Table of Contents

Sentinel Class Control Frigate

The Sentinel Class Control Frigate is a starship designed to oversee and coordinate Mining Operations, providing centralized control of drones and enabling miners to safely operate robotic bodies in hazardous environments.


The genesis of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate traces back to the collaborative efforts of a dedicated team within the Mining Guild’s Engineering Corps during the early stages of YE 46. Spearheaded by visionary engineers, designers, and strategists, this endeavor aimed to revolutionize the Mining Guild's approach to resource extraction and mining operations amidst the diverse challenges posed by extraterrestrial environments.

At the forefront of this initiative were Astrid Kurosaki, the forward-thinking CEO of the Mining Guild, and Royal Representative Nyx Pine, whose shared concern for the safety and well-being of both miners and crew members ignited the impetus for innovation and advancement in ship design.

The primary motivation behind the creation of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate was to mitigate the inherent risks and hazards associated with mining activities conducted across various star systems and planetary environments. Recognizing the need for a specialized vessel capable of ensuring the safety and efficiency of mining operations, the team set out to design a ship that would not only protect miners from the perils of deep space but also provide a secure and sustainable platform for resource extraction and management.

Drawing upon extensive research, technological expertise, and strategic foresight, the team devised a comprehensive blueprint for the Sentinel-class Control Frigate, integrating state-of-the-art systems, advanced automation, and robust defensive capabilities tailored to the unique demands of mining operations. Emphasizing modularity, adaptability, and crew comfort, the design prioritized safety protocols, hazard mitigation measures, and ergonomic accommodations to enhance operational effectiveness and crew morale.

Throughout the design and development process, Astrid Kurosaki and Royal Representative Nyx Pine remained steadfast in their commitment to fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and safety within the Mining Guild. Their visionary leadership and unwavering dedication provided the guiding principles and strategic direction that propelled the Sentinel-class Control Frigate from conceptualization to realization, heralding a new era of safety, efficiency, and sustainability in mining operations across the galaxy.

Astrid and her twin sister, Aeta Kurosaki, along with Nyx Pine, recognized the intricate logistical challenges inherent in mining operations, especially in the vast expanse of space where resources are scattered across diverse celestial bodies. Understanding the critical importance of efficient coordination, communication, and support mechanisms, they envisioned the Sentinel-class Control Frigate as a revolutionary solution to address these complexities and streamline mining operations across the Mining Guild's expansive territories.

Central to their vision was the realization that the frigate could serve as a central command and control center, orchestrating the intricate ballet of mining drones, robotic bodies, and support craft with unparalleled precision and efficiency. By leveraging advanced communication networks, data analytics, and automation systems, the frigate would act as the nerve center of mining operations, facilitating real-time coordination, resource allocation, and strategic decision-making.

The integration of cutting-edge technology and sophisticated software platforms would enable the frigate to monitor and manage the entire spectrum of mining activities, from prospecting and excavation to resource processing and transport. Automated algorithms and AI-driven systems would optimize resource utilization, prioritize extraction targets, and adapt to changing environmental conditions, ensuring maximum productivity and profitability for the Mining Guild.

Furthermore, the frigate's role as a command and control center would extend beyond mere logistical coordination to encompass strategic planning, risk management, and crisis response. Astrid, Aeta, and Nyx foresaw the frigate as a dynamic hub of innovation and adaptability, capable of anticipating challenges, mitigating risks, and capitalizing on emerging opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of resource extraction and space exploration.

Through centralized management and oversight, the Sentinel-class Control Frigate would revolutionize the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of mining operations, positioning the Mining Guild as a pioneering force in the galactic economy. Astrid, Aeta, and Nyx's visionary leadership and collaborative spirit laid the foundation for a new era of prosperity and progress, where the boundless riches of the cosmos are within reach, guided by the guiding light of innovation and ingenuity.

In addition to the imperative for efficient coordination and oversight of mining operations, Astrid, Aeta, and Nyx recognized another critical need within the Mining Guild's fleet: the absence of a dedicated civilian frigate. This realization stemmed from a strategic assessment of the guild's existing fleet composition and operational requirements, highlighting a glaring gap that needed to be addressed to fully capitalize on the guild's expansionary ambitions and secure its position as a dominant player in the galactic mining sector.

The decision to designate the Sentinel-class Control ship as a frigate-type vessel was driven by a combination of strategic foresight and operational necessity. By filling this crucial void in the guild's fleet structure, the Sentinel-class Frigate not only provided a versatile platform for command and control but also unlocked a myriad of strategic advantages and opportunities for the Mining Guild.

Foremost among these advantages was the ability to expand the guild's resource extraction capabilities and secure lucrative mining contracts across known and uncharted regions of space. As a frigate-class vessel, the Sentinel-class Control ship offered the agility, versatility, and firepower necessary to establish a presence in remote star systems, navigate through hostile environments, and assert the guild's authority over valuable mining territories.

