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Timeline: Years
OOC Start Date01/01/2014
OOC End Date12/31/2014
Neshaten EoEEE 002
Neshaten EoRER 777
ElysianAD 4007
HSC (Poku)755 CY
IromakuanheAR 939.75
Abwehran261 AF - Second Quarter

Neshaten Culture

The Neshaten, despite being composed of two separate, distinct races, actually have a shared and stable culture. They are over-protective of their children, due to a Kit being both physically and mentally weak in the early stages of life. However, they are also nocturnal, so their cities are more active at night than during daylight hours.


The Neshaten pride themselves on chivalry, always showing respect for those they fight or even for their enemies, among other things. It's uncommon to find a Neshaten spitting on the body of another, or disrespecting the dead. In fact, doing so brings dishonor to not only the person but also their family.

Their Chivalrous nature also results in them not judging another race even if it has traits they do not like or killing people whom are unarmed.

Family Life

In the Neshaten, all families possess some kind of trade, whether it's agricultural, industrial, or teaching, or any other type of a field that is beneficial to the Kingdom. Families that in a trade can compete with others to sell their products, or they can combine their trades to create a business that benefits both. However, otherwise, family life is something sacred to the Neshaten, and they pride themselves on providing for their loved ones.

When two families decide to join together they are no longer considered one family, but are now considered a combination of the two. There are two different forms of this blending, one is known as Qua'na'tra'na while another is known as Lua'na'frase'na.


In the Neshaten Society, when two families decide to merge their resources together, they form one separate family. When this happens, the last names of both families are combined into one, to show the blending of the two together. In order for this blending to be allowed, all members of the family who are of age must agree. If even one person disagrees, then the merging can't happen until that person is convinced. In short, there has to be a lot of trust between the two for it to work.

Qua'na'tra'na Families have much more resources available to them and thus can afford to live in more lavish surroundings or even make their trades easier to handle. Inter-family marriage is possible, unlike in a Lua'na'frase'na Family.


A Lua'na'frase'na Family resembles a Qua'na'tra'na family only in most aspects, except one: Anyone who is married has their marriages annulled. This means that a Lua'na'frase'na family has no married couples in it, though marriage can still happen, it can only occur to another family that isn't a part of the main. The reason this is done is because it actually makes it easier on the family to handle matters without the worry of married relationships getting involved, however, this also makes this the most rarest form of the two blendings due to family life being most cherished. The only families that really enter into this kind of a blending are those who are already not married. Married families are often ill-advised to enter into this blending.

Justice System

When the Neshaten settled their new world, they still held onto their old system of harsh punishments for criminals, but this kind of punishment came with its set of problems. When a person was sentenced to prison, they were often treated better than those who were homeless and in shelters, trying to fend for themselves in a world where imprisoned criminals were treated better.

In the twenty seventh year of the Era of Restart, this system was reformed and shifted to be more harsh than the previous. Their new system results in low crime, due to harsh punishment that govern things as petty as muggings. Neshaten, due to their honor-bound and chivalrous nature, have a great dislike out of anyone attacking the elderly or the young and any Neshaten found doing so is often executed for this crime. It's viewed that, if a citizen has very little care for their fellow citizen, then they have nothing to contribute to society and because the Monarch sees no reasons to make their citizens pay for another citizens crime, such as paying for a Neshaten's prison stay, then its best they be executed.

On occasion, however, execution isn't done. Circumstances play important roles here, very serious crimes such as murder, sexual assault, and anything related to harming the elderly or the young, are considered serious enough offenses to warrant the death penalty and thus execution. However, citizens that perform petty stuff such as robbery, muggings, or theft are often treated to a long stay in prison with the bare minimum to survive. They are used as a labor force, cleaning up trash that sometimes accumulates in the streets or in the wilderness from Neshaten who have become careless. This labor force is also used to tackle very dangerous jobs that the Monarch wouldn't want to put their law-abiding citizens through.

