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Fujiko Self-Defense Force

Formed in YE 45, the Fujiko Self-Defense Force (FSDF, 富士子自衛隊 in Yamataigo (邪馬台語)) are the primary part-time local defense force for the Fujiko Region and corporate security force for the Fujiko Development Corporation (FDC). Composed almost entirely of Nepleslian Reds, many observers see it as the Reds attempt to re-militarize and are cautious as a result of it. The primary mission of the FSDF within Yamatai space is to delay invasions and support the Star Army of Yamatai within the region. Outside of the Yamatai Star Empire, it functions more of a military force tasked with safeguarding FDC/Reds' assets.

Fujiko Self-Defense Force
Commanding Officer General Fredrick Williamson
Oversight Fujiko Development Corporation, Yamatai Star Empire
Mission Profile Regional Defense/Expeditionary
Status Active
Current Focus Building units
Base of Operations Fort Samson, Fujiko IV
No. of Large Starbases 0
No. of Shipyards 2
No. of System Defense Platforms 15
No. of Capital Ships 0
No. of Warships 200
No. of Support Ships 250
No. of Additional Small Craft 5,000
Manager Demibear


The Nepleslian Reds historically are a militant faction of Nepleslians. They were resoundingly defeated by the Greens (rulers of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia) in YE 29 at Kennewes. The only reason they were not annihilated was the opening up of two frontier worlds by the Yamatai Star Empire. The relationship proved to be beneficial as the Reds got to live on and Yamataian corporations got a new source of labor that could replenish itself with cloning. But the inherent militarism did not die.

While most Reds were able to transition to a life of industrial laborer, others choose to form militias and gangs to sustain themselves and their kinNets. A number would prove to be pivotal in the short rebellion that witness the upheaval of the old Nepleslian Red leadership and established the Fujiko Development Corporation. The establishment of the Fujiko Self-Defense Force soon shortly took place.

Absorbing much of the FDC's corporate security forces and Nepleslian Red militias loyal to the reforms, the Fujiko Self-Defense Force currently acts as both the FDC's corporate security and as the region's Yamatian Defense Force (supplementing local Star Army of Yamatai forces). The 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Unit swiftly was deployed to Planet Osman in an effort to liberate the system from the NMX.

FSDF Operations/Notable Engagements

The Fujiko Self-Defense Force has currently conducting or has been a part of the following engagements:



  • N/A


The Fujiko Self-Defense Force (FSDF) functions as the part-time defense force and corporate security within the Fujiko Region, complementing the overarching defensive matrix of the Star Army of Yamatai. The FSDF's primary mandate includes the recruitment and creation of a formidable personnel cadre, development of advanced training programs tailored to instill requisite skills for operational excellence, and the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment necessary for the fulfillment of its strategic objectives. Given the nature of their responsibilities, the FSDF maintains a symbiotic operational relationship with the local Star Army of Yamatai forces, ensuring peak joint compatibility and interoperability.

The FSDF's recruitment strategy focuses on attracting (through recruiting)/creating (through cloning) and molding individuals into exemplary soldiers through rigorous training and education, fostering a culture of excellence and dedication. The development of training programs is not merely about skill acquisition but also about nurturing adaptability and strategic thinking, preparing personnel for the dynamic challenges of defense and conflict resolution. This involves simulated environments, war games, and real-world exercises in collaboration with allied forces to simulate the most realistic conditions possible.

The procurement division of the FSDF operates with precision, ensuring that the troops are equipped with the latest technology and weaponry. This requires a keen understanding of emerging threats and the foresight to anticipate future conflicts, necessitating a continuous dialogue with intelligence agencies and technology partners. The goal is not only to maintain a technological edge over potential adversaries but also to foster innovation within the defense sector, encouraging advancements that can benefit the wider Star Army of Yamatai.

