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Iromakuanhe Calendar

Number of Days 474
Beginning AR 0 (BYE 1216)
Current Year AR 945

The Iromakuanhe calendar is a system by which individuals living in Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth measure the passing of standardized units of time, in this case days, months and years. To compensate for the drastically different environments in each of the three primary inhabited planets of homesystem, the Iromakuanhe calendar follows a two-tiered system that separates the passing of seasons from the passing of years. The current era designation in the Astral Commonwealth is AR, which stands for “After Rebirth”, and begins several decades after their species came into existence.

The orbital period of Maekardan, which was used as the standard, is 474 days long, and approximately 33% longer than that of Yamatai, meaning that there are 3 AR every 4 YE. Because the system was not meant to specifically follow the phases of the sun, there are no leap years, but an observable shift in the correlation between season and month, every century or so. The planets further out experience this in a much more dramatic manner, to the point where the new year can begin in different seasons for several years in a row.

Year Conversion to YE

Since the main years used in Star Army RP are on the Yamataian Calendar, this table helps match AR to YE.

Iroma Yamatai IRL
AR 915 YE 03
AR 918 YE 07
AR 921 YE 11
AR 924 YE 15
AR 927 YE 19
AR 930 YE 23
AR 933 YE 27 2004-2005
AR 934 YE 28 1/3 2005
AR 935 YE 29 2/3 2005-2007
AR 936 YE 31 20091)
AR 937 YE 32 1/3 2010
AR 938 YE 33 2/3 2011
AR 939 YE 35 2013
AR 940 YE 36 1/3 2014
AR 941 YE 37 2/3 2015
AR 942 YE 39 2017

Planetary Time Standards

Time is measured in seconds, minutes, and hours by the Iromakuanhe clock, much like a Nepleslian or Yamataian clock. However, the main difference is the amount of hours in each day. There is a centrally used system, and then two other less-used systems.

Commonwealth Standard Time

CST, or Commonwealth Standard Time is a universally used measurement of time. It is used by almost everyone in the commonwealth, so that their universal calendar stays intact. This time, like the months and years, is based from the length of the standard Maekardan day. Usually, clocks will be in a 30-hour format, meaning that it can go from 0:00 to 29:59.

Mazerin Standard Time

A lesser used format of time, MST, or Mazerin Standard Time, is similar to CST. MST is just used mainly to measure the time of when it is day or night on the planet Mazerin. Most citizens will use CST over MST to stay current with the rest of the Commonwealth, however, some people will find the use of MST to plan events.



Robaheeth is the first quarter of the Iromakuanhe year, it's an archaic Makouri term for Time of Rebirth. During these four months, the citizens of the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth commonly act to prepare for the fresh new year.


Parolov is the first month of the Robaheeth, being the first month of a new year, it's themed under the Makouri Saint Parolov. At this time, people mainly get along accepting in the new year, holding traditional celebrations to keep the past close, but the future closer. It is also the month that most Iromakuanhe children start their new school year.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holidays: New Year's Day(1), First Day of School(22)


Muna is considered a sacred time to the Sund Wakir. It when the young of these nomadic people are traditionally sent to the monastery for their traditional teachings, or when they are finished. It is also when most caravans choose to begin their journeys once more from the large trading posts.

  • Length: 29 Days
  • Holiday: Monastery(3)


Many Iromakuanhe do not favor Bukor due to the less-than-loved tax returns. Nevertheless, it's a month that many Iromakuanhe spend less money. It's a huge month for businesses as well, many of them lay out their financial plans for the year in Bukor. The only holiday of this month is a little noticed bank holiday.

  • Length: 29 Days
  • Holiday: Bukor's Leave(29)


Dahbi is the last month of the Robaheeth, it marks the end of rebirth and the start into creation. This is specifically true for businesses and craftsmen who are usually prepping new items or utilities to be released in the Fassein. Dahbi's most anticipated quality is the Robaheeth Feast which takes place in the last week of Dahbi. Usually where many come out to celebrate the end of Robaheeth and eat.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holiday: Robaheeth Feast(23)


Like Robaheeth, Fassein is an archaic Makouri term, which means Time of Forging. It is the second quarter of the Iromakuanhe year, and is usually when people are finally getting on the move after the less-than-active Robaheeth. This is also a time where the military starts active training and retraining of soldiers.


Bahbi is a month where a majority of the preparation made in Robaheeth is put into fruition. It also a where the government makes much of its yearly plans and budgets, and it's when they take their holiday. Unlike Bukor's Leave, Bahbi's Rest is a three-day holiday, meaning that 1/3 of government personnel takes a day off, alternating with the other 2/3.