However, while a Neshaten can be placed into a labor force, they can also opt to join the volunteer military as a citizen serving their criminal sentence, however this kind of option is only available during times of war and only when the military force needs people.

Another form of punishment, one that many Neshaten consider to be a fate worse than death, is Exile. Exile is so rare, that there haven't been any reported cases of a person being exiled, but the measure is still there. Exile is a fate reserved for those who have betrayed the Kingdom as a whole.

One form of justice is actually one that isn't done by the justice department, but rather, as a way of settling disputes. When one Neshaten has a problem with another, depending on what kind of a problem it is, one of the two can challenge another to a duel. This is considered honor-bound, if the Neshaten doesn't respond to the challenge, they may lose honor with those around them. On the other hand, it's not considered honorable to challenge a Kit or Elderly person, but if a Kit or the Elder accepts the challenge and wins, then the honor of the person who initiated the challenge suffers greatly.


Their structures have a duel resemblance to both their advanced technologies but also due to some traditional construction techniques that makes their structures look more medieval. Most houses are circular with a circular, raised roof. Cars and other forms of vehicles are rather rare, with roadways being only one lane in residential areas and two lanes in commercial and industrial, most Neshaten either walk or use singular modes of transportation to get to places.

Skyscrapers, while they exist, are restricted to most central areas of a city. Because of the problems experienced by the Neshaten on their world, their structures are heavily reinforced with steel and other forms of materials to strengthen them against earthquakes. Also, most structures have skylights or utilize some form of a clean energy to provide power during the lively night hours. It is 'not' uncommon to see something resembling a windmill on the side of a tall building, or solar panels on the very top.

Most of their buildings, namely their housing structures, have gardens so that families can produce their own food.

There are street lights, but due to the Neshaten being nocturnal, do not put out very much light.

Slight Tensions

Although the Shukaren-Daur and Shukaren-Laibe are able to co-exist together, there is always the slight racial tensions that threaten to pull the two species apart. These manifest in protests and, in rare cases, riots for the changing of civil laws that favor one side or the other. A full blown race riot hasn't happened yet thanks to the efforts of leaders on both sides that have quelled such potentials from happening, knowing full well that if such was to occur it would potentially rip the Kingdom to pieces.

These racial tensions are actually rooted in the deep past, no one really knows 'why' the tensions really exist other than that most Laibe view themselves as being superior to the Daur and the Daur view themselves as being no different than the Laibe. However, while the two sides may dislike one another, they don't hate each other. It is not uncommon to find a Laibe and Daur working hand in hand in watching each others back.


The Neshaten enjoy several forms of entertainment, such as gladiatorial combat, which is done both to re-enact history but also to settle disputes between Neshaten.

Gladiatorial combat is well liked by the Neshaten due to their very nature, sword-fights often last for a great deal of time, but are never dull due to combatants always finding new and unique ways to fight. In order to eliminate the chances of death, holographic fields are used alone with weapons that don't kill, but instead, only stun. These events are often bidden upon by people to see who could win.

This goes on to gambling, Gambling, while it isn't frowned upon by the Neshaten, is highly regulated due to its very nature of causing greed and resentment in people. Gambling is only permitted during very particular events, such as Ri'to'rees races or Gladiatorial Events.

There are other forms of entertainment, such as theaters and sports. Various forms of sports teach people team work and companionship, but also used in official capacities such as major national events. The various sports are as followed:


Vere'tana'me is a betting sport that involves the Ri'to'ree's, and a race to a finish line. Ri'to'ree's race along an enclosed track, with people betting on who will cross first. Races involve anywhere from five to twenty Ri'to'ree's competing for a spot at the top.


Xes'trena is a race that is not entirely recognized by the Monarch but is, for the most part, tolerated by the populace. Xes'trene involves groups of people using hover cars for racing along streets in the hopes of crossing a finish line first before their opponent does, these races are considered dangerous due to roads being largely only two lanes in some areas, and one lane in most places.

