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As the capital of the the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth and the origin of Iromakuanhe culture, Maekardan is most representative of the whole of the Commonwealth, and her urban citizens are perhaps most indicative of the living paradox of the planet. It is a place of tradition, faith and bureaucracy, but this traditionalist nature clashes with the progressive and radical ideologies of young people, culture being changed by the emergence of new advanced technologies and the resurgent wealth of the nation. Maekardan is world of both natural and artificial beauty, combining the mysterious and beautiful expanse with heavily terraformed and urbanized regions, culminating in the orbital elevator that has become symbolic of the planet.

Because of the 'mosaic'-style aggregation of ethnic groups in Maekardanii cities, the city-dwelling folk of the capital world show a degree of openness to new ideas and tolerance to variety and minorities that is especially, contrasting with the more isolationist bent of the Mazerinii. Maekardanii are multi-cultural to the point of being xenophilic and prone to characterizations as overly trendy yuppies who draw from all cultural sources, but continuously refer to them as belonging to other cultures, thereby maintaining themselves separate from 'backwards' traditionalism. This could be best demonstrated by the integration of Sund Wakir hookah lounges, Curdatl pubs and Ivuori opera into most Maekardanii communities, but the maintenance of those individuals who operate 'authentically exotic' or luxurious services as not being of the same social group.

This action is not mean-spirited, as their xenophilic culture would still welcome them into their communities, but this emphasis on the mosaicism of Iromakuanhe culture. The pan-Cohronl movements, which started in the orbital elevator colonies of Maekardan differs in this multi-ethnic approach, favoring instead the 'melting pot', eschewing the distinction of cultures and ethnic groups and combining all attributes and adopting them personally.

Physical Traits

Color (Hair/Eye) Eyes Hair
White Uncommon Common
Gray Common Common
Black None Common
Brown Uncommon Common
Red Very Rare Very Rare
Orange Very Rare Very Rare
Yellow Common Common
Blue Common Uncommon
Violet Rare Uncommon
Green Rare None
Skin Color Rarity
Chalk White Uncommon
Brown (“Black”) Common
Rose Pink Uncommon
Flesh Uncommon
Pale Purple Very Rare
Average Stats
Male Height 6'1“
Female Height 5'7
Male Weight 160 Ibs
Female Weight 130 Ibs
Male Build Lean
Female Build Slim
Bra Cup Size C


General Behavior

The Maekardanii have inherited the strong exploratory leanings and leisure-seeking from the Eyr Ranr, but whereas the desires of the Ranr are simplistic and intense, the influences of Ivuori culture has given a more refined and subtle palette, and tastes that are much more about experiencing a little bit of everything life has to offer than pushing any one kind of experience to the limits. Although considered tasteless yuppies, they are polite, indecisive and prone to go along with the flow rather than make their own decisions by default, and as such, rarely refuse the things offered to them. It is often said that Maekardanii dinner parties are contests polite refusal and even more polite insisting.

Despite this, they are also consummate intellectuals and political commentators, although their knowledge and wealth, and their tendency to do so little with it is often commented upon by the impassioned Sund Wakir and more radical Cohronl.

Marriage Practices


The Mazerinii practice a combination of monogamy and bigamy, because of a larger population of women in the cities capital planet. While it is traditional for a male to only have a single spouse at any one time during his lifetime, it is considered acceptable for a particularly wealthy and influential man to take on a mistress and wed her, especially if his first is growing too old or was unable to bear children. However, after a male has chosen a second wife, he is expected to be loyal to both and must treat both with equal kindness and generosity.

Marriages between the same sex are allowed because the ceremonies are almost always done through civil, instead of religious or ethnic, channels although it is generally believed that the wealthier and most powerful person should assume the dominant role in a relationship, and that in case of bigamy, at least one spouse of the dominant person should be of the opposite sex. It is also generally acceptable, in heterosexual relationships, for a man to assume the lesser position in a union because of wealth or social status, but as such, may not choose the next partner of his wife unless she asks him to do so, and does not pass on his name.

For this reason, most wealthy Maekardanii marry bellow their class.

The Ceremony

The Mazerinii, who fancy themselves the most modern and progressive of the Commonwealth's ethnic groups, prefer civil ceremonies carried out in the lavish city courts of the capital. For all but the wealthiest citizens, it is perfectly natural to get together with other couples from the same region and rent a hall together because of the high costs associated with large cities such as Kaeshun, Mizar or Khuyun.

Familial Practices

Maekardanii families tend to be nuclear in structure, comprised of two parents with two to four children. However, in the case of bigamous marriages, the (typically) wealthy individuals may have as many as sixteen children. The children may be educated by private tutors or in schools run by the state or private organizations, and are generally free to pursue the careers of their choice.

In inheritance from the parents, the eldest are favored, but the situation with bigamous families differs. The first wife (or spouse of the dominant person) and her family receive control of the estate, with monetary goods, homes and other assets, while the second wife and her family are favored during the distribution of off-world assets, as a means to reduce competition after the estate has been settled, and prevent tensions in the home between the two cabals in the person's household. Generally, the estate is only broken up when the wealthiest parent dies.


The Maekardanii allow all relations between individuals of a legal age, but possess a strange emphasis dominance of the one with the greater the wealth, renown or social status. The position of the head of household is accorded to this person, rather than to the male or female specifically.


Maekardanii architecture is robust yet exotic where the sandstorms cannot reach, meshing art deco with organic shapes of shimmering glass and polished metals and composites. As a symbol of pride and wealth, most of the structures stretch many miles into the skies, often swarming by small flotillas of floating platforms and fleets of hovercraft. Aesthetic tastes favor golds, blues and whites, the colors of the Commonwealth.

faction/iromakuanhe/maekardanii.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:59 (external edit)