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Tomoko Sunabu

Tomoko Sunabu is a player character played by Charaa.1)

Tomoko Sunabu
Species & Gender: Random AlienAnthro hybrid Female
Date of Birth: 3日 4月 YE 25
Organization: Yugumo Corporation,Kikyō Scouts
Occupation: Scout/Communications and Mission Operations/Medical/Technician
Rank: Kiku /Deck Cadet (Shōkō-Kōhosei (将校候補生))
Current Placement: ISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō)

Physical Description

Tomoko’s full height is that of 5'0 when not standing on her toes2). She is more slender than the Human races 3) as well as the human-like races. 4). Her face was a soft diamond-shaped face, which was dominated by her large red in yellow eyes. Large bat-like ears stuck out of either side of her head, though forced lower slightly by the Cowboy hat she wore. She had a flat bifurcated nose above her mouth and face ending at her chin.

Smooth striped cyan-colored skin covered her entire body, along with Bioluminescent markings that seem to follow the path of the circulatory or nervous system aid in identification and mood display. As they reveal her moods, those familiar would know her moods based on the colors they change too. The slender body shape, and the long sweeping tail make her body look almost feline.

The tail itself can move and be controlled like any other appendage, and in some cases, can be used primarily for balance. The tail also has erogenous zones along its shaft, which can be sensitive to the touch. Her arms and legs end in appendages in the arms, a hand that had 3 fingers and an opposable thumb and in her feet, it ended in two toes.


Tomoko is a quiet girl as there were times that she might not speak, when she probably should or when she should be adding to the conversation specifically, it was because of this, that she relies on her companions to get her to continue to talk. But she is also stubborn, with an obsessive-compulsive disorder in the form of completist or perfectionism which manifests in her refusal to quit no matter what, and this perseverance has aided her greatly, as she developed skills in piloting a starship, for example, or schooling.

Her parents have described their child as strong-willed, and intelligent, and due to both male and female role models in her life, has caused an effect on her psyche. Her mother’s influence caused her to be kind and caring for others with a more compassionate heart. Her father aided this and also nurtured this, which caused some of her interest to stray into the medical path. Her parents imparted a sense of right and wrong, and she also knew what to look for. If anything bad happens.

This part of her personality evolved her alignment to be pure of heart. As a daughter of Motoyoshi Keibi, she was ingrained with traits and ideas similar to that path, such as loyalty to both the Motoyoshi Clan and that extended to that of the Empire. She also had been gifted with a sense of honor derived from the Samurai code.

Tomoko has a sense of adventure so when the plan for the Colonial Initiative came about, she was thrilled, then the plan to put her on the ISS Shiori happened, putting her under the influence of the Heirs and the rest of the crew on the ship.

Another influence that affected her was caused by the Kikyo Scouts her parents had put her in, and as a result, she found herself enjoying going on hikes, especially in forest areas.

As a result of her body’s bioluminescence revealing how she truly feels, Tomoko tends not to lie to others. This resulted in her honest reputation, where people can go to her to get an honest answer. But when forced into combat situations, she had found a way to compartmentalize her feelings and emotions so that she could perform her duties without distraction.

She’s friendly to others until they give her a reason not to be friendly, and she dislikes criminals, Pirates, Kuvexians, and dishonor.

Mood Colors

The bioluminescent markings come in colors and those are typically red, yellow, green, and blue. These reflect specific emotions she is currently feeling, and are liable to change depending on the situation.

Red Markings

Red is associated with anger, in certain media when people are angry, they tend to say they see red. When Tomoko’s markings are glowing red, it means she’s angry or angered about something. The feeling of being annoyed can also cause it to turn red.


Yellow is associated with fear in certain media. 5)Tomoko has been raised to let go of fear, but the markings can still turn yellow if she got startled by something. Shame can also cause it to turn yellow, which may cause confusion. Sadness is another feeling that can cause her markings to be yellow as well.


Blue is associated with courage and bravery, like being unafraid when fighting hoards of monsters. For Tomoko, when she is feeling excited about something, it is also marked in blue. The color is much lighter than her skin’s coloring to tell the difference.


Green is associated with calmness and, in some cases, life. When Tomoko isn’t feeling any major emotions, her markings are typically green, in addition to when she’s in combat. Due to compartmentalizing her emotions, her body can’t tell what she is feeling.


Tomoko came to life in the year of the Empress YE 25 on a Yamataian research base when Yamataian scientists discovered alien creatures which, when in contact with DNA, allow them to change into an alien form of the original donor. So, in an experiment, they allowed the creatures each to take an embryo, which resulted in the new hybrids. Tomoko’s was an Anthro of some unknown species, and having learned from mistakes made, her generation was taken and adopted into families to be raised by them.

Tomoko’s adoptive parents were members of the Motoyoshi Keibi who had trouble conceiving a child the normal way and had been planning on a more expensive cloning measure when Tomoko was dropped in their arms. From there Tomoko was named, and as she grew from infancy to toddlerhood, she was enrolled in Yamataian schooling where she could interact and form social connections and skills.