Two versions of this sport are played, one that is meant purely to give law enforcement problems, such as kits and adults alike street racing on public or private roads with consistent traffic or near busy pedestrian traffic. And then there is the more professional street racing, which is more recognized by law enforcement due to organizers taking the races away from busy areas of the city and more to tracks and fields, whether those areas have roads or not.


Meer'tro is a sport that involves three teams attempting to kick a ball into the others net. The field is arranged as a triangle, with a team on each corner, the goal is to score as many points as possible within a set time limit. The game is played a lot by kids, but is also enjoyable to adults as well.


Quare'tro is another sport that has three teams in it, but instead of a ball, they are actually fighting over a single point that is contested. The teams are given weapons that only stun, not kill, and as players are tagged they are unable to act for five minutes. During this time, it gives the opposing teams a chance to capture a point of interest.

The points are all random, as the team’s starting locations. Much like Meer'tro, this game is also played by Kits and Adults alike. For Kit's, it’s used both as a means of complete fun but also as a way of teaching Kits how to protect themselves. For adults, it’s a game of fun but also of strategy and tactics, as unlike the one for Kits, the one for adults is made harder by the addition of holographic weather effects and traps of obstacles.


Vetrana'tro is a game found only for adults, it’s a high-stacks, physical game set between two teams using Ri'to'rees as mounts. The game is well known for causing injuries among participants, although all weapons are made to stun, injuries still happen.

The reason the game is meant for adults, is directly because Ri'to'rees as used.


Labrute'tro is a game of physical combat designed to pit two people against one another, it’s played by both kits and adults using stun based weapons only. The game ends when one or the other is taken out.

The game is played on a plain holographic field, though in some instances obstacles may be used to make the game more tactical based when the fighting is against two people using ranged weapons. Sometimes, zero-g will be used to make the game more interesting and exciting, with additional restrictions such as opponents being attached to one another with wrists that have long elastic wires to them.


The Neshaten Calendar is a combination of seasons, with three seasons per year. The Neshaten celebrate a new year once every four hundred and twenty three days. The Neshaten don't have any semblance of months or weeks, but they do have days. A day is thirty five hours long, and each season is one hundred and forty one days. Each season has four phases, new, waxing, waning, full.

Once every two years, a Neshaten citizen celebrates their 'birthday' or the year that they were born. There are two reasons for this, the first is because they age at a slow rate, but the second has to do with tradition. They don't view the revolution around a planet as evidence of them 'aging' or growing, but rather through the number of seasons. A person thus ages once every six seasons, or every two years.

Season Details
Season of Harvest The harvest season, where crops are harvested and new ones are planted
Season of Cold A time when the climate is cold and crops don't grow as much
Season of Storms When storms ravage an area

Not all season are universally in the same order, it's not uncommon for one continent to be going through the Season of Harvest, while another goes through the Season of Cold. There are sub-seasons that permeate each of the main seasons, but they are unique among the continents and are not included in the standardized calendar.


The Neshaten have several holidays, some of which are centered around the individual - such as the Coming of Age Ceremony, while others, such as the End of the Great War festival, occurs at the end of each year to celebrate the ending of the great war.

All holidays and Ceremonies are observed by all,

Ceremony/Holiday Time of Season/Year Length
Coming of Age Ceremony Any Any
End of the Great War Ceremony First half the last season of the year Seven Days
Ceremony of Remembrance Second half of the last season of the year Seven Days
V'kaste's Legion Remembrance In the second season of the year Seven Days

Coming of Age Ceremony

Celebrated by Kit's at least four times in their childhood, once when they are five, another when they are ten, once more at fifteen, and the last at twenty. Each Ceremony signifies that they've overcome a great hurdle in their life, and have lived to see the next. Each Ceremony is handled by the Kit's family, or in the case of the Kit being apart of the military (Such as the Youth Division) it is handled by the military.

The last Coming of Age ceremony, which can be performed at age twenty but can be done as young as sixteen, is special because it demotes a Kit's ascension into adulthood. This last ceremony is often held at the cheston_monastery, but can be held anywhere.

