, who she actually began to have a small sort of relationship. Unfortunately before they could get to know each other bit better, Sakishima was called back on duty.

YSS Mogami was attacked by pirates and Misha and other had to take it back. After a short flight and space combat. Misha in her Mindy armour, flew to enemy ship, cut a hole in its bridge. Decompression took care of the pirates.

Misha then spend some liberty time on Leo station. Most of it was spend with Goto Daisuke, her XO's brother. With much of liberty spend in bed and other various places where one can have sex, like a roof or a public transport, Misha's liberty ended.

The ship moved to Yamatai for some more repairs and crew got 1 more day liberty, because it was Yule. Misha ended up going to spend some times getting to know Ise-Juni's sister called Nenene, before the lorath woman went for a hunting trip in Ralt.



Even before joining Star Army, Misha was taught a way of combat. Training with Lmanel warriors, she learned the way of the animal. Battling in animalistic, instinctual way. Learning to throw javelins and axes or use a bow for both hunting and battle. Not a way of a soldier, but still a way of killing. Her form taught her to use her formidable and fearsome jaw and teeth in battle when opportunity arises. Upon joining Star Army, she of course received standard hand-to-hand training, was made an expert in combat with knife and sword. They taught her to use pistols rifles and grenades. The long and tough training also taught her how to use all the Yamataian power armors. Her favorite is Mindy though.


Misha spent most of her life in wilds. In forest and on the seas. She can sail ships and track in woods. Her last few years she spent learning about Yamataian flora and fauna. She can swim well and knows winds and seas. She can work with wind in forest as well, making sure not to get smelled. A skilled hunter, able of silent movement. She can climb well on trees and easier cliffs. She is expert swimmer and spent long years fishing.


In life Misha now considers her past, she spent years learning the way of the Goddess. That makes her someone who knows a lot. Her studies were long, patient and thorough. She knows the words of the holy goddess and her protected and servant the god. Her mind remembers all of the Lorath history that was ever recorded.


Misha's physical life gave her perfect body and mind. She is trained and strong. Days of swimming and working as fisherwoman gave her all the strength she needed. It was not enough though, when she joined the SAoY, she trained even more. She wanted her body to be perfect, preparing her body. Stamina, dexterity, toughness, strength. Misha overcame the pain and trained. It was her duty to show her will was stronger than that of other recruits.


Every Yamataian soldier must know his or her math. Misha knows it too. She struggles a lot. Hours of cramming and bribes came into her learning all the things she needs to know.

Technology operation

As a soldier of Yamatai, Misha must know her way around Yamataian systems and programs. She can control all the systems and even found tiny with playing around with sensors. Noticing the resemblance in sensors and natural sense, she is able to calibrate them in actual way, though she is still learning to do it on professional level.


Misha speaks fluently Lorath and trade. Her Yamataian is pretty good as well, but she still has a bit of an accent. Her reading comprehension is also no the best, with the strange sings Yamataian uses for writing. She handles Hiragana and Katakana well, but struggles with Kanji a bit. She can talk properly though. She often uses -ore, when talking about herself, trying to intimidate anyone who could think about becoming a problem to her. As a soldier, Misha learned to use all the communication devices used in Power Armor and armored suits of Yamataian military. As SAoY infantry use was limited with addition of legions, she was also taught to serve as back up communication specialist in dire situations. She can use ship, communication stations, but her skill in it is greatly limited.


Misha “Wavebreaker” Milat has the following items:

* Ke-M2-3A "Mindy" Power Armor or another armor designated by ship captain

Personal effects


Misha “Wavebreaker” Milat is currently an Itto-hei in the Star Army of Yamatai, promoted on July 18th YE35.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
2160 KS 840 bought melee weapons
3044 KS 884 Salary between March 20th and Julty 17th YE35 (119 days)
4373 KS 1329 Salary between July 18th and October 30th YE35 (104 days)
5373 KS 1000 Gift from Yoshi
Character Data
Character NameMisha "Wavewatcher" Milat
Character OwnerShotJon
Character StatusInactive Player Character