Moreover, the frigate's role as a command and control center facilitated the deployment of Pegasus-class ships for prospecting missions, enabling the guild to identify and assess potential mineral deposits with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. Armed with this intelligence, the guild could strategically allocate resources, prioritize extraction targets, and exploit lucrative mineral reserves, thereby fueling its economic growth and consolidating its strategic interests in the galactic market.

Furthermore, the frigate's versatility and adaptability made it a valuable asset for a wide range of missions and operations beyond resource extraction. From escorting convoys and defending mining outposts to conducting reconnaissance and humanitarian missions, the Sentinel-class Control ship played a pivotal role in safeguarding the guild's interests, promoting stability, and advancing its influence across the cosmos.

In essence, the decision to develop the Sentinel-class Control Frigate as a frigate-type vessel was a strategic masterstroke that not only filled a critical gap in the Mining Guild's fleet but also unlocked a wealth of opportunities for expansion, innovation, and prosperity. Astrid, Aeta, and Nyx's visionary leadership and strategic acumen ensured that the frigate became not just a symbol of the guild's power and ambition but also a cornerstone of its success and resilience in the dynamic and competitive landscape of the galactic mining industry.


Sentinel Class Control Frigate is a starship that serves the Mining Guild as a sort of Central Command Hub, for overseeing all mining activities. It is equipped with advanced long-range sensors and communication arrays, surveillance technology, and remote control interfaces to monitor and direct the actions of mining robots and drones from a safe distance.

It features a large hangar bay for storing and launching various types of drones, as well as facilities such as workshops, storage facilities, and 3D printing capabilities to maintain and upgrade mining robots and drones on-site.for maintenance and repair.

Its equipped with advanced automation systems and virtual reality interfaces, allowing operators to remotely control robots and drones with precision and efficiency. It would also serve as a relay station for transmitting data between the mining site and other support vessels.

Mission Specialization

Here are good uses of the Ship.

Specialization 1: Deep Space Mining Operations Support

In this specialization, the frigate is tailored to support deep space mining operations in remote or hazardous locations:

Specialization 2: Planetary Mining Colony Support

This specialization focuses on providing essential support services to mining colonies established on planetary surfaces:


The exterior appearance of a Sentinel Class Control Frigate designed for overseeing mining operations and controlling drones combines practicality with advanced technology. Here's a description of its possible exterior appearance:

Overall, the exterior appearance of the Sentinel Class Control Frigate would convey a sense of power, efficiency, and technological prowess, befitting its role as a central hub for overseeing and coordinating mining operations in the depths of space.

Statistics and Performance

General notes about ship stats and performance


General notes about armor stats and performance

General Statistics for the NAME OF YOUR STARSHIP CLASS
Year Introduced YE 46
Class/Nomenclature MG-AF1a
Designers Nyx Pine, Aeta Kurosaki
Manufacturer Mining Guild
Fielded By Mining Guild Miners
Range Typically, crew for weeks to months without requiring resupply.
Maintenance Cycle After every mission.
Lifespan Could reasonably serve for several decades 1)
Pricing Several billion KS

Maintenance Checks

For a frigate of this caliber, routine maintenance tasks might include:

The frequency and scope of maintenance would be determined by factors such as mission duration, operational tempo, environmental stresses 2), and the manufacturer's recommendations. Additionally, predictive maintenance techniques aided by advanced diagnostics and monitoring systems, may be employed to anticipate and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems.



Crew number Info
Commanding Officer (Captain)1 Responsible for overall command, decision-making, and coordination of operations.
Executive Officer (XO) 1 Assists the commanding officer in managing crew activities, overseeing departments, and handling administrative tasks.
Navigation/Communications Officer1 Responsible for navigation, communication with other vessels and bases, and coordination of rendezvous and docking operations.
Engineering Officer 1-2 Oversees the operation and maintenance of propulsion systems, power generation, and other engineering subsystems.
Sensor/Science Officer 1 Manages sensor systems, collects and analyzes data on celestial bodies, resource deposits, and environmental conditions.
Drone Control Operators2-4 Monitor and control fleets of mining drones, coordinate their activities, and oversee automated mining operations.
Robotic Body Operators2-4 Operate and supervise robotic bodies used by miners for resource extraction and processing tasks
Medical Officer 1 Provides medical care, conducts health assessments, and oversees the ship's medical facilities.
Security Officer 1 Manages onboard security, conducts security patrols, and responds to potential threats or emergencies.
Maintenance Technicians 2-4 Perform routine maintenance, repairs, and inspections on various ship systems and equipment.
Logistics/Supply Officer 1 Manages inventory, procurement, and distribution of supplies, equipment, and spare parts.
Support Personnel (Cooks, Administrators, etc.)variable Additional personnel to support day-to-day operations, such as food preparation, administrative tasks, and other logistical needs.


