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Neshaten Fauna

The Neshaten have a variety of exotic and different types of animals on their worlds, most of them are domesticated but others are not. Some were even brought over in the exodus.

Some of these animals are quite dangerous if approached uncaringly, others can be tamed easily. But most of the Nesha wildlife should be handled with care, even if there is wildlife that appears docile.

Nesha Prime

The following is a list of animals found on Nesha Prime.


Seu'trena are worm-like creatures that exist in hot and humid regions of the planet. They grow up to six feet long with a diameter is only half a foot. They eat insects and small animals, similar to that of a snake, but instead they burrow underground searching for prey.

Their mouths are small, and in order to kill pray, they'll constrict it then bite down from the head and take the entire body into their own. Then they find a place to hunker down in so they can digest what they've just eaten, during this stage they are actually quite vulnerable to hunters.

They are currently hunted only for sport, but their blood and slimy coating is presently being researched for usage in medical or material applications.

Maturation Period

A Seu'trena takes up to only two seasons to grow to it's full length; where it'll hunt with it's 'mother' for up to eight seasons before going out on its own. Right out of the womb, it knows how to hunt.


Seu'trena reproduce through mating, and can give birth to up to twenty baby Seu'trena. Half this number, however, will die off in the first thirty days due to predators.


Seu'krona are the big brothers of the Seu'trena. They are very dangerous sandworms who exist in the only place on the planet that has soft ground. They grow to be twenty feet long and six feet wide at the mouth, narrowing down to two feet at the 'tail', and hunt anything that comes in their path, using their strong sense of hearing and seismic to find pray. They've been known to kill Daur, My'leke and Laibe.

Their bodies are covered in a thin layer of skin; their faces are rather flat with large teeth on the top and bottom. They lack eyes and have no nose. Sometimes, they'll spring out of the ground while hunting pray in an effort to shallow the pray from beneath.

The creature is highly sensitive to cold and won't approach areas where coldness is at, during the night they lay dormant in warm areas, and hunt only during the day when it's warm out. They can be recognized by the churning of the ground that moves above as they move, or by the 'growling' that they make while in movement. Their mouths are weak and can't chew through solid steel, so the only way for a person to protect themselves is to hide when the creatures are nearby.

Seu'krona are hunted furiously by City Guard and Hunters because of how dangerous they are, however, Seu'krona are also hunted for their blood and organs, which are ingredients in various types of drinks including Kro'sis(Vodka) and Ve'ron (Beer). However, their blood serves a much more important use in the military in the form of a tradition.

Seu'krona reproduce asexually, their numbers are in the hundreds. It is impossible to domesticate a Seu'krona due to their extreme carnivorous nature.

Maturation Period

Seu'krona take up to a year to grow to full size, right out of the shell though they know how to hunt and feed and don't require the assistance of their 'mother'. However, two factors play into how fast they can grow:

  • Tempreture - because they prefer warm tempretures, they can grow quicker as long as there is a plentiful supply of food nearby.
  • Environment - Enviroments that are mostly desserts, or that have soft ground are their preferred areas of living. Some of the much larger Seu'krona can theorectically live under forests, as skeletons have been found in those areas.

Even a Seu'krone that is merely a month old is a serious danger to people, although it's not strong enough to shallow a person whole, it'll tug them underground and slowly rip them to pieces - alive.


A Seu'krona gives birth upon death. When this happens, he bursts out of the ground, it's growl is very high pitched - enough to hurt the ears of a Daur and render them deaf for up to twenty minutes due to the ringing with the sound being heard for up to fifty kilometers. Once out of the ground, it's maw will open up and regurgitate it's 'eggs' and send them flying into the air with enough force that some eggs can break through the atmosphere of the planet; however, the majority will fall back to the planet.

Those eggs that do make it into space, however, will remain in a hibernative state until they find a warm planet to land on. The eggs are tough, capable of withstanding a beating from predators but also from small arms fire and require the usage of heavy weapons in order to break (or a very strong mouth, like those of a Ri'to'ree)

The eggs of Seu'krone are purple with a wavy-polkadotted pattern that is white and blue. The eggs are in the shape of an oval and conditions have to be perfect for the eggs to hatch and for the embryo to 'grow'. As the eggs get closer to hatching, they start to slowly turn black. In space, they can only last up to fifty years, while on a planet they can last almost three to four hundred years in a warm enviroment.


Tri'se are kanine-like animals that roam in packs, they grow to being only two feet long and four feet high. They have long tails, but short necks; they hunt during the night, preferring to sleep during the day. Their primary source of food is other animals but they are actually omnivores and will eat plants as well.

They are recognized by the cackling sound they make while hunting, and often used in old-wives tails to scare little kits. They are hunted purely for sport, because they are very fast and agile, they are also domesticated and used as hunting dogs or guard dogs.

Maturation Period

Tri'se take up to a full year to mature, during this time, they don't wander far from their parents. Upon reaching full birth, their pack 'tests' them to see how well they've developed, often pitting them against another cub or even sending them off to hunt food on their own.


