Table of Contents

Fujikawa Okimi

Fujikawa Okimi is an Active Player Character played by iaincarter.

Fujikawa Okimi
Species & Gender: Female Nekovalkyrja NH-33
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: SAoY Caretaker
Rank: Nitô Hei
Current Placement: YSS Resurgence
Orders: Orders

Physical Description



Although too young and inexperienced to have truly chosen any goals that are fully and uniquely hers, Okimi does have a direction to move in.

Likes & Dislikes

Okimi has developed several, mostly shallow, likes and dislikes over the first 200 days of her life. It is expected that as she continues to grow and experience life, that these will change and mature in nature.




Fujikawa Okimi was born 31日 3月 44 in Mass Cloning Facility #7 at the SAoY Fleet Depot on Nataria. She was the 169th Nekovalkyrja NH-33 to be birthed from her batch of 250.

Following her creation, Okimi spent 98 days in the SAoY Basic Training programme. This was comprised of:

Okimi then went on to spend 105 days in the SAoY Caretaker Occupational Training programme.

Upon completion of her occupational training, Okimi received orders for her first posting aboard the YSS Resurgence, First Fleet.

YE 45

At the start of YE 45, Okimi was given orders to report aboard the YSS Resurgence and take up duties as a Caretaker. She later partook of the Hanami Festival in Kyoto.

ichigatsu (45.1)

nigatsu (45.2)

sangatsu (45.3)

shigatsu (45.4)

gogatsu (45.5)

rokugatsu (45.6)

Skills Learned

Basic Training

Occupational Skills (SAoY Caretaker)

Supplementary Education

Hobbies & Interests


Order Previous Rank Current Rank Date
Orders Yontô Hei Santô Hei YE 45.1.1
Orders Santô Hei Nitô Hei YE 45.6.1


Item Description Reason Date
Yui's Blood Medallion Awarded for Acts of Extraordinary Service Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Rescue Ribbon x2 Awarded for Rescuing Members of SAoY in Distress Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Capture Award Awarded for Capturing Critical Enemy Equipment Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Combat Award x2 Awarded for Serving in Combat Conditions Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Exploration Award Awarded for Completing an Exploration Mission Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6
Service Award x2 Awarded for Successful Mission Completion Resurgence Mission 7 & 8 Awards YE 45.6

Multiple Awards Note: Rescue Ribbon, Combat Award and Service Award ribbons have a '2' metal pin worn over the top of each

Social Connections

Okimi has relationships with:

Okimi is connected to:

Okimi is potentially connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Fujikawa Okimi has the following Star Army equipment:

Fujikawa Okimi has the following personal property:

The Financial Assets of Fujikawa Okimi:

The Bank Account of Fujikawa Okimi:

Opening Balance Transaction Closing Balance Notes
Account Created 0 KS + 3000 KS 3000 KSStandard Account opened on SAoY instruction & initial wages deposited
YE 45.1 3000 KS - 250 KS 2750 KS General Expenses, Course/Qualification Fees etc
YE 45.1 2750 KS - 500 KS 2250 KS Housekeeping, payable to Kiyo
YE 45.1 2250 KS + 2000 KS 4250 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.2 4250 KS - 750 KS 3500 KS General Expenses, Course/Qualification Fees etc
YE 45.2 3500 KS - 500 KS 3000 KS Housekeeping, payable to Kiyo
YE 45.2 3000 KS + 2000 KS 5000 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.3 5000 KS - 200 KS 4800 KS Expenditures @ Hanami Festival
YE 45.3 4800 KS - 750 KS 4150 KS General Expenses, Course/Qualification Fees etc
YE 45.3 4150 KS - 500 KS 3650 KSHousekeeping, payable to Kiyo
YE 45.3 3650 KS + 2000 KS 5650 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.4 5650 KS + 2000 KS 7650 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.5 7650 KS + 2000 KS 9650 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Santô Hei
YE 45.5 9650 KS - 650 KS 9000 KS Hotel Fees, Expenditure @ Kikyo no Sekku etc.
YE 45.6 9000 KS + 2350 KS 11350 KS SAoY monthly paycheck: Nitô Hei

From Halloween Salvage Giveaway 2023: 1. Rank Pin, Nito Hei, old 7th Fleet design 2. Coolers for drinks etc. 3. Unique Yamataian sword

OOC Information

This page was created by iaincarter on the 5th of April, 2023 at 21:10 using the Character Template Form.

Am likely to write several scenes from Okimi's backstory and will link them to this page when available.

Anyone wishing to form a connection to Okimi, feel free to let me know and I'll be happy to work with you!

In the case iaincarter becomes inactive:

Okimi's Forum Text Colour is FF99FF.

Artwork for Okimi created on by iaincarter

Notes on Potential Medals/Awards

None at this time

Character Data
Character NameFujikawa Okimi
Character Owneriaincarter
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYSS Resurgence
Character's HomeCentral Uesureya
PlotsResurgence Of Yamatai
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankNitô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Caretaker
SAOY AssignmentYSS Resurgence
Assigned QuartersCabin 7 (Deck 4)
BattlestationDamage Control
SAOY Entry YearYE 45
SAOY Entry Month1
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month6