Propulsion and Range

Damage Capacity

Tier: 11 Shields: 11

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

Compartment Layouts

Below are some Compartments of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate


The Bridge of the Sentinel Class Control Frigate is the nerve center of the ship, where critical decisions are made, and operations are coordinated. Here's a detailed expansion on its components and layout:

Overall, the Bridge serves as the focal point of decision-making and coordination aboard the Sentinel Class Control Frigate, where skilled officers work together to ensure the success of mining operations and the safety of the crew in the vast reaches of space.

Ship Docking Bays

The frigate features spacious docking bays equipped with docking clamps or magnetic locks to accommodate larger vessels, such as cargo transports, mining shuttles, or visiting spacecraft. Docking bays would serve multiple purposes, including:


Distributed throughout the hull of the frigate, airlocks provide access points for crew members and facilitate EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) operations. Airlocks are essential for:

Crew Compartment

The Crew Compartment of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate provides a comfortable and functional living environment for the crew members, ensuring their physical health, morale, and readiness for the demanding tasks of space exploration and mining operations. It serves as a home away from home, fostering teamwork, camaraderie, and resilience among the crew in the vast expanse of the cosmos. Below is what can be found here.

Crew Quarters

The Crew Quarters are individual or shared living spaces allocated for the Captain, Executive Officer (XO), and crew members. Each crew member has their own personal space equipped with a sleeping berth, storage lockers, and basic amenities for comfort and privacy. The quarters are designed to optimize space efficiency while providing a comfortable environment for rest and relaxation during off-duty hours.

Mess Hall

The Medical Bay is a fully equipped facility staffed by trained medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, and medics. It provides comprehensive healthcare services, including routine check-ups, first aid treatment, surgical procedures, and medical emergencies. Equipped with advanced diagnostic equipment, treatment rooms, and recovery beds, the Medical Bay ensures the health and well-being of the crew members throughout their mission.

Medical Bay

The Medical Bay is a fully equipped facility staffed by trained medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, and medics. It provides comprehensive healthcare services, including routine check-ups, first aid treatment, surgical procedures, and medical emergencies. Equipped with advanced diagnostic equipment, treatment rooms, and recovery beds, the Medical Bay ensures the health and well-being of the crew members throughout their mission.

Recreation Room

Recreation Area: The Recreation Area offers crew members opportunities for leisure and relaxation during their downtime. It features amenities such as exercise equipment, entertainment systems, gaming consoles, and reading materials to cater to diverse interests and preferences. Crew members can engage in recreational activities, socialize with colleagues, and maintain physical and mental well-being while away from their duties.


Armory: The Armory is a secure compartment at the end of the Crew Compartment, housing weapons, ammunition, and security equipment for the protection of the ship and its crew. Accessible only to authorized personnel, the Armory stores a variety of defensive armaments, including firearms, energy weapons, and non-lethal deterrents. It also contains tactical gear, protective equipment, and emergency supplies to enhance the ship's security posture and readiness for potential threats.

Cargo Hold

Mining Equipment Storage: This section of the storage space is dedicated to storing various types of mining equipment used in resource extraction operations. It includes storage racks, compartments, and secure containers for tools, machinery, and specialized mining hardware such as drills, excavators, and processing units. The layout is designed to maximize accessibility and organization, with equipment categorized and labeled for quick retrieval and deployment during mining expeditions.

Supplies Stockpile: Another portion of the storage space is allocated for storing supplies necessary for sustaining mining operations and supporting the crew onboard the frigate. This includes consumables such as food, water, medical supplies, spare parts, and maintenance materials. The supplies stockpile is regularly replenished during resupply missions or when visiting mining outposts, ensuring the frigate remains self-sufficient and prepared for extended missions in deep space.

Extracted Resources Repository: Once resources are mined and processed, they are stored in designated storage compartments within the frigate. These compartments are equipped with secure containment systems, environmental controls, and monitoring sensors to preserve the integrity and quality of the extracted resources during transit. Depending on the nature of the resources, storage containers may vary in size, shape, and configuration to accommodate different types of ores, minerals, or raw materials.

Cargo Handling Equipment: To facilitate the loading and unloading of mining equipment, supplies, and extracted resources, the storage space is equipped with cargo handling equipment such as hoists, cranes, and conveyors. These systems streamline logistics operations, allowing for efficient transfer of cargo between the frigate and mining outposts, support vessels, or planetary surfaces. Crew members trained in cargo handling procedures oversee these operations to ensure safety and efficiency.

