Table of Contents

Silic Vas

Silic Vas
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 72kg
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai, 2XF
Occupation: Star Army Technician
Rank: Itto Heisho Jôtô Heisho
Current Placement: Electronic Warfare Officer
Orders: Orders

Silic Vas in Roleplay

Silic Vas is a Character played by Jimmy and is currently an Electronic Warfare Officer on the YSS Heitan's 21st Squadron - Fighting Diamonds.

Silics theme song would have to be Squared Away Sailor.

As a Joto Heisho, Silic now has this added to his themes: Like a Chief

Quotes about Silic

Lynns's thoughts about Silic: “I don't even like him! He's old and I hate his guts!”

Unknown medic on Daichi: “Some idiot shot it with a machine gun…

Armanda Burke in conversation with Silic: “…That's cool, I bet you are loving serving in a military that is predominantly female. I'll bet you have plenty of ladies Silic.”

“Well, maybe if they weren't all half-feral or trying to kill me most of the time.”

21SQ XO on open comms: “Yaeko! Tell Vas-Hei to shut up! I can feel his bitching from over here.”

Silics opinion on SAINT: “I'd rather get choked by the chain of command than have her on it.”

SAINT's opinion on Silic: “…he may be a screw up, and a whiner, but he's no traitor.”


Silic Vas

Physical Characteristics

Height: 179 cm Mass: 72kg

Build and Skin Color: Sil has a tall, almost lean build with small compact muscles used for hauling heavier components. He has a light, Caucasian complexion with a slight darkening on the hand and forearm which are tanned slightly.

Facial Features and Eye Color: Possessing Occidental Nepleslian features, he has high cheek bones and a narrow chin. He makes sure to always wear glasses around others as an accident earlier in life badly damaged both his eyes and left a large shallow scar across his face although his original eye colour was a light blue.

Hair Color and Style: Naturally red, almost orange and cut short, his hair seems to naturally stick up on its own even though it is no more than 2cm long at any point.

Distinguishing Features: Because of an industrial accident in his past life Sil has had a small lens reconstruction in both eyes, and his left forearm replaced by a basic cybernetic hand after his natural one had to be amputated. He makes sure to wear some sort of eye cover at all times in public but those who have seen his eyes say that most of the original blue iris and pupil have gone and been replaced by a surgical lens, which is yellow around the edge and silver where the old pupils used to be.

Prosthetic Arm: After losing his left arm Silic took the opportunity to upgrade to a robotic limb, although because of a shortage of cash he only has a fairly basic model. His natural arm meets the limb about a quarter way down from his elbow, and is covered with thin plates of a dark, dull metal, some of the internal mechanisms are partially visible inside the arm. His hand has five small pads covering the palm and three larger plates covering the back, the joints of his fingers are visible but the knuckles are encased in small circular plates with thin pads on the bottom to match the palm. While the hand is capable of some strengh it is not designed as a weapon, astute observers will also notice that the running scar over his eyes and right forearm form a line when he holds his arms in a defensive posture.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Sil has a very easy-going nature, and will usually go wherever the situation takes him, he does have a tendency to appear a bit day-dreamy at times of idleness. He can have trouble looking people in the eye and can seem distracted at times, although in high pressure situations he’s said to excel at finding innovative solutions. He is usually very quiet and only voices his opinion when he feels it needs to be heard, which is not all that often unless it regards his survival.

Silic's time in the military has been stressful even to him, and occasionally leaves him extremely high strung, resulting in erratic behaviour and even stranger than usual events occurring around him.

Likes: Good food, bit of quiet now and then, something to work on. Dislikes: Being idle for long periods, loud noises, seeing something broken, others in distress. Goals: Get his dog back, get away for a while, maybe survive the next few years.

Quirks:Because of his teenage years, and perhaps earlier, Sil seems to switch speaking styles between his native Nepleslian and his second-language Yamataian. While his Nepleslian is quite normal and polite, his Yamataian can sometimes be crude and almost thuggish under stress, this has been attributed to his more illicit friends in his younger days.

Celebrates Lewis Pasco Day almost religiously.

Distrusts, and avoids as much as possible anything regarding SAINT.



Father: Geoffrey Vas Mother: Amethyst Vas Twin Sister: Silica Washimo (married)


Silic’s family moved to Central Uesureya when he was young in search of a better life and they eventually received citizenship, however distinct Nepleisan roots remained in the family. Sil’s mother named him after an element in the periodic table, which did not endear her to her son at all, growing up his father taught him everything he needed to know and school just the extra bits. He learned a lot about machines and how they work, from the hardware and mechanics down to software, although don’t expect him to be creating AI anytime soon.

