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NAM VOID Advanced Tactical Power Armor


History and Background

While new technologies continued to be developed by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions after the end of the Kennewes Offensive, the original VOID Commando Armor became the armor of choice of many commanders following the hype of new shield drone systems. But the armor suffered from problems similar to the original AIR, in that while it looked very good on paper, it gave a mediocre performance at a choice few battles after Kennewes and many veterans returned to their usual armors as a result. This was attributed to poor weight distribution and the sudden employment of various untested experimental technologies, rather than adherence to tried and trusted weapons.

The VOID was on the verge of being phased out, and to make matters worse, it was effectively obsoleted by the release of newer, more harmonious designs by other development teams in Terratech.

So the old team that designed the original armor, led by the creator of the original concept, Chevra Newman, worked on making the armor work. Not simply function and be able to hold its own, but be useful in the Nepleslian combat environment and complement existing designs beyond that minor assistance offered by the early production unit. The retrofitted VOID had to be retooled to fit the role of dedicated ECM, tactical suppression fire, defensive assistance and command, so that it could be deployed alongside the new NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit – “Hostile” and Aggressor Heavy Assault Armor.


The new VOID is every inch the armor of a commander or elite fighter, designed to simultaneously create strong entrenchments for friendly forces while placing fractures in enemy defensive formations. While it might not have the raw mobility of more general-use armors such as the AIR, NAM Terratech General PA – “WATER” Version 2 and NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit – “Hostile” or the assault potential and long ranged overkill of designs such as the EARTH, FIRE or Aggressor Heavy Assault Armor, it boasts a very dangerous and efficient combination of ECM, shields and offensive weapons. It is most effective in squad situations, where it can support friendlies with Shield Drone formations and on the front lines, to break enemy formations.

The VOID is equipped with high speed thruster systems that almost rival those of the fastest Yamataian armor, and the shields and armor of a light assault unit. Its weaponry is highly specialized, and designed to face multiple nearby armors and pin them down with suppressive fire, and crush the enemy with judicious use of indirect fire weapons. It cannot perform in heavy assault scenarios as effectively as armors specifically geared for that purpose, and as such, is limited to support roles when attached to squads comprised of heavier units.

The key points of this armor are the innovative ECM and support electronics, reliable Shield Drones and suppressive fire weapons, employing highly specialized systems and still experimental elements of Nepleslian technology. When used as a pure combat unit, the VOID is a jack-of-all trades, but master of none.

Statistical Information

  • Height: 9.2 Ft (2.8 Meters)
  • Width: 3.9 Ft (1.1 Meters)
  • Length: 4.5 Ft (1.3 Meters)
  • Weight: 2.3 Tons
  • Range: 96 Hours
  • Maintenance: Maintenance after every mission, 3 overhauls per 2 YE.
  • Lifespan: 10 Years


Ground speed

  • Running: 75 kph
  • Hovering: 125 kph

Air speed

  • Plasma Impulse Drive: Mach 4.5
  • Gravitic: Mach 3.2
  • Combined: Mach 6.8

Zero Atmosphere

  • Plasma Impulse Drive: .225c
  • Gravitic: .15c
  • Combined: .365c

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Body: 12 SP
  • L Shoulder/Forearm Guard: 5 SP
  • Shields, CPS: 10 (1) SP
  • Drones, Triangle: Timed, break if overloaded. (3)
  • Drones, Barrier: Timed, break if overloaded. (4)
  • Drones, Sphere: Timed, break if overloaded. (3)


The helmet of the VOID is an oval-shaped dome, with a flat forehead plate that sits atop the recess that houses a single large glowing purple monoeye. The sides of the oval structure are flanked by large rectangular antennae that jut backwards and frame the smooth back of the head structure. Black nanomuscles jut out from behind these antennae, armored in a series of curved, actuated bands of armor, that tuck in beneath the monoeye recess. These structures are the most visible, as the lower bottom of the head is concealed by a wide rounded collar that wraps around the shoulders and middle section of the head. There is a small sealed split on the collar, right beneath the monoeye recess.

The VOID's torso is smooth, but heavily armored, with an overall very rounded but bulky plate design. The upper torso is covered in a solid case of armor, with an upper player composed of two rounded, but very masculine chestplates that curve around the inner case and end about two inches before the shoulders. From the openings on the sides, small exposed strands of black nanomuscles jut out, which are reinforced in additional actuated plating. The midsection is composed of more exposed nanomuscles, covered on the front and sides by large abdominal plates and on the rear by the armor's backpack unit. The hips flare out with large metal plates and form the points where the gatling laser cannons pivot on. The shoulders vaguely resemble lemons, but with flat, slightly concave tops with a very smooth armored appearance. The left has the addition of a top-heavy oval shield with semi-hexagonal armored plates that jut from the top and bottom.

