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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Neshaten Year Guide

This guide is designed to aid with the creation of Neshaten characters, specifically their year of birth and what it translates to in terms of YE age and birth year if applicable. In the simplest terms, Shukaren characters age half as fast as most other species. The structure of their calendar is designed with this in mind to make it easier to work out what year they may have been born.

Year Naming and Eras

The current era is the Era of Exploration, or EE, with YE 43 matching up with EE005v.

The calendar of the Neshaten faction operates on Eras. As child characters are a special case, it is assumed all Shukaren characters will be born in the Era of Restart or ER. This era lasted from ER001 through to ER775v. After that, the Era of Exploration comes into effect starting at EE001, which is the equivalent of ER776.

When counting through these years, always remember that if you have a year, such as ER746, the next year will be ER746v. The year after that will then ascend one value and become ER747. It's important to remember that each number is used twice, with the second year having the lowercase v on the end to signify the “other half” of the whole year.

Example of Converting Birth Year

Below is an example of how to find a birth year for a Shukaren character based on what age the player wants them to be in the current year.

To begin, choose a current age. For this example we will choose 23 years old, a popular age for many characters on the site. Next, find the current year on the Neshaten calendar (if this page is kept updated, the current year will be displayed in the previous category or can be calculated from the statement mentioned). At the time of writing, the current year is EE006 or YE 44.

To make our Shukaren 23 years old, we will simply subtract that number from the Neshaten year: EE004v - 4 = ER775v - 19 = ER756v

Another method is to work entirely within ER values, with EE004v being ER779v: ER779v - 23 = ER756v

FIXME Needs date updates

Complex Method

Because Shukaren age half as quickly as most species and their years are twice as long, finding their year of birth is an identical process as if using the YE timeline with a Minkan. If a Daur was 21 years old by Neshaten standards, they would actually have been alive for 42 standard years. When counting backwards using the Neshaten calendar, you would start at EE004v and go back 41 years, including each year and its second half denoted with the v: 004v, 004, 003v, 003 etc. until you have gone back 41 years.

A simple online calculator for YE to Neshaten years is available here: Neshaten Year Calculator. Please report any issues to yagen.

To calculate by hand:

When YE Year is >= 34 (Era of Exploration)Nesh Year = (YE Year - 32) / 2
When YE Year is < 34 (Era of Restart)Nesh Year = (YE Year / 2) + 759

Another important note is that any Shukaren character over the age of 20 will not be born within the YE timeline. It is advised that Shukaren characters are always listed with an ER birth year to get precise age information as many would simply be listed as PRE YE01 otherwise.

Table Year Guide

The following table aims to visually describe the relationship between the Neshaten calendar and standard Yamataian Calendar timeline using some recent years including the beginning of the Era of Exploration.

Nesh Year YE Year
ER775 YE 32
ER775v YE 33
EE001 YE 34
EE001v YE 35
EE002 YE 36
EE002v YE 37

OOC Notes

kyle created this article on 2018/03/21 09:06.

It has been overhauled by club24 as of Oct 16th 2019 with edits added by yagen.

faction/neshaten/faq/year_guide.1648416282.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:11 (external edit)