CSCA is a standard specification for ammunition created in YE 33 intended to allow ammunition to be used between various different weapons fielded by the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia's military arms.
CSCA program started in YE 33, providing specifications for standardized ammunition that could be used across a wide range of weapon systems for logistical purposed to suit infantry and power armored soldiers. It has the goal of allowing the Nepleslian Military to streamline its supply chain, of providing the nepleslian soldier with a range of weapons that use CSCA, of providing top of the line ammunition, and to help share the specification among manufacturers that supply to NAM.
The newest standard assault rifle round of Nepleslia, developed in YE 34 by NAM. It provides a balance of stopping power as well as lethality. It comes in three variants: a solid FMJ1), a jacketed hollow point, and a jacketed soft point.
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