The armor has nearly identical arms, however, the left has a larger and more armored upper arm, to make the use of the heavy shield easier. These appendages are a little longer than those of the actual pilot, especially in the forearm section and possess large elongated hexagonal boxes on the tops that contain Fusion Cutter projectors, and end in hands with thick, armored fingers. The shield is composed of a single ellipsoid shield not unlike those of some Yamataian armors, but rimmed with eight curved rectangular plates. The two plates on either side of the middle section in particular, are indented to make firing a weapon while defending much easier, while the small bottom one has the indentation for another, more powerful Cutter. The center of this shield features an indented lines that cross in the center and circle around a heavy oval block.

The armor's backpack is a large rounded rectangular that houses the shield drones, as well as all most of the complex electronics onboard. Directly beneath it are the fusion generators integrated into the spinal part of the armor and canisters containing the mortar rounds. The large unit is also flanked on both sides by large bazooka like cannons, sitting on actuated and armored nanomuscular hinges.

The armor's larger thighs are protected by a thick layer of armor, with small semi concave indents for exhaust on the sides, and a set of four armor skirts attached at the hips that visibly resemble the shoulder or forearm shields, though they contour the legs to avoid interfering with movement. There are small thrusters on the back of the calves and thighs.

Weapon Systems

Main Weapons

The main weapons of the VOID can be swapped out to suit different mission environments, while the skirt armors are by default used to store spare grenades or optional weapons. Should a weapon that requires ammunition be equipped, the pilot may sacrifice the extra hardpoint on the right hip for a multipurpose ammunition storage chamber.

NAM Light Plasma Autocannon LPA-01a


  • Location: Handheld
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor Carbine
  • Secondary: Marksman Anti-Armor
  • Damage: MDR 3
  • Area of Effect: 3cm point of impact w/ light splash damage around point of impact
  • Range (Rapid Fire): 15 KM in Atmosphere, 875 KM in Space
  • Range (Semi Auto): 55 KM in Atmosphere, 2500 KM in Space
  • Rate of Fire: 240 RPM (Rapid Fire), 60 RPM (Semi Auto)
  • Payload: 640 Shots in weapon powerpack
  • Muzzle Velocity: .8c
  • Ammo Replenish: 1 every second, when connected to Generator
(1): NAM Condensed Fusion Cutter CFC-01a

Unlike previous variants of this weapon, which employed loosely contained plasma streams to create a coherent beam weapon, the Condensed Fusion Cutter, or CFC, generates a miniature fusion reaction within the generator suite and extends it several feet outwards via the use of high energy distortion fields. While similar on concept, the intensity of the CFC is vastly increased for a weapon of it's size, easily inflicting fatal damage on powered armor employing common alloys such as Durandium for protection or shoddy shield systems. The distortive properties of the containment field also allow it to breach conventional distortion-based shields with some ease, though not on the same level as subspace detonation weapons.

A CFC weapon is attached to the right and left forearms of the armor, and a third is equipped with the standard-issue long shield that is attached to the right forearm. While the shield and a handheld weapon are in use, the OS prohibits using the forearm set. Like the Cutters first equipped on the early production model, these have limited runtime due to heat issues. When activated, the resulting blade is am almost unnaturally clean stream of glowing blue plasma, entirely unlike the unruly weapons produced on earlier designs.

  • Location: Left Forearm Shield
  • Purpose: Anti-armor Close Combat
  • Secondary Purpose: Hull Cutting
  • Range: 1.7m
  • Rate of Fire: Constant
  • Damage: MDR 5, can disrupt Distortion Shields
  • Payload: Unlimited, can only run for 20 minutes. If maximum runtime is reached, there is a cooldown of 45 minutes.

Secondary Weapons

These weapons are always present on the armor, unless the user so chooses to neglect having them placed on the VOID before combat scenarios.

2x NAM Pulse Laser Array PLA-02a

A step up from the older Pulse Laser Array models, the PLA-02a version is a slightly heavier version of the standard electromagnetic pulse laser. They are located in the small grooves between the Monoeye shoulders and the neck of the armor, and are forward-mounted, only able to fire in a 180 degree cone in front of the VOID.

