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KAIMON/Ascendant: Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter

The newest KAIMON/Ascendant brand Stealth Quadcopter, created by Yugumo Corporation, and released in YE 45, with exclusive rights going to Star Army of Yamatai personnel, and the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet

About the KAIMON/Ascendant: Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter

A Stealth Quadcopter Drone issued to Star Army of Yamatai personnel, and the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet

KAIMON/Ascendant Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter
Year Released YE 45
Designer Itatski Sachiko
Nomenclature Yu-O3-1A1)
Manufacturer Yugumo Corporation
Brand KAIMON/Ascendant
Fielded by Star Army of Yamatai, Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet
Range 22 hours primary power
Maintenance Cycle Monthly
Lifespan More than 25 years with proper maintenance
Damage Rating (Version 3) Tier 2
Production Level Mass Production
Pricing 8,500KS2)1,0003)
Sorakagami Aerospace Operations Suite +3400 KS Factory, +4250 KS Retrofit


In YE 45 ever since Itatski Sachiko had started working for Yugumo Corporation as head of the KAIMON/Ascendant division, she wanted to create something new that the Star Army of Yamatai could use. With her connections, as well those expanded due to the influence of Yugumo Corporation, and the Motoyoshi Clan. She knew that she could these connections, to send out this something new to the Star Army, for Stealth Missions, or reconascence.

But while she had the technological know-how, she knew she’d need some extra help. She didn’t think that Yue, the blue princess of the Motoyoshi clan could help due to the military nature of the project. So she used Yugumo’s communications and got a member of the Star Army to take the Stealth Drone on a special mission. From this member she got a detailed report and used that and the specs to show it to the higher ups of the Star Army.


4)The Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter is built like a compact and maneuverable quadcopter. To reduce wind resistance, it was built with an aerodynamic design. It had a wingspan or diagonal length of around 30 to 50 centimeters (12 to 20 inches), with each rotor measuring approximately 15 to 25 centimeters (6 to 10 inches) in diameter.

The Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter features a sleek and compact design optimized for low radar and thermal signature. Its body is constructed from lightweight yet durable materials that allow for swift and silent maneuverability, making it practically invisible to enemy detection systems.


A wingspan or diagonal length of around 30 to 50 centimeters (12 to 20 inches), with each rotor measuring approximately 15 to 25 centimeters (6 to 10 inches) in diameter.


KAIMON/Ascendant brand Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter is an advanced unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) designed specifically for stealth missions and covert operations.


The Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter incorporates cutting-edge stealth technology, designed to evade enemy radar, infrared sensors, and other detection systems. Its specialized coating made out of Sitearium and Stellarium, minimizes radar reflection and thermal emissions, ensuring a significantly reduced signature and making it incredibly difficult to detect and track. This allows it to operate covertly and carry out missions without being detected.


In order to add to the Stealth capability, noise reduction was also a focus. The rotors are engineered to operate at low RPM (rotations per minute) and are fitted with specially designed blade profiles to minimize noise production. This enables the aircraft to operate silently, providing a crucial advantage during stealth missions. In addition, it’s body uses systems and coating similar to those used in the creation of Whiskers further even basic machine noises.

Mission Flexibility

The Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter is highly adaptable, and versatile, allowing it to perform a wide range of missions. It can be utilized for reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, target acquisition, surveillance, and even for delivering small payloads or conducting precise aerial strikes on designated targets. Depending on what kind of mission its performing, this quadcopter can be equipped with additional payloads and sensors as needed.


The Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter is equipped with a sophisticated sensor suite, including high-resolution cameras, infrared cameras, and night vision capabilities. It provides exceptional situational awareness and surveillance capabilities. Its sensors allow it to detect and analyze environmental conditions, allowing them to gather intelligence, conduct surveillance, and monitor targets without being detected.