This continued as she left kindergarten, and as she did, she got to see new things, like new, Power Armor mostly civilian forms because as a civilian herself, she couldn’t be there when her parents trained or tried out new military power armor for the Security. Though her mother had chosen not to bring her to her work, deeming it as not an appropriate area for a little kid like her so she spent her time with a nanny, or with her parents at home if they had a day off. When she became old enough, her parents enrolled her in the Kikyō Scouts as a Sakura ranked Scout. As a scout she began learning many new things and from that she gained new skills, ones that her elementary school hadn’t taught her.

During school, she spent her time learning and focusing on her studies that she started to get a reputation of being a nerd. She just soaked in all the knowledge that her little child’s mind could muster as she passed through her classes. While the Kikyo Scouts trained her as she went on their various activities, and gained new skills, such as marksmanship her parents trained her as well some of it included guns and thus allowed her further training, others in martial arts things not in the handbook.

She continued on like she had with her schoolwork, but this time focusing on the training the grown ups felt she needed to do. There was one incident where she went into a forest area without weapons or armor/protective clothing and survived there for three days and three nights before being recovered and taken to safety. When she entered her 16th age, the Colonial Initiative began, and she was one of those chosen to go on the now named ISS Shiori with others who were close in age to her.

Current Time

Is in progress.


Tomoko has unique skillset some of which that have defined her as a Kikyo Scout, and some that have defined her as a daughter of Motoyoshi Keibi.

Scout Skills

The Kikyō Scouts focus on teaching Yamataian youth leadership, wilderness, and paramilitary skills, as well as personal responsibility and Yamataian values.


Having gone through Kikyō Scouts training and participated in all of their activities, Tomoko has spent a lot of time hiking, climbing, and swimming. She has also participated in competitive teams for all of them, as well as many different sports as played in Yamatai. This and her own body’s physiology have aided her physically.


Something she’s working on is communication, and as a result, she has tried out for the Kikyō Scouts radio, and communications clubs in order to aid this attempt but she’s failing.


As a Kikyō scout, Tomoko has participated in archery6) and has practiced marksmanship (though not in a real combat setting) with the Type 33/C NSP – Civilian, the General Service Pistol, Type 28, and the Origin Model 16– under strict adult supervision in tightly controlled conditions, of course.

Martial Arts

Tomoko has been trained in Martial Arts relying on her fists and feet as well as her tail which were more modern styles. She has trained extensively with a Katana7)


As all Scouts have, Tomoko has learned how to find water, how navigate land8), shelter construction, hunting, signaling, camouflage; anything and everything wilderness, and survival. She has a sixth sense when it comes to what plants can be eaten.


Kikyō Scouts are capable of flora and fauna identification, including educated guesses about an unknown species' attributes and behaviors.

Military Skills

Having gone through the Kikyo Scouts, she has learned to work as a team, and how to move as a small unit in the wilderness. She has the skill to move silently if she needed to, as reconnaissance, and has gained the skill to rely on her ears when on patrol. She has also participated in Scout activities such as running through obstacle courses, playing capture the flag, and how to operate in small vessels. Something that might serve her well, should she decide to join the Star Army Rikugun. rather than what her parents might want.


In addition to standardized Driver's Education and Safety programs, Kikyō Scouts old enough to have a driver's license are offered off-road driving training. She also has extra skills in the upkeep of certain vehicles.

Hoverboard skills

In addition to basic Vehicle operations, Tomoko has also gained skills to handle a Extreme class Hover Board

Art and Vocations

In order to expand her artistic skills, Tomoko has chosen to participate in the Kikyō Scouts' robust and diverse arts and crafts program, from traditional Yamataian art forms, to Bushcraft.


As a Kikyō Scout, and in addition to lessons in High school Tomoko has skills based on home economics, this means she is a capable cook and has spent time learning how to cook for others. She also has knowledge in sewing9) and therefore she will be able to repair clothes without the use of machines if need be. She has some knowledge of personal finance.


Extra Skills

Junior Medical Skills

Tomoko has been trained extensively un the medical arts, but she’s skill a junior.

Social Connections

Tomoko name is connected to:

Group Connections

Personal Connections

Tomoko's Companion

Inventory & Finance

Tomoko Sunabu currently has 3000 KS.

Kaimon Companion


OOC Information

This article was created on 2023/01/25 18:57 using the namespace template.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameTomoko Sunabu
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationISS Evenstar (Yoi-no-Myōjō)
Tomoko uses the same kanji as Tachiko, just without an extra Kanji while Sunabu is Charaan translated as Sunburst scare
which would make her stand at 5-ish feet
Nepleslian, Geshrin, etc.
fun fact, in the wild west era, they used to ask if someone was yellow instead of asking if they were afraid
which for some strange reason she has a particular proclivity for
by her parents in hopes she might join te Motoyoshi’s Keibi
including finding her bearings