  • Location: In the armored collar
  • Purpose: Knocking out incoming enemy warheads
  • Secondary Purpose: Killing unarmored targets
  • Damage: MDR 1
  • Range: 1000m in Atmosphere, 3000m in space.
  • Rate of Fire: Constant
  • Payload: Unlimited
2x NAM Gatling Laser Cannons GLC-01b

The GLC consists of a twin-linked rotating multi-barrel laser cannon turret fixed to the side of the unit, designed to cover the forward areas is capable of spreading a large amount concentrated laser fire over a wide area. Primarily used as a ranged deterrent, it exceeds at shredding unarmored infantry and light vehicles. The VOID's dual set of cannons are attached to both sides of the hips and sit atop the armored skirts of the unit, allowing the armor to saturate locations more effectively than the standard PLA. Updates on the 01b version include improved firepower and a higher rate of fire.

  • Location: Fixed to Left and Right Waist
  • Purpose: Point Defense Weapons
  • Secondary Purpose: Suppression Fire, Anti-Infantry
  • Range: 2 KM (Space), 700m (Atmosphere)
  • Rate of Fire: Constant, 7 shots per second
  • Damage: MDR 2
  • Payload: Unlimited
(1): NAM Shoulder Grenade Launcher SGL-01a


  • Location: Right Shoulder
  • Purpose: Smart Payload Support Weapon
  • Range: Approximately 300m
  • Rate of Fire: 4 grenades per cycle. 7 seconds to re-cycle.
  • Damage: Varies on ammunition type
  • Payload: 20 Grenades
(2): NAM Condensed Fusion Cutter CFC-01a

Unlike previous variants of this weapon, which employed loosely contained plasma streams to create a coherent beam weapon, the Condensed Fusion Cutter, or CFC, generates a miniature fusion reaction within the generator suite and extends it several feet outwards via the use of high energy distortion fields. While similar on concept, the intensity of the CFC is vastly increased for a weapon of it's size, easily inflicting fatal damage on powered armor employing common alloys such as Durandium for protection or shoddy shield systems. The distortive properties of the containment field also allow it to breach conventional distortion-based shields with some ease, though not on the same level as subspace detonation weapons.

A CFC weapon is attached to the right and left forearms of the armor, and a third is equipped with the standard-issue long shield that is attached to the right forearm. While the shield and a handheld weapon are in use, the OS prohibits using the forearm set. Like the Cutters first equipped on the early production model, these have limited runtime due to heat issues. When activated, the resulting blade is am almost unnaturally clean stream of glowing orange plasma, entirely unlike the unruly weapons produced on earlier designs.

  • Location: Right and Left Forearms
  • Purpose: Anti-armor Close Combat
  • Secondary Purpose: Hull Cutting
  • Range: 1.2m
  • Rate of Fire: Constant
  • Damage: MDR 5, can disrupt Distortion Shields
  • Payload: Unlimited, can only run for 20 minutes. If maximum runtime is reached, there is a cooldown of 45 minutes.

Back Hardpoints

==(2): Guided Assault Fusion Mortar GAFM-01a== The GAFM is a weapon remarkably similar to the Assault Ordance Projector of EARTH and Aggressor Heavy Assault Armor fame, but differing in specific purpose. The GAFM is intended to be used as an area effect tactical weapon, to counter the tendencies of enemies of the Imperium (such as the former Red army) to rely heavily on entrenchment and cover. The GAFM allows troops to effectively blow the enemy out of their positions and inflict serious damage via the application of heavy guided fusion-based nuclear warheads. While the nuclear weapons had been forsaken in favor of more powerful antimatter or aether detonators in the past, the technology remains cheap and effective. Fusion detonations still produce radiation, but the fallout lasts hours, rather than decades and has superior explosive force. Suggestions by battlefield commanders while the project was being reviewed also led to the creation of area effect scalar and EMP detonators as a means to expand on the overall pos

Both mortars sit directly behind the heavy shoulders of the unit, and can be brought down flat or at an angle in a manner similar to the powered racks of the FIRE to change firing arcs. There are handles on the top ends of the launchers specifically to allow the marine to employ them like bazookas when they are dropped down to shoulder level. Once fired, the rounds can be guided by wire, laser or other marking device, but it must be a system registered to the VOID OS. To prevent tampering by enemy ECM, the preferred method is combined laser/partial dumbfire to guide, then release the mortar round towards the desired target.

