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Molli Byrne

Molli Byrne is a player character played by gles.

Molli Byrne
Species & Gender: Nepleslian Female
Date of Birth: YE 24
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Soldier
Rank: Ittô Hei
Current Placement: Kaiyō

Physical Description

Molli is just under 6'0, smaller than a typical Nepleslian, because of the harsh conditions of slum living. Months of training and mass-building dieting in the Star Army transformed the scrawny youngster into a woman with lean and toned muscle definition, more athlete than bodybuilder. In a society that generally consists of beautiful women, Molli's physique does not follow that same convention; she has feminine curves and a jutting chest, but not to the extent of her peers in the Star Army. On more than one occasion, she was described as “boyish” by her peers, and it contributed to a slight but lingering insecurity that Molli felt about her appearance.

She has a natural bronze-colored skin pigmentation, full lips, a hawkish nose, and piercing narrow cybernetic eyes with red irises that emit a faint glow whenever activated. Her right arm is cybernetic, an obsidian-sheen Omni-Tricks brand limb longer and bulkier than her natural left arm; the elbow is, as the brand name implies, omni-jointed and capable of locking in place as befits its function as a racing aid. Her hair is raven black and thick, and since joining the Star Army, she has typically been cut to shoulder length and kept in a small ponytail extending to her shoulders.

Molli's voice is pretty even-pitched, leaning more toward a higher Alto with a scratchy quality reminiscent of a yowling cat.


Molli's personality was molded by the harshness of the slums, but in many respects, it also defies its culture of ruthlessness and self-interest. She is coarse, blunt, and no-nonsense, always ready to trade blows to protect herself and the people she cares about without hesitation. She is highly competitive, constantly pushing herself and those around her to improve, whether they want to or not. Though Molli loathes liars and cheats, she believes that winning is the be-all and end-all and that you deserve what you can get away with. Although she acts aloof, Molli is an emotionally sensitive person who secretly cares a great deal about the opinions and feelings of others, much to her chagrin.

Despite being a Nepleslian, Molli has precisely zero affection for the culture of her people, owing to the constant hardships she faced on planet Nepleslia. Since joining the Star Army, she has attempted to integrate into their culture to mixed results, owing to her tendency to come off as brutish and insensitive. That desire to belong motivates Molli to be a better soldier and fuels the fear of letting others down, being ostracized, and being abandoned by her comrades. The fear of rejection is why she volunteers for dangerous missions and is hesitant to get close to others.

One of Molli's long-standing goals is to garner enough influence to get her father out of Funky City and into a better life on planet Yamatai.


Born on the harsh planet Nepleslia, Molli Byrne grew up within Funky City's underbelly, where skyscrapers and smog blocked out the light, and unscrupulous characters preyed on the weak from the shadows. Her mother was a rising star in the airbike racing scene down in Los Apagos, but what should've been a promising career was cut short by a fatal crash on the speedway. An investigation strongly suggested that it wasn't an accident; though nothing substantial arose, the narrative of a racer being propped up by a slum gang tarnished the family's name. The family mechanic shop's steady business was the only reprieve from this hardship.

As a child, Molli spent her formative years within the massive apartment complex she called home. Other children saw a target in a young girl with an overprotective father; Molli saw them as people who needed specially prepared knuckle sandwiches. She won and lost enough fights to earn a reputation as a hellion who never brooked an insult, which had its advantages and disadvantages; namely, people thought twice about crossing her, but wannabe gangsters wouldn't stop trying to recruit a potential enforcer. Molli was aware of the rumors surrounding her mother's involvement with the criminal underworld, even at a young age, and wanted nothing to do with it.

Molli barely passed high school due to a lack of effort, which was when her father put his directionless daughter to work in the shop. There, she learned how to diagnose vehicles, take them apart, and get them working again. Molli discovered that she was good at this type of work and enjoyed it quite a bit, especially when she got to test drive rides out on the street. Her father's clients were all diverse, but the racers were Molli's favorite to interact with; they were all varied, from slummer street freaks, Los Apagos air biker rookies, and even a few Nashaten grav-bike pros; unlike most people, they respected Molli's mother and paid respect to her capabilities. Over time, the burgeoning desire to race filled Molli, who wanted to build a career that could lead to her mother's killer.

Unfortunately, this ambition was noticed by Molli's father, who swiftly banned his daughter from ever driving again. This punishment only pushed Molli to seek other ways to compete, and it was after a bold stunt at an unsanctioned race that she caught the eye of a local street sponsor. Though he was openly involved with a gang of racing scammers, Molli was enticed by his promise to fund her career as long as she proved herself. To commemorate their partnership, he gave Molli her first taste of cybernetic augmentation: an omni-jointed metal arm and two new eyes with scanning capabilities.

Over the following year, the young prodigy dominated several unofficial street circuits with an uncompromising and brutal piloting style that thrilled onlookers and infuriated the opposition. Molli's ruthless demeanor was fueled by an ongoing investigation into how her mother died, which had the young rookie brushing shoulders with gangsters and their families. It was a slow process, but it paid off when Molli discovered the truth: her mother's bike had been sabotaged by the man who'd started her career once she refused to throw a race for him. Running the man down with the grav-bike was something Molli enjoyed immensely, but it came at the cost of angering every one of his associates in the city. Suddenly, she was public enemy number one in the district.

Fearing for her and her father's lives, Molli fled on an outbound starship for Yamatai, leaving the past she knew behind. In the heart of the Star Empire, Molli initially enlisted in the Star Army (YE 45) to protect herself from any Nepleslian gangers that might dare to pursue her. To her surprise, military life was another exciting journey to devote to one of her passions: vehicles, particularly a new dream to pilot one of the Star Army's famed mecha. The journey to earn the right to land a spot in the cockpit began when Molli proved an adept power armor pilot in the Space Infantry course, pushing her into a roster of hopefuls that would end up on the esteemed YSS Kaiyō II.

Skills Learned

Molli is capable of:

Social Connections

Molli is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Molli Byrne has:

Molli Byrne currently has 3000 KS.

Molli's Mindy

Ke-M2-4 Series "Mindy" Armor

OOC Information

In the case Gles becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameMolli Byrne
Character Ownergles
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYSS Kaiyō II
Character's HomeTernifac
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankIttô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Infantry
SAOY AssignmentYSS Kaiyō II
SAOY Entry YearYE 45
SAOY Entry Month6
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month8