The majority of the initial troops within the Fujiko Self-Defense Force are Nepleslian Red Artificial Nepleslians recruited from militias. However, it is expected individuals cloned directly into service in the FSDF will become the norm (following Nepleslian Reds traditions) with at least 25% being volunteers pushed into officer roles. Those that serve active status (corporate security) for 5 years will get a 50% reduction to FDC membership fees (Silver and below) when they are discharged, while those that spend 15 years will become Gold members for life.


The FSDF trains its volunteer/clone reserve force across a spectrum of specialized military occupations, ensuring a robust and versatile defense posture for the Fujiko Region. The occupations span a broad array of expertise, including, but not limited to, combat operations, engineering, medical services, intelligence, and logistics. Each role is critical to the holistic functioning of the FSDF and the security of the territories it protects. Combat occupations are active 2 weeks every other month of the year and combat support/combat support service occupations are full time, supporting the needs of the Fujiko Development Corporation and the region.

Due to the nature of the Nepleslian Reds, the Fujiko Self-Defense Force incorporates the use of proficiency rating system with their occupational codes. Servicemembers are identified by the Vocational Corps they are a member of (B for Infantry), a number between 1-7 to denote their proficiency (and rank usually), and a four digit career code that represents their actual job. For example one member who is a Platoon Senior Enlisted Advisor of a Infantry Company would be A5-1111

Vocational Branch Name Vocational Branch Code Branch Color Career Code Prefix Notes
Surface Warfare A X 11 Engages in frontline combat, often in close quarters. Specializes in tactical operations and ground-based warfare. Trained in various weapons and survival techniques.
Combat Engineering B X 12 Focuses on field fortifications, demolitions, and construction under combat conditions. Engineers bridges, obstacles, and defensive structures. Plays a vital role in mobility and counter-mobility strategies.
Surface Warfare Support C X 13 Operates heavy artillery and support weapons, providing indirect fire support. Specializes in target acquisition and battlefield interdiction. Artillery units are critical for shaping the battlefield and disrupting enemy operations.
Aerospace D X 14 Involved in the operation and combat using air and space vehicles. Pilots and crews are trained in both atmospheric and extraterrestrial maneuvers. Critical for air superiority and providing support to ground troops.
Armored Warfare E X 15 Manages and operates armored vehicles, including tanks and armored personnel carriers. Focuses on mechanized warfare and combined arms operations. Armor units provide mobility and heavy firepower on the battlefield.
Special Operations F X 16 Conducts covert operations, reconnaissance, and direct action missions. Trained in unconventional warfare and special tactics. Operates behind enemy lines and in various environments.
Expeditionary G X 18 Specializes in rapid deployment and versatile field operations. Focuses on quick response to emerging threats and crises. Expeditionary units are adaptable, capable of operating in diverse environments.
Signal and Information Technology H X 25 Manages military communications, cyber operations, and information technology infrastructure. Ensures secure and efficient communication channels. Plays a key role in cyber defense and intelligence gathering.
Judge Advocate General I X 27 Provides legal services and advice within the military. Deals with military justice, legal reviews, and advisory roles. Essential for maintaining discipline and adherence to military law.
Military Police J X 31 Responsible for law enforcement, base security, and detainee operations. Ensures order and discipline within the military ranks. Handles investigations and security operations.
Intelligence K X 35 Engages in intelligence gathering, analysis, and counterintelligence operations. Provides strategic information essential for planning and decision-making. Works to counter enemy espionage and information warfare.
Administration and Personnel L X 36 Manages personnel records, clerical tasks, finance, and administrative duties. Ensures the smooth functioning of military bureaucracy. Key to resource allocation and personnel management.
Medical M X 45 Provides healthcare services, emergency medical support, and medical logistics. Trained in battlefield medicine and trauma care. Essential for maintaining the health and readiness of troops.
Science N X 50 Conducts scientific research and analysis. Engages in experimentation and technological advancement. Supports military operations through scientific expertise and innovation.
Logistics and Quartermaster O X 55 Manages supply chains, procurement, and distribution of resources. Essential for sustaining military operations and logistics planning. Coordinates transportation and maintenance of supplies.
Transportation P X 57 Oversees the movement of troops, equipment, and supplies. Manages vehicle fleets and transportation networks. Critical for operational mobility and logistical support.
Starship Operations Q X 72 Focuses on the operation of large aerospace assets such as starships and space stations.
Resource Management and Acquisition R X 74 Manages the acquisition (mining, salvage, and contracts) of raw resources and materials for usage for the FSDF. Works closely with the Logistics, Transportation, and Construction vocational branches.
Tactics and Strategy S X 75 Commanders and strategists of the FSDF.
Engineering and Hull T X 78 Specializes in engineering, shipbuilding, and structural maintenance of large aerospace assets. Essential for the construction and upkeep of military vessels and facilities. Combines technical expertise with practical application.
Music U X 82 Performs musical duties, enhancing morale and participating in ceremonial events. Trained in a variety of musical disciplines. Represents the military in public and diplomatic functions.
Construction V X 84 Engages in large-scale construction projects and infrastructure development. Critical for establishing and maintaining military facilities. Combines engineering principles with practical construction skills.
Combat Camera W X 88 Specializes in visual documentation of military operations. Provides critical imagery for intelligence and public affairs. Engages in both combat and non-combat environments.
Operations Mate X X 94 Conducts various roles that are directly involved in the operation, navigation, and maintenance of spacecraft and ground facilities.
Public Affairs Y X 92 Manages media relations, public communications, and outreach. Essential for shaping public perception and providing accurate information. Coordinates with civilian media and handles internal communications.
Electronic/Cyber Warfare Z X 97 Engages in cyber warfare, electronic surveillance, and countermeasures. Protects against and exploits digital vulnerabilities. Essential for modern warfare and information security.


