Table of Contents

Nepleslian Reds: A Comprehensive Cultural Exploration

This article presents a detailed exploration of the Nepleslian Reds (or Yamataian Reds in some circles), a complex and multifaceted faction known for their open rebellion against the ancestors of the Yamataian Star Empire and extensive use of cloning. This guide delves into the diverse cultural aspects of the Reds, including their ethnic diversity, language practices, views on religion and spirituality, and unique social structures influenced by their history and cloning technologies.

Key areas such as art, technology, health, leisure activities, and ethical values are discussed, offering insights into the daily lives and societal dynamics of the Reds.

Common Misconceptions from outsiders

Outsiders often misunderstand or misrepresent several aspects of the Nepleslian Reds (see the following), primarily due to its complexity, history, and the faction's unique evolution. Some of the most common misconceptions include:

Clone Phenotypes

The Nepleslian Reds, initially drawing from the genetic pool of Nepleslia, encompass a wide range of ethnic groups that have formed into their own phenotypes of clones. While the Reds do not care much for looking at an individual just based on what they look, appearances still matter.

Language and Communication

Nepleslian Reds primarily speak Trade (language). A large part of this is due to the sleep training clones receieve is ancient in nature and only delievered in Trade. This is further reinforced with great emphasis being placed on the “superiority” of the language by older clones wishing to perserve their Nepleslian identity among the Yamataians. But the Nepleslian Reds strong sense of individualism and more recent patterns of pragmatic thinking has allowed other languages to filter in as second languages for a growing number of clones. Common secondary languages learned are:

Emotional Expression

Nepleslian Reds highly value directness and honesty. It allows them to adapt to the current situation and achieve whatever tasks they are currently focused on. Being open and unguarded with one's feelings is also seen as a sign of authenticity, though they can understand situations where such behavior is detrimental such on the battlefield. A degree of emotional control is expected as it can get in the way of accomplishing the mission, but there individualism has allowed showing emotions to be done with no stigma from others.

In more personal and social settings, there is expected to be a greater openness in expressing your emotions to others. Not to do so would only breed suspicion that an individual does not truly want to be around and make them wonder why you are trying to interact with them on a more personal level.

For clones that share the same genetic lineage (progenitors), there is an automatic sense of connectedness to them. While they are not expected to always be around each other, trust is easier to establish among them. It is also harder for them to forgive if that trust is shattered due to the strong emotional bond.

With increase usage of empathic augmentations among the Reds, the deepest level of trust is established when the sharing of emotions is allowed. Grabbing each other with their arms extended and hands touching their biceps to achieve direct contact of receptors is seen as the same as an bear hug by others. It is increasingly done by those that lack the augmentation.

Interpersonal Spacing

Being a martial nature by nature, the Nepleslian Reds have an nauenced approach on they speak to others and how close they physically allow people to approach them. Those who other stand this can better understand a Reds' opinion of them and how to approach them productively. As they are very individualistic, some Reds might buck the general trend however.


Interactions with individuals outside their faction are approached with a blend of caution and formality, mirroring the concept of “public face” prevalent in Yamataian space. This cautious approach is not just a matter of social etiquette but of strategic positioning, given their history of conflict and the necessity for security.

Physical distancing in these interactions serves as a protective measure, ensuring that Reds have the space to react defensively if necessary. This space is not only physical but also metaphorical, as Reds adopt a more formal or guarded manner of speech and body language, maintaining their “public face” to shield their true intentions and feelings.

Acquaintances and Less Familiar Reds

When interacting with fellow Reds who are not well-known or anyone that is merely an acquaintance (meaning they know who they are), there is a slight relaxation of the stringent rules of engagement observed with non-Reds. Given the shared identity and communal goals, there's an implicit trust that allows for a reduction in physical distance.

However, a degree of formality remains, reflecting a societal norm where respect and caution dictate interactions with respect of individual's rank and/or until individuals prove themselves trustworthy. The use of space in these instances is strategic, allowing closer physical proximity than with non-Reds but still maintaining enough distance to safeguard personal security and respect.