  • Location: Inner Left and Right Shoulder Blades, on either side of the Backpack
  • Type: Light Guided Mortar
  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Emplacement, Anti-Infantry
  • Secondary: Area Denial
  • Damage: MDR 5
  • AoE: 470m
  • Range: 17km in Atmosphere, 42.5 KM in Space
  • Missile Velocity: 2000 m/s in Atmosphere, 5000m/s in Space
  • Rate of Fire: 1 Missile every 17 Seconds, 8 Second Cooldown
  • Payload: 16 Guided Rounds

Secondary GAFM Ammunition

Scalar Pulse Detonator

Scalar Pulse Detonator GAFM shells were specifically designed as resource denial devices, meant to destroy valuable resources such as reactors and the accompanying power grids, communication relays, ammunition and fuel storage and even livestock if warranted. SCD's are dangerous for use on targets less than a kilometer away, but do not carry environmentally damaging fuels such as fissile materials or antimatter, and are equipped with thermal auto-scuttling if they are not detonated within 4 months after launch.

  • Primary Purpose: Resource Denial
  • Secondary: Anti-Armor, Anti-Vehicle
  • Damage: Scalar. Detonates volatiles and destroys complex transfer systems such as circuitry and nervous systems.
  • AoE: 200m
EMP Detonator

EMP Detonator GAFM shells are effective anti-system ammunition that is ideal for disrupting shields and otherwise hampering enemy armors and vehicles in preparation for ambushes. EMPD's are generally a hazard for mechanical lifeforms and sensitive electronic systems, but do not carry environmentally damaging fuels such as fissile materials or antimatter, and are equipped with thermal auto-scuttling if they are not detonated within 4 months after launch.

  • Primary Purpose:== Resource Denial, Anti-System
  • Secondary: Anti-Missile
  • Damage: DR 6 to Shields and Electronics Only
  • AoE: 800m


The Nepleslian Arms and Munitions mini-missile launcher subsystems are compact and independent enough to be modular for the Leg hardpoints of the VOID, located on the outside of the left and right calves. By default, the unit is equipped with TRACER racks.

==(2) NAM Semi-Extended Rapid TRACER Rack XTR-01a:== With the updated reflecting the VOID's status as a heavy armor, the smaller TRACER Racks were expanded to ensure viability in even prolonged ground battles. Of nearly the same caliber as the ARROW packs utilized by the WATER2, the slightly shorter missiles are fitted with a head that bursts into a stubborn, high tensile strength adhesive and mounted with an advanced transmission device. TRACERs are capable of broadcasting on friendly frequencies to facilitate missile locks and and mark targets for fire support, and transmit overpowering “dummy” signals to draw away missiles or misdirect attention. Typically, they are set to transmit after a preset distance, as the launching unit could easily be traced and eliminated after a premature activation.

  • Location: Left or Right Calf
  • Type: Support Weapon
  • Primary Purpose: Missile Beacon
  • Secondary: Countermeasure, Distraction
  • Damage: DR 1 (Initial Impact)
  • Range: 10km
  • Missile Velocity: 800 m/s in Atmosphere, .05c in Space
  • Rate of Fire: 3 Second Lock-on, 1 Missile/Second, 5 Second Cooldown
  • Payload: 48 Missiles

==(1): NAM Rapid BOLT Launcher RBL-01a:== The new, more lethal brother of the ARROW and DART mini-missile lines, the BOLT is a small, agile missile that requires little external locking solutions, hence can be released en masse. Each missile carries a small payload of antimatter material which, upon detonation, causes a matter-antimatter explosion in a small area around the missile. The newer launchers and missile ordinance are larger to compensate the increased capabilities. Mini-missile launchers can be located on either the Left or Right calf hardpoint.

  • Location: Left or Right Calf
  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Damage: MDR 4
  • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
  • Rate of Fire: 10 per second.
  • Payload: 70 per launcher pod

==(1): NAM Rapid DART Launcher RDL-03a:== DARTS are small missiles that require very little external locking solutions. Usually the DARTS will self lock and streak toward the target like a cloud of angry bees. They are always fired en masse to guarantee a chance of hitting but their damage is small compared to the heavier version of the mini-missile pods. Instead of antimatter explosions or conventional high-explosive warheads, they explode in fine charged particles, screwing up sensors momentarily and damaging shields. Useful as a non-lethal measure of attacking or disabling foes. The newest version has a slightly increased range, but it is still recommended to be fairly close to the target to ensure successful deployment. Mini-missile launchers can be located on either the Left or Right calf hardpoint.