Commanded by General Fredrick Williamson (holding the title of Director within the corporation), the FSDF is a structured entity composed of specialized components, each with a distinct role in the defense of the Fujiko Region. These components work in concert to form a cohesive and formidable force, capable of operating in a variety of theaters and against a multitude of threat vectors.

A more detailed article on the FSDF's structure can be found here

Spacy Self-Defense Force

The Spacy Self-Defense Force is the space force of the Fujiko Development Corporation, boasting a fleet of warships and auxiliary starships. Tasked with ensuring the defense of the Fujiko Region's expansive space territories, this naval component is designed to operate in strategic operations and tactical engagements. Their purview extends beyond mere regional defense; they also provide critical escort services to Fujiko Development Corporation (FDC) assets traversing the vastness of space, both within and beyond Yamatai's sovereign domains.

The Spacy Self-Defense Force operates on a doctrine of versatility and readiness, with functions that encompass:

  • Patrol operations to secure regional space and deter unauthorized entry.
  • Rapid response to emergent threats, providing swift and decisive action to delay until a Yamataian force arrives.
  • Coordination with allied forces for joint operations and exercises, ensuring a united front against common adversaries.
  • Defend FDC assets outside of Yamataian space.

Ground Self-Defense Force

The Ground Self-Defense Force is the terrestrial arm of the FSDF, trained to engage hostile forces both in the skies and on the surfaces of Fujiko's regional planets. They are the boots on the ground, the first line of defense against invasions, and the stalwart protectors of the region's planetary bodies.

The Ground Self-Defense Force's primary functions include:

  • Deployment to hotspots to counter and neutralize ground-based threats.
  • Fortification of strategic locations, creating bastions of defense against possible incursions.
  • Provision of support to civilian authorities during times of crisis, embodying the FSDF's commitment to safeguarding the populace.

Notable Units

Notable Personnel

The FSDF prides itself on a cadre of distinguished individuals, whose leadership and service records contribute to the force's reputation as a military organization. These personnel are not just leaders and warriors; they are also innovators and strategists who have dedicated their lives to the defense of the Fujiko Region and the greater good of the Star Army of Yamatai.

While the list of notable personnel is expansive and ever-growing, a few exemplify the virtues and dedication expected of all FSDF members. Their stories of valor and wisdom are taught to recruits, inspiring the next generation of defenders and upholding the FSDF's tradition of honor and excellence.