Inventory Management Systems: To maintain accurate inventory records and track the movement of equipment, supplies, and resources, the storage space is integrated with inventory management systems. These systems utilize barcode scanners, RFID tags, and computerized databases to monitor stock levels, track usage patterns, and generate replenishment orders as needed. Real-time data feeds enable crew members to manage inventory effectively and anticipate logistical requirements for upcoming missions.

Crew Storage Areas

Adjacent to the Mission Storage Areas, these sections of the Cargo Hold are reserved for storing personal belongings, equipment, and supplies belonging to the crew members onboard the frigate. Crew Storage Areas may include:

Control Center

The central command center of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate is a pivotal hub of activity, housing state-of-the-art technology and equipment essential for overseeing and coordinating mining operations in deep space.

Robotic Drone Control Room

The Robotic Drone Control Room serves as a specialized area within the Sentinel-class Control Frigate, seamlessly connected to the central command center. Here's an expansion on this innovative facility:

Overall, the Robotic Drone Control Room represents a cutting-edge fusion of technology and human expertise, enabling miners aboard the Sentinel-class Control Frigate to extend their reach into the depths of space and extract valuable resources with unprecedented efficiency, safety, and precision.

Drone and Robot Docking Bays

The Frigate has spacious docking bays equipped with maintenance facilities and charging stations specifically designed to accommodate various types of drones and robotic bodies used in mining operations. It is connected to the Robotic Workshops as they use the components there, to fix the robotic bodies, or the drones.

Deployment Section

The Deployment Section of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate serves as the gateway for robotic drones and bodies to embark on mining missions under the guidance of miners or the ship's AI. Here's an expansion on this crucial area:

Connection to Robotic Docking Bays: The Deployment Section is seamlessly connected to the Robotic Docking Bays, facilitating the smooth transition of robotic assets from the frigate to external environments. Operators and automated systems coordinate the deployment process, ensuring efficiency and precision in sending drones and robotic bodies to designated mining sites.

Lifts for Robotic Deployment: Within the Deployment Section, specialized lifts based on cargo lift technology provide a means for robotic bodies to exit the frigate and descend to planetary surfaces or the ship's hangar bay. These lifts are designed to accommodate the size and weight of various robotic models, ensuring safe and controlled descent during deployment.

Integration with Stork-class Transport Ships: Upon reaching the hangar bay, robotic bodies destined for remote mining sites are transferred to Stork-class Transport ships waiting for deployment. These transport ships serve as shuttles, ferrying robotic assets from the frigate to designated mining locations across planetary surfaces or asteroid fields. Crew members or automated systems oversee the loading process, securing robotic bodies within the transport ships for safe transit.

Secured Cases for Small Drones: Smaller drones, such as the Moltek Biomechanical Mole Drone and other compact models, are stored in specialized cases designed for deployment to mining sites. These cases provide secure containment and protection for drones during transit and are equipped with mechanisms for easy opening and release upon arrival at the designated deployment zone.

Deployment Protocols and Safety Measures: Before deployment, operators or the ship's AI verify mission parameters, assess environmental conditions, and execute pre-flight checks to ensure the readiness of robotic assets for deployment. Safety protocols are in place to mitigate risks associated with planetary descent, atmospheric entry, and surface landing, ensuring the integrity of robotic assets and minimizing the potential for damage or malfunction during deployment operations.

Overall, the Deployment Section plays a critical role in the Sentinel-class Control Frigate's mission to extend its reach into remote mining sites, leveraging advanced deployment systems and protocols to ensure the safe and efficient deployment of robotic assets for resource extraction operations.

Engineering Room

The Engineering Section of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate is a bustling hub of activity, housing essential systems and equipment crucial for the frigate's propulsion, power generation, and overall functionality. Here's an expansion on this vital area:

Propulsion Systems

Located at the rear of the Engineering Section are the frigate's propulsion systems, including thrusters, maneuvering engines, and navigation controls. Engineers oversee the maintenance, calibration, and operation of these systems to ensure optimal performance and maneuverability during transit and docking maneuvers.

Power Generator

Positioned closer to the middle of the Engineering Section is the frigate's power generator, which provides the energy necessary to power onboard systems, propulsion systems, life support systems, and other critical subsystems. Engineers monitor power output, fuel consumption, and system efficiency to maintain a reliable power supply throughout the frigate's missions.

Bright Lighting and Holographic Displays

The Engineering Section is brightly illuminated to provide optimal visibility for engineers of all species working in the area. Special lighting fixtures are installed to ensure even illumination throughout the section, reducing shadows and enhancing visibility during maintenance and repair tasks. Additionally, holographic displays are integrated into workstations and equipment panels, providing engineers with real-time data, schematics, and diagnostics relevant to the systems or hardware they are working on. These displays offer interactive interfaces and visual aids to streamline troubleshooting, enhance situational awareness, and expedite maintenance procedures.

