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Kodian Civil War

The Kodian Civil War is a planet-wide armed conflict that broke out in YE 38 on planet Gashmere over integration in the Yamatai Star Empire. It began when, due an aggressive assassination campaign, the Anti-Xenoist League temporarily gained a majority in the General Assembly of Gashmere, and then attempted to order the Gashmere Planetary Guard to forcibly remove the Yamatai Star Empire's presence from the planet. The planet's military became divided over the issue, and war broke out between the pro-alien and isolationist factions. Each side claims to be the legitimate government.

The Star Army of Yamatai, based out of Fort Nozomi, has begun a (thus far unsuccessful) attempt to keep the peace.


A History of the Kodian Civil War.

YE 40

In YE 40 the tension between the Alien Peace Council and the Anti-Xenoist League continued to escalate, with both sides becoming increasingly entrenched in their positions. The Alien Peace Council argued that the planet should maintain strong ties with the Star Army of Yamatai and continue to welcome outsiders. The Anti-Xenoist League, on the other hand, consisting primarily of native Kodians, believed that the planet should sever all ties with outsiders and focus on protecting its own interests. The Chairperson, in an effort to prevent a civil war, began to hold talks with both factions in an effort to find a peaceful resolution. However, despite their best efforts, the talks proved to be fruitless, and the situation on the planet became increasingly volatile.

YE 41

In YE 41, as the tension between the two factions reached a breaking point, violence broke out on the streets of several major cities on Gashmere. Rival protests turned violent, with both sides attacking each other and causing destruction to property. The Planetary Guard was called in to restore order, but the situation quickly spiraled out of control, and the conflict began to resemble a full-scale civil war. The Chairperson appealed to the Star Army of Yamatai for assistance, but they were hesitant to get involved in the conflict. Meanwhile, a series of terrorist attacks targeting both the Alien Peace Council and the Anti-Xenoist League further escalated the situation, with both sides blaming each other for the attacks.

  • A series of terrorist attacks targeting both the Alien Peace Council and the Anti-Xenoist League further escalated the situation, with both sides blaming each other for the attacks. The attacks sparked outrage and further inflamed tensions between the two factions, with many Kodians calling for revenge against the perceived perpetrators.
  • The conflict began to have a significant impact on the economy of Gashmere, with many businesses closing down or moving off-planet due to the instability and violence. The unemployment rate skyrocketed, and the standard of living for many Kodians began to decline. The General Assembly became increasingly divided as members debated the best course of action to address the economic crisis.
  • The conflict began to attract the attention of the media, with news agencies from around the galaxy covering the developments on Gashmere. The situation became a major point of concern for the international community, with many calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

YE 42

In YE 42 the civil war on Gashmere continued to escalate, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The Planetary Guard struggled to maintain order, and many civilians were caught in the crossfire. The Chairperson, desperate to find a way to end the conflict, began to explore the possibility of seeking outside assistance from other powers in the galaxy. However, many of the other governments were wary of getting involved in the conflict, and it became increasingly difficult to find support. The Chairperson, a Kodian named Chairman Koda, became increasingly unpopular as the situation on the planet deteriorated, with many blaming him for the failure to prevent the conflict.

  • The conflict became increasingly brutal, with both sides using tactics that are condemned as war crimes by outside observers.
  • The Anti-Xenoist League, on the other hand, became increasingly isolated and radicalized, with many members advocating for a more aggressive stance against the Alien Peace Council and outsiders. The league became increasingly unpopular with the general public, with many Kodians viewing them as being responsible for the escalation of the conflict.
  • A group of insurgent forces opposed to both the Alien Peace Council and the Anti-Xenoist League began to emerge, attacking both sides in the conflict using guerrilla tactics and explosives. The insurgent forces, led by the mysterious figure Leader Xar, became a major thorn in the side of both sides in the conflict, and the Planetary Guard launched a series of operations to try to capture Xar and his followers.

YE 43

In YE 43 as the situation on Gashmere continued to deteriorate, Chairman Koda became increasingly desperate. He started to consider drastic measures, including the possibility of seeking help from more controversial sources, such as criminal organizations or rogue states. However, these efforts were met with fierce resistance from within the General Assembly, and Koda was forced to back down. The Alien Peace Council, led by a prominent member named Ambassador Zara, became increasingly influential as the conflict drug on, with many Kodians coming to believe that their only hope for a peaceful resolution was with the council.