Given its roots with the militias that formed on Fujiko after the Reds arrived, the ranks of the Fujiko Self-Defense Force uses a single set of ranks for both ground and naval forces.


NATO Pay Grade Emblem Sleeve Insignia Rank Name Yamatai Equivalent Rank Description
OF-9 O9 General Taisho FSDF Leader
OF-8 O8 Vice General Chujo Army Leader
OF-7 O7 Lieutenant General Shôshô Corps leader
OF-6 O6 Force Commander Taisa First strategic position/Division leader
OF-5 O5 Commander Chusa Leads large sized ships/Regiments
OF-4 O4 Lieutenant Commander Shosa Leads medium sized ships/Battalions
OF-3 O3 Lieutenant Taii Leads small sized ships/Companies
OF-2 O2 Sub-Lieutenant Chui Leads departments
OF-1 O1 Ensign Shoi Leads platoons and department sections

Officer Candidates are considered the rank of E5 until they are commissioned.


The Line Operations Vocation Group is placed in place of more specific ratings within in as an example of placement.

NATO Grade Emblem Rank Name Yamatai Equivalent Rank Description
OR-9 E9 Master Chief Specialist N/A NCO mentor, top NCO of tactical formations regiment and up
OR-8 E8 Senior Chief Specialist N/A Senior NCO, top NCO in a battalion
OR-7 E7 Chief Specialist Jôtô Heisho Senior NCO, top NCO in a company
OR-6 E6 Specialist, First Class Ittô Heisho NCO, leader of platoons
OR-5 E5 Specialist, Second Class Nitô Heisho NCO, leader of squads
OR-4 E4 Specialist, Third Class Jôtô Hei First NCO rank and technical individuals with sufficient experience.
OR-3 E3 Serviceman Ittô Hei A competent servicemember with little experience.
OR-2 E2 Serviceman Apprentice Nitô Hei Learning the basics of their occupation, both technical and non-technical
OR-1 E1 Serviceman Recruit Santô Hei Learning the foundations of being a servicemember

The FSDF does not have an equivalent rank for Yontô Hei


Like all military and paramilitary forces, the Fujiko Self-Defense Force makes use of a series of uniforms to identify its members and denote rank, specialty, and engagement type. Uniforms serve as a crucial aspect of military life, contributing to discipline, team identity, and operational functionality. In the case of the Fujiko Self-Defense Force (FSDF), their uniform range likely includes:

Uniform Name Description Uniform Type Image or Concept Art
Type 45 FSDF Dress Uniform A formal uniform for ceremonial occasions, featuring crisp lines and distinctive insignia. Dress/Ceremonial
Type 45 Duty Uniform Standard daily wear, practical for a range of general tasks, with easy identification of rank and unit. Duty/General
Type 46 Physical Training Uniform Lightweight and breathable, designed for physical activities and exercises. Training/Exercise
Type 46 Pilot Uniform Specialized uniform for pilots and aircrew, streamlined for comfort in cockpit environments. Specialized/Pilot
Type 46 Vehicle Crew Uniform Rugged and practical for personnel operating vehicles, with reinforced areas and utility pockets. Specialized/Vehicle Crew
Type 46 Medical and Science Uniform Functional and stain-resistant, designed for medical and scientific personnel. Specialized/Medical and Science
Type 46 Engineering and Technical Uniform Durable with oil and grease resistance, for engineering and technical work environments. Specialized/Engineering and Technical
Type 46 Environmental and Hazardous Duty Suit Fully enclosed suits with integrated life support and environmental protections. Specialized/Environmental and Hazardous Duty

FSDF Resources

The following summarizes what materiel and locations the FSDF has at its disposal.

Key Facilities

Below are facilities utilized by the Fujiko Defense Force to fulfill its mandate.