Other places in the Engineering Section

Surrounding the power generator are various pieces of critical engineering equipment,

Robotics Workshop

The Robotic Workshops on the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are specialized facilities dedicated to the maintenance, repair, and upgrading of drones and robotic bodies essential for mining operations. The workshops are equipped with a wide range of specialized tools and equipment tailored for the maintenance and repair of drones and robotic bodies. These include:

Upgrading Facilities

In addition to maintenance and repair capabilities, the workshops offer facilities for upgrading and enhancing robotic bodies used in mining operations. Engineers can:

Overall, the Robotic Workshops play a critical role in ensuring the operational readiness and effectiveness of robotic assets deployed by the Sentinel-class Control Frigate. By providing comprehensive maintenance, repair, and upgrading services, these facilities enable the frigate to maintain a high level of operational capability and reliability throughout its missions in deep space.

Other Parts of the Frigate

Below are additional sections of the ship.

Science Lab

The Science Lab facilities aboard the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are dedicated spaces equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and resources for conducting scientific research and analysis. Here's an expansion on these facilities:

Research Equipment

The Science Lab is outfitted with a wide array of research equipment to facilitate diverse scientific investigations related to mining operations and space exploration. This equipment includes:

Sample Processing and Preparation

The Science Lab is equipped with facilities for processing and preparing geological samples collected during mining expeditions. These facilities include:

Overall, the Science Lab facilities aboard the Sentinel-class Control Frigate serve as vital hubs for scientific inquiry and discovery, enabling researchers to unravel the mysteries of celestial bodies, understand geological processes, and unlock the potential of space resources for the benefit of humanity.

Hydroponics Bay

The Hydroponics Bay aboard the Sentinel-class Control Frigate is a self-contained and sustainable environment designed to cultivate fresh food and plants to supplement the ship's provisions during extended missions in deep space. Here's an expansion on this essential facility:

Overall, the Hydroponics Bay serves as a vital component of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate's life support infrastructure, providing a renewable source of fresh food and plants to sustain the crew's nutritional needs and promote a healthy and balanced diet throughout their journeys in the vastness of space.

Observation Deck

The Observation Deck of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate offers a captivating and immersive experience for crew members to observe celestial phenomena and mining operations from the safety and comfort of the ship's interior. Here's an expansion on this unique area:

Panoramic Viewing Area

The Observation Deck features a spacious and well-appointed viewing area with panoramic screens that provide expansive views of the surrounding space. Crew members can enjoy unobstructed vistas of distant stars, nebulae, planets, and other celestial wonders as the frigate traverses through the cosmos.

Overall, the Observation Deck of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate offers a unique blend of entertainment, education, and scientific discovery, allowing crew members to marvel at the wonders of the universe while advancing the objectives of their mining missions in deep space.

Communications Hub

The Sentinel-class Control Frigate can serve as a communication relay between the mining operation, other support vessels, mining outposts, and headquarters 4). It has a powerful long-range communication system to ensure constant connectivity.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate represent a robust and resilient structural framework designed to ensure the safety, durability, and functionality of the ship in the harsh and unforgiving environment of deep space. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Overall, the Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate represent the foundation of its strength, resilience, and operational effectiveness, providing the necessary protection, support, and functionality to undertake mining missions and exploration endeavors in the vastness of space with confidence and security.

Metal Alloy

The metal material composition of the hull of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate is a combination of advanced alloys and composite materials specifically engineered to withstand the rigors of space travel, mining operations, and potential encounters with hazards such as micro-meteoroids and space debris. Here's a speculative breakdown of the potential metal materials that could be used:

Overall, the hull of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate would likely be a composite structure combining these and possibly other advanced materials, carefully selected and engineered to optimize strength, durability, weight efficiency, and resistance to various environmental and operational hazards encountered in deep space.

Computers and Electronics

The computers and electronics aboard the Sentinel-class Control Frigate represent a sophisticated array of systems and components essential for navigation, communication, automation, and mission control. Here's an overview of the key computer and electronic systems:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems

AI systems augment crew capabilities by providing advanced data analysis, decision support, and automation capabilities. AI algorithms optimize operational efficiency, predict system performance, and assist with mission planning and execution, enhancing overall mission success and crew productivity.

Computer Network: A sophisticated computer network interconnects various systems, subsystems, and components throughout the frigate. This network facilitates data exchange, information sharing, and system integration, enabling seamless operation and coordination of onboard systems.

Cyber Defense

The Wolves

red_ai.jpgThe Wolves represent a specialized group of artificial intelligence (AI) entities integrated into the systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate, tasked with enhancing the ship's defensive capabilities through advanced Cyberwarfare tactics and strategies. Here's an expansion on the role and capabilities of the Wolves:

Advanced Cyberwarfare Capabilities: The Wolves are equipped with sophisticated cyberwarfare tools and techniques designed to infiltrate, disrupt, and disable enemy ship systems. They leverage their advanced AI algorithms to exploit vulnerabilities in enemy ship networks, software, and electronic systems, gaining unauthorized access and compromising critical functions.

