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The Great War

Before the War started, the Federation spanned nearly a hundred worlds, all linked thanks to trade routes and each possessing their own small government to help settle out disputes.

The Start of the Great War

The Great War was a war fought between Purebred Shukaren and their Hybrid Shukaren counterparts, the wars lead up was a flurry of political turmoil, with Purebreds thinking that they were being ignored by the Neshaten government and their concerns being put to the side. The Pacifist Faction, comprised almost entirely of Purebreds, was a faction dedicated to the peaceful existence of the federation. The faction was also in charge of monitoring the trade lanes and were partly responsible for the merchant navy, which protected trading ships from pirates.

However, as the years passed, the Pacifist Faction began to ignore the problems of the trading companies in favor of turning their attention to their own people. This angered the Neshaten government, many of whom felt the Pacifists were abandoning their own people. It took several more years, with the government getting on the pacifists case about them not going their job, before the Purebreds finally got tired and severed all of their ties with the Neshaten and broke away.

It was assumed originally that this breaking was only temporary, as the pacifists had in the past severed their ties with the Neshaten before over disagreements, many of which had been viewed as petty. This time, however, the Pacifists didn't just break away; they broke away with the intention of forming their own nation. Several planets located in the outer rim of the Neshaten Federation joined the Pacifist Regime and trade lanes quickly began to fall apart, many of the outer rim worlds were critical hubs to other worlds in the area - many of which hadn't joined the Pacifists.

For awhile, small scale skirmishes broke out in several star systems between the Pacifist Regime and the Neshaten Federation, these skirmishes comprised of frigates, gunboats, fighters and some marine transports. This went on for only a couple years, largely isolated along trade routes until finally the Pacifists decided to strike away from the trade lanes, away from merchant shipping and go after several planets that served as starship building facilities for the Neshaten's Outer Rim Defense Forces.

These planets didn't fall right away; most had nearly a hundred ships in orbit at any one point. However, what the Neshaten hadn't counted on were some of their own ships defecting to join the Pacifists. When the war initially started, some Purebreds stayed behind, thinking that the war had been started to stupid reasons, but as time had passed many of those Purebreds were slowly being converted and convinced to follow the pacifist’s ideology of War, contrary to their name. Within a few months, the outer rim ship building world had fallen and many of the Neshaten Federation ships were destroyed when orbital defense platforms were turned against them.

After the fall of the outer rim key worlds, the Neshaten Federation Council enacted a policy of not having Purebreds in command of starships, this lead to an exodus of Purebreds leaving the Federation to join the Pacifists, very few Purebreds stayed behind and those that did were either fiercely loyal or had bad blood with their fellow Purebreds. It was also around this time that the My'leke, the Shukaren's first and only ally and one that had proven its loyalty for many decades decided to take part in the war and join the Neshaten in their fight against their own people.

Several more outer worlds began to fall, but the Neshaten continued to push back relentlessly, taking back worlds but losing more in the process. For years, the war went on with both sides losing and gaining territory. The outer rim fell after only a hundred and sixty one years, with the Neshaten's inner worlds now surrounded; they realized that they had to pull ships back to defend certain worlds. One of these worlds would play a key role in the survival of the Shukaren and the My'leke.

The Turning Point

In the year 0219, over two hundred and nineteen years after the war started, the Pacifists launched a series of 'scorched earth' tactics, arriving in planetary systems with the sole purpose of bombarding the planet from orbit and moving onward. These tactics lead the deaths of trillions of Shukaren and My'leke, many of which never stood a chance, few survived and those that did were left with scars and burns. In an effort to combat these orbital strikes, some Neshaten worlds employed localized energy shields to protect their cities from attack, a few employed large planetary shield generators. However, the Pacifists quickly adapted and in the year of 0232, deployed a new weapon that would render any form of ground based shield technology useless.

A planet known as Neucore, known for its bustling resort scenes and picturesque scenery was the first planet to be destroyed by the pacifist’s new weapon. Their shield generators proved to be useless. This weapon, a space to ground based missile, was tipped with a unique warhead that allowed it to easily penetrate shields. Once inside, a secondary warhead located between the primary would detonate, releasing a wave of EMP that fried all electronics within. As the missiles were typically aimed at points right above the shield generators, this effected the actual generators themselves, blowing them apart in the process and rendering the shields themselves useless.

With the dome lost, the Pacifists made easy work of the inhabits and the ground forces that protected them.

These weapons were deployed to numerous planets, several of which were resource worlds that provided the Neshaten Federation's military with the materials needed to rebuild their forces, but as each world fell, resources began to get tighter and tighter, until 0382 when they were strained to their absolute limits. With the possibility of losing the war, the federation council decided to present the pacifists with an unconditional surrender. This surrender was to be delivered via a courier ship, but when the courier ship arrived at a Pacifist War Fleet and delivered the council's desires, what happened afterwards made the federation realize that this war would not end. The Pacifists targeted the courier and destroyed it, along with all of those onboard.