Close Personal Relationships

Among those they are intimately familiar with or share a deep bond, Reds exhibit a much more relaxed approach to personal space. In these relationships, physical closeness becomes a symbol of trust, intimacy, and the strength of their connection. The absence of such closeness can be (and often is) interpreted as a sign of a rift or weakening of the bond.

In this inner circle, the strict social norms governing physical distance and formal interaction are significantly relaxed, allowing for a genuine expression of emotions and thoughts. The delineation between personal space in public and private settings may blur, with Reds feeling comfortable engaging in behaviors that display affection, camaraderie, or deep trust, which they would not exhibit in the presence of outsiders or less familiar members of their faction.

Communicating Valor and Dishonor

The Nepleslian Reds being strangely collective at a factional and individualistic at a personal level, have means of spreading the actions of some to others. These take the form of both informal and formal methods.

Formal Methods

Each clone/individual of the Nepleslian Reds has a detailed record associated with their “Echo” (term for collective memories and progenitor personality of a line of clones). As such it is an excellent tool report the actions of individuals and enact appropriate punishments/adjustments to the Echo.

Informal Methods

Augmenting formal methods that serve as evidence, informal methods are quicker but do not carry the same weight as official records.

Religion and Spirituality

Nepleslian Reds are primarily atheists due to their heavy use of cloning that extends the “lifetime” of an individual. Despite this, there is a growing minority that have become attracted to Shintoism. While they can understand the Anti-Imperial sect, the strong rejection of Yamataian expansion and imperialism puzzles them. Reds also cannot fully accept the concept of Living Kami and how every living Kami always seems to be a member of the Imperial royal family. Thus this minority of adherents follows a nature-based sect formed by the Takeshi-ryu Mizumitsu called simply “The Third Way” with a focus on personal enlightenment. Some Nepleslian Reds are also drawn to Elysian Religion, primarily those that spend a lot of time around the Elysians within the Fujiko Region.

Gender Roles and Relationships

Genetically (and cybernetically) augmented, the Nepleslian Reds have never really cared much about the gender of its clones. So long as it did not interfere with the mission and cohesion of a unit, the Reds do not really care how one identifies themselves. Though they much prefer one not to flaunt it or force others to accept their perceptions due to the adverse effects on unit cohesion it can have on others.

As Reds consist of individuals that may or may not accept the identity of an individual they are replacing, marriage is rare among them. If intimate relationships do occur between Reds, they are typically informal and very temporary arrangements of the moment. But they are typically monogamous in nature and only with those not of the same unit, again to limit the hit on unit cohesion. Should a marriage occur and a replacement chooses to assume a new identity, the marriage is automatically nullified.

Family and Kinship

The familial and kinship dynamics within the Nepleslian Reds diverge significantly from conventional human models, primarily due to their reliance on cloning for population sustainability. The traditional nuclear family does not exist among the Reds, instead being replaced with a close-knit “Kin Network” (or kinNet) consisting of clones and individuals descending from a single common progenitor. Individuals often share the same surname, though this is not always the case. Should a clone give natural birth, the child gains association with the kinNet of the mother if they are also a Red. The kinNet of the father is never passed on.

The standing of a kinNet depends on the accomplishments of its members. KinNets that consistently produce clones of high aptitude are regularly chosen to fill specialty roles and attempt to raise the quality of other kinNets via “breeding” of new clones. While the practice fell out of practice towards the later years of the Reds' fighting against the Greens due to lack of resources, the Fujiko Development Corporation has re-begun the practice with its new production lines of artificial nepleslians (particularly of the Lily Type).

Nepleslian Reds also form into “associations” that functions close to a tribe in other human societies. These associations are often formed between kinNets that either regularly bred together and have the same professions. These associations in the past made were the core building blocks for Red units are most tend to have membership numbers close to a platoon or company.

Leadership within associations is typically entrusted to a council of seven, mirroring the headquarters component of the Reds' military structure. Membership on these councils is merit-based, with each association setting its own selection criteria, which often include leadership skills and domain expertise. Some associations also incorporate unconventional selection methods, like drinking contests or feats of strength.