  • Location: Left or Right Calf
  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Shields, Anti-Sensors
  • Secondary Purpose: Disabling small-grade electronics
  • Damage: MDR 4 to shields, MDR 2 to armors
  • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
  • Rate of Fire: 10 per second.
  • Payload: 70 per launcher pod

==(1): NAM Rapid ARROW Launcher RAL-02a:== A distant cousin and predecessor to the RBL-01a, the newest version of the Rapid ARROW Launcher mini-missile pod deploys conventional high-explosive charges in each mini-missile. The small self-locking ARROWs are not as effective at killing a target as the BOLT is, but the damage is meant to bridge the gap between the ‘over-kill’ BOLT and the ‘non-lethal’ DART. Thus, the RAL-02a is the preferred mini-missile pod for those looking to not totally obliterate a target, but would still prefer the foe to be damaged none-the-less. Mini-missile launchers can be located on either the Left or Right calf hardpoint.

  • Location: Left or Right Calf
  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Damage: MDR 3
  • Range: 500m in atmosphere, 1,000m in space
  • Rate of Fire: 10 per second.
  • Payload: 70 per launcher pod

Misc Equipment

Extra equipment that is usually carried with the armor, but is not mandatory or necessary.

(1): NAM Observation Probe

This is released before battle and floats near the fringes all by itself. Fully automated and has a pair of Firefly Ion Arrays. Has a single monoeye on its head and is cheap to manufacture. When un-deployed it looks like the VOID is carrying a violin case.

  • Location: Handheld
  • Replaces: None
  • Purpose: Providing operators with more data

Systems Descriptions

Armour and Integrated Systems

Hull and Substructure

Durandium, reinforced with layered Nerimium on a Boron-Ceramic Frame

Alongside the EARTH, the VOID was one of the first few NAM armors to be equipped with Nerimium plating, but the protection it offered came with a serious disadvantage. Because of the heavy amounts of superdense armor placed on the unit's left side, some pilots reported loss in accuracy and strained left shoulders. With the advent of new technologies, the new version of the VOID would mount the more modern armor structuring system employed by the NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit – “Hostile” and Aggressor Heavy Assault Armor armors it would be supporting. It should be noted the unit has remained a testbed for new technologies and materials, with the addition of a Boron-Ceramic frame, instead of now standardized diamond nanotubes.

The first layer of the armor is made of Durandium, its relatively light weight and remarkable hardness for such weight making it a mainstay in armor construction, while fixed on a dense network of for increased stability and durability. Then, on top of these layers of durandium, extra plating consisting of a Nerimium alloy are fixed over the vital areas of the armor. This consists of most of the front and back of the armor, centered on the chest, torso, head, backpack and thighs.

The mass production VOID armor is much heavier than the original run, but the redistribution of weight has made it much easier to use effectively.

Ultralight Anti-Radiation Polymer Layer

A result of NAM's forays into chemical science, the new radiation shielding proved to be altogether more convenient than lead. The traditional lead lining has been substituted with a lighter and more sophisticated shielding material. The resulting polymer is light, flexible, non-toxic, and has radiation shielding properties highly similar to lead. This layer is thick as the lead shielding used before, but offers no protection from weapons fire.

Life Support

Life Support

The inside of the armor is made out of cushioned material, with hard straps near jointed areas. Oxygen and Sucrose solution is provided through a mask in the helmet and a catheter is present down below. The catheter has to be manually attached by the pilot as he jumps in. Constriction bands placed above the straps, and an hypospray-type automatic drug applier is near the neck. To cope with the general inflexibility of NAM PAs, a layer of equally effective, but more flexible radiation blocking polymers were used, instead of a solid lead sheet. This gives the unit just a little more flexibility than it's predecessors and allows the VOID to bend it's forwards and backwards, torso twist and tilt sideways by about 15 degrees. Reasonably comfortable for a combat unit, but not to the point where a soldier might get too relaxed.

Since nearly everything is provided by the VOID. Pilots are to get inside in their undergarments. The Power Armor can be accessed when it is kneeling by climbing up the back or using a ladder (Also applicable when standing). A password is then recognized by the Armor and then the top opens up with the head and shoulder's tipping over to open a widening cavity for the pilot to jump in. The suit then closes itself and adjusts its structure to the pilot's physique and clamps the straps on.


The shield projector creates a small anti-gravity field around the Armor. Reducing its weight, preventing the forces of inertia and stopping scalar weapons from scoring easy kills. Generator is a fitted beneath the Nerimium collar, at the base of the neck.