After reaching majority he became a factory worker for a few years, he later married but his wife left him after his accident when he was in hospital, he was more annoyed about her taking his dog than the divorce papers. He had to be tranquilized to prevent him leaving the building, still blind and with a stump of a left arm. It's common belief that his injuries were the result of a defective mechanical belt, the highly taut belt lashing across his body when it snapped, causing severe lacerations to his face, arms and parts of his legs.

Despite the offer of a new body he refused, his only real comment on the subject being “I’m afraid of needles.” He eventually managed to replace his missing arm with cybernetics and partially reconstructing his eyes with artificial lenses. By this stage he’d spent nearly a year as almost a cripple in rehabilitation, when he finally received the implants he decided he needed to find something new in life, get away for a bit.

During his stay in rehabilitation he heard about the repeal of the Species Restriction Act, less than a week after being released he signed on to the Star Army as an Engineer. He joined the army as an escape from the world, would be just as happy to receive a post on some far-flung outpost as he would in a major station or ship.


Fort Ready

Silic spent a short time at the training facilities at Fort Ready at the very outset of the second Mishu war, his only distinguishable deeds during his short time there were for getting into trouble, and losing parts of his hand. Almost immediately after his first night he was plucked out for combat duty due to his experience in the civilian workforce, in theory the assignment he was being sent to wouldn't require him to be in direct combat. In theory.

4th Standard Fleet

After being rapidly bundled up and dumped on board the YSS Nadare right before a major counter attack was to start against the Mishu at the Southern gate of the KMS. After getting lost in the maze of corridors and levels he found his way to the bridge where he was immediately shanghaied to Princess Shimizu's command staff for his experience. Although he shortly found himself under the command of Intel officer Kiyoshi Shin, who he suspected was some kind of SAINT operative, Silic quietly began trying to coordinate engineer teams to where they were needed most.

Later in the battle, he dismissed himself from the bridge and stole a forklift from the cargo bay, driving through the corridors causing some disruption before arriving at the torpedo bay, where he assisted the loading of ordinance after the auto-loader was sabotaged. Soon after he managed to close a door in time to stop a whee bit of flaming death entering the torpedo bay. Despite some confusion he was promoted and given two medals for his actions.

2nd Expeditionary Fleet

Battle of Ryou

After the battle at South Gate the princess went back into recluse and Silic was placed into a reserve, his lack of training and even species making him unwanted by most commands. Becoming desperate to escape the doldrums of the reserve he leapt at the first posting offered to him head first, finding himself transferred to frontier. Thinking it would be a simple, quiet job he felt quite secure, then the daunting truth came.

The Kiyoshi Shin, the officer he'd walked out on on the YSS Nadare, had arranged for the posting to be offered to him and then written a formal recommendation to his new commander. Under the belief that Shin was some kind of SAINT operative from events back in the 4SF, this reinforced Silic's belief that all Intel officers were heartless and cruel, as he went straight from what he'd thought would be a simple repair and maintenance job into a front-line combat flight officer. After a brief struggle to be released from the assignment he eventually surrendered himself to his fate.

During his first brief at the airbase on the planet Daichi, the planet was attacked by a small group of Mishu, the 21st Squadron quickly scrambled, Silic hopping into the backseat of one of the aircraft. During the battle their aircraft was rammed by a suicidal enemy battlepod, and shortly failed, forcing them to eject, another Mishu pod ramming the vulnerable ejection module. Silic, who had his shoulder straps loose, had his head smashed first on one side of the cockpit, then the other, giving him a severe brain injury.

After being ejected from the ejection module itself, the unconscious Silic and the pilot landed separately in a forest below. Silic deeply unconscious and unable to move, the pilot, Yaeko, struggled to get him out of a tree and give him first aid until help could arrive.

Due to his unconsciousness, he's unaware that while out cold Yaeko was responsible for shooting him, and then sending him crashing to the ground, suffering further grievous injuries along the way. Thankfully they were saved by a rescue shuttle before Silic could die from a near broken-everything injuries.

After the Battle of Ryou

After waking up from a coma, Silic began undertaking physical exercise to prove his flight readiness, he's had very little time to train, but his cardio is improving, that fact that he's bunked with a doctor also helps. He's also taken the time to read up on the Kawarime before attempting any “improvements”, currently several sketches decorate wall next to his bunk, mostly indecipherable.