Stunned by these actions, the federation found themselves fighting a war they couldn't win, with resources dwindling and the number of causalities mounting, many realized that with current assets and logistical supplies the Federation would be able to continue the war for the next forty years before they would be defeated provided their enemy didn't deploy any new weapons. However, while the council was deliberating a means of finding new resources, a young member put forth a suggestion that some on the council found ludicrous: commit all remaining resources to the construction of evacuation transports to be sent off into deep space.

Arguments erupted, some of the council felt it was a good idea, others did not. Some argued that the resources committed could go to prolonging the federation and possibly ending the war, but most realized that the war was one that just couldn't be won. One council member suggested that they ask their citizenry for assistance, the wealthy companies and the rich who could devote their time, money, and resources to the project. The project was dubbed: Operation Flight.

Many of the wealthiest Shukaren stunned the council with their abilities to find resources in areas that the federation never thought possible, but this came with promises that the council secretly had no desire to keep: the wealthy Shukaren would only help if they were given priority on the transports. The council of the time decided to respect the wishes of the wealthy and promised them that they would get their seat on the transports.

In order to keep the construction of these ships a secret, a world was chosen that was hidden away from everyone, a world that wasn't even on the federation galactic star charts, a world that was used exclusively for testing of new military starships… until now. Four large berths were built in less than a year to house four massive nine thousand meter long ships and almost a thousand meters wide during construction phases. Several smaller ships, only two thousand meters long and eight hundred meters wide, were also built. Both types of transports were built using the most advanced technology the Neshaten had, power generators, armor plating, weapons, shielding and cryogenic systems along with thruster and faster than light drives. The moving of materials was done in such a way that the Pacifist Regime would never figure it out, though they may get suspicious every once in awhile, no transport ships possessed any navigational charts, all courses were plotted manually.

The ships had been configured in such a way that despite their size, they could carry an enormous amount of people thanks to their deck layouts. Each of the larger ships could carry two million people while the small ones could carry a couple hundred thousand. It would take a surprisingly long time for the ships to be completed, but what shocked the council more was that the pacifists had pulled back their forces to recoup their losses but they were still striking the federation to keep them on their toes. In short, it took the federation sixty years to complete the construction of six large evacuation transports and ten smaller transports; the final one was completed in late 0442.

Using materials scavenged from battle fields, resources harvested from planets that the pacifists had left dead in their wake, and asteroid fields in nearby systems, the Neshaten had been able to secure the needed materials to build these ships and get them ready. When the final ship was completed, the council, which now comprised of almost all new council members as the old ones had either retired of died off in the sixty years that it took for the ships to be completed, had already been briefed on the original intentions of the elders. However, these new council members had no intention of upholding the old council’s promises to the wealthy, which meant that only the wealthiest class of Shukaren and My'leke would be allowed access to the transports. This decision stemmed from the young members realizing that restarting their society meant they needed to evacuate people who could contribute to a new world, people whom knew hardship and knew how to get things done. Many felt the wealthy, being drunk on power and wealth wouldn't be able to contribute much - if anything - to the rebuilding of society sense most rarely worked themselves. However, this was also because the wealthy comprised a small portion of the Neshaten Federation now.

Evacuation Order Announced

When the Council broke the news of the transports to the general public, the wealthy were outraged. Many of them accused the council of backing out of their word to allow only them access to the ships, but the council fought back by stating that the promise was made by the previous council and not the one that the people had now elected. What the wealthy hadn't realized, is that word had actually gotten out about the transports and the wealthiest desire to save themselves, which had influenced elections across many of the surviving Neshaten worlds to elect people who were not power hungry or after wealth and instead would look after the people.

Feeling betrayed, the rich pulled their support from the project, but it was already too late for them to back out as the transports completion had been kept a secret from them in order to prevent just such an occasion from occurring during the time of construction. Many of the rich, wanting revenge, issued threats to the council to release the location of the transports to the Pacifist Regime. The council found themselves at odds at what to do, the war was still going, yet they now had the issue of the most wealthy of Shukaren's threatening to derail an entire project for the sole purpose of revenge. This didn't sit well with the My'leke who served on the council; three of them went public and chastised these Shukaren for their cowardly nature and their desire to see their Federation, their species, eradicated.

This dampened the rich's anger, and many backed down, not wanting to risk a war that could further fracture the only crumbling federation however this didn't help the angry moods of the Neshaten citizenry, many of which stormed wealthy neighborhoods to force out those who had callously chosen to save only themselves over everyone else. With this situation stamped out, the Federation decided to do lotto - they felt it was the only means of a fair way to choose who could be evacuated. It didn't take long for word to reach the Pacifists about the evacuation transports, they began a hunt for the base where these transports were located, never expecting that they were actually located 'behind' their own lines.

Children were considered the most important in order to recreate society, scientists were also needed in order to keep their technology running in the many years to come. The lotto resulted in a large number of children, from both the Shukaren and My'leke, to be chosen to board the transports. In a surprising twist, several Purebreds who had been part of the Pacifists came forward with the request to save their own children, the war having drawn out for so many years that it was already starting to anger many of the Purebreds who felt it was now being waged for the soul reason of just waging war.

