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Toidorno Sejgui

Toidorno Sejgui is a Qaktoro of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. He was created by Nashoba for his Yome plotship, and was first mentioned on-site in December of 2013.1) Toidorno was adopted by Hollander on 22 February 2024.2)

Toidorno Sejgui
Toidorno Sejgui
Species: Qaktoro
Gender: Male
Organization: Poku Saeruo Degonjo
Occupation: Poku-Rya'ta (Ambassador)
Rank: Sasâvyjo'ka
Sect: Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect)
House: Ruoka Sinloa
Current Placement: Reikan Park, Yamatai

Physical Description

Toidorno Sejgui is 208 centimeters tall, which is approximately six feet and ten inches. He is decently athletic, more swift than strong. His sandy-brown fur is striped with gray and is well-groomed, and his skin is black; this can be seen where his skin is exposed on his lips, around his eyes, and on his scars. He has heterochromia; his right eye is a bright and vivid green, and his left eye is an aqua blue.

Toidorno has earned a number of scars in combat, and in dueling bouts with other Qaktoro. He has a scar that cuts above and below over his right eye, one across his left cheek, one over the bridge of his nose, one that gouged through his left bicep, one over his right forearm, a quartet of scars over his abdomen, two bullet-hole scars in his right thigh, and a variety of other smaller scars obscured by his fur.

Toidorno has a deep baritone voice, sometimes described as sounding 'heavy'.


Toidorno is a hard-working, no-nonsense member of the Poku Saeruo Dejongo. He enjoys machinery, particularly mechs, but he also likes to cooperate with others and accomplish tasks as part of a team. In his more mature current age, he has learned much about leadership and about socializing with alien species, and he is now more liberally-minded when it comes to aspects of his native culture than he was in his youth.

During his first few months as a Ship's Second, Toidorno was harsh with subordinates who were late to their assignments, going so far as to berate them publicly; in Clan culture, this leaves a stressful mark of shame on the recipient of the reprimands. He also held the traditional, if bigoted, tendency to overlook members of the Tula species, even those who were crewmembers. These behaviors softened over time thanks to the guidance of his more open-minded friend and Captain of the Yome, Qaedal, as well as Toidorno's experiences with aliens and with his crew.

Toidorno is not a man who wastes time; once he expresses his expectations of his subordinates, he holds them as accountable as he holds himself. When his orders are improperly questioned, he is known to respond with abrupt reprimands, correcting the behavior on the spot. He does, however, exhibit the Clan cultural trait of accepting apologies; if an offending subordinate apologized, it was accepted, and the matter was not brought up again.


Quick Run-Down: Started career as a mech-pilot, helped his Sect design new Clan Mechs, led Mech teams. Became First Officer to the Captain of Nashoba's Yome plotship for a little over 8 years. After that, spent time working with the Scientific Studies Service (SSS) station orbiting a Clan colony. After that, worked with the Niko Yârme for a while. Became temporary acting Ambassador to Yamatai in place of Tesgi, a Nashoba NPC, attended the YE 46 IRC.

Early Years

Toidorno was born into House Sinloa, and upon passing his Baqnor (move from youth), joined the Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect). He took on the role of a Ismâo'a (Seeker), and lived on ships that patrolled the outer edges of the Lumujo Saei (Territory). Since his youth, Toidorno had exhibited an affinity for the Ultra-light construction-oriented mechs of the Clan; now aboard these ships, one of his primary early roles was that of a mech pilot. Piloting Clan mechs, called Stakos, Toidorno took part in scouting missions, and in occasional battles with pirates and interlopers who dared cross into Hidden Sun Clan space. In these early years, he came to know a Qakla Âdornorpa'a (Pilot) named Qaedal Aaeas, and they became close friends, remaining in communication even when they served on separate ships.

Mech Pilot

Both Toidorno and Qaedal took on positions of leadership as they became available; Qaedal became a Tin-To'a (Ship Second) on a HS-SS2-1a Ytaqo'a (Gatherer) - Class Ship, and Toidorno became a leader of a squad of Stako pilots investigating derelict ships and planetary bodies. As he was also a member of the technically-inclined Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect), Toidorno consulted on the design and development of new Stakos which began in earnest in YE 33. He even helped to test the Goa'ismâ (Scout) Stako Yanuto in YE 34 a year before it was fully released to the clan. Usage data and feedback from Stako pilots like Toidorno also contributed to the design and construction of the Matu'dahoka (Battle Bear) Stako Yanuto.

The Searching Hawk

WAP Yome Ismâopate

In As YE 35 dawned, the Clan was assembling a crew for the newly-christened Yome Nuiqai (Wings of Hawk) Class Ship, the WAP Yome Ismâopate. They had groomed and selected Qaedal Aaeas of House Sinloa for Captain, and one of Qaedal's first acts was to request Toidorno as his Tin-To'a (Ship Second). Toidorno accepted, and though his breaking-in period was not without its initial roughness, he quickly became a thoughtful and effective First Officer.