  • Fort Samson, Fujiko IV (Central Command Complex)
  • Fujiko Central Arsenal, Fujiko IV
  • Rufusland Arsenal, Rufusland II
  • Ukmirt Arsenal, Ukmirt A-3
  • Acre Arctic Proving Grounds, Fujiko IV
  • Sanya Proving Grounds, Fujiko IV
  • FSDF Training Command, Port Red Dawn
  • Port Red Dawn, Fujiko IV
  • Port Red Queen, Ukmirt A-3
  • Research and Development Directorate, Shenhong City, Fujiko IV
  • Fujiko Military Academy, Fujiko University, Shenhong City, Fujiko IV
    • NCO Academy
  • Numerous Defense Bases and Submersible Bases under construction
  • Numerous “Jackson” Bastions under construction on Fujiko IV and Ukmirt A-3
  • Numerous “Smith” Undersea Bastions under construction on Rufusland II

Starships and Stations

The FSDF's starship fleet and stations, primarily sourced from Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing and Ryu Keiretsu, comprise a variety of vessels and platforms designed for versatility and efficiency in various interstellar operations.


The following section details equipment and designs utilized by the Nepleslian Reds with in the Fujiko Self Defense Force.

Wheeled Vehicles

FSDF's ground vehicle fleet is designed for diverse terrains and multiple tactical needs.

    • General Purpose: Standard utility vehicle for personnel and light cargo transport.
    • Utility: Adapted for various support roles including communications and reconnaissance.
    • Ambulance: Medical variant equipped for battlefield casualty evacuation.
    • Troop Carrier: Designed for rapid deployment of infantry units.
    • Mobile Repair: Field maintenance and repair tasks.
    • Air Defense: Equipped with anti-aircraft weapons systems.
  • Terrax Medium Tactical Truck (under development, short and long wheelbase)
    • Cargo: Transportation of larger cargo loads.
    • Van Truck: Multipurpose transport vehicle.
    • MTV Tractor: Towing and heavy hauling.
    • Wrecker: Recovery and salvage operations.
    • Tanker: Fuel and liquid transport.
    • 15ton Dump: Construction and engineering support.
  • Behemoth Heavy Tactical Truck (under development)
    • Cargo Truck: Heavy-duty cargo transportation.
    • Tanker Truck: Large capacity fuel and chemical transport.
    • Wrecker: Heavy-duty recovery and salvage operations.
    • Tractor: Large-scale towing and hauling.

Tracked Vehicles

Designed for challenging terrains and high-intensity combat scenarios.

  • Buffalo Multipurpose Armored Vehicle (under development)
    • General Purpose: Versatile armored platform for various battlefield roles.
    • Medevac Vehicle: Battlefield medical evacuation and emergency care.
    • Medical Treatment Vehicle: Mobile medical treatment facility.
    • Mission Command Vehicle: Mobile command center.
    • Engineering Vehicle: Combat engineering tasks including fortification construction.
    • Air Defense Vehicle: Equipped with surface-to-air missiles.
    • itter and Repair: Field maintenance and repair services.
    • Fire Support Team Vehicle: Equipped to direct allied indirect fire support
    • Cargo Carrier: Armored transport of supplies and equipment.
  • Thunder Self-Propelled Howitzer (under development)
    • Armored Engineering Vehicle
    • Armored Recovery Vehicle
    • Bridgelayer Vehicle
  • Ironblood Infantry Fighting Vehicle (under development)

Aerospace Craft

FSDF's aerospace units are equipped for a variety of space and aerial operations.

Crew-served Weapons

For enhanced firepower in squad-based and defensive operations.

  • Type 46 General Purpose Machine Gun
  • Type 46 Anti-Armor Launcher
  • Sakura Machinery “Jade Stinger” 81mm Mortar

Individual Firearms

A comprehensive range of personal weapons for various combat roles.

Individual Equipment

Essential gear for individual soldiers to enhance survival and combat efficiency.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/06/14 07:34. Contact the Faction Manager for questions and details regarding this unit's deployment as NPCs in roleplay.

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corp/fujiko_development_corporation/fsdf.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 23:29 by demibear