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Kali Firewalker

Kali Firewalker is a NPC played by Charaa.

Kali Firewalker
Species & Gender: Cyborg Deer Female
Date of Birth: YE 44
Organization: Mining Guild
Occupation: Contingent Leader1)
Current Placement: Station Decacron


Physical Description

Kali is a cybernetically enhanced female deer 3). Despite their cybernetics, she had a slim build, with arms that ended in three fingers, and legs that ended in metallic hooves. She had a typical Deer type tail, which can cause some distraction to those behind her when it pops out. Most of her body was filled with machinery, but there were some parts that looked somewhat organic like parts of her face, and eyes. Her nose and part of her muzzle was replaced in cybernetics.

She sports long, brown, elegant antlers, which seemed attached to her head via cybernetics. Her body is covered in Synthetic flesh and fur, keeping her body warm, and this synth flesh is further covered in a Miner Undersuit except for her hooves which were kept bare. Despite being a Anthro no hair covered her head.


In the mines, one had to be brave and calm, as it could collapse on them at any moment. Kali learned this the hard way as she started working in the mines. An incident had left her ability to show off her leadership skills when the mine overseer was injured. But as time passed, she began to get bored of planet mining, so she was transferred to Draco Eridanus System to work on the asteroid fields. Unfortunately, a transport crash had left her badly burned, and in need of replacement. Some injuries were treated with a Sealant Gel and then she spent time in a The NDC D.O.M.S Auto-Doc. But after she refused to quit working, something her adoptive father was proud of.

Kali has a sense of adventure, while she was willing to work and do her job, she wanted to go out and explore, so when the Mining Guild was contacted by a member of the Motoyoshi clan. She was thrilled when the Kurosaki sisters themselves came to speak to her.

The sisters gave Kali a tutor, with special lessons on how she’ll need to speak to her counterparts, the Contingent’s clients while on their journey. Yamataians had a different way of speaking to each other and not just language, but with humility, and respect, and also saying people’s last names, and never first names unless they knew them.

Kali was respectful of others, and refuses to be rude, and no matter how angered she was.


Kali Firewalker was created in YE 41 in the city of Obsidian City, New Dusk Conclave. She was created as one of the first, non-human clones, but sadly something went wrong with the attempt and Kali came out of the tank in a body that was in a way androgynous. Though perhaps as a result, she grew antlers on her head. She was a misfit, but there was one being who took pity on her and adopted her into his family, Azonius Firewalker. Her father was another Anthro, though he was a Bear, not a Deer like her. He gave her a name, and had soon helped her with finding a job. Unlike her Sister who joined the military, and father who was a government employee facilitating communication, Kali wanted to go into industrial career path, since thus far the only chance for her to leave the planet was as a military soldier.

Fortunately, the Kurosaki sisters formed a new industrial corporation that of the Mining Guild who welcomed her with open arms. Kali met other Anthros, who have left their homes and worlds due to persecution and racism and found work with a company who wouldn’t mistreat them. Of course, there were a lot of NDC companies that wouldn’t do that. After an extensive learning at the Mining Guild’s academy, she was able to graduate, and was soon assigned to Mount Venture Settlement and worked at the mines there. There she toiled in the tunnels taking out ore, which her ANT Power Armor and her Claws, took care of it all. There were times where she’d have to use a Plasma Cutter/Torch at long periods but she worked hard and refused to quit. On the 6th month and the 6th day, of that year, there was a cave in, and it had caused severe damage to the Overseer Armor, disabling the Overseer. There was panic which grated on her nerves so she took charge, and had the other miners reorganized in a calm orderly fashion. From then live continued onwards, then she’d heard that the NDC had expanded, and eventually, the mining Guild was chartered to go to [system:draco_eridanus]] and begin asteroid mining. Kali got transferred over to join them after Station Omacron and in particular, DracoTown was built. She was moved into a new version of the Ant power armor, one meant for space.

So she worked there happily, until the Operator program happened, and her father adopted another misfit, into their family. Kali had a sister, who she adored. Kali continued to rise prestige in the Mining Guild, and she became an Overseer with the ability to oversee her own shift in the asteroids. Unfortunately, making a trip, the Stork Transport collided with an asteroid which caused a crash and damage both outside and inside. Fires burned her, but before she would die, she was rescued by the rescue team, and as she and the others were transported to DracoTown Medical, she’d heard the pilots getting a lecture on their incompetence.

Eventually she left and went back to work, refusing to quit, but the call of adventure was calling to her, she wanted to go out and explore so she met with her boss, to tender her resignation, but There was a new opportunity, turns out the Kurosaki sisters had been planning an expedition of their own, as a result of an invitation from the Motoyoshi clan, and she was asked because of her previous leadership skills to head up this contingent group. She agreed, and she was taken to Station Decracron a sort of sister to Station Omacron. The interior looked exactly like Omacron down to the last bolt and nuts. But as the new leader, she had a new home, in the Branch Head’s mansion in the city. Others joined her, a few creating forks of themselves to both go on the trip and to stay back in the NDC. Kali’s friends and colleagues joined her, as a few of them desired adventure as well.