Combined Energizing Shielding System CPS-04ecx

The VOID carries the heavily modified CPS of the EARTH armor, only further augmented with a wireless recharger system. The distortion shields defeat transphased weaponry and allows the armor to more effectively dissipate energy based weapons. Stronger beams may be only partially dissipated and impact the shields normally, similarly to solid munitions. The VOID's CPS is also unnaturally resilient, capable of maintaining at least partial shield integrity up until they are completely overloaded or the armor loses 80% of it's constituent components to weapons assault.

The wireless power transmitter allows the VOID to recharge any shield drones withing 5 meters of the armor, and takes about 960 seconds. If the drones are docked onto the backpack unit, this time is halved.


MEC Type C

When critical damage is recorded, the MEC automatically beheads and cyrofreezes the pilot's head and jettisons it with a JAM bottle. This is located behind the PA's helmet.

Strength and Flexibility


Improves the reaction time and strength of the pilot by lining the insides of the suit with nanomuscles. These muscles are composed of many strands of nanochains which contract upon receiving an electric shock of the correct frequency. These nanomuscles contract and retract faster than organic muscles based on the signals received by the neuro probe.

Power Generation

2 Ultra Compact Fusion Generator UCF-4a

The UCF-4a is an improvement of the UCF-3 present in all previous NAM armors. It boasts a higher output and safety, capable of powering a FIRE1 single-handedly and would rarely self-destruct even when critically damaged. However the UCF-4s advent also meant that NAM was approaching the limits of Fusion technology and should branch into different methods of power generation from now onwards.

A second generator was added due to the massive power consumption by the electronics suites, and the need to constantly transmit enough power to the Shield Drone systems to keep them active. It also supplies all required plasma for plasma-based weaponry, such as the Light Plasma Autocannon and Fusion Cutter.


NAM Compact Gravimetric Drive Na-CGD-01a

Using similar design techniques as those utilized in NDI gravimetric drives, NAM's version allows for high acceleration with almost no inertia. However, due to the smaller reactor size, the drive is not quite as potent as those found in NDI armors, but is still quite fast and very efficient.

NAM Plasma Impulse Drive VOID Custom PID-01u

Because the VOID nears a full ton in weight, the existing engine setup had to be doubled to attain the same high speeds enjoyed by the NOZH. The larger system is comprised of a set of two PID-1a's joined together and fitted into a housing 1.5 times the size of the original. The PID-1u, based off of Magnetoplasma rocket technology, utilizes rather ordinary technology to generate a powerful propulsion system. Drawing ionized hydrogen into a magnetized chamber, The ionized Hydrogen is then super-heated using microwave radiation. At the same time, Radio waves are passed through the plasma to impart a very powerful charge. Shortly after, it is expelled through a nozzle using a magnetic channeling system. It should be noted that the plasma expelled from the armor is extremely hot, and may cause heavy damage or death to those in close contact to the device.

Drone Systems

Shield Drones

A set of twelve small fist sized defensive drones packed into the backpack provide the VOID armor with an immense repertoire of defensive tactics to draw from. Given the treatment of drones in prior conflicts, care was taken to assure that the drones would not be crippled by EMP attacks. Rather, they experience a temporary brownout of variable duration, depending on the yield. Each is fitted with only a small sensors suite that allows it to coordinate with nearby drones and the launching Power Armor, a tractor beam generator to tug items such as tools, grenades or ammunition packs and the trademark shield generator. The generator is of relatively high yield, but is most effective when used in sync with other Shield Drone generators, providing a wide array of options. When activated, drones project the shield from inside the protected area. If used as scout drones, they have a maximum range of 1km and have a maximum velocity of a little over .21c. When removed from a suitable power supply, they can last up to 90 minutes, assuming that no shield generation is performed.

"Barrier Shield"

3 Shield drones form into an equilateral triangle formation with a side of 2m, and projects a potent and lightly curved distortion, EM, electrostatic and kinetic shield in front of the drone set. Deployment takes approximately 2 seconds, in near ideal conditions, and takes .33 seconds to form and synchronize the shield. These highly maneuverable shields can be used to provide mobile cover or distract hostile fire. Can take up to 5 minutes of prolonged weapons fire before being completely drained.

"Shield Wall"

4 Shield Drones are Deployed into a quadrilateral formation with a maximum area of 10m^2. This shield is the most potent of the drone setups, but drain significantly more power. However, this provides commanders with the ability to employ specialized tactics in closed areas, such as the hallways of starships, and provide a solid defense versus multiple attackers. A favorite tactic is to close off an enemy group with 2 shield walls and bombard the trapped group though the shield. Able to withstand a repeated barrage for about 3 minutes.

