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1st Expeditionary Area Army

The Star Army Rikugun's first Area Army specifically trained and equipped for long-range deployments. Comprised of five Expeditionary Armies, the 1st Expeditionary Area Army is an extremely high readiness command able to rapidly deploy to take the lead in all manner of missions from missions from humanitarian assistance to planetary invasions. Chief among the duties of the 1st Expeditionary Area army is to maintain five Legion Command Groups which are intended to be the premier rapid deployment force of the Star Army of Yamatai.

1st Expeditionary Area Army
Force Posture
Current Commanding Officer Kikumoto Sora
Oversight Rikugun Command
Mission Profile Force Projection, Rapid response, Planetary Invasion
Status Active
Current Focus Training and force generation
Base of Operations Fort Minori Reserve Center, Planet Nataria


Current force structure outlined by Rikugun Reforms and Base Realignment YE 44

Command Staff

Subordinate Forces

Unit Name System Coverage Assigned Base Commander Notes
46th Army Ukmirt Rikugun Base Ukmirt Shosho Ida Mako Contains Legion XII
47th Army Nataria Fort Minori Reserve Center Shosho Ōu KēJié 欧轲杰
48th Army Nataria Fort Minori Reserve Center Shosho Chiba Aoi
49th Army Nataria Fort Minori Reserve Center Shosho Eudocia Lascaris
50th Army Nataria Fort Minori Reserve Center Shosho Kostyantyn Moroz

Notable units

Free Standing Formations

Legion Command Group Structure

Each of the five Expeditionary Armies of the 1st Expeditionary Army are responsible for generating a Rikugun Legion Command Group to spearhead expeditionary activities. Each LCG is comprised of two brigades from the parent army and fleet elements generally provided by Fifth Fleet in a process facilitated by Fifth Fleet Force Structure YE 45.

Each LCG shares its number with its parent army. When a rapid Rikugun presence is required, an Expeditionary Army can task part of or an entire Legion Command Group to provide a wide array of capabilities. It is rare for more than one LCG to be sent to a particular hot spot. Instead, if an issue escalates beyond what a single LCG can handle, more forces from its parent Expeditionary Army are sent to support it. This can escalate until regular Rikugun forces from other Area Armies are being deployed. It should be noted that the LCG structure is meant to provide a flexible, rapid response capability, not to be the primary fighting force of the Rikugun.

LCG personnel should be level headed, adaptable, and act with the utmost professionalism because they are often going to be among the first SAoY personnel to arrive at a crisis. Leaders from the fire team level up to the LCG Commander must be able to act judiciously with limited oversight and be ready to advise relevant decision makers with timely, up to date, and unbiased information.


Notable Personnel

OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/12/08 05:04. Edited by Demibear

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/08/251). Faction Manager Approval was also by Andrew.