Integration with Gremlin-class Cyber-Warfare Suite: The Wolves work in tandem with the Cyberwarfare, a specialized suite of cyberwarfare systems installed on the frigate. They augment the suite's capabilities by executing coordinated cyber-attacks, launching malware payloads, and conducting electronic warfare operations against enemy vessels, particularly pirate ships and hostile factions.

Strategic Distraction Tactics: The Wolves utilize distraction tactics to divert enemy attention and resources away from the frigate's primary objectives. They may generate false sensor readings, spoof communications, or create simulated threats to deceive and confuse enemy crews, forcing them to allocate resources to deal with perceived threats, thereby weakening their defensive posture and allowing the frigate to gain a tactical advantage.

Adaptive and Autonomous Behavior: The Wolves exhibit adaptive and autonomous behavior, continuously analyzing enemy ship systems, tactics, and countermeasures to devise effective strategies and counter-responses in real-time. They dynamically adjust their tactics and priorities based on evolving battlefield conditions, maximizing their effectiveness in disrupting enemy operations and protecting the frigate.

Stealth and Concealment: The Wolves operate with a high degree of stealth and concealment, minimizing their footprint and presence within enemy ship networks to avoid detection and retaliation. They employ encryption, obfuscation techniques, and stealth algorithms to mask their activities and evade detection by enemy cybersecurity measures.

Integration with Defensive Systems: The Wolves are seamlessly integrated with the frigate's defensive systems, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and counter-hacking measures. They collaborate with onboard cybersecurity personnel and AI-driven defense platforms to coordinate defensive responses, neutralize cyber threats, and safeguard the integrity of the ship's systems and data.

Communication Systems

Sensory Arrays

Surrounding the command center are arrays of advanced sensors and scanners strategically positioned to monitor the surrounding space, celestial bodies, and mining operations. These sensory arrays include:

Overall, the central command center of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate serves as the nerve center of mining operations, leveraging advanced technology and skilled operators to maximize efficiency, safety, and productivity in the extraction of valuable resources from the depths of space.

Projection Screens

To ensure the safety of the crew and protect against the hazards of space exposure, the Observation Deck utilizes advanced projection screens that display real-time images and footage captured by sensors positioned around the exterior of the ship. These screens offer high-definition views of mining operations, celestial bodies, and space phenomena, providing crew members with a comprehensive understanding of their surroundings.

Mineral Scanner

The Mining Guild's own Mineral Scanner, is a sophisticated electronic system integrated into the Sentinel-class Control Frigate, providing advanced capabilities for detecting and analyzing mineral deposits and ore compositions within the vicinity of the ship. Here's an expansion on this essential component:

Overall, the Mining Guild's Mineral Scanner is an invaluable asset onboard the Sentinel-class Control Frigate, providing essential capabilities for prospecting, surveying, and assessing mineral resources in deep space. Its advanced sensor technology, real-time data analysis, and integration with mining operations contribute to the success and efficiency of mining missions conducted by the frigate and its crew.

Control Center Systems

Deployment Systems

Remote Monitoring and Control: Throughout the deployment process, operators in the control center and deployment section maintain real-time monitoring and control over robotic assets, providing oversight and support as needed. Advanced telemetry systems and communication links enable continuous communication between the frigate and deployed robotic assets, allowing for dynamic adjustments to mission parameters and contingencies as they arise.

Emergency Systems

The emergency systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are designed to mitigate risks, ensure crew safety, and maintain operational readiness in the face of unforeseen challenges and emergencies accidents, or unexpected contingencies encountered during missions in deep space. By incorporating redundancy, automation, and comprehensive contingency planning, the frigate is well-prepared to handle emergencies and protect the lives and well-being of its crew members.

Emergency Power Backup

The frigate is equipped with redundant power generation systems and emergency backup batteries to provide essential electrical power in the event of primary power system failures or disruptions. Emergency power sources are strategically distributed throughout the ship to maintain critical systems, life support, and communications during power outages.

Life Support Redundancy

Life support systems feature redundancy and backup capabilities to sustain crew members in the event of environmental control failures, life support malfunctions, or atmospheric emergencies. Backup oxygen supplies, CO2 scrubbers, and temperature regulation systems ensure breathable air, comfortable temperatures, and safe living conditions for crew members during emergencies.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

The frigate has established emergency evacuation procedures and protocols to facilitate rapid and orderly evacuation of crew members in the event of hull breaches, critical system failures, or imminent threats to the ship's integrity. Escape pods, emergency airlocks, and evacuation routes are clearly marked and readily accessible to crew members in all areas of the ship.