Post-Fall of Kennewes, the Reds witnessed a significant shift in their social dynamics, marked by a small emergence of traditional nuclear family structures within associations. Other notable changes are a number of associations have amalgamated to form larger entities, akin to regiments, with the most extensive of these “super-associations” encompassing up to 5,000 members.

Social Structure and Class

Being a faction of individuals, the Nepleslian Reds never quite developed a class and social structure. Leadership was (and still is) instead based on how strong and manipulative an individual is at gaining support of the masses (legit respect, twisting of facts, or fear). Linage beyond what kinNet one belongs matters little to other Reds due to the belief of actions and results mattering more than potential. But clones do have a tendency to favor the oldest kinNets due to the idiom “They must be doing something right”.

Education and Knowledge Transfer

Education has until, recently (post-YE 43), has never been a concern for the Nepleslian Reds. Comprised mainly of clones, they received all of the knowledge that was required to perform the jobs they were to be assigned as they were created. Children that were produced by these clones were typically given to orphanages or lost track of during the chaos of losing worlds to the Greens (and typically found abandoned by the Greens).

After the Fall of Kennewes, the rare children born to “standard” Nepleslian clones were raised collectively by whatever kinNet the mother belonged to. These children are taught whatever occupational skills the surviving kinNet was (infantry, logistics, special forces, etc.) with little emphasize placed on skills such as science, math, and history beyond what was needed for their profession (thus basic math and language skills is taught).

KinNets that were “blessed” with an Elysian Patrician or Caeosolian migrating to their settlement gained a teacher that children were sent to for a more rounded education. The formation of the Fujiko Development Corporation (FDC) has formalized the process.

Following the Yamataian Calender, the Yamatai Department of Education standard has been adopted. A 6 year old child will have 6 years of primary education, 3 years of lower secondary school, 3 years of upper secondary school, and 4 years of college. All individuals under 21 years of age at the beginning of the year (parents membership status within the FDC not mattering) are enrolled.

Political Structure

Traditionally the Nepleslian Reds form of governance was “I am the strongest, listen to me”. This had work for the Reds as it was initially based on meritocracy. But during the decades before and after the Fall of the Kennewes until YE 43 the model lead to corruption. Since the overthrow of the old leadership of the Reds, the Reds decided to experiment with a new form of governance.

Taking the form of the Territorial Administration Services (TAS), the Reds within the Fujiko Region have started to experiment functioning as a federal republic. Powers are split between three branches and delegated to different levels of the TAS (TAS > Union > Regional > Municipal), with autonomy increasing with each under layer of the organization.

Economy and Work

Historically the Nepleslian Reds had lacked a functioning economy and the ability to even create one in the first place. Before the Fall of the Kennewes, the Reds were primarily funded with a mix of piracy and taxing local populations for the “protection” provided to the Reds. As they lost worlds to the Greens, their sources of income increasingly decreased until their eventual defeat in late YE 29.

This lack of managing an economy was inherited by the the survivors when they arrived and colonized Fujiko and Rufusland. Focused initially on rebuilding to go after the Greens again, the Reds only gained some semblance of an economy due to Yamataian corporations coming in wishing to take advantage of a new source of labor. These systems being rich in mineral wealth, a deal was made. In exchange for room and board (as well as wages), the Reds mined and staffed the Yamataian facilities. As a side effect, the Reds learned new trades that would be come the foundation of the new Nepleslian Red economy as they started to become more independent of the Yamataians in YE 43.

Mining and Heavy industry make up a huge portion of the economy within the Fujiko Region due to the undesirable environments (Fujiko is a Tundra world and Rufusland is an extremely tectonically active ocean world). The annexation of Ukmirt has presented an opportunity to diversify the economy of the Nepleslian Reds. A planet rich with life, there is an opportunity to develop a thriving agricultural and organics base industry to round out the heavy and mining historically associated with the Reds.

Art and Aesthetics

Art has never been on the forefront of the minds of the Nepleslian Reds. While they will express themselves by customizing the looks of their armor, weapons, and bodies (tattoos, hairstyles, and cybernetics); one can hardly call them artists in the past. Though this has gradually changed since their occupation of Fujiko and Rufusland.