End of the Great War Ceremony

The ceremony that celebrates the ending of the Great War, but also signifies the first of two other events that happen right after. The ceremony lasts for seven days, and involves nothing more than partying and displays by the military as a show of force but also, as a way of signifying that they've beaten the odds. The ceremony is considered very important to the Neshaten, as many know full well that had the evacuation not succeeded, they wouldn't be here today.

Combined into the ceremony is surviving footage of the war, victories by the Neshaten, and loses as well.

Ceremony of Remembrance

A Ceremony that follows the End of the Great War Festival, the Ceremony of Remembrance is intended to remember all of those who have fallen in the War, and to thank them for sacrificing their lives so that others may live. The Ceremony goes on for a full week, during this time, small canisters are launched from capital ships into the systems sun - to order the dead.

V'kaste's Legion Remembrance

A day of Remembrance for the creator of the Youth Division, who was killed in battle during the later part of the Great War. A statue commemorating her bravery is present in the Capital City but also at every military base, during the ceremony, people bring flowers or just pray in silent remembrance and hope that the kit had found peace after death.

Spirit Festival

Known also as the Festival of Spirits; the festival is a time honored tradition done by the Neshaten since long before the Great War was even remotely thought to have happened. The festival occurs twice during a year, once during the Waxing Cold Season, and again during the Full Storm Season.

The festival revolves around the giving of gifts, along with compression and courtesy toward others. During this time, businesses don't offer their goods for money but instead offer them for free of charge; because of the compassion presented, families are able to get their Kits gifts of value - but value isn't what is important at the festival but rather the thought behind the gift that counts.

Because the Spirit Festival primarily revolves around Gift giving, it is considered a festival for Kits; as Kits enjoy it a lot as they tend to not have school or even work. However, the festival has garnered a much more deep meaning since the Great War - one of remembrance for the lives lost and those who sacrificed themselves.

During the last days of the festival, lanterns are lit to guide the spirits of the dead to the afterlife.

Rite of Honor

The Rite of Honor is one of the Neshatens most important, and most celebrated, events. The Rite of Honor involves a My'leke choosing a Shukaren to become their symbiotic partner, only symbiotic partnerships are allowed to ascend to the Throne.

More on the Rite of Honor can be found here: rite_of_honor

When the Rite is called for, Neshaten gather in the capital to celebrate and observe. It's deemed so important, that interrupting such an event is considered very disrespectful.

Environmentally Conscious

When the Neshaten first arrived on their new world, they brought with them their environmentally friendly ways and choose to keep in line with those ways. The Neshaten don't like damaging their environment, they disapprove of clear cutting tactics in forests that were once used in the old Federation. They also greatly dislike pollution generating structures. They've spent many years perfecting industrial technology that helps reduce pollution and waste, though this means that they are less efficient in certain regards - they heavily favor the environment over whatever makes their lives easier.

Because of this mindset, the Neshaten prefer walking or using public transportation such as shuttles to go long distances.


In Neshaten Culture, Education is considered very important, not only to prepare the youth for the future, but also to teach about the past to prevent past mistakes from being repeated. Education is so important that most children start at the age of two, and most don't graduate from primary education until they are twelve.

There are three different educational levels that a child goes through, one is preparatory which they at the age of two - the next is primary education followed by secondary education.

Preparatory and Primary Education are mandatory, a child is required to attend school until they are at least twelve years of age and have graduated from Primary Education. Secondary Education is optional, a child can choose to either join the work-force, join the military, or continue into secondary education at will.

Racial Prevention Education

In order to help curb and stamp out of the possibilities of racial tensions and prejudices between the Shukaren and My'leke, the government has instituted an educational program approved by both species that teaches the young of both about the other race starting in the preparatory level, teaching about the differences, the customs, and culture. Once a child completes one year of this instruction, they are able to be introduced to the other. This education typically starts in the early years of a child’s life while they are attending preparatory school and because of that, racial tensions between the Shukaren and My'leke are nearly non-existent.

Social Class

It is interesting to note that while the Neshaten have social classes, it is actually a loosely followed system.