  • Length: 29 Days
  • Holiday: Bahbi's Rest(14, 15, 16)


Abu'nal is considered a month for the Military, it is the time frame when training and retraining starts. Usually it is basic training for fresh recruits, or physical retraining for veterans.

  • Length: 29 Days
  • Holiday: None


Mu'Klamal is usually around the time the Dream Cathedral begins to send out notices for new Temple Guard. It's also when major sports teams begin to training for the recreation season in Jov'at. The Military also begins to finish it's training at the end of the month, marking it's end with a three day holiday, much like Bahbi's Rest.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holiday: Mu'Klamal's Bide(28, 29, 30)


Jafar is a month well known for the Temple Guard trials that take place during it's time. Physical trials are actually pretty interesting to watch, so many people watch a televised version as they happen. At the end of the month, who ever passes is sworn in at the Dream Ceremony, which is also widely televised. Usually done on the same day as the Fassein Feast.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holidays: Dream Ceremony/Fassein Feast(30)


Jov'at is time of celebration and love, where people focus less on life and more on the better things in life. In the archaic Makouri language, Jov'at means, Time of Joy.


Fanir is the month where everyone is in what is called the 'Jov'at Rush'. This is usually a rush experienced by those who are getting prepared for the many celebrations and events that will being happening in the three months following.

  • Length: 29 Days
  • Holidays: None


Yetsava is the patron saint of natural beauty, as such, many Iromakuanhe spend this month looking their best. There are a large amount of contests judging handsomeness and beauty, one of the more famous being the Kaeshun City Beauty Pagent, which is normally held at the bayside.

  • Length: 29 Days
  • Holidays: Kaeshun City Beauty Pagent(16)


Malakai seems to be a time when everyone in the Commonwealth gets an unnatural burst of creative energy. All over, people create man-made beauty, holding festivals with exciting results. One of the more famous festivals, is Fwa-Kwar. Fwa-Kwar is an archaic Makouri term for 'Ancestral Worship'. At this time, Iroma from every walk of the world dress up in colorful outfits and paint their faces, honoring not just he Makouri, but their own ancestors and their successes.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holidays: Fwa-Kwar (28)


Love, romance, and a happy endings are the things that could describe the fever that overcomes Iromakuanhe in Ahni. All over, people find others to be with and share their days, and their dreams, with. The most notable day is, Ahni's Embrace, where the love seems to reach it's peak as Iroma find interest in one another. Though, Ahni is not just about love, it's also about fertility and the care of the children. Parents usually take their young ones to Dream Churches to get them blessed by priests to give them fortune in life. Lastly, people celebrate the Jov'at Feast, honoring the good time they have had over the seasons.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holidays: Ahni's Embrace(13), Jov'at Feast(30)


After the craziness of the year transpires, many people want to look back on the trial and fun the had, and celebrate it. They do this in the fourth quarter, which is known as Nar'Zul. In the archaic Markouri langauge, it means Time of Reflection.


During Ghaliya, many people reflect on the good health they had over the year, and those that hadn't had good health, are glad to be alive. The main holiday of this month is Farusai, or, Celebration of Good Health

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holiday: Farusai (9)


Mirza is when most of the nomadic Iromakuanhe finally harvest their goods for the year, and set up camp for the three-month interval into the next year. People are usually giving thanks to items and consumables that they've gotten or have been given over the year. At this time, people celebrate the gift of giving on Mirza's Hospice, usually exchanging presents to one another in the night, and enjoying them the next morning.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holiday: Mirza's Hospice (15)


I'Timad is the one month of least celebration, remembrance, or work. In this month, many Iromakuanhe take up to music and song, enjoying the gift of glorious that the Makouri had blessed them with long ago. It is usually a month filled with concerts and funbands.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holiday: None


Ruh was known to be the greatest, and oldest of all the Patron Saints. Yet, he knew when it was his time go, and asked only of his friends and family was to remember him fondly as he passed silently. Ruh is a month tainted with a gloomy image, a looming end to the year coming ever closer. However, many people find a way to celebrate this month whole-heartedly, with Ruh's Feast. Ruh's Feast is an end of the year feast that dwarfs all others. Here, people eat, sing, speak, and talk about all the things that had happened over the year. Most importantly, is the remembrance of the Iromakuanhe who didn't make it to see the first of Parolov in the next year.

  • Length: 30 Days
  • Holiday: Ruh's Feast(30)

The Iromakuanhe faction was introduced in 2009.

faction/iromakuanhe/calendar.1648416397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:29 (external edit)