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List of Enemies, Allies, or Neutral Factions to the Neshaten

The following lists factions that are either allies, neutral, or enemies to the Kingdom of Neshaten. Only factions that the Neshaten have meet will be listed, if the Neshaten haven't meet a particular faction, or if they haven't engaged in talks, they'll be listed as neutral.

Allied Factions

The following is a list of factions whom are allied with the Neshaten

There are currently no factions allied with the Neshaten, furthermore, the Kingdom isn't seeking any kind of alliance at this time

Friendly Factions

Listed here are factions that the Neshaten are on friendly terms with. Friendly can also include those factions whom the Neshaten have trade pacts with.

Neutral Factions

Listed here are faction that the Neshaten either haven't meet, or haven't engaged in talks with the Neshaten.

Haven't Met

Have met, but have no diplomatic relations with

Non-Aggression Pacted Factions

The following is a list of factions who have a NAP with the Neshaten.

Enemy Factions

Listed here are factions that the Neshaten are currently at war with.

  • Netrunu'marol - Pro-Laibe, Anti-Daur and Anti-My'leke terrorist organization.
  • Kingdom Fall - Anti-Establishment terrorist group aiming to overthrow the current Royal family and reform the government into their own ideal system.

faction/neshaten/list_of_enemy_allied_neutral_factions.1606465294.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:41 (external edit)