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Aelya Eitan

Aelya Eitan (Caeyara) is a character played by a deleted user.

Aelya Eitan
“shael olaes”1)
 Tsenlan Logo
Date of Birth: 170 BYE
Species Norian
Gender Female
Height 173 cm
Weight 62kg
Ysi Eitan
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Sub-Faction  Tsenlan Logo Tsenlan
Occupation Tsenlan State Quorum
Lo'ken Institute
Rank Aester (Empress)
Current Placement Reikan Park

Physical Description

Aelya is a beautiful female Norian, she has a height of 173cm and weighs 62kg. She has ruby red eyes and waist length red hair. She tends to wear revealing clothing, but has more conservative clothing for official functions as required. Her hair is usually kept free-flowing as a personal preference.

Height: 173cm
Mass: 62kg
Measurements: B36-W22-H35
Bra Size: D
Build and Skin Color: Slender and Curvaceous, Pale White
Eye Color: Dark Ruby Red
Hair Color: Red


Aelya is an ESTJ2) personality type, which aids her in both work and activities of the night. Initially she approaches things in a cold detailed manner, but becomes more impassioned when contradicted by those that do not make sense. Her responses are precise and direct, not caring how things get accomplished as long as they are completed successfully. Some may find her behavior along the lines of a sadistic psychopath. She prefers more casual relationships as many can't seem to keep up with her life. Her humor often comes off as dark and sarcastic.


Aelya Eitan was born on Ayenee in 170 BYE to Adrin and Kendra. Her birth occured during the mid-Falcon Movement led by her late granfather Caecyan 'Falcon' Eitan (Caeyara). The majority of her childhood unfolded on the planet where she was born, due to her parents being stationed there. During this time her father would ascend to the throne as Aestaesys following her grandfather's abdication.

While her upbringing taught her much about the melding of the Norian and Ayenee cultures blending, training received leaned more towards diplomacy. She learned various things like Manners and the art of persuasion. During the Chaos Hive War she was involved in unrelated efforts to forge relationships for development of the inner capital worlds of Noria, Lorenz, Aelantia, and Telegath. When her father sank into paranoia casting her brother Airwin and sister Rin into exile, she used her less obvious diplomatic ties to keep abreast of the situation.

In YE 30 her world went into a tailspin when her father was taken as a prisoner of war. Her siblings were brought back to Ayenee with her brother Tetsuya thrown into leadership. This did not change much in the way how she operated in the field of expanding relationships. She was sent as part of a contingent to the Yugosha Chonyosa and was one of the few that made it out when things went sour. When the Continuum en masse dismissed the Umarian claims about the Asune, she disagreed.

While many embraced the technology that would win them the war, Aelya sank as far as possible into the shadows. Her network of connections grew while she did her best to avoid any involvement with the Asune, be it technology or those tainted by it. She re-emerged back into family life when her niece Princess Aerum discovered a solution. However, trust was thin as to whether or not this technology was going to be brought out of the darkness again.

Despite any difference brought about by Airwin's prior taint, Aelya dove into using her skills to help see his visions of Tsenlan come to fruition. While fleeing the destruction of New Noria she made sure to secret untraditional clothing and a small selection of documentation with her onto the Ark. Their fleet was attacked, wreaking havok amongst the evacuees which interrupted the funeral of Sinith Caeyara, someone she had come to care for. The savageness of Sinith's death darkened Aelya's heart causing her to become a little cold to the suffering of those outside her circle.

Upon Norian arrival near Xylar in the Kikyo Sector she departed shortly after Airwin to familiarize herself with the local culture, to be assitance with their integration. While Operation Fireplace drummed on, she lent her talents to the development of the Tsenlanese Cultural Center and Lo'ken Institute. Shortly after the Norian arrival the Caeyara and Eitan Ysi was finally able to mourn the loss of Empress Sinith Caeyara. She meant to get away shortly after the funeral, however, that did not happen. Her brother Airwin recalled her to deal with an important issue that involved a message from Nira.

Overall the meeting left her with mixed feelings on why she was brought back to deal with this in the first place. After a plan of action was laid out the group returned to Saleloria where her brother Airwin asked her to have a meal with him. This dinner cleared up a few things for her to include his thoughts of her and that she held potential more than others seemed to think she had. It was an overall pleasant and much needed event that helped tighten her bond with him.

At the YE 45 Hanami Festival she made two new friends with Yuri and Yoshiro. This new friendship helped her feel more grounded in her new home while delving into work at Lo'Ken Institute. Sometime thereafter she received a delightful summoning request from Talynn Drenai, a close partner and lifelong friend. The connection of their dynamic stood unique in comparison to those she held with any other living being. Anytime she got to spend with him as he transitioned to this new life in Yamatai was treasured.

For sometime thereafter she was rather thoroughly distracted by Cheol Eitan via the art of seduction. As such the political goings on in the shadows went unbeknownst to her for the time being. In YE 45.7 purple smoke rose into the air followed shortly thereafter by two oddly coincidental occurrences. That being the image of her brother Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara), bearing a new face and using the name Tetsuya instead of the name Airwin that he had been using for some time. Additionally an invitation to visit Tetsuya on board the U.N.N Narsho followed shortly after the image of her brother was broadcast. From this she was able to gather something happened to the Sol'Aestaesys that her Ysi thought she might have attempted to interfere with. After a rather tense exchange with her nephew Uaeso Eitan she attempted to leave the bridge. It was at this time that her inhibitor was disabled, shining a whole new light on the misunderstanding that had enraged her. A technologically superior race that had played themselves as gods had been at the heart of all the betrayal she felt, not her Ysi. Anger quickly dissipated with the two family members sharing a meal as the others seemed to be running longer than expected.

Aelya would stay on the U.N.N. Narsho for some time as issues surrounding Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara) were dealt with. Cheol Eitan would take over as the Aestaesys and Tsenlan's representation in the Senate of Yamatai and she would take over as C.E.O of Lo'ken Institute. It was during this time that her name changed from Aelya Caeyara back to its original form, Aelya Eitan. Communication accounts seamlessly made the swap once the notification was made.

Plot and Threads


Aelya is or has been involved in the following plots:


Aelya is or has been involved in the following threads:

Skills Learned

Aelya has learned many skills:

Social Connections

People Aelya is connected to:


Aelya Eitan's inventory.


OOC Notes

a deleted user made this article with the help of Andrew.

In the case a deleted user becomes inactive:

Approved by Demibear on 2022/11/12.28)

Additional Art

Character Data
Character NameAelya Eitan
Character OwnerNakshatra
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationReikan Park
Approval Thread…
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
DistrictAkina System
Political PartyIndepdendent
“Bend over” in Nira'las