Control and Communication

The Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter is operated using a sophisticated and encrypted communication systems to ensure secure and reliable transmission of data (using real-time video feedback) between the aircraft and control station, minimizing the risk of interception or compromise. The Control of this drone can be done using a specialized strap on, that attaches to the Neko’s SPINE interface, allowing for a complete control over the system and by highly trained operators who monitor and control its flight and mission operations.

Long Flight Time

The quadcopter is powered by an efficient and long-lasting battery system, enabling it to achieve extended flight endurance. This ensures that it can cover significant distances and sustain missions for an extended period without requiring frequent battery replacements. This system is similar to the ones used by the KAIMON/Ascendant Companions.


The Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter is built with multiple pieces of technology, some included in the KAIMON/Ascendant Companion and brought over due to their usefulness.

Propulsion and Range

The NSQ(Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter) has a built-in anti-gravity system, and micro-thrusters5) maneuvering, station-keeping, and attitude control. It can sustain speeds of up to 25-35km/hour (atmospheric in 1G). The system recharges wirelessly when in the field of influence of higher KAIMON systems. It holds a charge in its capacitor system of sustaining roughly 22 hours of continual use outside of the recharge range. Additional capacitor modules can also be carried by the user for additional operational life with swap-out. It can be charged through a charging port compatible with most mobile power generator systems.

Electrical-Data-Electronic Attachment

Electrical-Data-Electronic Attachment, Yu-O1-M4401 (1000 KS):


The subsystems and construction of this drone.

Hull Construction

The hull and frame of the drone are made of very thin Sitearium and Stellarium. Its inner systems bay is lined with Yarvex and Yarvex Foam.

Power Systems

The system uses a rechargeable capacitor system that recharges wirelessly when in the field of influence of higher KAIMON systems. It holds a charge in its capacitor system of sustaining roughly 22 hours of continual use outside of the recharge range.

Electronics Suite

The drone is equipped with KAIMON-Passage along with its integrated communications and sensor systems. ELECTRA may be activated for qualified operators.

The Sorakagami Aerospace Operations Suite is available as an option, allowing the drone to participate in joint aerospace operations.

Expanded Sensors

In addition to the KAIMON sensor suite, the drone has even more sensor capability:

Propulsion Systems

The KAIMON/Ascendant Companion has a built-in anti-gravity system, and micro-thrusters for maneuvering, station-keeping, and attitude control. It can sustain speeds of up to 25km/hour, and about 10kt underwater.

Electromagnetic Shielding

The drone uses a basic electromagnetic shielding system in conjunction with its Solid Volumetrics to project a bubble around itself, for small-scale protection from attack. 6)


There are infact two variants that are the Stealth Quadcopter, one Variant is the one used by civilians, and the other is used by the Star Army. These were mentioned in the nomenclature, and are the 1A and 1B respectively.

Variant 1A

As previously mentioned, 1A variant is used by the civilian markets, however, while this is so, Yugumo Corporation is very strict on who has access to this variant. Yugumo Corporation allows only a select few to use the Stealth Quadcopter

Variant 1B

1B variant is used by the Star Army of Yamatai, including the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, as well as the First Expeditionary Fleet assets participating in the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet

Anti-Tamper Systems

The drone will create an internal systems overload if it is tampered with. The KAIMON-Passage system will also clear its memory.

Explosive Self-Destruct

The drone can be set to explosively overload on tamper or by remote command or programmed criteria, with selective power up to Tier 4 damage in a 2.5m radius, less one damage tier per additional 2.5m range, down to Tier 0 at the outermost radius.

Energy Pulse Weapon

The drone is capable of emitting a short-lived directed energy pulse.

OOC Notes

Wes approved this article on 2023/10/04

Products & Items Database
Product Categorieselectronics, robots
Product NameNightshade Stealth Quadcopter
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)8.50 KS
DR v3 maxTier 2
Important note, 1A is reserved for the civilian Markets, 1B is reserved for Star Army.
Art created by Andrew using Midjourney
which takes the appearance of rotor propellers
Damage Rating (Version 3) Tier 2, Tier 1 when extended around user.
When not in range of wireless recharge.