"Dome Shield"

The VOID's 12 shield drones deploy and move to a sphere configuration around the controlling unit, forming the rough outline for the barrier. After approximately 2 seconds, each drone opens up, and projects a wide and curved distortion, EM, electrostatic and kinetic shield around the VOID. Each shield almost instantly syncs up, forming a “bubble” around the armor with a 10 meter radius. The EM shield is able to deflect or significantly weaken most energy weapons, while the kinetic component, constantly “rejecting” incoming solid objects, is able to slow down projectiles long enough for them to be vaporized by the electrostatic shield effect. Interestingly enough, solid rounds fired through the shielding are accelerated by almost .1c, caused by the kinetic shield's constant repulsion effect, that accelerate any solid objects caught in the field away from the inside. Able to withstand a repeated heavy barrage for 5 minutes, before the drones have to dock or close in to recharge.


Computing and Controls

Neural Probe

Due to the complex nature of propulsion and the fact that the pilot's hands are tied coupled with it's high speed nature, it is integral that control comes directly from the brain. Experienced in neurotechnology, Savtech has put a neuroprobe with no invasive needles in the head of the “VOID”. Refinements have allowed the VOID's head to be partially mobile, but is nowhere near as flexible as the normal human motion range. An improvement over the older NI system. Although one can just “Think” their Power Armor into moving, it is advised to supplement this by also moving your real limbs.

Display Visor HUD-03a

The last uncovered part of the pilot's head is now taken up by the display visor, which provides battle data and communication relays to the pilot. Now that the pilots can turn their heads, the visor will adjust itself to where the pilot is looking. The newer version allows pilots to shift around telemetry using the Neural Probe and access tactical maps and information at will.

Tactical Combat Savtech

A specialized computer system for sorting battle data received from the Monoeyes of all squad machines. Thanks to the detailed trajectorial data from the Monoeye sensor system, the Savtech can perform high accuracy shots by manipulating the nanomuscles on the arms. All the pilot has to do is point the gun at the enemy and the Savtech will fine tune the aim.

Should the Savtech determine that a shot is approaching the VOID, it will instantly perform evasive maneuvers. This may be quite jarring to the pilot who should be the one in control of his machine, thus practices should be in order so that the Savtech learns moves that is more preferred by the pilot, and the pilot accustoms itself to the Savtech's automatic dodging. It is recommended to save your battle data in the event of machine switching or destruction.

Specifically geared for the tactically minded VOID, the Tactical Combat Savtech is a complex squad management version of the staple Power Armor computer. It allows for multiple levels of tactical viewing and coordinates with any nearby friendly and compatible tactical computers for dynamic planning.


Encrypted Radio, Laser and Subspace

Emitters are on the shoulders and a single antenna on the back. Very traditional.

Directed Subspace Databurst Transceiver

With the innovations in CDD technology, NAM PA's equipped with this system are capable of sending large amounts of information at FTL speeds, to and from ships and between units employing this device. The data is typically encrypted using a specific song or video files as the key and spliced with anti-tampering ICE programs, that will attempt to foul up unauthorized users and automatically self-destruct the data in case of interception. Due to the frequent use of this method of transmission by other nations, databursts are to only be used in case of emergency, such as death, or completion of an assignment and subsequent requests for evac.


Monoeye Suite and Tactical Visor

Comprised of a pair of monoeyes mounted the each shoulders, the center of the faceplate, and the backpack as well as a tactical visor that can drop down over the face monoeye. 3 on the front and 2 on the back. On passive mode these sensors emit low key RADAR, LADAR and receive data on a wide spectrum. The maximum range of these monoeyes are roughly 5 AU. The tactical visor provides an accurate visual data feed in most spectrums, but does not trigger sensors when turned up.

On active mode, a pair of mono-directional emitters located within the sensors will glow. When activated, the Monoeye array sends out a broad range of particles towards an area in a tight stream, which then return back in a similar fashion akin to radar. It is very effective at determining the exact positioning and movement of ships caught in the stream, as well as providing detailed and instantaneous data on targets, but will instantly give away the VOID’s position.