Rescue with a side order of Calamari

After a small award ceremony Silic was scrambled as part of a rescue flight to pick up a damaged scout with SAINT personell, much to his chargin. During the mission the squadron encountered a previously unknown species with advanced weapons and capabilities, first contact could definitely have gone better. While other members of the squadron tied up the enemy above the planet, Yaeko and Silic stuck close to the pickup shuttle as it approached the downed ship. They came under fire from AA defences, but managed to distract enemy defences long enough to get the surviving crew evacuated and return to orbit.

As they rejoined the rest of the squadron things became even more hectic, as three separate forces all began jumping into their proximity. Multiple NMX warships emerged, as was as a small flotilla of the alien vessels. Caught between to hostile forces, the 21st did their best to break through the NMX and into open space, losing multiple fighters. Finally the Heitian also arrived with its task force, and both the mothership, and the alien vessels managed to drive back the NMX fleet.

It was around this point that first contact was further soured by Silic liberally insulting one of the aliens as their communication channel was broken into. He has since been ordered to keep his trap shut on further missions when unknown species arise. After they finally made it back to the Heitian Silic, badly roughed up from Yaekos flying, collapsed and had to be taken to see the medics again.

Out of the Mist

With the squadron sent to the seemingly quiet SX-06 system to guard a small SSS outpost, Silic finally felt like things were swinging his way. However, after an unfortunate run in with Lynn that resulted in bruised ribs Silic had to respond to a security call. Yaeko, becoming paranoid in the confining mists, had discharged her weapon multiple times, kills some of the local wildlife. From that point on one of the creatures was now forever labelled “Muna” after it's first hunter.

While Silic administered his own form of autopsy on the creature the group was stunned by a series of flash-bang grenades followed by heavy fire. Silic managed to fall down behind the shelter of the Muna corpse but when ordered to move out, still blind and partially deaf, he began running straight towards their attackers, surviving the storm of bullets but nearly getting captured or killed before a lucky save from Lynn and the group.

After his impromptu rescue Silic was ordered to move with Lynn back to the SSS encampment, the sound of gunfire and explosions coming from that direction. The two scouted ahead while the rest of the group dragged the captured attackers, finding the infirmary ransacked. Moving in to investigate Silic was set upon by a fierce creature native to the planet. He ran for his life, scooped up Lynn who was standing by the exit, and carted her bottom up through a raging gun battle while being chased by the rather large cat. Fortunately the large number of bullets and lasers in the air convinced the creature that there were easier pickings elsewhere and it scampered into the forest, and so did Silic.

Eventually returning to camp, Silic was shanghaied into becoming a stretcher-bearer carting wounded back to the remaining medical personnel for a couple of hours. This was how he meet Amanda Burke, the two shared a brief conversation, but no great chemistry. Once relieved he collected his new kit for the next days rescue mission and retired.

A new dawned, unfortunately worse than the last. Silic quietly kitted up and went out with the rest of the team. During a fight across the stream Silic was “encouraged” by a superior officer into the water and was attacked by a vicious pack of eels when he fell in. Eventually he was extracted and soon after carried a severely wounded Kayo back to the trucks.

It was decided that the two Nepleslians in the squadron would get to be the decoys for the final attack on the enemy base. The two men were marching towards the base when a certain trigger-happy member of the team (Yaeko) started shooting too early and Silic got caught in an explosive booby trap, setting off three mines sequentially. Drawing every enemy in the area towards them.

While parts of the squadron carried out their mission, Ira and Silic simply fought to avoid being shot and took cover in the thick foiliage. Severely wounded, Silic managed to recover enough to help Ira hold their enemies off and then retreat back to the trucks where he was air tackled by Konpeki and slammed into the ground near the waiting trucks by her.

He somehow managed to survive the trip back to the camp and spend a relaxing few hours with conversation with the grateful Amanda Burke from earlier and morphine in the field infirmary. Silic finally had something to look forward to out in the bleak frontier.


It's a brand new day for Silic, for the first time in over a month no one is trying to kill him. At least no one classified as an enemy for now. Celebrating the success of the last mission, the squadron shared a round of drinks at a local bar while in port before heading their separate ways to enjoy their leave. After deflating a colleagues ego a little he headed to the planets surface.

Ryou was a young colony at that stage, barely over a year old and still growing. Now being tailed by a SAINT operative, the unaware Silic ended up offering his tail a ride. Konpeki watched as Silic made a slightly less than legal exchange with a local group, followed by a short phone call home.

Breaking the Dam

The new morning found Silic asleep in a machining room, awaken by a braze neko to deliver the ultimatim to appear for a briefing or face charges. Grumpy at such an early hour he intimidated some of the newbies to the squadron, he then mistook a request of “give me a hand” as a literal. Popping out his prosthetic arm and offering it to Ramierez.

