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Linelayer Hammerhead Eight Eight 88 7026 1428

An NPC played by Primitive Polygon. They are a controversial figure who is effectively the leading personality of The Wire Guided, despite technically having little official power past their negotiation skills and unconventional freeware style business acumen.

Species & Gender: Freespacer Type Three Automata
Date of Birth: YE 16
Organization: The Wire Guided
Occupation: Diplomat / Telecommunications Supervisor
Current Placement: Throne Of Brass, Planet 188604
Theme music
Never Say Never We Close Our Eyes - Go West
A Voidwalker's Spirit Holland Element - P-Model

Physical Description

A tall slender robotic being about six foot six inches tall, Hammerhead is a slender humanoid machine of gleaming brass. Their name comes from the single utterly inhuman part of their body, a wide oblong head bristling with small antennas, input sockets and red cameras. They have no mouth or nose, only a single centralised eye with which to convey emotion. Regardless of this, the rest of the body is often dressed in a uniquely civilised arrangement, preferring wide-shouldered, airy suits with large collars and vibrant technicolor fabrics.


Actually quite shy and reserved compared to what their reputation would suggest, Hammerhead rarely appears in public without a specific plan of action from beginning to end. That said, they always seek to answer any request with a reasonable deal in turn, never letting things drop with a simple 'no'. Of course, the flip side to this is that getting something for nothing from them is practically impossible.

They dislike militaristic thinking and talks of the macabre, yet are a realist that doesn't stick to any one ideal particularly strongly above basic survival.


Born on the mothership “Fortitude Of The Imperishable Parade” in what is now termed YE 16, within the Freespacer fleet “The Circuit of True Wisdom”. They were fabricated for the same job they have today, through their craft was honed using far more primitive radio wave technology since the fleet itself was slower than light at the time.

For many years this was simply their day-in day-out existence as a blue collar worker, never really seeing the harsh realities of the mining vessels first hand, but always being within listening distance. Relationships came and went, both through hardship and the organic spacer's naturally short lifespan. Harsh choices were made over time in order to conserve memory space and remain relatively sane, with Hammerhead deleting portions of their own memory rather than expand and become just another burdensome Type Four thinker… or end up in The Grinder.

Twelve years later, YE 28 in mid-flight to Journey's End, they came across the borders of a new, yet confusingly familiar kingdom of humanoids… The Yamatai Star Empire.

Life changed a whole lot from that point on, with a wealth of FTL technologies becoming available through salvage, making their job a lot more chaotic and unpredictable. Suddenly, the smallest freighter could have a Yammie or Nepleslian communications system a quarter as powerful as the Great Lighthouse had been to that point. Mindware Cyberspace lag was so bad it was considered a national crisis in the Free State.

Both his gut and the guts of others, jealousy set in. These aliens had everything at their feet, and seemingly no notion of free trade or pacifism whatsoever.

The occupation of Halna and the rise of the Independent Worlds League were not situations they were really equipped to fight alongside, but they were certainly a supporter at the time.

Then the genocide happened, and overnight, their life's work was suddenly a ghost town.

Hammerhead was one of the founding members behind the conceptualisation of the Astral Locksmiths, and five years in their service maintaining and reorganising the Ley Lines system so that they could continue to use it to cling to life in those most desperate of times…

But as the years past by, their bitterness too turned into an empty husk. He saw the great AI Cinereal that had been created, policing it's servants and steadily becoming corrupted by it's centralising power. He saw his brothers and sisters either running into the arms of the Nepleslian's military, or into vindictive hiding within the Blue Rift Expanse.

So, one day, he just left it all behind. Hammerhead travelled both Nepleslian and Yamataian space, gaining resources and contacts with spacers that had joined groups such as Origin Industries. Eventually, this accumulated in a small conglomerate of kindred spirits back on what seemed like the closest thing that any old spacer has to a hometown… The old and venerable Great Lighthouse itself.

They would never be free from tyranny unless they broke all the chains that bound then, including the Freespacer motherships themselves. And if they didn't recognise governments, then why not live both inside and outside as something as fictional as Yamatai's borders? Technology was the answer to everything, they just needed the resources… And thus, the building blocks of the Wire Guided's creed was set in stone.

Contact with a rogue automata on Planet Osman eventually led to the design of the Liquid Ally and their first financial success. Many smaller scale deals saw their rights within other nations expand.

Now, on the cusp of YE 40, it was only their old demons they had to deal with. In order to truly grasp hold of the species' future, they also needed to gain political control over the Viridian Array and their old employers, the Astral Locksmiths too…

Skills Learned

Hammerhead has the following notable skills:

Inventory & Finance

Hammerhead has no money and keeps few belongings past clothing. They do still make frequent use of their old workhorse, a Nomad-Class Solarfoil Corvette called the “The Hound of Immortal Wanderlust”.

OOC Information

In the case primitive polygon becomes inactive:

Primitive Polygon created this article on 2018/01/01 18:59.

Character Data
Character NameLinelayer Hammerhead Eight Eight 88 7026 1428
Character OwnerPrimitive Polygon
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
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