NAM Particle Markerlight System PMS-01a

Though TRACERs performed well as target marking systems, they relied on ammunition, could not always hit the target and could be disabled by being struck against a hard enough surface, hitting their usefulness. To provide an effective and reliable system for the VOID, NAM Aerotech developed the Particle Markerlight System, a device that fires a marking beam, not unlike the old laser painting systems used in the past. It consists of a canister containing a high-energy subspace particle in a semi-liquid suspension, connected to a accelerator that excites it to an ultralight plasma and accelerates it to high speeds. It is then pumped and fired towards the desired target, where it impacts lightly and causes a minor increase in heat, but also marks the target to Monoeye sensors for up to 600 seconds. An emitter is mounted on the head, with a secondary system attached to the optics of the armor's handheld weapon.

The Markerlight beam travels at about .7c with a range of 2500 KM in vacuum, and 5 KM in atmosphere.


Mass Mesher Device MMD-01a

It is easier to hide behind something than to completely disappear. The MMD is actually a reversed engineered and refined version of the NRM's Dark Demon C-1 Cloaking device. Should the VOID be near an object four times its size, it becomes radar/sensor invisible. Four or more Power Armors equipped with his device and flying in a formation will still appear on radar, but their numbers cannot be determined. Firing a weapon and overboosting cancels this.

NAM “Snakeskin” Pigmentation Coat

A rather simply measure of visual stealth, the Fluxed Pigmentation Coat consists of a small nanomachines that sense surrounding images and, with prompt from the armor which it is applied to, can quickly change their colored pigmentation to match the surrounding. The result is an extent of camouflage that, while not full-proof, can be considered an effective measure against visual systems without more invasive measures of sensing the armors presence.

Snakeskin comes in a thin liquid form and is applied to armors prior to missions in the form of a spray. The nanomachines can run for 12 hours of constant use before running out of power/colored pigmentation.


NAM Eavesdropper Device

The NAM Eavesdropper is a multi-channel interception device that uses a combination of Van Eck Phreaking and Radio Wave Interception to read enemy transmissions and view the data being shown on nearby screens. Typically, the system can only read signal leaks from unprotected screens and otherwise unencrypted data. The onboard computer could decrypt the coded data with enough time, but this may take time, especially when dealing high level quantum encryption or a language not formally recognized by the system. In addition, the system is able to intercept (but once again, probably not decrypt) Subspace transmissions made within 1km of the VOID. Data collected that cannot be readily used should be forwarded to a nearby vessel via databurst for analysis.

Activation of the Eavesdropper allows any enemy within 50 meters to detect the VOID, even when on passive sensors.

NAM "Echo" Noisemaker Device

The NAM “Echo” Noisemaker Device is a more sophisticated version of the standard ND found on many other NAM designs, including the early production VOID, but is designed to not only jam sensors and communications by emitting randomly on all wavelengths, but also clog the intelligence networks of the enemy by creating multiple false data readings. When an enemy sends data away, the Echo will send an out of phase ping to cancel it out and replace it with multiple falsified versions of the transmission. This is not always fool proof, but when used on the battlefield, allows the marine to sow disorder in enemy databanks. Although this assists friendly units nearby, the VOID will be easily spotted up to 1,000 KM away when this is activated. The use of this device is not recommended when the VOID is attempting to be “stealthy”, as the emissions of the Noisemaker are easily detectable by nearby armors.

The current unit has roughly 33% success rates when facing non-Hyperspace or Quantum signals, and reduces the effectiveness of sensors and communications by half.

NAM Energy Mesher Field EMF-01a

The NAM Energy Mesher Field is an experiment in squad-assist stealth technologies, that allows a single VOID to hide up to 5 powered armor equipped with Mass Mesher Devices, by linking them together and generating a localized 'double blind' field that prevents effective use of sensors by any unit more than a kilometer away from the squad by effectively falsifying an almost perfect masking signature that matches their local environment. Unfortunately, this also prevents effective scanning by friendly armors in the EMF's range, limiting them to short-ranged passive sensors and visual detection. Firing a weapon, boosting or sending and/or receiving transmissions will negate this and potentially give away the armor's position to the enemy.

Micro ADN Module

The VOID has a miniaturized ADN system, which employs tried and tested technologies that directly nullify ambient and transmitted Alpha and Delta brainwave signals. These tend to have adverse effects during prolonged activation, but protect from the psionic reading or assault systems of organizations such as the SAoY or the now-vanished SMX. It can be maintained in a field around the VOID, or projected as a bubble with a maximum range of 800 meters. Unlike the PSC, the ADN creates a very obvious psychic dead zone when employed and is unsuitable for stealthing.

OOC Notes

Authored by exhack and approved by wes on Jul 24, 2008 1)

faction/nepleslia/equipment/void_tactical_armor.1566177107.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:58 (external edit)