Becoming closer in their association with the Yamataians, a greater number of Reds have been exposed to Yamataian art styles and aesthetics. While even those that have become citizens will not fully embrace the ways of the Yamataians, they have been quite willing to blend traditional utilitarian Nepleslian aesthetics with those of the Yamataians.

Technology and Innovation

Besides their cloning and biotechnology (by association of the cloning) expertise, the Nepleslian Reds have largely been a sort that reverse engineers instead of developing noval ideas in the past due to their previous lack of scientists beyond Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing. This is in large part due to the vast majority of clones being created were common soldiers with martial sleep education deemed more important than developing scientists. Despite this, Nepleslian scientists and engineers drawn to the “Red Cause” have been known for the development of the Mass Mesher Device.

Health and Well-being

Despite having a strong knowledge of genetics and human anatomy, the Nepleslian Reds have never really had a comprehensive healthcare system. Doctors, nurses, and medics primarily were only concerned keeping individuals alive and capable as long as possible to complete whatever mission they were conducting. Should they die, a new clone would simply take their place to continue the cycle of life and death.

That has slowly changed after the Fall of Kennewes when the Reds were forced to adapt to the life of citizens instead of militants fighting for their way of life with force. Many Yamataian companies established health clinics in order to maintain the health of their labor forces as well as health volunteers establishing independent clinics on Fujiko, Rufusland, and later Ukmirt such as Athena Stamoules.

With the establishment of the Fujiko Development Corporation, a more formalized public health institutions have been established (with cooperation with Biixi Clinics).

Leisure and Entertainment

The Nepleslian Reds, historically being clones created for war, often find leisure (when they take downtime) in activities that not only entertained but also hone their skills and physical abilities. Extreme sports, particularly those that mimic the adrenaline-fueled conditions of combat, are highly popular. Parkour, for instance, is not just a sport but a practical training discipline. It's common to see Reds engaging in parkour competitions, where participants race through obstacle-laden courses designed to simulate the treacherous terrains they might encounter in battle. These events are not only a test of physical dexterity but also of strategic thinking and adaptability, traits highly valued among the Reds. Other popular activities that encourage strategic thinking are strategy-based war games that can be played both virtually and on physical boards.

Recreational activities among the Reds also include competitive events that showcase individual and team prowess. Combat simulations, Capture the Flag games, marksmanship contests, and martial arts tournaments are regular occurrences. These events are more than mere pastimes; they're a celebration of the Reds' ancient use as soldiers. They provide a platform for individuals to earn respect and recognition from their peers, and for the community to bond over shared experiences. The competitive spirit is fierce, yet there's a profound sense of camaraderie, as these activities reinforce the collective strength and unity of the Reds.

Ethics and Values

The Nepleslian Reds can be viewed with three lenses: collectively, socially, and governance.

At the collective level, the Nepleslian Reds are extremely imperialistic with every member of the faction seeking to expand the influence of the Reds and their access to resources. The Reds see the acquisition of new territories or resources as a way to provide more opportunities for individual members that helps the faction as a while. In this context, imperialism is not about just subjugating others (and converting them to the ways of the Reds or simply given jobs) but about creating new frontiers where their own people can exercise their individualism.

Individualism is very prominent in the social and economic aspects of the Reds' society. A laissez-faire economic system is present that allows individuals to pursue their own interests, amass wealth, and contribute to the collective goal of expansion. Socially, individualism manifests as a strong belief in personal freedoms and a resistance to non-productive social or moral orthodoxy.

At the political and governance level, the Reds are anti-authoritarian in nature. Decision-making is often highly decentralized above the “company” level, with local leaders or councils having significant autonomy. The central authority is often (though not always in history) limited in scope and power, serving more as a coordinating body for collective goals like defense and expansion. This allows individual communities or even individuals to have a say in the imperialist agenda, making it a 'bottom-up' rather than 'top-down' endeavor.

