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Municipal Government

The government of the various communities in the Astral Commonwealth depends on the socio-cultural roots of the individual tribe or settlement. Leaders in metropolitan settlements are elected, but more traditional communities may function different. The title of 'Commodore' in Eyr Ranr flotilla, 'Archmaster' in Ivuori enclaves and Headman in Curdatl villages and Caravaneer in Sund Wakir caravans is equivalent to the title of 'Mayor' in modern cities.

Metropolitan Titles


  • Mayor: The elected head of a city on Maekardan is referred to as a 'Mayor'. In the majority of cities, the elected official serves six years, and may be re-elected as often as possible. This name, and most of those bellow, are believed to have been inherited from the Colonial peoples the people's Saalii ancestors were once in contact with.
  • Councilor: Councilors are representatives of their local districts or boroughs. They are elected every three years, and may be re-elected as often as possible.
  • Chief Auditor: The chief auditor is official selected by the Board of Councilors to serve for a term of four years, who determines the budget for the city based on the Mayor's recommendations. Their budget plan may be vetoed by the Mayor, or a unanimous vote by the Board, at which point they are forced to resign.
  • Commissioner: Chief of the local police service. Non-elected.
  • Judge: Judges are local representatives of the judicial branch of the government. Maekardan only uses Commonwealth Civil Law.


  • Doge: The Doge of a Hlaraian city is an elected official who serves for life, or until removed from office by a resident's vote called by the Council. Their powers and responsibilities are comparable to those of a Mayor on Maekardan, despite their apparent status as elected dictators. The name is believed to derive from a noble title in an archaic variant of the Hla'Saalsari dialect.
  • Councilman: A Councilman serves the same purpose as a Councilor of a Maekardanii city, but serves a longer term of six years. The name differs because Hlaraians are less concerned with gender-neutral titles for government officials.
  • Treasurer
  • Chief Constable: As with Curdatl communities, the Hlaraian use a more traditional name for their officers of the law. It is likely to derive from either the old 'Colonial' languages belonging to the civilizations the Saalii left behind.
  • Justice of the Peace: In Hlaraian cities, the judicial authorities are also members of the police service, although their duties as law enforcement officials are largely symbolic. They purpose is to ensure the peace and deal with low-risk disturbances, resolving domestic disputes through their understanding of local law and customs.


  • Administrator: The Administrator of a Mazerinii arcology city is the leader of the Board of Directors, who serves an indeterminate term as chief executive officer and leader of the city's governing body. They are selected by the Directors of the City, and largely share powers with them. The only power they possess in exclusivity is that of veto over proposed plans for the city.
  • Director: Directors represent the corporate, military and public interests of a city, with one to three representatives per district. Public officials are elected by the people, while those of military or corporate entities are selected by their own organizations. Only megacorporations such as Solan, Ahmida or Altjira are given license to have Directors on the City Board.
  • Financier: The Financier is representative for the financial backers of the arcology. Mazerinii cities are expensive to run and maintain, so maintaining a good relationship with the interests that provide funding is essential.
  • Security Captain: The Security Captain is the chief officer of the local policing service. Mazerinii police officers tend to be pulled from the military academies, veterans of the Astral Vanguard. Local corporations may receive additional security in exchange for an increase in their required 'funding' for the colony.
  • Magistrate: The title of Magistrate is functionally similar to its Maekardanii counterpart. They are generally hired from local law colleges and must know a combination of Commonwealth Civil Law, Mazerin Common Law and Military Law.

Cohronl Space Colonies

  • Superintendant: The Superintendant of a Cohronl Space Colony is its administrator and development planner. While planetary settlements and elevator cities are typically managed by politicians and businessmen, the colonies are more often administrated by architects, scientists and leaders of local engineering firms. With the exception of outer system space colonies, the Superintendant is appointed by the Commonwealth Colonial Authority, rather than elected.
  • Supervisor: Supervisors are members of the colony's governing body in charge of carrying out the Superintendant's mandates, and inversely bringing the concerns of citizens to them. Supervisors are generally accorded a degree of liberty in overseeing colonial development, and can put their own development projects forward for review before a council of their peers.
  • Supply Captain: The supply captain is the logistics officer of the colony. They are generally taken from military or civilian logistical agencies such as trading companies or the Astral Vanguard.
  • Security Captain: The space colony security captain is functionally identical to that of a Mazerinii arcology.
  • Judge: Appointed by the Superintendant, and functionally identical to their Maekardanii counterpart. Required to know Commonwealth Law and Colonial Regulations as enforced by the CCA.

Traditional Titles


  • Headman: The headman is the leader of a village. The headman does not possess any actual coercive ability and is only able to suggest new development plans for the village. They often act as mediators in local disputes and representatives to the provincial government, but are otherwise simply reputable local figures.
  • Elder: Village elders are recognized individuals who serve as guides and counselors in the village, while possessing a strong knowledge of customs and history. In the case of dispute, the Headman will act as a mediator and a neutral council of Elders will provide judgement.
  • Chief Constable: As with Hlaraian cities, who gained this term from the Curdatl, the Chief Constable, colloquially referred to as 'Sheriff', is the regional chief of law enforcement, often commanding a barracks of a dozen deputies and troopers in an area of several kilometers.

Eyr Ranr

  • Commodore: The Eyr Ranr Commodore is the commander of his regional flotilla, responsible for registration and surveys of ships and ensuring proper administrations of airships in their area. In the case of disputes between a captain and their crew, or two vessels, the Commodore is expected to step in and give final say. City-sized airships are often led by a Commodore.
  • Captain: The captain is the commander of their own vessel, ranging from fishing trawlers, to traditional airships and even spacecraft owned by an Eyr Ranr family.
  • Quartermaster: The quartermaster is the treasurer, supply officer and financial adviser of an Eyr Ranr airship. Being appointed this title is often a sign of deep respect from the captain, as the modern era requires that the operation of an airship be mildly profitable or the crew might go hungry. The Quartermaster is often the face of a ship when dealing with a potential employer or contractor.


  • Archmaster: The Archmaster is the leader of an Ivuori enclave, appointed by the council of Enclave Masters, selected as the most reputable scientist, craftsman or author of the Enclave and made to be its representative in the wider world. Their executive powers are often limited and directly shared with the Masters.
  • Master: A Master is the title for any person who has pursued a discipline for fifty years or more and achieved great technical prowess. They are leaders among the cabals of engineers, scientists, artists and artisans, and teachers to the next generation of Ivuori youth.
  • Magistrate: A Magistrate is the local lawman and judge who ensures adherence to proper Commonwealth Law and good relations between denizens of the Enclave. There is rarely more than a single Magistrate for the average Enclave, as Ivuori tend to shun physical violence and criminal actions.

Sund Wakir

  • Caravaneer: The caravaneer is an experienced wanderer and visionary who leads Sund Wakir (as well as the regional diasporas found on Hlarai and Mazerin). Although there have been many respected caravaneers throughout history and a number of legendary caravans that have plied the same trade routes for centuries, this title is largely arbitrary, as any Wakir could become a caravaneer as long as they have people following them.
  • Elder: Elders are the experienced heads of families in a Caravan, and the administrators of traditional law and custom. In traditional Caravans, there is one Elder for every family, or branch, traveling in the group.
  • Trademaster: The trademaster is functionally similar to an Eyr Ranr Quartermaster, although they are appointed by the caravan itself, rather than its leader.

faction/iromakuanhe/municipal_government.1482280975.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:31 (external edit)