Typical, vulgar Nepleslian banter ensued before they were informed of their objectives. The mission was to go in and break the NMX blockade of the KMS by blowing up a particularly large space station. The squadron was to escort a flotilla of gunships to the target point and have them unleash their armaments.

The mission did not exactly have the best of starts, most of the rookies in the squadron had trouble at launch. At least by the time they reached the jumping off point they were mostly in formation. By the time they arrived a large scale dogfight ensued, with multliple gunships and fighters being destroyed as the squadron ran up against a new NMX bomber type spacecraft.

After managing to bludgeon their way through that they ran into a minefield, unfotunately for Yaeko and Silic their control systems had been hit, and so their fighter possessed very little power. Silic eventually managed to get some operation back by soldering a rolled up sheet of aluminium foil from his emergency kit and using it as a makeshift bypass for the system.

By the time the squadron got back to the mothership the fighters canpy had been blown open, and Silic was left to confront on of his worst fears. Fortunately they got back with nearly all the rookies mostly intact.

Repairs and Recreation

The Surviving ships from the successful Battle of the North Gate regrouped in the Veronica system. While the crew did their various things, Elisto and Anne tried to figure out how to counter the new breed of mines they had encountered in the last mission. Silic was invited, but hastily declined in favour of a an informal date with his new heart throb. Amanda Burke from back in the fight over the SSS encampment.

The date was quiet, but fun. The two spending the hours talking in a Coffee shop, getting to know each other and swapping stories.

Special Delivery
Mists and Mysteries
Operation Payback
Whispers in the Dark


Maintenance and Repair

Ever since he was a child Sil loved to take things apart and see how they worked, although he wasn’t quite so good at the putting back together bit. As he grew up, he learned more and more about machines and other mechanical items , becoming knowledgeable in a variety of fields regarding mechanical and robotic upkeep, even a little bit of starship repair, but not operation. He is not trained in weapon repair, but can fix basic problems with most small arms.


One of Sils favourite past times was jury rigging solutions to all kinds of problems, and this skill extends to his work as he sets up a temporary solution and comes back later with whatever he needs to complete the job. He has a basic designing ability, but keeps most of his plans in his head until it comes time to use them to build or fix something. While he can’t create a nuclear bomb out of two sticks and a blade of grass, he can think up some pretty nifty things.


Sil can drive and repair most common cars and trucks, however his knowledge of military vehicles is still limited, so he will probably not be able to fix mounted weapons or complex parts on things such as powered armor.


Sil can operate most basic radios and headsets, he can speak Nepleslian fluently and write it correctly and efficiently, being able to fill out forms and reports, as well as acceptable Yamataian. He can make his voice heard, even in combat and can shout at people under fire. His voice tends to develop a heavy accent when speaking Yamataian under stress as well as his tendency to use thuggish language.

Technology Operation

Silic is able to use almost any electronic device, and can search and/or enter information, he’s capable of rewriting parts of code, but avoids doing this except at need or experimentation. He cannot tamper with secure systems, such as a ships OS, without authentication. He has also been assigned as a EWO of a Kawarime fighter, and has gained extensive experience in utlizing that interface.


Silic’s passion for anything electronic or metal even extends to locks, and while he can’t stop leaving traces of opening, he is able to open most basic electronic and mechanical locks with a bit of time. He considers it a bit of a waste of time, and has never used it for criminal acts, although it was useful for pranks back in school and raiding the liquor cabinet.


After being injured at Ryou Silic undertook self-imposed fitness workout, focusing on cardio, to help ensure he maintained his flight status, unwilling to face the prospect of the reserve pool again or landing somewhere even worse. This was also in an effort to not die from the number of highly unstable neko he believes largely populate the 21st Squadron.


Equipped Inventory



All items in the section below come with a belt pouch, case, sheath or holster as applicable.

Personal Hygiene

These items are expendable and can be reissued whenever needed. These will not need to be returned.


Medals and Awards

Other Items


Silic Vas is currently a Ittô Heisho (E6) in the Star Army of Yamatai. He receives a monthly salary of 1,771 KS per month.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
4500 KS 1500 KS Pay (after booze) E1
5300 KS 800 KS Pay (25/10/10) E3
7517 KS 2215 KS Pay (25/03/11) E3
9517 KS 2000 KS Cash bonus from SSS

Fighter 3

Character Data
Character NameSilic Vas
Character OwnerJimmy
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankIttô Heisho
SAOY OccupationStar Army Technician
SAOY AssignmentYSS Heitan