Tri'se reproduce through mating and can up to a litter of six.


A Mage'Krosen is a large feline, almost four feet high and eight feet long. They hunt in large packs of up to twenty and roam for food, they are primarily plant eaters. Their organs are harvested as the main ingredients in making Kro'sis and Ve'ron. Their blood is used for various applications, including that of food but it is also a neutral type of blood which 'can' be used in transfusions.

Maturation Period

Mage'Krosen take up to two seasons to grow into adolsence and up to five before they become an adult. They remain with the pack for as long as they remain alive.


Mage' reproduce naturally, with the females laying up to ten eggs within a single season. These eggs then take up to a full three seasons before they'll hatch.


Sh'ron is a gender neutral, common, bird that is found all over Nesha Prime; they have a long wing-span and long bodies. They closely resemble eagles, but with a bigger body. They hunt small animals and insects, but also fish.

These types of birds tend to congregate in flocks, with large numbers of them posing threats to small starships, shutttles, and fighters.

Maturation Period

It takes two seasons for a baby to grow into an adult. After nine seasons, an adult bird will typically move out of the test and find its own home somewhere else.


Sh'ron reproduce asexually and lay eggs during the height of the season; a Sh'ron can lay up to only six eggs.


A Vi'maran is a fish that exists in the ocean of Nesha Prime, they are only half a foot long but are prized for their tasty meat. They travel in schools of almost three to four hundred.


A Ri'to'ree is a Dromaeosauridae animal that was brought to Nesha Prime during the Exodus, they are not native. They are heavily prized by the Neshaten as originally Ri'to'rees hunted the Neshaten back when they were on their nature world.

A Ri'to'ree can grow to being various sizes depending on how they are raised, some only grow to being four feet high, others can be almost six feet. Their bodies can grow as long as four feet without the tail, six feet with. They have strong bones and muscles, allowing them to be used as haulers in cities or on farm-land.

They communicate using a series of clicks and hums, and can be raised to understand part of the Tinacen language.

Originally the Ri'to'rees were carnivores; their elongated head with very sharp teeth allowed them to bit into pray easily and kill. However, after being domesticated by the Neshaten, they gradually evolved to also eating plants which makes them Omnivores though they still prefer meat over plants.

Much like how they are used as haulers, they are also used as cavalry for Daur and Laibe, they can be fitted with modified My'leke weapon modules to serve as a quick and agile platform for attacking. They are also a part of the sport known as Vetrana'tro

Packs of Ri'to'rees exist on Nesha Prime, but most are kept in captivity. They are not hunted, because most are domesticated and are a protected species that can't be hunted without due cause. They no longer hunt the Neshaten, but instead hunt other kinds of pray, they are used quite extensively in hunting Seu'krona due to their sensitive sense of feel.


Gruy'ena are large spiders that are found mostly in caverns and can exist under water. Gruy'ena hunt fish and other insects, they are eight legged, have a bulbous body with a fly-like head with sixteen pairs of eyes. They have a stinger on their rears that can be used to stab pray, which injects poison into the prays body.

Their poison can be harvested without killing them and is harmless to people, but deadly to other animals and insects and is used in insecticides.


A U'rense is a cabbit like animal that lives predominately in forests and near lakes, they are loved as pets by kits and adults alike due to it's rather cute appearance. They are considered prized for their great sense of smell, which can smell someone from over a great distance and even across water. They are able to discern between people and pets, able to track escaped convicts and missing kits, adults, or pets. Because of this, they are used a lot by military as scouts attached to a recon group and City Guard (Law Enforcement) for tracking suspects.

U'renese blood is used within the medical industry due to it's neutral factor and compatibility with Shukaren.

These particular animals come in various colors, from yellow, white and black to blue, purple, brown, and orange; the colors can be of various shades.

In EE 002-v, it was discovered that U'renese love to hunt and kill Duy'cha, making them a predator to that species of animal. Since this discovery, U'renese have found themselves employed in much larger numbers in warehouses, starships, and military bases along with cities - due to the Duy'cha's destructive behavior.


A Duy'cha is a rodent that is native to the Eastern Continent of Nesha Prime (Planet). Duy'cha grow to be anywhere from a foot to five feet long and two feet high, they are the largest rodent species that the Neshaten are aware of, and also the most dangerous. Duy'cha are carnivores, preferring meat over that of plants, but if very hungry will eat plants if they can find something otherwise suitable.

Duy'cha have no eye-balls, their heads are rather elongated with two sets of teeth - twenty teeth on the top and bottom, all of which are razor sharp. They also lack any ears, but what they lack in hearing and sight they make up for in spades with smell, their sense is considered the best of the animal kingdom, capable of smelling a target up to twenty miles away; this is what makes them a very dangerous animal to come across in the wild as once a Duy'cha catches the scent of a pray it won't stop hunting until it either leaves its territory or something else grabs its attention.