All Neshaten belong to the Citizenry class, citizens can do and own anything as long as they are able to maintain the assets they can buy. They can't own ships, however. Citizens have free-say in the government and political and social matters.


One step above the citizenry, they possess the same authority as citizens. Nobles also can't own their own ships. Citizens become nobles from four different ways, either from family blending, from the Rite of Honor, or by distinguishing themselves in some fashion or by being an officer in the military. Although more respect is often given to Nobles, they can also petition the government to permit them to set up their own small towns, this is one advantage they have over a citizen.

Nobility is comprised of the following titles:

Title Note
Ru'takon this is a default starting title for a noble. Mostly found used by military personnel once they reach the rank of officer (since officership is one of the paths to being a noble)
Ze'tan this noble title is for individuals whom are in charge of a family
Zel'on this noble title is reserved for children of a noble family
Nokan'lan This noble title is for individuals who own a trade family


A rare class, since Royalty can 'only' be granted when someone becomes King and Queen. A person of Royalty has the same authority as a citizen or noble, with the one exception being that they are allowed to own ships but the number they can own depends purely on how much they can support. Royal members can also petition the government to set up large stations that they can preside over, many of the independent stations in the Kingdom are actually owned by Royal Members.

Royal Members are still required to follow the law and uphold it, for they are very easily able to LOSE that status thanks to the amount of oversight in the government.

Title Note
Kue'ta Default royal title
Kou'kran A royal rank given to military soldiers upon being recognized by the monarch.
Ve'trena a title typically found used by individuals whom are in-charge of a planet.
Ass'juina a title given to those who control star systems, if the person in charge of a star system is also in charge of a planet, then they inherit this title.
Eruu'san A royal title given to people of royalty whom are in charge of star bases.
Yoo'kruu/Yuu'kroo a title given to children of a currently ruling royal family.
Xui'kron/Xui'xoo a title given to the highest ranking person of the royal family (King/Queen respectively)

Specific Aspects

There are specific aspects of their society that set them apart from most others.

Melee Oriented

Despite possessing ships and technology, the Neshaten - especially the Shukaren, have a certain amount of dislike for guns and firearms that dates back to the ages before they even had starships. They favor swords and bows along with shields. In an effort to compromise and make them good at both long and short-range combat, the Neshaten combined their love of melee combat with that of their dislike for firearms to create weapons that have melee attachments that are either built into the weapon or that can be attached. This is an even compromise, favoring both Neshaten who prefer melee and to those few who also prefer firearms.

This kind of orientation doesn't effect the My'leke due to them requiring weapon modules, but some of their modules are melee centric.

Religious Inclined

Throughout their history the Neshaten have both embraced and banished the belief in a higher power, this often times came from activities or events where people generally believed that if god existed he or she wouldn't have allowed said events to occur. Some such events include the civil war that nearly tore their race to pieces, and then the Great War, that nearly lead to their extinction.

However, when the Neshaten's resettled, many of them realized that they probably only survived due to someone else watching over them. Thus, religion had taken a new turn and had been re-embraced by the Neshaten once again. They worship The God of Chivalry, a women named Chilerious, with their religion known as Kurieste. Although it's optional for a person to worship Chilerious, most Neshaten do.

The God of Chivalry came about during the Medevial Era, and appeared after the Shukaren and My'leke joined as one. Although history of the time is scattered, Chilerious was a women who helped prevent a war between the My'leke and Shukaren, she was killed during the first - and only - skirmish between the two races when she gave her life stopping the battle. Since then, she's been honoured as the God of Chivalry and been worshipped since.

Religious events and ceremonies are handled by the Order of Marius

Honoring the dead

Honoring the dead is something a Neshaten always does when a fellow companion dies, they erect shrines to honor those who have fallen. A shrine can be erected either for a single person, or a squad of soldiers who perished in battle. The shrines are considered sacred, and defacing one can carry a fact worse than death.