Businesses were set up, farms both in the station and as a result of Daikoku agriculture ships were added. Homes were soon filled and soon they would be off.


As Mining Guild Contingent began its journey from the Kikyo Sector, Kali Firewalker , the cyborg deer anthro. As leader of the Mining Guild Contingent, knew that she wanteed to work with the other groups in the Alliance Fleet. Especially so as with each group that pledged allegiance to the Motoyoshi Clan, the fleet swelled in numbers and might. Kali knew that the Mining Guild, and specifically her Contingent could be beneficial to them, thus she tried to push for collaboration. Eventually, they along with the rest of the rest of the fleet, settled in the Sharie system. Then nestled within the depths of the Sharie system, the Alliance Fleet found solace and stability, transforming the once uncharted region into a bustling hub teeming with activity and purpose. Under the watchful gaze of the fleet's leadership, the Sharie system flourished, serving as a vital nexus for the Alliance Fleet's operations and endeavors.

As the Mining Guild Contingent settled into their new home, they wasted no time in leveraging their expertise in asteroid mining to extract the rich resources scattered throughout the system's asteroid belts. With precision and efficiency, they embarked on their familiar task, harvesting the valuable ores and minerals that would sustain the Alliance Fleet's ventures.

Meanwhile, amidst the industrious hum of the Mining Guild's operations, a clandestine collaboration took root. Members of the Mining Guild Engineering Corps, driven by innovation and a thirst for advancement, found common ground with their counterparts from the esteemed Yugumo Corporation's Engineering Teams. Together, they embarked on a clandestine venture that would redefine the boundaries of exploration and discovery—the creation of the Pegasus-class Prospecting starship.

Forged from the melding of Mining Guild ingenuity and Yugumo Corporation's technological prowess, the Pegasus-class Prospector emerged as a beacon of innovation within the Alliance Fleet. Equipped with state-of-the-art sensors, cutting-edge propulsion systems, and unparalleled maneuverability, the Pegasus-class soared through the cosmos, charting uncharted territories and unlocking the secrets hidden within the vast reaches of space.

With the Pegasus-class leading the charge, the Mining Guild expanded its reach beyond mere mining operations, venturing into the unexplored frontiers of the Sharie system and beyond. Guided by their shared vision of progress and exploration, the alliance between the Mining Guild and Yugumo Corporation blazed a trail of discovery, forever altering the course of the Alliance Fleet's journey through the stars. Kali decided that the journey should continue, but some may want to stay in the Sharie system, so As Station Decacron stood steadfast in its position within the bustling Sharie System, a beacon of stability and industry, Captain Tammo Sheath embarked on an expedition of exploration and discovery aboard the Durandium Phoenix. With determination in their hearts and the vast expanse of space before them, Captain Sheath and their crew ventured forth into the unknown.

Their journey led them to the discovery of two remarkable new systems, each holding its own promise and potential. Gyokai, a system brimming with abundant resources, offered untold riches waiting to be unearthed by the skilled hands of the Mining Guild. Proclycon, on the other hand, presented a stark contrast—a solitary supergiant star, casting its brilliant light across the emptiness of space.

Later on, Kali Firewalker, and with Tammo as her escort, had arrived at a memorial, and as Kali Firewalker and Tammo Sheath made their solemn way to the memorial hosted by the Motoyoshi Clan, the weight of history hung heavy in the air. It was a gathering to pay homage to the fallen, to honor the memory of those who had sacrificed everything in a pivotal moment of conflict in the Kikyo Sector.

Standing amidst the somber ambiance, Kali Firewalker, a beacon of strength and resilience, approached Katsuko Ketsurui-Motoyoshi, the esteemed head of the Motoyoshi Clan. In a gesture both symbolic and profound, Kali presented the Gemstone Orchid—a marvel of Mining Guild technology crafted with precision and care.

The Gemstone Orchid stood not only as a work of art but as a promise—a promise of collaboration, unity, and shared purpose between their respective groups. It represented the bonds forged through hardship and perseverance, the understanding that in times of trial, strength could be found in solidarity.

As Kali placed the Gemstone Orchid into Katsuko's hands, the significance of the moment echoed through the assembled crowd. It was a testament to the enduring spirit of cooperation and mutual respect that defined the alliance between the Mining Guild and the Motoyoshi Clan.

With heads bowed in reverence, hearts heavy with remembrance, and minds filled with the hope of a brighter future, Kali and Tammo stood as witnesses to the unfolding of history—a history shaped by the resilience of those who dared to forge connections across the stars. And as they departed the memorial, their resolve strengthened, their commitment to collaboration reaffirmed, they carried with them the echoes of the past and the promise of a tomorrow illuminated by the light of unity.

Skills Learned

Martial Arts language Yamataian etiquette cooking

Social Connections

Kali is connected to:

Adoptive Family


Inventory & Finance

Kali currently has 3000 DS. Station Decacron


OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2022/10/09 20:28.

Character Data
Character NameKali Firewalker
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationStation Decacron
Equivalent of a Branch Head
Art created and lent by Wes using AI
at least in voice rather than body