Because space was limited on the transports, it came as little surprise that many families decided to save their children first and stay behind. A child took up only a single pod, while a family took up sometimes three or more pods depending on how big they were. Twenty five percent of the federation's scientists were chosen to evacuate, many of which couldn't bring their families except their children along. This large movement of people, over twenty two million, didn't go unnoticed at all. The Pacifist Regime quickly began notices the large movements of passenger transports, including intercepting several during the course of the operation.

The movement of all of these people took the Neshaten almost three years, it took the Pacifists that long to plot the course of every passenger transport - their spies had been routed out in the federation and they had no means of gathering intelligence. On the day of the launch, the Pacifists finally discovered the location of the launch base, angered by how it was actually located behind their lines and not near the Neshaten Homeworld like they had assumed. A large armada, numbering nearly a thousand ships, was put together to assault the hidden world.

When the Pacifists arrived in system, they were greeted with orbital weapons fire from various weapons platforms deployed in orbit to protect the transports that were being berthed in underground hangers. The pacifists stormed into the system, but the systems defensive forces fought hard to keep the Pacifists at bay. One starship, known as the NSN-Shakura, a newly commissioned battle cruiser that hadn't even gone through combat trials was thrusted into the battle. Its crew not even battle ready, they fought hard against the pacifists and succeeded in holding them back for nearly four hours while the civilians boarded the transports and were placed into cryogenic pods.

By the time the transports were ready, the Shakura had suffered considerable damage, but its crew fought onward. The captain of this ship, a My'leke who was nearing his prime, had three children on the evacuation transport that he wasn't willing to lose. Bloodied, injured, and knowing full well that he wasn't going to survive the day, he ordered his crew to keep on fighting. The ship had lost the majority of its turrets, it's main cannon was destroyed, all that it had left was its remaining fighter and bomber squadrons and even those were being clipped to pieces by Pacifist point defense fire. What the ship did have were power cores, the cores used to power the ship, anti-matter cores that could be used as bombs.

Turning toward the pacifists, the Shakura laid in a kamikaze course for a dreadnaught that was moving into range to bombard the planet. When the Shakura struck, its anti-matter power cores were detonated. The ship, almost half the size of the dreadnaught, engulfed it in a fiery explosion. When the explosion subsided, the dreadnaughts hull was aflame, broken and destroyed. The time awarded to the transports had been enough, as the pacifists moved into orbital bombardment range, the transports lifted off. Each one firing their engines and heading into the sky, as they flew their onboard turrets opened fire on ships that they passed. During this opening attack, several of the larger transports were destroyed in flight when they either struck an enemy ship or had their engines destroyed by enemy fighters and bombers.

Only three transports of the original sixteen actually survived; the council viewed the loss of so many transports as a failure, but with the survival of three, they also considered it a success. The Pacifists, however, stepped up their campaign. For the next eighty years, both sides continued a brutal campaign against one another. The Neshaten knew that they would live on; they had nothing to lose now. However, the tactics employed on both sides lead to the complete obliteration of planets and starships, not even wreckage was left behind to be scavenged and used by either side.

The Second Turning Point

After thirty one years, EoW 0473, the Neshaten amassed what was left of their militayr forces and struck hard at the Pacifist Homeworld, a planet that resided in a binary star system. The Pacifists hadn't counted on the Neshaten undertaking such an operation and left their homeworld and the worlds leading up to it, largely undefended. The Neshaten laid waste to all of these worlds, eventually arriving at the Pacifist homeworld in time to encounter a fleet of several hundred ships.

The battle that occured in this system resulted in the destruction of both forces along with the only habitable planet in the system.

With their world destroyed, what remained of the Pacifists pulled back and regrouped for an all out assault on the Neshaten Homeworld. Four hundred ships, against the Neshaten's last surviving twenty one. However, the Neshaten had one final ace up their sleeve, a card that the council had never thought they'd ever have to pull. A weapon with enough firepower to destroy a star, this weapon had been designed many years prior, but all specifications and blueprints for it had been destroyed so that it could never be replicated. This bomb, dubbed a Nova Bomb, was fitted onto one of the federation last remaining corvettes. Crewed by soldiers, Shukaren and My'leke alike, who were dying from injuries sustained in battle and the elderly.

As the Pacifists opened fire on the homeworld, ground to special batteries opened fire on the enemy. The corvette carrying the bomb was launched; it broke through the atmosphere and flew past a Pacifist command ship. Thinking that a lone corvette was not a threat, they ignored it and continued their assault on the planet, unaware that their mistake would come back and kill them. It took the corvette a full hour on FTL to reach the systems sun, the crew gave their wishes to their loved ones who had fled on the transports and flew the corvette, with the armed nova bomb, into the star.

The Pacifists realized their mistake much too late, as they witnessed the systems sun going nova. The blast wave that accompanied the stars explosion destroyed every planet, every starship, and every moon. When it all cleared up, nothing was left of the Neshaten Homeworld which had almost ten million people on before it was destroyed. Practically any resemblance of the Neshaten and their enemies were wiped out during the war, the tactics employed had assured the Neshaten that their technology would never be found by a curious race and used, possibly, for the same purposes that their technology served them.

timeline/events/the_great_war.1568469441.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:57 (external edit)