Because the Shukaren dislike guns, and thus favor swords, they are taught at a very young age how to wield a bladed weapon. By the time a Kit gets of age, they are often times proficient with a sword. The Shukaren have created several different styles of swordsmanship fighting, and each one has a specific use to the student who trains in it, some favor defense while others favor offense, a few favor balance while only one favors all out brutality.

Guikane Sword Style

Guikane Sword Style is considered a basic style that utilizes a single sword, the style is intended for self defense and teaches a variety of different types of stances that could be used to parry or deflect a blow.

Levcrosis Sword Style

Levcrosis Sword Style is a style meant entirely for attacking and can be used with one or two swords. The style is treasured by many Neshaten as a gladatorial art, however it is a very hard and even dangerous style to train in due to some of the advanced movements requiring the usage of two swords. This style is often trained by experts, and is taught in the military to high ranking Agents and Swordmasters.

Vrete Style

Vrete Style is an equal blend of offense and defense, favoring a neutral side of things unlike the Guikane and Levcrosis styles. Vrete can be done with a single sword, two swords, or a twin-bladed weapon. Because of this, Vrete is the most commonly used style and is taught both in and out of the military.

Krotaya Style

Found predominately in the military, the Krotaya style is used for weapons that have a bladed attachment and is intended for offensive usage. The Krotaya style teaches a person how to properly use a melee weapon that is attached to a blade, but also, teaches them how to fire their weapon that blade is attached. This style is 'not' compatible with all types of weapons, however. Dagger and Knife attachments are excellent for this style - however - long sword attachments or even axe based ones are not as both are to unwieldy and depend more on the users strength than the style they were taught.

Curan Style

Curan is a unique style, favored by the upper class and intended entirely for sport, it's a style that is not intended for causing harm but merely for parrying and attacking a person's actual weapon and not the skin or armor that they may wear. Most users of this style use a blunt weapon, such as a training sword, and thus this style is also used by new users of the sword and is typically the first style learned by children.

Kentro'las Style

A controversial style by most, and downright despised by few, the Kentrolas style was designed to be brutal, efficient, and deadly. Basic foot work, along with how to wield a blade and to strike without wasting any energy, is taught. A person is trained never to use more energy than needed, but to also, never waste that energy in an attack that may not hit or do much damage.

The style is considered forbidden, and only those within the military actually know the training behind it. The style heavily favors a twin-bladed weapon.

Dislike for Genetic Modifications and Cloning

The Neshaten have never approved of genetically modifying their own bodies or of cloning a person, essentially it is their belief that if a person dies, they are dead and shouldn't be revived. This has caused some stir in the scientific communities that want to explore this kind of technology but the stance of both the Neshaten in general is that full body cloning and full body genetic modifications, such as rewriting DNA strains, are forbidden. However, the Monarch does permit cloning of limbs or the modifying of limbs in replacement or repair, respectively.

Military Youth Corps

Unlike Traditional cultures, the Neshaten actually do permit their kits (children) to join the military starting at the age of twelve, which is the age they graduate from primary school. Certain restrictions are placed on a child depending on what occupation they take up.

The Youth Corps was devised back in the older days during the Great War, due to the ever declining number of adult Neshaten who could fight in the war. It wasn't, however, the elders or the military that originally created the corps but Neshaten Children instead. Initially it was just a militia group, found on one of the outlying worlds that were being threatened with destruction at the hands of the Pacifist Regime.

When the Neshaten fought back and recovered this world, they found this 'Youth Corp' full of Kits, all armed and having fought the Pacifists over the course of several weeks that the planet was under-siege. This concept was soon adopted into the Neshaten Navy, despite the concerns and opposition of some officers and many feeling that a child has no right to fight a war.

After the evacuation, and the discovery of the new world that the refugees settled on. The Youth Corps were initially abandoned, but were put back into place in the early part of ER 488 and has since remained as one of the military's main fighting units. Children are not treated any differently from their adult counterparts, and a child is made aware of this when they request to join.

faction/neshaten/culture.1659354631.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:39 (external edit)