Interaction with Outsiders

The Reds have a generally cautious but respectful approach to outsiders (provided the outsider is not actively hostile), requiring some form of proving one's worth to them to gain trust. That goes out the window when it comes to Nepleslians from the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia where there are greeted with a high degree of suspicion to their true motives for interacting with them. The Reds have been known to get into shouting matches with Nepleslian Green ships over communications when they are near each other at the border or one happens to transit the Fujiko Region.

Below is an intercepted radio transmission between DION and Nepleslian Red merchants within the Nellrun system in YE 45:

Historical Memory

The Fall of Kennewes continues to weigh heavily on the minds of the Nepleslian Reds. This is due to either individuals having fought against the Greens and survived or the memory imprints all clones up to YE 43 had received in order to remind them of who to blame for their current misery. While this has created some zealots that remain hateful of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, others have learned to either ignored it or simply view it as a fact of history with more important things to be concerned with.

Rememberance Day

The 13th Day of the last month of the Yamataian Calendar is officially marked as the day of the evacuation from Kennewes. Younger clones typically “celebrate” it with a ton of drinking, fighting, combat sport competitions, and other activities. Older clones that participated in the fighting are more somber about it with just drinking as they share war stories with anyone that wishes to listen.

Red Hanami

Reds made landfall on Fujiko around Hanami YE 30. In addition to the “normal” way Yamataians celebrate the holiday, Reds often hold huge raves as a form of remembering they survived for another year. It is also a large reason why the sakura flower has been adopted by the Reds to be used along side the Red Star (often for military applications). The sakura flower allows the Reds to have an icon for both military and civilian applications.

Law and Justice

Before the establishment of the FDC, law and order was largely expected to be a local issue. The largest individual or group had the right to dictate whatever laws they deemed needed as well as dealing with judicial and non-judicial punishments. If they were deemed to be unfair, it usually wasn't long before someone challenges the authority and gains the support of others to receive it.

Post Fujiko Development Corporation reforms, a more formalized police and law-making system is taking over in the Fujiko Region. Law enforcement is either handled by the local municipal police (if the Municipal Corporation elects to have it), the FDC's Gandarmerie Corps, or the Fujiko Rangers who have a region wide jurisdiction.

Architecture and Urban Planning

Housing is often communal and built as barracks by KinNets, individuals, and employees of the same corporation. Settlements and cities typically are laid out like military bases, with defensive walls on the outside and the most important buildings obscured as to make it hard for the enemy to determine what is needed to weaken their defenses. Due to this, they are often military like with a utilitarian and drab industrial look to them.

Buildings are often organized into blocks with housing forming the core and support buildings either being around them or integrated with the housing. Work, necessities (power, dining facilities, etc) are easily within 30 minutes of walking for housing units if not integrated at the first floor.

Clothing and Fashion

The Nepleslian Reds favor practical clothing that they can easily fight and move in. They tend to eschew fancy clothing that restricts their movement without destroying them. Thus bodysuits, techwear clothing, ponchos, hats, and kits of clothing are commonly worn by the Reds. It is not uncommon for a Red to wear full body combat suits and wear street clothing over it.

But it is not to say that the Reds do not have a sense of fashion. Many aspiring tailors and clothing designers have started to adapt Yamataian clothing to be more tactical and allow for maximum freedom of movement. Half kimonos with adapted long pleated skirts and haoris have become popular among the females of the Reds, while males often wear haori (in addition to their ponchos) due to their ability to be adapted with stealth technology.

Food Security and Agriculture

Before the annexation of Ukmirt in YE 39, the Nepleslian Reds were primarily reliant on the meager farming on Fujiko IV and imports. Conducted by Yamataian corporations in the tropical zone of the Fujiko IV, the selection of local foods was limited to domesticated animals adapted to the planet and hardy temperate weather crops.

That changed with the inclusion of Ukmirt into the region due to the large number of Reds that had migrated to the planet before and post annexation. The Reds have increasingly been expanding their diets to include a wider variety of meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains the rich biodiversity of the planet offers.

While the majority of Reds are hardly known for their farming techniques, the hard initial years has created a tradition of KinNets and individuals creating their own small farming plots (normally internal aeroponics bays) in order to establish some form of self-sufficiency. Since YE 40, some level of agricultural skill has been incorporated into new clones' skill training to gain familiarity with the subject.