  • The Alien Peace Council, led by Ambassador Zara, became increasingly influential as the conflict continued. Zara became a prominent figure in the media, advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and calling for an end to the violence.
  • The Anti-Xenoist League became increasingly isolated and desperate. They began to adopt increasingly radical tactics in an effort to regain the upper hand in the conflict, including targeted assassinations of key members of the Alien Peace Council and indiscriminate attacks on civilians.
  • The insurgent forces continued to attack both sides in the conflict, using increasingly sophisticated tactics and weapons. Leader Xar became a particularly feared figure, with many accusing him of having ties to criminal organizations and rogue states. The Planetary Guard launched a series of operations and raids to try to capture Xar, but were ultimately unsuccessful.

YE 44

In YE 44 the civil war on Gashmere showed no signs of ending. The conflict continued to escalate, with the Planetary Guard struggling to maintain order, and civilians casualties mounting. Chairman Koda became increasingly unpopular as the situation on the planet deteriorated. The Anti-Xenoist League remained firmly opposed to any attempts at reconciliation with outsiders, and the conflict showed no signs of slowing down. As the year came to a close, the future of Gashmere remained uncertain, with many fearing that the conflict would continue for years to come.

  • Chemical attack on Gashmere City: The attack resulted in over five thousand deaths, and more than fifteen thousand injuries, with many of the casualties being civilians. The chemical agent was delivered via a series of bombs placed in key locations throughout the city. The bombs were detonated remotely, releasing a cloud of toxic gas that spread throughout the city. No group claimed responsibility for the attack. The attack sparked outrage from the Alien Peace Council and the general public. The Planetary Guard struggled to maintain order as riots broke out in several major cities, and the conflict threatened to spiral even further out of control. Chairman Koda, was heavily criticized, both on and off planet, for his inability to prevent the attack and his perceived lack of action in response to the crisis.

  • Chairman Koda faced a vote of no confidence in the General Assembly, with many members calling for his resignation due to his failure to prevent the chemical attack and his unpopular decision to explore seeking help from more controversial sources. The vote ultimately failed, but it further undermined Koda's authority and highlighted the increasingly tenuous situation on Gashmere.

Notable Figures of the Kodian Civil War

Notable People and Organizations of the Kodian Civil War are listed below.

Alien Peace Council

Significant members of the Alien Peace Council are:

  • Councilmember Zara: Leader of the Alien Peace Council and prominent figure in Gashmere's diplomatic community
  • Doctor Kael: Head of the Gashmere Medical Corps and member of the Alien Peace Council
  • Admiral Saren: Commanding officer of the Gashmere Navy and member of the Alien Peace Council

Anti-Xenoist League

Significant members of the Anti-Xenoist League are:

  • General Krak: Leader of the Anti-Xenoist League and former head of the Gashmere Army
  • General Ryla: Commanding officer of the Gashmere Army and member of the Anti-Xenoist League
  • Mayor Vrak: Mayor of Gashmere's capital city and member of the Anti-Xenoist League

Planetary Guard

Significant members of the Planetary Guide are:

  • General Jax: Head of the Planetary Guard and neutral in the conflict
  • Colonel Kaya: Deputy head of the Planetary Guard and member of the Alien Peace Council
  • Sergeant Major Ryn: Leader in the Planetary Guard and member of the Anti-Xenoist League

Insurgent forces

Significant members of the Insurgent Forces are:

  • Leader Xar: Mysterious figure leading a group of insurgent forces opposed to both the Alien Peace Council and Anti-Xenoist League. Leader Xar is a former member of the Gashmere Military, who became disillusioned with the political infighting and corruption within the government. Frustrated with the inability of the Alien Peace Council and Anti-Xenoist League to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict, Xar decides to take matters into his own hands. He gathers a group of like-minded individuals who share his discontent with the current state of affairs on Gashmere, and begins to launch attacks on both sides of the conflict. Xar's ultimate goal is to bring down the corrupt leaders of both the Alien Peace Council and Anti-Xenoist League, and create a new, more united and just society on Gashmere. He believes that the only way to achieve this is through force, and is willing to do whatever it takes to bring about change. His tactics are ruthless and unpredictable, and he is feared by both sides of the conflict. Despite the efforts of the Planetary Guard to capture him, Xar remains at large, always one step ahead of his enemies.
  • Nara: Commanding officer of the insurgent forces and former member of the Gashmere Navy
  • Jyn: Deputy commanding officer of the insurgent forces and former member of the Gashmere Army

Civilian leaders

Significant civilian leaders are:

  • Chairman Koda: Chairperson of the General Assembly of Gashmere and neutral in the conflict
  • Councilor Vara: Member of the General Assembly of Gashmere and member of the Alien Peace Council
  • Councilor Mrak: Member of the General Assembly of Gashmere and member of the Anti-Xenoist League


The Kodian Civil War is still an ongoing event.

OOC Information

timeline/events/kodian_civil_war.1676583906.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:57 (external edit)