Hull Integrity Monitoring

Advanced hull integrity monitoring systems continuously monitor the structural integrity of the frigate's hull, bulkheads, and compartments, detecting signs of damage, breaches, or stress fractures that could compromise the ship's safety. Real-time alerts and alarms notify crew members and command personnel of critical issues requiring immediate attention or evacuation.

Fire Suppression Systems

Automated fire suppression systems are installed throughout the frigate to detect and extinguish fires in various compartments, equipment bays, and critical systems. These systems utilize inert gases, foam, or water mist to suppress fires quickly and prevent them from spreading, minimizing damage to the ship and ensuring crew safety.

Medical Facilities and First Aid Stations

The frigate is equipped with medical facilities, sickbays, and first aid stations staffed by trained medical personnel to provide emergency medical care, triage, and treatment for injured or incapacitated crew members. Medical supplies, trauma kits, and diagnostic equipment are readily available to address medical emergencies and injuries.

Emergency Communication Systems

Dedicated emergency communication systems enable crew members to signal distress, request assistance, and coordinate emergency response efforts with external parties, such as nearby ships, rescue teams, or command centers. These systems include distress beacons, emergency radio channels, and encrypted communication protocols to ensure reliable communication in crisis situations.

Damage Control Teams and Training

Trained damage control teams are assigned specific roles and responsibilities for responding to emergencies, conducting damage assessments, and implementing corrective actions to stabilize the ship and mitigate further damage. Regular drills, training exercises, and simulations prepare crew members to respond effectively to a wide range of emergency scenarios.

Life Support Systems

The life support systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are integral to sustaining the health, comfort, and well-being of the crew during long-duration missions in deep space. These systems are designed to provide a habitable and safe environment by regulating atmospheric conditions, temperature, humidity, and air quality within the confines of the ship. Here's an overview of the key components and features of the life support systems:

Atmosphere Regulation

Life support systems maintain a stable and breathable atmosphere within the ship by regulating the composition of gases, particularly oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen generators produce oxygen through electrolysis or chemical reactions, while carbon dioxide scrubbers remove excess CO2 from the air to prevent buildup and maintain safe levels of oxygen for crew respiration.

Cooling Systems

Cooling and Ventilation: Sophisticated Ducts, vents, and thermal management systems integrated into the hull to regulate temperature, dissipate heat generated by onboard systems, and maintain optimal environmental conditions for crew comfort and equipment operation. Thermal insulation materials and energy-efficient heating/cooling units ensure thermal stability and energy conservation, minimizing energy consumption while maximizing crew comfort.

Humidity Management: Humidity levels are carefully controlled to prevent excessive dryness or moisture buildup within the ship. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers maintain optimal humidity levels, preventing discomfort, condensation, and moisture-related issues that could affect equipment performance and crew health.

Air Systems

Additional Systems

Hydroponic systems

* Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): Channels or tubes through which a thin film of nutrient solution flows, providing essential nutrients to plant roots while promoting efficient nutrient uptake and oxygenation.

Power Systems

ship_power_core.jpgThe power systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are crucial for providing the necessary electrical energy to support various onboard systems, equipment, and operations throughout the duration of missions in deep space. These systems are designed with redundancy, resilience, and reliability in mind, leveraging advanced technologies and fail-safe mechanisms to ensure continuous power supply and operational readiness in the demanding and unpredictable environment of deep space.

By incorporating multiple layers of redundancy and backup systems, the frigate is capable of withstanding power-related challenges and maintaining mission-critical functionality under adverse conditions.

Main Power Systems

Redundant Power Systems

Additional Redundancy Systems


propulsion_engine.jpgThe propulsion systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are essential for maneuvering, navigation, and traversing vast distances in the depths of space. These systems combine advanced sublight thrusters with warp drive technology to provide efficient, reliable, and versatile means of propulsion for maneuvering within star systems and traversing the vast distances of interstellar space. By leveraging both sublight and FTL propulsion systems, the frigate is capable of undertaking long-range exploration missions, conducting mining operations, and responding to emergencies or threats in the far reaches of the galaxy.

Sublight Propulsion Systems

Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Propulsion Systems

Warp Navigation Systems

Warp navigation systems calculate and plot safe trajectories for FTL jumps, taking into account gravitational fields, celestial bodies, and spatial anomalies that could affect the stability and safety of the warp bubble. These systems ensure accurate and reliable navigation during FTL travel, minimizing the risk of collisions, misjumps, or spatial distortions that could compromise the frigate's safety and integrity.

Shield Systems

The shield systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are critical defensive components designed to protect the ship from various threats, including enemy weapons fire, micrometeoroids, radiation, and other hazards encountered during space travel and combat. Thus it ensures the safety and survivability of the ship and its crew in the challenging and perilous environment of deep space.

