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Nk-lr "Knuckler"

“One day, I was taking a stroll down the streets of a port city in Rok'veru. In the middle of it, I decided to stop for a drink at a small roadside beverage shop. While enjoying a refreshing SLAM, a crazed gun-man entered the store, firing wildly, surprisingly killing no one, but managed to hit every person in the room, including me! The bastard. Of course, I was too busy admiring the man's weapon of choice, an ESG. I thought, 'Amazing, no matter how horrible of a marksman this man is, he still manages to hit a target, if only it had more kick'.” As I finished my reflection, I began to tend to my damaged hand, failing to notice that an IPG sniper had already blown the man's head off.“ - Hatu Museso Chiaki, Technical Consultant

Production Information

Designer: Star Army of Nepleslia Intelligence and Pacification Group Manufacturer: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions (Suggested) Price:

  • Standard Military Issue: Free, requires request through Central Corps.
  • Nepleslian(Other Races as well.) Civilian Buyer: 600 DA
  • Yamataian Civilian Buyer: 1000 KS
  • Elysian Civilian Buyer: 5000 AR

Part Costs: Replacement Parts: 20 DA each 80 Bullet Magazine: 20 DA

Nomenclature Information

Name: Nk-lr “Knuckler” Type: Double-barreled Sub-machine gun/Semi-Automatic Pistol Model: Nk-lr-01 Role: Indoor Fighting, Close-Quarters Length: 14 in. / 35.56 cm. Mass: 9.8 lb. / 4.45 kg.

Discharge Information

Projection/ammo type: Solid Projectile Firing Mechanism: Short-Recoil Operation, Single-Action Caliber: .45 in / 11.46 mm Effective Range 150m Maximum Range: 200m Minimum Range: 0m Muzzle Velocity: 1080 ft/s / ~323m/s Muzzle Blast: Bright, short, wide flash. Moderate sound level, quick bangs. Rate of Fire: 500 rpm Firing Mode(s): Semi-automatic, full-automatic Recoil: Kick is not too strong, stabilization clamps help to keep the gun steady in both semi and full-auto.

Ammo Description:

Name: .45 in / 11.46 mm S-NAM Visual Description: S-NAMs are bronze colored with white bands near the primer end of the bullet marking it as a Standard bullet. FMJ and HJP bullets are differentiated by their weight and shape. Ammo: 80 bullets in a double magazine, 40 in each half magazine. Damage Description :

  • FMJ(magazine has a blue line going up it's center): Penetrates armor via focusing its kinetic energy upon a small point, good for piercing armor.
  • HJP(magazine has a red line going up it's center): Bullet deforms upon impact to transfer much of its kinetic energy upon the target, suitable for unarmored targets.

Weapon Mechanisms:

(1)Double magazine: A magazine uniquely designed to feed both barrels. (2)Laser Sight/Toggle Sight: Laser pointing sight, you can toggle in case for stealth. (3)Arm Stabilizer Bolt: Bolt that allows the arm stabilizer to secure in place. Pull back until clamps are secure, and then rotate the bolt upward to lock it in place. (4)Arm Stabilizer Clamps: Clamps that secure on the user's forearm to keep the gun steady in fire. (5)Hand Shield/Melee Spikes: Designed to defend the hand of the user during combat, and has spikes so that the gun can also be used in Melee combat. (6)Single/Double Barrel Toggle: When turned on, this little dial turns the bottom barrel's firing mechanism on or off. With this a person can expel the 40 rounds in the top magazine, and the switch both barrels back on to expend the other 40 in the bottom for a long, continuous suppressing fire. (7)Safety: Small switch above the edge of the hand shield turns the gun on safety or fire. (8)Grooved Grip: Grip designed to keep the gun steady in hand. Fire mode selector: Yes, on behind hand shield, small switch over the thumb. Attachment Hard points: None.

Maintenance Information:

Field Maintenance Procedure: Frame is secured with several bolts, each side(top/bottom) has 5 bolts, use a screwdriver to unscrew bolts and then the rest can be disassembled from there. Replaceable Parts and components: Barrel, laser, stabilization clamps, stabilization bolt, firing mechanism, single/double barrell mechanism, hand shield w/ spikes.

Visual Description: nk-lr.jpg


The Nk-lr was a result of inspiration given to Hatu before he fully joined the Intelligence and Pacification Group. This weapon was designed to pack twice the punch of a normal sub-machine and remain stable in one's hands without having full need of the other hand to hold the weapon. The gun was to be freely marketed with clearance of the IPG, and primely is available for Nepleslian use, whether it be law-enforcement, personal defense, or military. Civilians of Elysian and Yamataian nations are noted to have to be a higher price than what other nations are allowed to pay for it.

faction/nepleslia/weapons/nk-lr_knuckler.1561147349.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:09 (external edit)