When a Duy'cha is within reach of its prey, it doesn't pounce or scurry up to it - instead it uses its tongue. Their tongues are considered more dangerous than their 'bite', because the tongue is covered in small thorns that inject poison into whatever creature it wraps around - the position paralyzes the pray and allows the Duy'cha to eat that pray - while its still alive. If a Duy'cha is unsure of what it is smelling, it'll instead use its teeth to 'nibble' at the object, this is because their tongues are rather fragile and can be easily injured by pray, and their tongues are needed in order to kill things that are bigger than themselves or faster. Shukaren and My'leke are immune to the poison, due to their more advanced immune systems, instead of paralyzes all a person would feel is a brief numbness in the area they were bitten which will go away after a few minutes followed by a migraine that will last upwards of an hour.

Duy'cha are considered a major nuisance, their smaller brethren are capable of stowing away in cargo containers, because their body heat can't be picked up on a scanner they often go unnoticed; this makes them a menace but also because they'll destroy anything. Duy'cha serve no medical purpose with in the Neshaten, and are left largely alone to be dealt with by the animal kingdom.

While Duy'cha are hunted by most species, their main predator is the U'renese, who are immune to their poison.


seeshe are arachnids found on Nesha Prime, they prefer living in dark, quiet and deserted areas. They are very large and have anywhere from eight to fourteen legs. Se'eshe are known for keeping their distance from others, but are deadly in their own way, their blood is poisonious and their long legs with sharp feet can shiver a person in half, with or without armor on.

However, despite their dangerous nature, Se'eshe are prized due to the strong silk they produce which finds usage in clothing and the defense industry. Their blood, when treated, can serve as an anti-septive and pain reducer.


Ni'lahe are known to be one of the deadliest species of fish on Nesha Prime, and even throughout the entire star system. Ni'lahe are known for their razer sharp teeth and abundant appetite for meat, they favor deep water but have also been seen in shallow water as well. They typically travel in packs of nearly a hundred, with one serving as the 'scout' of the group who hunts for food, upon finding this food it'll attack the target and draw blood - drawing in the rest of the swarm.

Ni'lahe can survive in both fresh and salt water, but once they mature into adults, they can only survive in the type of water that they grew up in. This means that a Ni'lahe that grew up in a freshwater lake can't survive in the ocean.

It is a rumoured that a sub-species of Ni'lahe can 'fly' and some have even been seen walking on land, but thus far, no evidence exists to support this.


Ni'lahe reproduce by laying hundreds of eggs in deepwater caverns or in caverns completely devoid of light. The eggs take anywhere from twenty and thirty one days to hatch. Ni'lahe can start laying eggs after two seasons.

Life Cycle

Ni'lahe babies start out at two to three inches long and stay around the 'nest' where they were born until they reach the age of adolecence which takes up to forty days.

After roughly sixty days, a Ni'lahe baby is an adolecent and has grown to between four to six inches long, their eyes have developed and they are able to hunt closer to the water surface.

After three hundred days, a Ni'lahe has grown to between seven inches and above, they can hunt both in deep and shallow water.


Adult Ni'lahe typically travel along with a pack of 'younger' Ni'lahe. This adult tends to serve as the leader of the pack.

Ni'lahe strip their prey right down to the bone, taking all of the meat off the body. However, they are very smart and will only attack prey that they know they can overwealm.. this is the purpose of the 'scout', to hunt down something that won't present too much of a challenge. In the event the Ni'lahe finds something that needs more muscle, it can call in other swarms to assist and share the meal with.

Ni'lahe can and will eat their own, this is espically true when there is a low number of available food for the fish to eat.

Kill on Sight

Because of their aggressive nature, they are part of a very small number of animal life that the Neshaten actively try to exterminate due to their danger toward the population.. but this isn't the only reason. Baby Ni'lahe are between two and three inches long, this makes it very easy for them to potentially slip through the filters of a water treatment plant and end up within a cities water supply.


Animals native to Levia, please note that Levia is still being explored.


Vor'ena are a very large birds that exist only in high altitudes and come out during winter. The Neshaten refer to them as Vor'ena, which is their word for Dragon, due to being almost twelve feet tall and grow to an astounding twenty feet long. Vor'ena are docile creatures who are known for flying alongside starships that are flying through the air, but they will attack if provoked.

They have sharp teeth which they use for hunting large pray, their tails are spiked. Their numbers are very few, and are considered a protected species. However, Neshaten have a tendency to stay out of their way out of worry of provoking them and it is against the law for any Neshaten to try and domesticate them.


Xes'na is gator-like animal that exists in the oceans and swamps of Levia. They grow to being three feet long and only a foot high, their bodies are covered in a combination of scales and leather, with their tail having a stinger on the end to be used against pray. They have eight feet, which makes them relatively fast. They hunt using sight and hearing, but actually lack the sense of smell.


C'drela is a hexapedal animal that roams the plains region in a herd. They grow as high as six feet and as long as four, they are hunted for their meat and their blood can be easily turned into various items including but not limited to condiments. Their blood is actually quite 'sweet', and once processed, can be used as a sweetener in drinks or on food.

They are docile, but can be scared easily.

faction/neshaten/fauna.1585972537.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:40 (external edit)