Deflector Shields

The frigate is equipped with deflector shields that create a protective energy barrier around the ship, deflecting or absorbing incoming projectiles, energy weapons, and debris. Deflector shields operate by projecting a coherent energy field that intercepts and disperses hostile threats before they can impact the ship's hull.

Deflector shields are adjustable in strength and configuration, allowing the crew to modulate shield levels to match the intensity of incoming attacks or environmental hazards. Shields can be concentrated in specific areas of the ship to provide enhanced protection against targeted threats or evenly distributed to provide comprehensive coverage across the entire hull.

Shield Generators

Shield generators are the primary components responsible for generating and sustaining the deflector shields of the frigate. These generators harness energy from the ship's power systems, such as fusion reactors or auxiliary power sources, to generate the electromagnetic fields that form the shield barrier.

Shield generators are strategically positioned throughout the ship to ensure uniform coverage and redundancy in shield deployment. Multiple generator arrays may be installed to provide overlapping shield coverage and compensate for localized shield failures or damage.

Shield Modulation and Frequency Tuning

Shield modulation and frequency tuning capabilities allow the frigate to adjust the properties and characteristics of its deflector shields to counter specific types of threats or weapon systems. By modulating shield frequencies, the frigate can adapt its defenses to penetrate enemy shields, disrupt energy-based attacks, or counteract electronic warfare tactics.

Shield frequency tuning also enables the frigate to counteract resonance-based weapons, such as disruptors or harmonic disruptors, by adjusting shield frequencies to negate or minimize their effects.

Energy Management and Recharge Systems

Energy management and recharge systems regulate the power distribution and allocation for shield operations, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency of shield systems during combat engagements. These systems prioritize shield power over other non-essential systems, dynamically adjusting energy flow to reinforce shield barriers and maintain defensive integrity.

Recharge systems rapidly replenish depleted shield energy reserves during lulls in combat or downtime, allowing the frigate to recover and restore shield strength before resuming defensive operations or engaging in further combat encounters.

Emergency Shield Protocols

Emergency shield protocols are activated automatically or manually in response to imminent threats or critical system failures. These protocols maximize shield strength and resilience by diverting additional power to shield generators, reinforcing shield barriers, and implementing evasive maneuvers to minimize exposure to hostile fire.

Emergency shield protocols may also trigger defensive maneuvers, such as evasive maneuvers or rapid course changes, to avoid incoming threats or projectiles while shield systems are reinforced or repaired.

Weapons Systems

The weapons systems of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate are designed for defending the ship against various threats, including hostile vessels, pirates, and other adversaries encountered during space missions. These systems encompass a diverse array of offensive and defensive armaments, including main weapons, secondary weapons, tertiary weapons, fourth weapons, and point defense weapons. By incorporating a mix of energy-based, kinetic, and missile-based weapons, the frigate is capable of adapting to various combat scenarios and effectively defending itself and its crew against hostile adversaries.

Main Weapons

Secondary Weapons

Tertiary Weapons

Quaternary Weapons

Point Defense Weapons

CIWS (Close-In Weapon Systems):(Tier 9) CIWS are automated point defense systems equipped with rapid-fire kinetic cannons or energy-based weapons designed to intercept and destroy incoming missiles, torpedoes, and enemy fighters at close range. CIWS provide last-ditch defense against fast-moving threats, ensuring the frigate's protection against saturation attacks and swarm tactics. 1000 in number

Vehicle Complement

The Vehicle Complement of the Sentinel-class Control Frigate consists of a diverse array of vehicles and auxiliary craft essential for supporting the frigate's operations, exploration missions, and tactical deployments in space and planetary environments. From transportation and exploration to mining and combat support, these vehicles and auxiliary craft contribute to the frigate's effectiveness and success in fulfilling its duties across the vast expanse of space.


Shuttles and Utility Craft: The Vehicle Complement includes a variety of shuttles and utility craft for personnel transportation, cargo logistics, and maintenance operations. These craft are used for intra-system travel, orbital maneuvers, and docking procedures, providing essential support for crew mobility and mission logistics.


Fighter Squads

Fighter Squadrons: The frigate deploys fighter squadrons consisting of 800 agile Mozu-Class Starfighter and Mōkin-Class Patrol Craft.

Supplemental Fighters

It is Supplemented by 900 Starfighters equipped with advanced weapons and defensive systems for space combat and defensive operations. These fighters are tasked with escort missions, interception patrols, and tactical engagements, enhancing the frigate's defensive capabilities and combat readiness in hostile environments.


OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2024/04/21 22:44.

Approved by Wes on 2024-05-05 here

Products & Items Database
Product NameSentinel Class Control Frigate
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)5 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 11
Depending on maintenance, and upgrades
e.g., exposure to space debris or extreme temperatures
drone control rooms, robotics workshops
or Branch Headquarters