Environmental Views

Reds typically have a “if it isn't bolted to the ground, it is mine to claim if no one is defending it” attitude with most things in life, including the environment. While they will not go out of their way to ruin the ecosystem in their imperialistic pursuits to further the Reds, they will not shed any tears should the ecosystem be destroyed. In their minds, the life wasn't fit enough to adapt.

Migration and Movement

The Reds are generally open to anyone that is willing to embrace the ways of the Reds. Though anyone that moves into their “territory” and does not adapt to their ways quickly gets harassed by the more militant Reds in an attempt to drive them away. As far as they are concerned Red territories are for the Reds and friends.

Trade and Foreign Relations

Until YE 39, the primary export of the Reds was raw mineral wealth and OEM products from the systems of Fujiko and Rufusland. But since the annexation of Ukmirt and the Reds swiftly “conquering” the system with their higher numbers, agricultural products has become a growing percentage of their exports to the Yamataian Star Empire and beyond.

Besides the Yamataians, the Nepleslian Reds do not have any formal relations to the other factions within the Kikyo Sector. Though they have some general views and desires that drives their diplomacy efforts since the establishment of the Fujiko Trade and Cultural Exchange Office in YE 45.

Military and Defense

Historically the Nepleslian Reds was a semi-cohesive military unit with origins as a street gang within the current Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Since the Fall of Kennewes, the Nepleslian Red “military” has largely consisted of militias made up of KinNets and individuals with a common goal and ambition. A large majority are commanded by survivors of Kennewes with nothing else to do beside the manual labor occupation they got bored with.

With the establishment of the FDC, YE 45 saw the establishment of the Fujiko Self-Defense Force (FSDF). Organized as a Yamataian Defense Force, the FSDF primarily tasked with assisting the Star Army of Yamatai with the defense of the Fujiko Region. The majority of the current force is made up of militias that believe in the usefulness of current “political” reforms with in the Reds.

The FSDF is also designed to operate more offensively and is establishing more expeditionary natured units in a bid for the Reds to cut their own path in the universe once again. Currently the 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Unit is the only such unit formed.

Folklore and Mythology

One rarely goes to a pub full of Reds and not hear a story about either their own personal exploits or the exploits of a folk hero from their fighting against the Greens. While they are not a religious people, they do engage in crafting folklore.

Heroic tales centered on a fictional hero who overcomes great challenges with strength, cunning tactics, and resourcefulness. Some tales involve legendary teams of clone warriors that eventually reach a challenge they cannot overcome and dying heroically, only to rise again from the ashes stronger and more cunning than before. These stories align with the Reds' values of individualism, meritocracy, and that each iteration of clones contributes to the collective Red identity.

War stories (real and from fictionalized conflicts) and those of survival and resistance (usually against some enemy with some shade of Green), legends of innovation, morality tales of using one's wits, and anything related to the Fall of Kennewes are also very popular themes for folklore that generate within the Reds.

Music and Performing Arts

Music and performing arts within the Nepleslian Reds community embody a diverse range of genres, prominently featuring improvisation and individual expression. The prevalent forms of music blend traditional elements with modern styles, creating unique fusions like Industrial Taiko Rock and Electro-Folk Ballads.

These genres reflect the Reds' complex cultural identity, merging their militaristic heritage with contemporary influences. Unique instruments that have gained popularity include modified traditional instruments like electronically-enhanced shamisens, reflecting the fusion of Yamataian influences. Dance styles often combine traditional forms with modern, expressive movements, allowing performers to showcase their individuality while maintaining a connection to their cultural roots. This vibrant music and dance scene serves as a creative outlet for the Reds, offering ways to celebrate their heritage, express their emotions, and foster a sense of community.

Popular types of music for the Reds are:

Unique Music Genres

Literature and Storytelling

A cottage industry of the rare Red creative type and Yamataians does exist within the Fujiko region. Their stories and media programs often center on heroic tales. While they are entertaining, their primary purpose from Red authors is an educational tool and a form of social commentary.