When the Yome conducted a scouting mission of the planet Âmuar (Dream), Toidorno was leading one of two Stako teams. Both teams unexpectedly engaged with hidden Mishhuvurthyar forces on the planet; no crew of the Yome were lost in the ensuing battle. Toidorno and the rest of the away team helped to contact and recover a small population of NMX Nekovalkyrja who had rebelled against their masters; these Nekos were to become the Niko Yârme.3)

In a later mission, Toidorno prioritized the lives of Clan children who had been left alive on a derelict Clan ship, the Âmuso Ibâka; Toidorno and his crew were successful in rescuing them, and finding them a new adopted family.

As the First Officer of the Yome, Toidorno helped to supervise a unit of six members of the Niko Yârme who temporarily joined the crew in YE 37. In that same year, under the direction of Captain Qaedal, Toidorno briefed the crew on a mission to deal with a hostile, illegal settlement of Qaktoro on a planet in the Âyemovi (End of Space) system. He also led one of three mech teams that were deployed the surface; his team's task was to secure the settlement's hangar to prevent their ships from launching.4). Despite his team's best efforts, two fighter ships were able to launch, but were dealt with by the other two teams. The settlement was ultimately subdued.

With his captain, Qaedal, Toidorno coordinated frequently with the Scientific Studies Service (SSS) vessel, the YSS Genshō. The Gensho supported Clan archaeological studies of the ruins found on one of the colony worlds within the Clan's Lumujo Saei (Territory).

He was heavily involved in meetings with Star Army personnel, including crew of the YSS Aeon, at the 2XF’s Libra Star Fortress in YE 39.5)

After the Searching Hawk

In time, the mission of the Yome shifted, and Toidorno and Qaedal, who had been serving together on the Yome for nearly a decade, parted ways. Toidorno had been the Tin-To'a (Ship Second) for the Yome for eight years, and it was time to move on to new tasks. In YE 43, Qaedal and the Yome flew without Toidorno, taking on strange and exciting new missions without him. He returned to the World Station and to his House, bringing home tales of his recent adventures. He spent the next few years applying himself to one of the House's projects, one which appealed to him, given his past. He worked with the World Station's population of Niko Yârme, the Free Neko who were former NMX soldiers. By YE 43, they'd spent eight years among the Hidden Sun Clan, and all had passed the Baqnor (move from youth) and were full citizens. Just the same, even eight years was not enough to help anyone deal with the difficult upbringing they had had, nor their experiences being bombed on Âmuar (Dream), or the struggles of rebelling against their masters. Toidorno had been there on the Yome when they had been rescued, and had served with several of their number on multiple combat missions. He spent several years working closely with them, helping them continue to integrate into their society, and to find new ways to be productive and to work through their difficult, sometimes traumatic past.

Acting Ambassador to Yamatai

Authorities in the Clan, having received years of reports of Toidorno's ability to work well with the Clan's trusted allies in the Yamatai Star Empire, urged the current Vonai-Rya'ka (Emissary) to consider him for a temporary position as an Poku-Rya'ta (Ambassador) to the Empire, particularly with another International Relations Conference soon occurring in YE 46. It was in this new position that Toidorno was picked up by the YSS Resurgence, to be ferried to Yamatai for the conference.

The Resurgence stopped in the Koenic system, visiting the desert-like planet in that system which was populated by Delsaurians. The Resurgence's Captain Aoba accepted Toidorno's offer to join the away team heading to the planet, acting as a political attache. The away team was unexpectedly ambushed by violent political dissidents aligned with the NMX. Toidorno and the team survived two battles with the NMX, and escaped the planet wounded but intact. He remained aboard the vessel as the team returned to the planet without him, studying the Yamataigo language and crafting gifts to give to his friends once he left their company for the IRC of YE 46.

IRC of YE 46

Toidorno attended the International Relations Conference Of YE 466) in the context of his role as acting Ambassador to Yamatai, meeting new friends and enjoying challenging philosophical debates.

On the first day, he met and spoke with Shurista Diplomat and Governor Khelas Nascen, Doctor Dusali Kharras, and Taii Aliset Kōun, learning about Senti culture, practices and policies. A collaboration to attempt to revitalize a special Senti tea plant was also discussed.7).

He enjoyed a hunt and a dinner with Alice Sursilvan, Ambassador of the Mining Guild.8) Alice gave Toidorno a gift that he treasures: a crystalline acorn, pictured below.

Above: Image of crystal acorn generated by Charaa.

He partnered with Ema Himari, the Senator of the Anisa System to establish a working group to build a Hunting Reserve on Anisa III.9)

He also participated in the Hanami Festival of YE 4610).

Social Connections

Inventory & Finance



These items will be either generic or may have the individuals Punla (Family) colors and crests


The following specific items a member of the clan will have for performing their Kâbo'kai (Occupations).


All clan members will have the following for wearing to special events.


OOC notes

Character Data
Character NameToidorno Sejgui
Character OwnerHollander
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYamatai (Planet)
Harm Limitinjury or death