Red Literature often takes a dystopian angle, heavily laced with the troubles of Nepleslian society as a whole. Sometimes criticism and critique is directed towards the Greens, but normally it is more generally directed at those who have led Nepleslians in the past (in the form of made up characters).

Military Science Fiction is wildly popular among the Reds. In addition to speculating on what technologies might exist in the future, some see it as a learning experience. Folklore stories are also popular among the Reds, especially those with cunning heroes. More niche genres that exist are autobiographies, oral history, exploration of identity and existence (philosophy).

Time Perception

Due to their use of being on different planets, they are keen at making local calendars and creating an operational method of timekeeping to sync them together. Due to the core of the Reds being on Fujiko IV,the Nepleslian Reds make use of both the Yamataian Calendar as the operational calendar and a regional calendar to keep track of local events.

As a culture, the Nepleslian Reds are a very task-focused people when it comes to time management. Due to their militaristic nature, the prioritize tasks and objectives in a timely manner. But deadlines are partially foreign to them as they understand the need to adapt to the current situation. This becomes especially evident during crisis situations when they focus on quick adaptation and decisive action.

Reds are incredibly work-centric, with a strong emphasis on productivity and achievement. But when they do take downtime, they are very aggressive at defending it as they feel they have earned it from their hard work.

Clones do not really mention to others their age until they have hit a biological age of 40 (nearly an impossible feat for them). Instead they list their date of birth and what “iteration” that they are. Someone with a lot of iterations is not necessarily considered to be more wise, but it does cause one to investigate if they are an old echo or just someone that is very aggressive in the field.

Space and Territory

Due to their imperialistic nature and military background, they have a strong focus on territorial expansion and control. Groups (gangs and militias) often battle with each other to control the most territory and band together when an outside force attempts to take what is “theirs”. Reds prioritize territory that is strategically valuable that off military and/or economic advantages.

Within Red territories, they prioritize efficient exploitation of resources (up the who ever in charge what that means), military fortification of their settlements, and developing infrastructure that supports their expansionist goals.

Despite being strongly individualistic, their military nature has made them ironically collectivist when it comes to the ownership and use of space. While one can own parcels of land, it is up to and expected that land is developed in a way that benefits all. To not do so invites someone trying to take it and no one willing to help.

Historically the Reds are very assertive in their expansionism and the defensibility of it being a primary concern. When dealing with neighboring factions, they approach it with a mix of military if their neighbor is weak and diplomacy if they are strong. Something form YE 30 to YE 43 was directed inwards. It has started to give way to more diplomacy and trade focused policies.

Due to wide range of worlds they once were on, Reds prefer prefabricated buildings then transfer to more defensible structures once they have adjusted to the local environment. They are also adaptable to nearly any environment.

Reds typically claim their territories with beacons that state who owns what, who is the owner, and the size of the claim with defined boundaries. This practice evolved from pathfinders finding ideal locations for bases and leaving encrypted beacons for forces to find.

Death and Afterlife

Nepleslian Reds have a pragmatic view when the question of death is presented to them. They view it as an inevitable part of life due to their history as a Nepleslian gang that grew to challenge the Nepleslian Greens. Death became a natural part of being a Red. Their practice of cloning has also created a belief of continuity between the various iterations of an individual. Receiving the most recent saved “echo” of an individual, they see it as themselves continuing to live with each successive clone. This does give them a sometimes unhelpful attribute of not really fearing death. “They will rise again from the ashes.”

Because Reds do not really think they die (even when a clone chooses a new identity), they do not have a belief in the afterlife. If pushed on it, most will identify their “echo” as the closest thing to a temporary afterlife that will become limbo if it is ever lost/destroyed.

In regards to mourning, Reds don't really hold funerals or remembrances. While they understand why other species and Nepleslians do it, they find it a shame others have not embraced cloning extensively like themselves. Commemorations and memorials (naming things after individuals, erecting stationary objects, etc) are only reserved for individuals that have lose their echoes. While they can certainly create genetic clones, they cease to be that individual without an echo.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/10/26 07:19.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.